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Bonded Spirits 2

Page 14

by Jake Daniel

  Mona waited for me over by the boulders, sitting on the largest of the six and smiling as I approached. “Halfway there. Give up yet?”

  I shook my head and positioned myself behind the first boulder. My lungs were absolutely on fire. I lifted the first weight onto the pedestal with ease. The second and third were just as easy. As I reached the fourth, though, my vision blurred, and the boulder looked about ten times the size than it actually was. I took a deep breath and bent my knees. I lifted the weight and jammed it into place. I didn’t even look up as I approached the fifth boulder and bent my knees, methodically picking it up and slamming it up on top of the pedestal. I turned to Mona as she remained on the last boulder and held out my hand. “Get up.” I said through a choppy breath.

  Mona smiled and held out her slender hand to me. I pulled her off the stone and she walked over to the last pedestal. I bent my knees as if I were about to lift an elk quarter after it had been field dressed. I took a deep breath and felt the strands of spirit exit my core course through my body. I lifted the stone with all my might, bringing it up off the ground and after struggling for only a second, set it down hard atop the last pedestal. All six pedestals glowed brightly, alerting me to the fact that I’d completed that portion.

  “On to the walls.” Mona said gleefully. “You ready to give up yet? From the looks of it, I don’t think you’re going to finish. That’s ok, no one ever finishes the endurance test the first time through.”

  I took a deep breath and focused my eyes on her. “Watch me.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I stepped up to the first of the three walls while Mona stared at the stopwatch in her hand. With a deep, centering breath, I bolted forward. I gripped the rope of the first wall and pulled myself up with ease. I swung my leg over, lowered myself part way and released my grip. I landed hard on my feet and focused on the second portion. I sized up the wall and ran toward it as fast as I could. I jumped at the last moment and grabbed the rope as high up as I could. It was a struggle, but after a few seconds I made it to the top and lowered myself back down on the other side.

  “One more, you sure you don’t want to give up?” Mona said gleefully. It seemed the more exhausted I became, the more pleasure she took in the whole gauntlet.

  I moved into position and thought I’d try something a bit different on this wall. I wanted to incorporate my skills as I had in the water. I knew my Sight skill wouldn’t help, but I’d probably be able to use my Nature Manipulation skill to help me climb over. I stepped up to the wall and grabbed the rope. After I leaned back, I planted my feet firmly against the wall and let out a long breath. I paused as a sharp pain rose in my chest, forcing me to release the rope. It felt almost like spirit was about to explode from my scar. I put it off to how hard I was breathing, but something definitely felt off.

  I concentrated on the top of the wall and took a deep breath. After adjusting my grip, I activated my Charge skill. My legs moved despite myself and I ran up the wall. I struggled to keep a hold of the rope, using it to pull myself back onto the actual wall as I ran. Everything around me blurred as I shot upward, and I could no longer distinguish where the top of the wall was. I felt the end of my Charge skill coming, but I still wasn’t at the top. The skill deactivated and I slowly peeled back from the wall. I braced myself and prepared for the fall back to the ground. As I fell, my arm instinctively reached out and grabbed a hold of the rope. I held on tight and looked up, relieved to see I’d made it nearly to the top. I pulled myself the rest of the way up and sat on the top edge of the wall to gather myself.

  Mona cheered from below. “What the hell was that?! That was amazing!”

  I chuckled to myself. If she would’ve known how close I was to falling to my death, I’m sure she’d be singing a different fucking tune. I swung my body over the opposite side of the wall and rappelled down. As my feet hit the ground, I hurried over to the massive sand box and looked around. I closed my eyes and smiled, they’d unknowingly saved the easiest for last. I found the small pouch buried deep within immediately. I leapt forward and dug out huge armfuls of sand, reaching the bag in a matter of seconds.

