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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

Page 17

by Dee Garcia

  Tavi’s roar of a laugh resounds behind me as one of his sinewy arms wraps around my middle, pulling me toward him. “I’ve got you,” he murmurs.

  The second I’m close enough, I’m pivoting in his grip, throwing my arms around his neck for purchase. His chest rumbles through another amused chuckle, prompting me to drag my gaze upwards.

  Big mistake on my part.

  Big-fucking-mistake, because he’s already regarding me with that intense stare. The droplets clinging to my lashes do absolutely nothing to fend off its severity and the effect it has on me. If anything, they only add to the current that seems to radiate off him and lance right through me. My heart doubles in size for a split-second, slamming against my chest like a raging bull.

  I can hear it thrashing in my ears.

  Feel my pulse thumping against my skin.

  The longer he stares at me, the more my mouth dries over, tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. A smirk curls his bowed lips, almost as if he knows exactly what he’s doing to me, what I’m thinking, feeling.

  “You’ll have to forgive me, little wolf.” His hands swoop up, one cupping the back of my head, the other claiming my cheek, thumb caressing its wet expanse.

  I gulp, breathing through the wave of goosepimples rippling every plane of my body at the ardent force of his hold. “Forgive you for what?”

  “For this.” His mouth finally crashes onto mine, not brutally, but with enough vigor to leave me breathless.


  Moaning softly against his demanding lips.

  I’ve never been kissed like this...with such fervor, such need. Not even Peter kissed me this way. It's so consuming, I feel like I can't breathe unless he deepens it.

  "Finally." I’m pulling him closer, both needing and wanting more.

  "Been waiting for this, have you?" he laughs, releasing me only long enough to grip me at the thighs and pull me up the length of his hard body.

  “Yes,” I exhale. “For days now.”

  Tavi hums appreciatively and starts for the shore. “That makes two of us, baby.”


  That word coming out of his mouth, in that deliciously husky timbre, heightens everything about this moment. I don’t know what came over me when I pushed him off the dock, but I’m glad I did it. Seems it gave him the push to unravel and give us what we’ve both been wanting.

  Licking into his mouth, I seek out his tongue, urging him to deepen his ministrations.

  “Slow down, little wolf,” he laughs again, nipping my bottom lip. “We have time.”

  I nip him back to solidify my coming point.“Screw time, Tavi. I want you.”

  “All yours as soon as we get to the house.”


  “The bag,” I remind him as we leave the lake behind. “It’s on the dock.”

  “Forget it”—kiss—“I’ll have one of the boys come get it later.”

  The hike back to the house takes twice as long as it should. Every few feet or so, Tavi’s pushing me up against a tree, tearing into my lips. The bark scrapes my bare back, drenched material of my blue dress ripping a little more with each collision.

  “What happened to ‘we have time?’” I ask, angling my head back.

  He’s on my neck without a word, nibbling the curve, sucking his way back to my lips. “Screw time, remember, little wolf? I want you.”

  “Then get back to the house already. This is torture.” The desperation in my voice is real.

  Do I care?

  Absolutely not.

  If the way he’s mauling me says anything at all, it’s that he’s on the edge of desperation with me.

  “We’re almost there,” he mumbles, rearranging his grip from my thighs to my arse. “Almost there.”

  We’re moving again, sodden clothes dripping like a leaky faucet with every step he takes. The storm passed pretty quickly, only a light drizzle following us now, but we’re still soaking wet.

  I’m barely paying any mind to the passing scenery, more focused on the way his lips move over mine or the way his tongue coaxes me open further. How he tastes, how his touch sets me on fire. Through my peripherals, though, I catch the clearing into the village, how the trees taper off at a certain point, revealing nothing but homes and land for miles.

  Almost there. Almost there and then he’s mine.


  The bomb is about to explode and I couldn’t be more ready for detonation. I’m wet enough as it is, both figuratively and literally, but the thought of what he’s about to unleash on my body has me pooling in—

  “Woah.” Tigerlily’s voice sounds suddenly, widening my eyes in abasement.

