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Aurelian Prisoner

Page 4

by Corin Cain

  I gulp dryly, remembering my experiences. I could barely walk for a week after my first time with an Aurelian – and since my three weeks spent in an Aurelian harem, I’ve barely touched another man.

  Why would I? No human could ever compare to the feeling of being with those God-like, perfect aliens. That’s what’s so terrible about them – how my hatred for their kind is intertwined with lust and desire.

  I set my jaw. I need to do what I need to do – and nothing more.

  So, I lick my lips, and snap my fingers. The AI – the artificial intelligence unit – instantly begins playing a slow, sensuous beat on the speakers in this private room.

  As the music plays, I slowly begin swaying my hips. Aurelians are obsessed with fertility, and I know what will drive them wild. While most human men may think I’m too much – all curves, and hips, and ample flesh – I know Aurelians are addicted to fertile-looking female bodies like mine. Proof in point – the eyes of the three Aurelians eyes drop to my body, entranced by the rhythm of my hips, and it’s as if I’m charming a trio of snakes.

  I lick my lips as their “snakes” rise visibly inside their suit pants.

  I remember back to the three weeks I’d spent tricking that Aurelian triad back on Antonius 5. Oh, Gods – the way they’d mated with me, again and again, still makes my toes curl at night.

  I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was nearly addicted to their perfect bodies – to their rough, almost painful dominance. They used me like they owned me. I barely got out alive.

  I sometimes wonder – if it wasn’t for my sister, and my desperate need to rescue her, would I have stayed? Would I have surrendered myself to a lifetime of pleasure and submission?

  It’s not a question I like to think about – because I’m scared at what the answer might be.

  Returning to the moment, I step closer to the leader of this triad.

  Daccia licks his lips – his lust for me obvious. His cock hardens like a steel rod, filling the leg of his pants.

  Gods! He has to be packing something even bigger than the three Aurelians from that harem!

  As much as it terrifies and arouses me, I’m also reassured by the sight of Daccia’s monstrous erection. That means there’s no way these three aren’t Rogue Aurelians.

  No member of Aurelian Law Enforcement would allow himself to become so aroused by a woman he was trying to arrest – and not because of any misguided sense of duty or honor. No – it’s because once the mating rage of the Aurelian species gets fired up, it can only subside by seeding a human woman. No Law Enforcement officer would risk being coaxed into the mating frenzy; because even the cold-hearted, calculating courts of the Aurelian Empire frown harshly on mating with a suspect prior to arrest! If an Enforcement Agent mated with a prisoner, the courts would cast him from the Empire, and pardon the woman of any crime short of murder.

  Well, this means I’m going to end up bruised and sore – but I’ll survive, and I’ll be free.

  In fact, part of me aches to surrender to the dominance of these Aurelians. It’s been so long since I was in that harem – and yet, on some nights, I still remember dreamily how brutal the alien species was as they mated with and seeded me. Some nights, I still wake up panting and writhing, emerging from of a dream about the way those aliens claimed me.

  The three Aurelians are sat in their enormous, wooden chairs. Slipping into the mindset of Scarlet, the stripper, I clamber up and straddle the leader of the Aurelians.

  Riding in his lap, I thrust my full tits into his face. Beneath me, his cock is a hard, steel rod that presses up against my body. I can feel it throb through the material of Daccia’s pants – and as I gyrate on him, his cock seems to grow bigger, and harder.

  Despite myself, I feel my nipples harden in a dark lust that builds up unstoppably inside of me. I no longer know if I even want to drug the Aurelians, like I’d planned – or, instead, ignite the fabled mating rage in them.

  The huge beast beneath me is panting with lust now. I pull off my bra, exposing my pendulous breasts to him, and Daccia’s hand darts with lightning speed to my thigh.

  His hard prick throbs beneath my body…

  …but that’s a different prick to the sharp pain that suddenly paints my leg.

  I glance down – and instantly spot the drop of blood that’s as scarlet as my name. I suddenly realize – all too late – that the leader of the Aurelian triad just took a DNA sample from me.

  The other two Aurelians suddenly stand. They’re obviously aroused too – their pants tented with their huge erections – but the two of them try to fight back their carnal need.

  Instead, they focus on doing their job – the job I’d hoped, prayed and begged for them not to be here to perform.

  These Aurelians aren’t Rogue.

  They’re exactly what I feared – Law Enforcement.

  A steel grip tightens around my wrist.

  Fuck! I’d thought Obbit was strong – but that Toad’s strength is nothing compared to the vice-like power of the Aurelian leader. He grips my arm tightly, threatening to crush it beneath his grip.

  “Put on your bra,” he rasps – his voice filled with barely contained lust.

  Fuck! Fuck! My mind races. What can I do?

  As I fumble with my bra, I glance over my shoulder.

