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Big Man’s Heat

Page 1

by Wylder, Penny

  Big Man’s Heat

  Penny Wylder


  More Must Reads by Penny Wylder

  1. Mark

  2. Siobhan

  3. Mark

  4. Siobhan

  5. Mark

  6. Siobhan

  7. Mark

  8. Siobhan

  9. Mark

  10. Siobhan

  11. Siobhan

  12. Mark

  13. Siobhan


  More Must Reads by Penny Wylder

  Copyright © 2021 Penny Wylder

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or businesses, organizations, or locales, is completely coincidental.

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  More Must Reads by Penny Wylder

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  “You're really doing this, huh?”

  “Doing what?” Ryder asks me as if he has no clue what I'm talking about.

  Smirking, I glance all around and hold my arms out. “This. Getting married. Tying the knot. Locking on the old ball and chain.”

  Ryder chuckles as he buttons the cuff on his sleeve. “When you say it like that, it really makes me wonder why I'm still friends with you.” Running his hands loosely down his arms, he straightens the collar and adjusts the flower pinned to his lapel.

  “I don't. I know exactly why, it's because you're a dick and no one else wants to be your friend.” Grinning, he gives me a playful punch in the arm. “Ouch, douche. You know I'm only kidding. I'm happy for you two, I really am. I think you guys are going to make it.”

  I mean what I say. They work beautifully together. Jenna levels him out, and he does the same for her. He's her stability, and she's his voice of reason. Even as kids, I could see the way he looked at her and how it was different from any of the other girls. And when she left, she was all he ever talked about, no matter how much he denied it when I pointed it out.

  Eventually, as the years went on, he spoke about her less frequently, but the look in his eyes when her name came up, that never disappeared completely. Jenna leaving town changed him, and now that spark he had when we were kids is back.

  It's a spark I've never felt before. I thought it might come along at some point, but it never has. I've had plenty of girlfriends, but it seems like they all want to change me, and I'm not changing for anyone.

  I can't lie and pretend I don’t feel a bit of jealousy, faint as a dying candle. It’s there. Ryder has the farm, and he has the girl. When I watch them together, the way they finish each other’s sentences, and I see the love they have for each other, it makes me second guess this whole bachelor lifestyle I'm living.

  I'm a bachelor by design.

  My job keeps me pretty busy, so there isn't much time for dating. I'm the only guy around who knows a tractor inside and out. I never intended for this to become my full time job, but the more people spread my name around, the busier I seem to get.

  It's at the point now that I'm getting phone calls from customers two or three towns over. People need a reliable mechanic who isn't going to price gouge or up sell them. That's me.

  The thought of getting married doesn't even cross my mind. But seeing Ryder and Jenna together is making me rethink what I thought I wanted in life.

  “Thanks man,” Ryder says. He takes a step back and looks himself over in the mirror. “I really do make this suit look good, don't I?”

  “Full of yourself much?”

  “You're just jealous I can rock this suit and you can't.”

  “What are you talking about? Look at me.” Stretching out my arms, I spin in a circle.

  He looks me up and down, dipping one brow hard. “Exactly my point.” Tossing him a flat look, he laughs. “So,” Ryder says, “are you ready?”

  “Me? I was born ready.” Flipping my collar, I straighten my tie. “But it ain't my funeral.”

  “Is this what I'm going to get all day? You busting my balls?” He opens the door, and we head out to the garden on the farm.

  “Would you expect anything less?”

  “Nope.” Squinting his eyes as the sun hits his face, Ryder looks around, and waves his hand, calling someone over to us. “Let me introduce to someone. Mark, this is Siobhan. You two are walking down the aisle together.”

  To my left, there's a short brunette peering up at me with big, bright blue eyes. She smiles with plump full lips and holds out her hand. “Hi,” she says. “It's nice to meet you.”

  I'm blown away. She's gorgeous. In a tight blue dress that hits just below her knees, it hugs her hips perfectly. Her lips shine with a thin layer of pink gloss, and her long lashes fan her eyes like butterfly wings.

  My eyes are drawn to a sparkling necklace around her neck. The thin chain dangles against her alabaster skin, and the yellow stone dangles at the crease of her breasts. Her perfect cleavage is pillowing out the top of her dress, making it hard to look away.

  “Hey,” I say, shaking her hand. “It's nice to meet you too.”

  Her eyes settle on mine, her smile intoxicating as her lips spread into a sexy little smirk. She nibbles on her bottom lip lightly, letting her gaze slowly move around my face.

  She's checking me out.

  “You both know what to do, right?” Ryder asks.

  “Sure do,” I say confidently. “I always know what to do and how to do it right.” Keeping my eyes on her, my tone is flirtatious.

  She nods and agrees, placing her hands at her waist as she holds a small bouquet of flowers. Her cheeks flush slightly as she brushes a loose strand of hair behind ear, looking away.