  My body goes stiff in Tavi’s hold, too, so much that, I can’t even look at her—that’s how embarrassed I am. Tavi, however, doesn’t seem remotely fazed.

  “Hey, Lil,” he greets her as if my arse isn’t currently trapped in his hands beneath my dress.

  “Heeey,” she drawls.

  “Is Pa home?”

  “No. He’s at a Council meeting?” It’s not a question but she voices it such.

  “Perfect. Byeee,” he calls over his shoulder, walking off without a care in the world.

  “Oh my God.” My cheeks have to be the brightest shade of red to ever exist. “That was mortifying.”

  “She’s seen worse, trust me,” he chuckles.

  Has she now?

  The green-eyed monster slithers its way free from the depths of my mind, cocking my head aside. “What exactly did she see?”

  Tavi cuts me a sideways glance and barks out a laugh at the envious expression inscribed on my face. “My ex and me, years ago. Emphasis on the years ago part.”

  I want to ask, feel temptation swimming in my veins, cajoling me to pry, but I don’t. I’m not ruining the moment over someone who is clearly nothing more than history.

  “We’re here,” he announces, stomping up the steps, throwing the front door open.

  But here isn’t Soren’s, not by a long shot.

  It’s his home, well, his dad’s—which now makes perfect sense as to why he was asking Tigerlily where the Chief was in the first place.

  “What if your dad comes home?” My voice quakes slightly as he storms through the house.

  “We’ll deal with it then. If I’m finally going to indulge in you, it’s happening in my bed.”

  My back meets said bed sheer moments later, his weight pinning me down. Everything is fluid.


  Every move calculated, driving us toward the bigger picture: Getting me beneath him. And we’re there, he’s succeeded with flying colors, with his damn eyes closed. Tavi’s had me since the moment I saw him in that cell. His eyes, the way he looked in that tux, how he looked at me.

  He was everything I didn’t know I needed.

  “God, your lips are addicting. I can’t get enough,” he rasps, easing off me to pull his shirt over his head.

  Nestled between my legs like this, that image is godly. And I get to have it?

  Yes, please.

  His shirt lands on the floor and then he’s back on me, inhaling his way up my neck. “You have no idea what seeing you like this does to me.”

  “Oh but I do. It’s the same for me,” I admit.

  Tavi grins into my lips, licking his way into another kiss. “Are you ready then? ‘Cause I’m about to eat you alive.”

  God, he is. He’s ready to pounce and I’m loving the fact he’s not holding back right now.

  I hit him with coy, heavy-lidded eyes. “When did you turn into the big, bad wolf?”

  “I’m no saint, baby.” He laughs darkly, dragging a finger down my lips. “There’s bad in here.”

  And I want all of it.

  “This is the part where you lay right here and let me have my way with you,” he continues, dragging that finger down my chest.

  “I can do that,” I breathe.

  “Good.” That finger continues, trailing down my figure. “I want you to know t
hat I’m not ripping this dress off you in the event my dad does show up. If that weren’t a factor, though, you’d be naked right about now.”

  “I may have a solution.” It’s nothing more than a whisper, but he heard me, pulling back enough at the feel of my hands guiding down the neckline of my dress. My breasts spill over, nipples puckering beneath his stare.

  His tongue lashes out, wetting his bottom lip, a reaction that entices me to continue, to pull up the hem of my dress, stare pointing downwards. “You can rip those off. No one will ever know.”

  “You are naughty,” he purrs.

  “This is nothing,” I snicker. “I’m so much naughtier if you can make me come.”

  “If?” he laughs. “There is no ifs, little wolf. You’re coming.”

  “Prove it.”

  And oh, what a bold dare that’ll prove to be.

  Never challenge the Alpha.


  I wasn’t ready.