  I pulled out the key ring and ran over to the small cage with the glowing stone. I tried several keys without success. On my fifth key I closed my eyes and a single key toward the middle of the ring glowed dimly. I grabbed the glowing key and quickly slammed it into the keyhole. With a quick turn, the lock clicked, and the door swung open. I reached in and grabbed the stone, and a bright flash blinded me before fading slowly.

  A slow clap came from behind me as I held the stone up in the air. “Well done, well done indeed.” Amos had changed clothes and was now in a long maroon silk robe and had a cigar gripped in one hand as he approached. “No one has made it through on their first try before. Impressive.”

  I held my hands on my head and took in huge breaths to capture my breath. “Glad I entertained you.”

  Mona walked up and held a hand against the center of my back. “You finished the sand faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. And what you did with that wall? Wow!”

  I let out a long exhale and nodded. “No problem. I’m sure the next time through I’ll be much faster.”

  Mona dragged her hand across my back and over my ribs as she moved in a circle around me. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Line up.”

  “Line up?” I eyed her curiously as she moved toward the rope course once more.

  “Yes, you heard me. Line up. Go again.”

  I shook my head. I’d already pushed myself harder than I’d expected I would. Using my skills had only expedited my fatigue. Not to mention my scar felt as if it was about to rip open. “I need to allow my spirit to rebuild.”

  “There will be time to do that when you sleep tonight. Line up.” I felt a force enter my body and pull me forward. I met Mona’s eyes, and she smirked at me as she spoke again, this time in my thoughts. “I said line up.” Her normal crimson eyes now glowed bright red.

  I grabbed onto the ropes and nodded. “I’ll do it, but stay the fuck out of my head.”

  The dragon woman smiled wider. “Oh no, I’m afraid I can’t make any promises. It’s my job to ensure you’re ready for the tournament. Three… two… one… go.”

  I took a deep breath and exploded into the rope course, keeping my mind focused on the task ahead.

  I muttered to myself as I passed through, this time using my Sight to help me navigate through the ropes and bending my body in ways I never thought possible. I sped through the underwater tunnel and exploded up through the hollowed out tree, using my Charge skill to force my legs down into the sides of the tree to propel myself up like a rocket. I nearly flew out of the top of the tree, but used the Instinct skill I’d learned from Isobel to catch myself at the last possible moment as I exited and pulled myself back down.

  I finished the course much faster the second time through, although I was completely drained of spirit by the time I finished. Fapplejack cheered me on from his wheelbarrow. “Logan, sir, you’re incredible! No-one is going to beat you!”

  I gave him an exhausted smile. “I’m counting on it.”

  I pulled the stone out of its cage and tossed it toward Mona.

  She caught it and gave me a curious look. “To have someone finish the gauntlet on their first two tries is unheard of.” She placed the stone back inside the cage and locked the door. With a snap of her fingers, the sand was smoothed over and the key ring had disappeared. She looked at me and smirked. “Again.”

  I looked at her and shook my head. “I’ve got to recharge my spirit. It will take me some time to cultivate enough to be ready to go again.”

  She shrugged and mentally pulled me forward toward the ropes. “You need to prepare for everything and learn not to rely solely on your core.” I fought against her, but her control was too strong. Her eyes glowed brighter than I’d ever seen.

  I gritted my teeth and grabbed a rope in each hand. “Fine. Let’s go.” I concentrated on all
of my bonded’s faces as I moved through the course a third time. Gwen’s face in particular gave me strength. I swore I could hear her in my head, urging me on. I concentrated on her energy and pushed forward. My skills had less effect on this pass through, and the amount of physical exertion to make it through completely drained me. My core felt devoid of spirit. Even with the spirit well so near, it couldn’t replenish my spirit fast enough.

  I stopped at the boulder challenge, sweat dripping down my face, as I stared at the massive rocks in front of me. I took three deep breaths and moved along the row. I gave everything I had to get the rocks up to the top of each pedestal. Although, I nearly dropped the heaviest boulder on my foot as it slipped from my grip. It missed my big toe by only an inch. I readjusted and kept Gwen’s visage in the front of my mind as I gripped the weight another time. This time I successfully muscled it up with a loud yell that echoed across the gauntlet.