  “Good. I'm going to head down now.” He's so preoccupied with the wedding that he doesn't even catch the fact I'm flirting with her. His nerves are starting to get to him. I can see it. Ryder tries to pretend like nothing bothers him, but I know him better than that. He's scared shitless, but in a good way, I suppose.

  This is the start of a new chapter for him and Jenna. A new life, a new everything. It isn't just him and his sister anymore. He's growing his family, and I'm proud of him for it.

  “Siobhan. . . Am I saying that right?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, but you can just call me Sia. It's what all my friends call me.”

  “So, we're friends now,” I saw with a smirk. “That's good.”

  She giggles, and lord help me, that fucking giggle sets me on fire. That little laugh sends blood rushing through my veins, making my cock throb. Every muscle in my body tenses up, the air around me is suddenly so thick I almost can't take a breath.

  Fuck, I could take her right here.

  “I suppose we are now,” she answers with her own sexy little smile. “My friend is marrying yours. I think that makes us friends by default.”

  My eyes lick up and down her body. Her ass, her legs, her rosy cheeks, and shaded lids are making my chest tight. I want to take her someplace where we can be alone, where I can taste every inch of her skin. Lick over her curves, exploring her body until she begs me to fuck her.

  She catches me checking her out and gives me a gotcha smile. Darting my eyes up to the sky, I try to calm myself down. It's your best friend's wedding! Get your shit together!

  “So, how long have you known Ryder?” she asks as she uses two fingers to stroke a single petal of one of the flowers in her bouquet.

  The way the petal slips
between her fingers is erotic. My dick pulses, begging for her to touch me that way. To stroke my cock with the same tenderness, the same teasing touch.

  Clearing my throat, I push the thought away as I say, “All my life, basically. We've been friends since we were kids.”

  “Wow, a long time, then.”

  “Are you saying I'm old?” Furrowing my brows, I angle my head.

  Sia lets out a loud laugh, slapping my chest with her hand. “You know what I mean.”

  My chest tingles where she touches me, causing me to swallow hard as our eyes lock on each other. We stand in silence for a second, a very long second, before I finally say, “You're not from around here. I can tell.”

  “Is it the accent that gave it away?”

  Rocking my head on my shoulders, I thin my lips. “Well there's that, but also I know everyone in this town, and I've never seen you before.”

  “Yeah, when Jenna told me she came from a small town, I honestly didn't picture something this small. We're in the country, and I'm from New York. It's so different. There's nothing for miles in either direction.”

  “Yeah, for me this is normal. I can't imagine living someplace where you open your front door and you run into dozens of strangers walking down the street.”

  “So, I'm guessing a suit isn't something you normally wear, is it?”

  “Do I look that awkward?” I ask, looking down at myself as I flare out my jacket.

  “No, it's not that. You look really nice; it fits you well. I just figured being so rural here, a suit isn't typically required.” She reaches out, fixing the small handkerchief in my breast pocket. Her fingers linger there for a moment, until she pulls them away quickly.

  Our eyes lock again, the attraction between us more than palpable. The air feels like it's filled with electricity. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, sending a chill down my spine. My stomach clenches up as my dick pulses in my pants.

  Clearing my throat, I loosen my tie a little. “Thanks. I'm surprised you're still shorter than me with those heels.” Looking down, I point at her feet.

  “Being five foot two, I need all the height I can get.” Picking up one foot, she jiggles her heel. “These are actually shorter than the ones I usually wear.”

  There's a small dragonfly tattoo on her ankle . She notices me looking and laughs. “Ignore the terrible tattoo. It's the result of a drunken night and poor decision making. One day I'll get it covered up with something better. It sucks, and I hate that I didn't pick a spot I can keep covered up more.”

  I think it's cute. It's sexy even. The image sits right above her ankle. The color is slightly faded, and the black outline is fuzzy from bleeding into the skin.

  “It's not that bad.”

  “Are you kidding me? It's terrible and always visible.”

  “Why? You wear heels a lot?”

  “All the time,” she says with a sexy little grin. “I don't leave home without them.” Winking, she bats her lashes.

  Her calf muscle pops and instantly all I can think about is her in just those heels with her legs up behind her head. I can see it so vividly. Me peeling that dress off her body and letting it drop to the floor. I'd run my tongue up her leg, over her thigh, and around her naval. I want to taste her skin, feel how smooth and soft she is.

  My cock throbs, causing me to shift on my feet as I try to gain control of myself. But I can't stop picturing it. Holding her leg by the ankle and slipping between her thighs, spreading her wide open. Wondering what she'll sound like when she moans as I pleasure her body.

  Would she be loud? Scream for more?

  Would she be quiet? Beg me with just her body?

  Either way, I really wouldn't care as long as she keeps those heels on.

  “You better not let me fall,” she says, pulling me out of my fantasy.

  “What?” I ask, my voice as distant as the thoughts in my head.

  “You better not let me fall when we walk down that aisle,” she says again, pointing toward the garden and the white runner leading to the altar.