  He’s everywhere at once. His mouth on mine, hands kneading my tits, hips rolling between my legs, teasing me. He’s not there for long, either. In a flurry of movement, he’s slipping that finger in my mouth, teeth tugging one of my nipples.

  Sealing my lips around the digit, I suck on it in attempt to tease him.

  But again, it’s not there for long. He pulls it free effortlessly and slides his hand beneath the thin fabric of my panties, smearing my saliva over my clit.

  Lower, lower still, he’s right there, seconds away from breaching when he stills, peeking up at me with the most predatory expression I’ve ever seen.

  “When did you stop bleeding?”

  Hats off to him for remembering because I’d completely forgotten.

  “Yesterday.” Thank fuck for that.

  “Didn’t Ward give you a certain timeframe—“

  “I’m not following that, Tavi,” I cut him off. I’m fine. “I know my body, I’m fine. I want you, let me have you.”

  Wicked gleam in his eyes, he eases back, taking in the sight of me beneath him. “You make it hard to play by the rules.”

  “I don’t think you always like playing by the rules, so why does that matter? What are these rules anyway?”

  “You know, I’ve liked Wendy for a while now.” Pulling my panties aside, he reveals me to his gaze, spreading my lips with his thumbs. “But I really like this Wendy right here.”

  “Who? The lost little British girl who’s about to let you fuck her?” I purr, hooking my panties further aside for him.

  “Say that again.” Very slowly, he plays the saliva in his mouth, dropping it on my clit. The most gentle caress drags it down, working it in. “The lost little British girl who’s about to let me what?”

  “Who’s about to let you fuck he—” I can’t finish. He fills me that quickly, without warning, leaving me gasping for air, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

  “Holy fuck.” A hiss. I feel his head fall back as he retreats, then pushes back in. “How are you this tight, little wolf? This wet. You feel so damn good.”

  “Better than I imagined,” I pant, arms flying out beside me to grip the sheets. “I could get used to this.”

  “Same, baby, sa—”


  The front door, dropping us both on our proverbial arses.

  “Your dad,” I whisper, heart instantly thrashing in my chest.

  “Fuck,” he barks harshly. And just like that, he’s pulling out of me, rising onto his feet, holding a hand out for me. “Go out the window and run to Soren’s. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Slipping my hand in his, he helps me up as I quickly adjust myself, pulling my dress back in place.

  A few steps and he’s opening the window, sliding the pane upwards.

  “We’re finishing this later,” I tell him hurriedly, to which he nods, that grin reappearing for a split-second.

  “Oh, you know it”—kiss—“Now go. Hurry. I’m right behind you, baby.”

  Except he wouldn’t be behind me, and as I run behind different homes, catching the attention of several Natives on the way to Soren’s, I’m stopped abruptly by a dark figure I hadn’t seen in quite some time.


  ♫ Lost Boy - Ruth B. ♫

  The sight of her stops me dead in my tracks, that familiar, chilling drip ripping down my spine.

  I haven't seen her since before Tavi broke me out of that dark hole.

  "I'm not here to hurt you." Her hands fly up in surrender, face fixed with the softest expression I've ever seen on her yet.

  "What do you want then?" I snap, eyes cutting in every which way around me in search of anything within the near area that could serve as a weapon.

  Better to be safe than sorry.

  "I just want to talk, that's all," she claims.

  I'm about to tell her there's nothing to say, nothing I care to hear, either, when two deep, cautioning growls resound behind me. Tinksley and I seem to go rigid at the same exact moment, her eyes bulging as the growls approach nearer and nearer.

  "I'm not here to hurt her, I swear."

  But their growls continue, closer and closer still.

  From my peripherals, I pick up on movement on either side of me; two wolves crouched low to the ground, canines exposed through a vicious snarl. I know for a fact the red one is Soren, and I’m almost positive the white one is Niko, but I can’t be sure. All I know is, I've never seen any of them in this state—provoked and territorial. It's both fascinating and terrifying all in one shot.

  Fascinating because vulnerable, frightened Tinksley is something I thought I'd never see.