  The walls looked at least one hundred stories tall by the time I reached them. I gripped the ropes tightly and pulled myself up. I reached the second wall and held the rope with my now shredded and bleeding hands, which made it even harder to maintain my grip. I wrapped the rope around my arm each time I’d raise a little higher, ensuring that I’d not fall back.

  My grip finally gave out on the last wall, and I plummeted nearly thirty feet to the ground. Fortunately, I landed flat on my back, and escaped with only knocking the wind from my lungs for the second time in the gauntlet. I crawled toward the sand and pushed myself back to my feet. I basically collapsed into the sandbox and dug with dead arms, flinging them toward the ground and pulling them back like a floppy shovel to uncover the bag with the keys.

  I found the glowing key with the last bit of spirit remaining in my core and staggered over to the cage. The door swung open and I dragged the stone out. I fell to a knee and desperately tried to catch my breath. I shifted my attention to Fapplejack who gave me a sad smile, the enthusiasm from before had been replaced with a look of concern.

  Mona walked over and grabbed the stone from my hand. “Three times through the gauntlet on your first day? I wish we had more time.”

  “You can’t tell me that all the others made it through this three times in the same day.”

  “No, most only make it through once or twice. A couple have made it through three times in the same day.”

  “So, what’s the problem then?”

  “After watching your second run, I thought you’d be capable of more. I thought maybe I’d have to pull you from the gauntlet and force you to rest. You struck me as different. Although, three times through the gauntlet is no small feat. I just thought maybe your motivation would’ve been somewhat… greater.” She shrugged and adjusted the cage with the stone. “But, that’s fine, I’m sure you’ll at least put up a good fight.”

  “Didn’t eight of the last ten champions sponsored by Amos, win the entire tournament? I don’t see why it’s relevant.”

  “It’s the one hundredth anniversary of the tournament, and you’re Amos’s first human champion. I’d imagine the challenge is going to be much greater this year than in the past.”

  I took a long breath in and released it slowly. The light of day faded as I grabbed the ropes at the start of the course. I stared straight forward, concentrating through the blood and sweat that covered my face. “Again.” The spirit from the well swirled above me before darting into my core. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough.

  Mona moved around me to see my face. The look of shock that rose to her face was worth it as I focused my remaining energy, digging deep into my core, and entered the course once more. I truly learned how far you can push the human body. I’d been caught out in the middle of the mountains and forced to push myself hard to get back to safety before, however, this was a whole new level.

  As I passed through the underwater tunnel, my arms gave out momentarily and I took in a huge gulp of water. It burned as it went down my throat and I sputtered for a moment. I exited the water and coughed so hard that blood sprayed out onto the inside of the hollowed out tree surrounding me.

  I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop. I felt all four of my bonded with me in that moment. Their spirit intertwined with mine, lifting me, giving me strength. I pushed harder than I ever had, finishing the remaining obstacles with ease. I walked over to the sandpit, pointed my fingers, and slammed my hand down as deep as I could in the cool sand. My fingers reached into the small satchel with the key and I pulled it out in one smooth motion. I ripped the bag open, slammed the key in the lock and pulled out the stone.

  Mona stood wide-eyed as I tossed the stone at her feet. “Logan...I...” She trailed off as I fixed my gaze on her, my chest heaving uncontrollably.

  I spit a wad of blood onto the ground and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “Again.” I walked over to the rope course just as the remaining streaks of daylight disappeared.

  Mona held out her hand to stop me. “No, Logan, you have done enough today.”

  “Again. I’m fucking going, again.” I turned and focused my attention on the ropes in front of me. I closed my eyes and felt a renewed surge of energy.

  Gwen appeared in my mind, smiling with her arms crossed over her chest. “Be the man I know you are. My Logan, my bonded. I love you, I know you’ll find us, we’ll be waiting.”

