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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

Page 26

by Dee Garcia

  “Good morning.” Wendy’s voice sounds on our left. Our heads turn in time to catch her approaching. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “Not at all. We were just catching up,” I tell her, noting how Tigerlily stiffens just slightly.

  Wendy notices, too, offering her a soft smile. “I’m just here for a glass of water. I’ll be in and out. Ignore me.”

  “That’s not necessary, as long as you’re here to stay, for real this time,” Tigerlily counters, taking another sip of her tea.


  An awkward silence at that.

  One that leaves Wendy paling and pulling her fingers nervously as her blue-eyed stare bounces back and forth between the Chief’s daughter and myself. “I am, Lil… I mean, Tigerlily. I swear it. I know I said that just a few days ago, too, but—”

  “Stop.” Tigerlily lifts a hand and slides out of her seat, making her way toward the girl. “Firstly, Lil is fine. And secondly, I’m screwing around with you. Well, kind of. I know you’re serious, and you love him hence why you came back, but if you fuck with my brother again, then we’re going to have words. Got it?”

  Wendy nods wordlessly, to which Tigerlily winks at on her way to the cabinet.

  “Would you like some tea?” she asks Wendy.

  Another nod as her stare flicks on me.

  “I’m guessing Hook was right?” I question.

  Wendy nods her dark head and approaches the counter with a sigh. “Basically. There was a notice on my door stating entry was prohibited as the flat has been seized by officials for further investigation. My name wasn’t anywhere on there, but it’s pretty obvious just what they’re investigating.”

  “Another thing that’s my fault.” My eyes burn anew at the terror she must’ve felt, but I focus on breathing rather than succumbing.

  It’s in the past. I can’t change it.

  And even if I could, I wouldn’t change anything other than forcing Wendy into Rosewood. Peter got exactly what he deserved.

  “Don’t start with that again,” Tigerlily chimes sharply, pouring Wendy a mug.

  I wave her off nonchalantly as if I wasn’t just having to reign another emotional tidal wave in, when Wendy sees it.

  Her gasp rents the air, body bending over the counter to reach for my hand. “Oh my God, that ring!”

  “Isn’t it pretty?” Tigerlily concedes. “Not too outlandish, yet unique and gorgeous.”

  “Callan said it was perfectly me,” I muse, admiring from far as Wendy examines it from all angles on my finger.

  “It is,” she and Tigerlily echo.

  It really is, and I’m not just saying that because it’s mine. Black zirconium metal, a sizable ruby in place of a diamond, smaller rubies along the band. And my favorite part—the skulls on either side at the base of the ruby. It screams “property of Captain Callan Hook” and I love it.

  “That ruby is to die for,” Wendy adds, releasing my hand with a longing glance. “So, is it like an engagement ring?”

  Humming, I twirl the ring around my finger, the memory of that night still capable of bringing me to my knees. “Ironically enough, he popped the question on Big Ben.”

  Wendy’s hand flies to her chest dreamily. “That’s kind of really romantic.”

  “He seems big and scary on the outside, but he’s a romantic bastard on the inside.” Romantic enough that he defied the odds and got me pregnant the first night we slept together.

  “That’s the best kind of man,” Wendy agrees, lifting the mug to her lips.

  “I maaay regret asking this,” Tigerlily lilts, ”but does my brother fall under that criteria?”

  Wendy flushes a bright red, lips curling around the rim.

  “That blush says it all,” I chuckle.

  “He better slow it down before she ends up like you.” Tigerlily goes rigid at her own words, pivoting around with her eyebrows up to her hairline. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, T.”

  Wendy’s brow quirks as she glances between us. “What?”

  Well, I guess it’s time...

  “I’m uh, I’m pregnant.” I let it out as confidently as I can manage, morphing Wendy’s expression into one the matches her man’s sister.

  “Oh my…” She’s more surprised than anything else and, from what I can see, not in a negative way.