  Terrifying, though, because they're wolves. Provoked wolves at that.

  The closer they inch toward her, the further back she retreats with cautious steps. "I just want to talk to her. To apologize. Please don't—"

  "Guys, I got it," I blurt, holding out my hands for them to stand down. "It's okay, I got it."

  Soren glances up at me with those questioning, amber eyes. I nod reassuringly and drag my gaze back to Tinksley, silently warning her to challenge me. I may not be as strong as she is, but I have protection now. One snap of my fingers and it's clear they've been instructed to strike.

  By their leader.

  Who also happens to be the Chief's son.

  And was just inside of me not five minutes ago.

  My cheeks flame at the thought. I feel the boldness of their heat, but I hold my head up high. I'm not ashamed of my choices.

  Why should I be?

  Her story is quite similar from what I've gathered. Jumped from Peter to Hook without looking back, too.

  Seems Pan wasn't the great love either one of us really thought he was.

  The wolves retreat and disperse to other posts within the village. They can't be seen, but I'm sure they're there, lingering in the shadows. Waiting for Tinksley to screw up.

  "What do you want?" I cross my arms over my chest.

  Idly, I realize we have a small audience, but I don’t care. Let them hear. It’s not like the Natives care for her kind anyhow.

  Tinksley mirrors my posture, hands clasping her arms, rubbing her palms along their expanse. "Mainly? To apologize."

  What do I say to that?

  Okay? Go for it?

  So I say nothing, holding my position as steady and unaffected as I can manage. I will not let her see that her presence still makes me uneasy.

  When it's clear I'm not going to reply, she sighs and gives a little nod. "I'm sorry, okay? Truly, Wendy. When Hook and I got back from London and we heard Tavi had gotten you free, it's like I could suddenly see what I'd done through a different set of eyes. I'm disturbed and ashamed of my actions, and I want you to know that wasn’t me. Not the real me."

  Again I don't respond. I mean, does she expect me to jump on her apology and simply believe it?

  "Say something, please," she implores. "Even if it's to fuck off, I'll get it. I just can't stand the—"

  "I miscarried Peter's baby." That�
�s the first thing that comes out of my mouth. I don't know why, but there it is.

  Out in the open.

  Blowing her fucking mind.

  Her jaw falls slack, aquamarine eyes nearly popping from their sockets. "You w-what?"

  I nod. "Almost two weeks ago. The doctor said it was due to stress."

  “Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Wendy." Hand snapping up to her mouth, she takes a step forward, one I halt with a raise of my hand.

  "Don't be. I'm surely not. I can't imagine having a piece of him forever after what I've learned about him."

  There’s a delay in her response following my admission and I swear I see tears welling at the surface of her stupefied stare. "Still...I'm so sorry you had to go through that to begin with. If it really was stress then that's undoubtedly my fault."

  Of course it is, but I'm not going to crucify her for it. After all, as grueling as the experience was, she did me a favor. "That's all in the past, Tinksley. I'm just trying to move on from it whilst trying to figure out what's wrong with me."

  Tinksley’s brow twitches inquisitively. "What do you mean?"

  "I've been experiencing sleep paralysis," I impart, nearly snapping her head off her neck.

  "Sleep paralysis? First you miscarry and now this? Could it get any worse?"

  "With my luck? Probably, but I'm not focusing on that. Just taking it one day at a time."

  Tinksley seems to pale right before my very eyes, which says a lot considering she’s as fair as I am. "I'm so sorry, Wendy. Words can’t even express how utterly terrible I feel. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.”

  "You were hurting, Tinksley. What you went through after Peter...I get it, more than you know." I’m not excusing her, not by any means, but now that I’m no longer blinded by the trappings of love, I can see how much of her lashing out wasn’t so much a personal vendetta on me, but more a result of grief and betrayal.

  "No, I know you do.” She shakes her head. “I just wish I had accepted that sooner rather than victimizing you myself, when in reality—we were both victims."


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