  I wanted her more than anything else in that moment and as her words faded; I shot through the rope course.

  I felt the spirit rushing from the statue of the phoenix a short distance away. Strands of spirit rushed toward me as if I were an enormous magnet. I sensed my core was churning rapidly and felt energized as streaks of spirit collided with my body, seeking my pathways and diving inside. As each strand of spirit reached my core, a fresh burst of energy exploded within me, as if each one fueled me just enough to push me another step forward. I rushed through the ropes course and the underwater tunnel faster than any of the other times. Each of my skills were firing on all cylinders. It was almost as if I had all of my bonded girls by my side and they were firing off their skills each time I needed them.

  I entered the hollowed tree and shot through to the top, not stopping as I let myself freefall almost to the bottom, only stopping myself as I was about ten feet from the ground, using my Instinct skill to wrap my hands around the last branch to slow my fall, completing two complete revolutions up into the air before dropping to the ground.

  I lifted each of the stones with ease, feeling stronger than I ever had. It almost felt as if they had replaced the stones with balloons, offering little to no resistance at all. I set the last weight in place as if it weighed no more than a small child.

  I finished the course the same way as I had previously by slamming my hand down into the sand and retrieving the bag in one swift motion.

  I felt as if the spirit that currently surrounded my core was about to explode out almost as it had in the arena back at Kilney. I slammed the key into the hole and nearly broke it off inside the lock. I gripped the stone tightly and threw it down at Mona’s feet.

  Mona who stared at me with wide-eyes and her mouth agape.

  I spit a mouthful of blood on the ground as my chest heaved wildly. “Again? Or are we done here?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  I walked over to Fapplejack’s wheelbarrow, where the goblin didn’t say a word. He stared at me in shock. I wheeled him back toward the castle and finally spoke as we neared the rear entrance. “Are you okay, FJ?”

  The goblin nodded slowly. “I don’t know how anyone could accomplish what you just did, Logan, sir. I have a feeling you are not actually real.”

  “Oh trust me, I’m real alright. I have a little extra motivation, and I wasn’t about to let Mona talk shit about my effort.”

  Fapplejack wiped his forehead and smiled. “That should shut her up for a bit, eh?”

  I let out a small laugh. “I wouldn’t count on it.” I pushed him to his room, and he lowered himself from the wheelbarrow with ease, using his arms
to pull himself around the room. He’d already adapted well to not having the option to use his legs.

  As he readied for bed, I crossed through the great room and over toward the room I stayed in the previous night, and where I’d last seen my bonded. It took everything I had to hold myself upright, and I felt as if I was about to collapse before I’d even reached the table in the center of the great hall.

  Amos appeared from his room, donned in his velvet robe, and talked to me as I walked. “Logan, please have a seat. Tell me how your first day of training went.”

  “Save it, Amos.” I continued straight through the hall to the guest room. I kicked off my boots and threw off my shirt just before landing chest first onto the mattress. My legs were wobbly, and my vision blurred. I felt as if I’d just been on the losing end of a bear attack. My chest felt as if there were a rabid animal inside, trying desperately to get out. I looked down to my scar, and it glowed brightly. Each of the edges of the scar shone brightly in the dark room. As I inspected it, I realized that it wasn’t just a wound I’d suffered when I was younger. No, this was here intentionally, as if someone sewed into my chest.

  I did everything I could to keep my breathing steady as I traced the edges of the scar with my finger. What in the fuck is this? I clasped my hand over its entirety and took a deep breath. I’m hallucinating. I had to be. That was the only way to describe what the hell was going on with me and a scar I’d had since I was a child. I knew freaking out about it wouldn’t help my cause, but I resolved to ask Teng about it once I got back from the tournament.

  I pulled my legs up onto the bed and flopped down as I reached the center. It was the first night since I arrived in Aurilon that I wouldn’t have Gwen or one of the other girls sleeping next to me, and I hated it.


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