  “I know, shocking.” I laugh, head shaking side to side. “Trust me, almost three months in, and I’m still mindblown daily.”

  And today will be the last.

  Everyone around me seems to go from the initial shock to excited within moments, my mother included—which says a lot given her extent of joy these days has been reduced to nothing more than her favorite dessert.

  Perhaps it’s time I start feeling that joy, too, and remind myself that everything happens for a reason.


  ♫ Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 1 in B--Flat Minor -

  Frederic Chopin ♫

  One month later...

  The last month of my life has been all about healing. Paralysis episodes have diminished quite a bit, have suffered maybe three in total throughout, and that’s without the help of Persia’s teas. They still have the ability to leave me breathless during, but I don’t awake nearly as terrorized anymore. I can’t remember much about them, either, other than that invisible phantom weight.

  One that’s not as heavy as it once used to be.

  The whisper seems to have departed, too, leaving me to wonder if Tavi’s mark has anything to do with it.

  Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. From the moment that wolf appeared on my collarbone like a tattoo, I felt this immediate, overwhelming sense of protection, like he’d always be with me even when he wasn’t. The man is my own personal soothing balm, the salve to all my open wounds.

  And with every passing day, he stitches them up a little more.

  Admiring the mark in the mirror, I stuff my arms into the lace sleeves of my maroon dress and smooth down the bodice, reaching behind my back to pull up the zipper.

  “Need some help?” Tavi husks out, his decadent voice resounding from the door.

  Our stares lock through the dresser’s mirror, my cheeks heating under his appreciative gaze. “Please.”

  Pushing off the threshold, he strolls over and makes quick work of closing me up. “You look beautiful.”

  “Well, you’re taking me out tonight, right? I had to get all done up for you.”

  “You didn’t have to,” he laughs. “You’re always the most beautiful sight of my day, dressed up or not.”

  Smirking, I pivot to face him and smooth my hands up his chest. He looks so handsome, and he’s not even wearing anything remotely fancy. Just a simple black long-sleeved shirt and trousers. “I do believe that sounds like you’re trying to find your way beneath this dress, Mr. Wolf, am I right?”

  “I would say yes, but need I remind you about that pesky little cycle you have going on right now?”

  “Actually…” I drawl candidly. “I stopped bleeding earlier this afternoon.”

  “Wait,” his head jerks back, “already? That was like what, three days?”

  “Just about, yes. I’m sure my body is still trying to work its way back to normal.” I hate to even bring it up, but it’s the truth. Ward warned me it might take a while for my cycles to return back to normal.

  As always, Tavi’s unfazed by the topic, reeling me in closer with that dazzling grin carved on his lips. “In that case, then yes, I was definitely trying to get beneath this dress.”

  “You’re still going to have to wait, though.” I tap the very tip of his nose. “I got all dressed up. We’re leaving this house and enjoying the night out.”

  “Oh, absolutely.” His grin widens, more devious now than anything else. “I made sure the piano was available for the whole night, too, so you have no excuse this time. You’re playing for me.”

  I’d love to say he’s kidding, but we all know he isn’t. He wanted me to play then, and clearly, the sent
iment hasn’t changed one bit.

  The main difference this time around? There’s not a soul in sight when we arrive at the theater in town.

  “What did you do? Have Hook ban everyone for the night?” I quip jokingly as we stroll down the aisle hand in hand, only to find Tavi smirking beside me.

  “Something like that.”

  My eyes widen like saucers. “Oh my God, you did not!”

  “Just get on the stage and play, little wolf,” he chortles, motioning for me to go before him.

  I do, but not before tossing over my shoulder a parting, “So bossy.”

  “Get used to it,” he counters, smacking my bum as he starts up behind me.

  There’s nothing on the stage other than the grand piano. Tavi leans onto the side of it while I make my way to the keys. Stare trained on him, I grab two handfuls of my dress and slide onto the bench. It’s been so long since I’ve sat at a piano, and yet, in the same hand, it feels like just yesterday. My fingers stroke over the keys, first the blacks, then the whites. I was nervous about playing before, but now I’m wondering what the hell I was so worried about.