  “Don't worry, if your spikes try to bring you down, I'll catch you.”

  “Good, because if you don't, everyone will remember you as the groomsman who couldn't handle his bridesmaid.” She gives me a flirty grin, flashing her big blue eyes.

  Fuck those eyes. Brilliant blue, sparkling like the ocean under the sun. Silver and deep blue speckles flicker like tiny lights. So clear, so large, ablaze with the reflections around us. I can see the sky, the clouds, and my towering figure in her stare.

  “I can handle anything.” Holding out my arm for her, she hooks her arm in mine. “The bigger question is can you handle me?”

  Sia looks up, curling her fingers tightly around my arm. “I'm from New York City. Do I need to say more?”

  I like this girl.

  I'm not looking for a wife, but maybe I can make her mine for the night. I'd love to feel those heels wrap my sides and her nails raking my back. . .

  Focus! This is your best friend's wedding, not a damn pick-up bar.

  We're standing at the top of the aisle. She's looking down at the altar, her smile excited and broad for her friend. As much as I know I should be keeping my head straight, I can't stop looking at her. I've never been so mesmerized by a woman before.

  Her long brown hair falls in luscious curls. Half of it is pulled back, and there are loose strands dancing around her face in the light breeze. Small goosebumps ripple across her skin, tempting me to wrap her in my arms and warm her up.

  The music starts, signaling the wedding is beginning and it's time for us to make our entrance. Her fingers dig into my forearm as we step forward, so I cup her hand, taking advantage of this moment.

  “Better not let me fall,” she says again out of the corner of her mouth jokingly.

  “I never would.” My voice is firm and serious.

  If she stumbles, I'll lift her up. She falls, I'll catch her. In that moment, something inside me flips on like a switch. As if it's my responsibility to make sure nothing happens to her. I'll protect her. I'll keep her safe. I'll hold her tight.

  We walk slowly down the aisle, arms locked together. She's holding onto me as if I'm the only thing keeping her on the ground, and she'll float away if she lets go.

  When we reach the end, we're supposed to break away, but I don't want to let her go. I'm reluctant, holding onto her for as long as I possibly can.

  My fingers swipe across her arm as she moves away, holding on to her until the very last second. I'm not sure if she feels the tips of my fingers, or how badly they want to stay right where they are, but I swear she hesitates too before moving to her spot at the altar.

  Stepping next to Ryder, he gives me a nervous smile, his hands anxiously tapping at his sides. Patting his shoulder, I lean in and whisper.

  “Relax man, you got this.”

  He nods, wiping light beads of sweat off his forehead. Letting out a heavy breath, Ryder focuses on Jenna as she comes down the aisle. Instantly his body relaxes. His hands stop moving, his muscles smooth and still.

  All the guests stand up from their seats as she comes down the aisle. Everyone is looking at her, and they should be. She looks beautiful.

  Except, I can't take my eyes off Siobhan. I'm trying like hell, I swear I am, but it's not working. She's the star in my eyes. The sun is lighting up her skin. The wind is ruffling the strands of hair that are framing her face, and all I can think about is slipping my tongue into the slit of her cleavage.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  It's my best friend's wedding and all I can think about is fucking one of the bridesmaids.

  Forcing myself to look at Jenna, I can see the happiness and love in her eyes as she reaches Ryder. His smile is so big it fills his face, and his eyes are full of happiness.

  She compliments him. She balances him. She completes him.

  I want that too.



  Sitting at t
he table, I swirl the alcohol in my glass and watch Mark as he chats with a few people I don't know. He's hotter than I would expect for a country boy. Tall, dark, and handsome don't even sum him up. He has broad shoulders, a sharp jaw that's covered in a thick, well-groomed beard, and dark brown eyes. His arms are thick, his hands strong. His voice heavy and deep, but smooth as cognac.

  Butterflies swarm my stomach as I watch him grin, tipping his head back and laughing with the small group he's standing with. Running my finger around the rim of the glass, I sit back, enjoying the view.

  I don't know what I really expected with this wedding, but I didn't think I could have ever envisioned this. In New York City everything is all glitz and glam. Go big or don't go at all, that's basically the rule. Crystal glasses, giant venues with hundreds of people. Ice sculptures, gold flakes in your champagne, that's the type of wedding I'm used to seeing.

  But here, in the barn at Ryder's farm, I can't lie, I like how this feels. It's small, quaint, and has so many personal touches that speak to who the bride and groom are. There are no big and flashy chandeliers or servers walking around with caviar.

  Bales of hay rest against the back wall, decorated with white lights. The tables have small glass vases with floating candles and flower petals. The food is buffet style, hometown barbecue with ribs and baked beans, corn bread, and prime rib. Food I don't typically eat in New York, and it's delicious.

  This isn't a wedding to impress people, it's a wedding of love. Simple, homey, and still extremely beautiful. I thought I was going to feel awkward and out of place, but I don't. Everyone is friendly, smiling and laughing, striking up conversations so easily.


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