  It all comes back to me in a rush, so quickly in fact, that I just start playing. I’d planned to ask Tavi if there was anything specific he wanted to hear, but I can’t stop myself. My hands simply fall over the keys, bringing one of my favorite pieces to life: Nocturne number one in B-flat minor.

  The beginning has always been the part I favored most. There’s just something so melancholically beautiful about it. I’ve played it so many times I could probably do it with my eyes closed, and for the briefest moment, I do. Just a few notes, but I get so wrapped up in it, my entire body sways softly as the melody shifts into something lighter, like the sun rising after moonless night.

  When I open my eyes again, I can feel his gaze still trained on me, but I don’t dare risk a peek at him. I’ve always been obsessive about playing perfectly for people, and the man—my man—is no exception. If there were ever a time to play the best performance of my life, now would be it.

  And I do, playing all the way to the very end without missing a single beat.

  When my fingers fall from the final keys, Tavi begins clapping as he ambles around the piano and slides in beside me, straddling the bench. “Wow. You are’re incredible, did you know that?”

  “And you flatter me, did you know that?” I counter, turning to face him with a coy smile.

  “No, I’m serious. Tigerlily has skills, but you surpass that by a longshot.”

  “Grandad made me practice a lot.” I shrug. “He loved listening to me play, used to sit in the room in his favorite armchair, and read while I went through my lessons.”

  “That was me with Lil. She loved the craft, hated practicing,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Practice makes perfect, though, right?”

  Now it’s me who laughs. “I’m not perfect, love. Far from it.”

  Lithe hands fly to my face, his touch gentle as ever, thumbs caressing my cheeks. “Oh, but to me you are, little wolf. To me you are.”

  He really believes that, too. I can see it in his brown eyes, a sentiment that leaves me overcome, overwhelmed even. Reaching up, I secure my grip around his wrists and slide closer to him, hoping the words I’m about to say will translate to him in the same manner. “I love you.”

  Tavi’s entire face lights up as he pulls me closer, brushing our lips. “Stop, you’re going to make me hard as fuck on this stage.”

  He would say that, earning him another easy laugh. “I. Love. You,” I enunciate clearly, and seconds later, he’s kissing me, deeply, uncaring of where we are.

  “I can’t wait to spend my life with you,” he whispers, melting my heart a little more.

  “Newsflash, Mr. Wolf, you already are.”

  “I know, but I mean in our home, where we can do what we want when we want.”

  “Mmm, I like the sound of that.” God, do I ever. “How long until it’s done again?”

  That grin I love so damn much widens. “Two more weeks. Just give me two more weeks, and we’ll be ready to move in.”

  ♫ All of Me - John Legend ♫

  “Are you ready?” I ask Wendy, her bare back to my formally-dressed front, my fingers sealed around the ends of her blindfold.

  It’s been a little over two weeks since our night out, and the house is finally done, just as I’d promised. Now, it’s time to show her, and all I can hope is that she loves it as much as I do.

  “I’ve been ready since the first time I saw it. Let me see!” she squeals excitedly.

  “Okay, okay, here we go.” I’m grinning like a lunatic. “Three… Two… One.” Pulling the blindfold free, I whip the scrap of fabric from her line of sight and let her take it all in for the first time.

  Her hands immediately fly up to her mouth as she gasps. “Oh my God, Tavi, it’s… It’s everything.”

  Bounding up behind her, I sweep her off her feet and hustle up the steps as she squeals a second time. “This is nothing. Wait till’ you see the inside.”

  It’s the best part, honestly.

  Seconds later, I’ve got the door open, and I’m setting her on her heeled feet within the foyer, the crystals at the bottom of her sky blue dress shimmering in the light. “Welcome home, little wolf.”

  Uttering those words to her fills me with such satisfaction, with the greatest sense of accomplishment I’ve ever felt in my entire life. What started out as a house for me, my own space, quickly morphed into a home for us, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. This place wouldn’t be the same without her.

  “You were right,” she whispers, gazing around with those awestruck eyes. “The inside is everything.”

  Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I drop my lips to her cheek and press them softly. “I tried picking lighter neutrals. The simplicity of it is beautiful—like you.”

  Wendy grins and angles her head, ghosting her lips along mine. “I love it, and the hints of black are perfect.”

  Giving the place another sweep, that sense of pride intensifies. I see a little bit of her, a little bit of me. It really is perfect. “I’d say it matches us well.”

  “I have to agree.” She nods. “It’s warm and cozy, yet airy and light. The little string of lights over the fireplace makes it feel almost magical, too. I love everything about it.”

  “The bedroom is pretty killer. It might be my favorite room,” I admit, waggling my eyebrows. “This area here is my second choice. The bookcases came out better than I expected, and I got your piano right here.”

  “I thought that was for your sister.”

  “It was, but the woman of the house plays, too, sooo it’s hers.”

  Wendy lets out this faint little giggle, spinning in my embrace, her arms circling my neck. “I love it all.”

  “And I love you,” I counter.

  Every time I say it and I see the fire spark in her eyes, I want to mark her all over again. Like right now—there’s a damn blaze illuminating those pale blues.

  “Can I tell you something?” she quips.

  “Of course.”

  “Are you sure you can handle it?”

  Really? Doesn’t she know who I am by now? “Bring it.” I pull her tighter against me. “Let’s hear it, little wolf.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Did… Did she just… “What did you just say?”

  Wendy swallows, the corners of her mouth curled upwards. "I'm pregnant."

  The world around us ceases all movement, all sounds null and void except that of our heartbeats thumping through my ears. She’s...

  Jesus, I can’t even say it…

  "That was not the reaction I was expecting, but okay..." Her face falls instantaneously, throwing everything back into real-time—except the wild pulse of my heart.

  "No, I'm excited,” I blurt, reaching for both of her hands. “On the inside, my wolf is howling in victory right now. I'm just… Are you sure you're actually?"

; "I went to Ward. I'm exactly six weeks. Do the math."

  I do as she said and begin counting back, eyes widening the very second it hits me. “That means…”

  Wendy nods, rubbing at the wolf curled up against her collarbone. “The day you marked me.”

  I should’ve known. Now I feel like subconsciously I knew it would happen all along. When I spilled inside her at the same moment she fell over the edge. That very image when I marked her, I felt the entire world spin on its axis.

  Everything shifted, even felt a shift inside me.

  “Before I say another word, I have to know.” Cupping her face, I bore my gaze into her, searching for the answer in her eyes. “Tell me this is good?”

  Wendy hums, gentle hands wrapping around my wrists. “Stellar. Everything with you is good, love. Everything.”

  Fuck. Yes.

  I can’t even help the relieved breath that whooshes out between my lips. Her feelings about the miscarriage might’ve been under different circumstances, but I can’t lie and say I wasn’t a tad panicked there for a second.

  “What did Ward say?” I press.

  “Other than to take it easy on my feet and avoid heavy lifting these first few weeks, he thinks everything should be perfectly fine.”

  Everything should be perfectly fine. Sounds like music to my fucking ears, renewing that sense of pride, my chest puffing up as I pull her in for a swift kiss.

  “I told you I was going to mark the ever-loving fuck out of you, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did, daddy.”

  She’s trying to kill me...

  A thick chuckle reverberates from within, heading shaking reverently. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a daddy. Got my girl and our house, too? What the hell did I do to deserve all of this?”

  “You know exactly what you did.” She smiles, playing back everything in a reel. Every single moment from the very first.

  “That was all fate, baby. From the night they pulled you into my world, I felt you. There was this breeze rolling in with the tide, and it just gave me this something was coming, something was about to happen. That something was you...and baby wolf.”


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