  The champagne glasses I’d filled earlier still sit there – each one dosed with one of my three hidden weapons. I’ll never get them to drink it now, though. The sleeping powder was wasted.

  But I have two more tricks up my sleeve… and the same weapon that got me into this trouble in the first place. As a last resort, I can use that…

  There’s a certain irony to my arsenal. These Aurelians can take away my poisons, potions and powders – but they can’t take away my most powerful weapon: My body.

  And I can sense how powerful that weapon is. Right now, these three Aurelians are barely holding onto control. If I can seduce them…

  My mind races. It’s one hell of a gamble. If the Aurelians lost control – if they took me, and seeded me, as their bodies clearly crave – it would be the end of their careers with Law Enforcement.

  They’d be disgraced – shamed by the laws of their Empire for fucking a helpless prisoner. They’d have no claim to hold me prisoner anymore, and my arrest would be nullified even if my crimes weren’t.



  I’ve taken down hardened scum before. I’ve chased terrorists to the edges of the universe and brought them to judgement with my triad.

  But I’ve never faced anything like this woman.

  Her curves are forever branded into my mind. The soft tips of her nipples are hardened into desperate points, and exposed to all three of us. Even as she fumbles with her bra, obeying Daccia’s command to dress, she reveals her desire to us.

  Human females can’t fake arousal. This woman is in heat for us. Her body aches to be ravaged by my triad – over and over again.

  We could have her – right now, all three of us. All I want is to do right now is lock the doors to this room and take her hard. Her scent is so fucking right...

  She might very well be our Fated Mate…

  …and yet she’s a Gods-damned criminal.

  Kitos grabs my arm. I turn, confused – and then realized I’ve stood from my seat and walked a full step towards Allie.

  My movement was unconscious – driven by desire. My body took control. Thank the Gods that Kitos has always been more rational than me. He’s keeping his head, even as I’m driven by the head inside my pants.

  “Put on your fucking bra,” I growl, echoing the order of our leader, Daccia. Another moment staring at Allie’s exquisite body and I might lose all control – despite Kitos’ warning.

  Inside my pants, my cock is a hardened, steel rod – one that refuses to go down. I know I’ll not be sated until I’m spurting my seed deep inside of this fertile, young human woman.

  Allie looks up at me with her big, expressive eyes. She l
ooks so young – so innocent. I actually have to remind myself that she seduced an entire triad of Aurelians and took them for everything they had. Those three fools lost all the status and riches they’d earned during their hundred years of service, including what they’d accumulated during the centuries that followed, and then they’d suffered the humiliation of reporting the crime – and revealing that they’d been tricked so easily by a young, human girl.

  Although they were victims, those three Aurelians had proven they weren’t worthy of the Elite rank they’d earned.

  Although, to give them credit, I hadn’t seen the woman who’d tricked them until today; and I can now understand much more clearly why they were duped.

  This ‘Allie’ has a weapon that I fear even I won’t be able to resist – her perfect body. That gorgeous face, her seductive, submissive nature… They’re dangerous – and I’m not even sure if they’re reflective of her true self, or just a cunningly wrought façade designed specifically to trick Aurelians.

  I stand there and watch her intently – like a hawk. At the heat of my gaze, Allie’s lip trembles. I don’t know if it’s from lust or fear – or a mixture of the two.

  With all three of our eyes burning against her bare skin, Allie gently picks her bra from the armrest of the chair and fumbles to pull it back on. She does so deliberately slowly – and she keeps eye contact with me throughout.

  That wench! My cock surges even harder. I’m painfully erect, and I know won’t be sated until I claim her.

  Allie finally does put her bra back on – but it does little to hide her gorgeous body. Her short skirt barely covers the tops of her thighs, and there’s so much ample flesh revealed by her outfit that it inflames me with barely controlled desire.

  Through the Bond, I sense how the auras of my battle-brothers mirror mine. They all resonate with a deep, intense lust – barely overshadowed by pride and duty.

  We have to get this woman back to Colossus to stand trial; but every moment we spend with her will be filled with temptation. The only silver lining is that with the Orb-Drive of our Reaver, we’ll at least make the journey in only two or three days. Without the Orb-Drive? We’d be in space for over a month with this temptress; and even the Gods themselves would not be able to resist her for that long.

  Nobody – God or Aurelian – could resist such beauty for so long, even with duty and pride on the line.

  Allie looks back and forth between the three of us. I sense resignation from her.

  “Please,” she stammers. “Would you at least let me gather my things?”

  Kitos gives Daccia a sharp glance. “She’s very smart, brother. Her ‘things’ could conceal a weapon.”

  I look at Kitos, then to Allie, and finally back to Kitos. I’m wondering what he sees in her that I don’t. This woman is obviously as smart as a whip – but I’ve seen no suggestion of violence coming from her. This woman’s weapon is her body – and quite a weapon at that. She’d trick, connive and con – not resort to brutal violence, like I or my battle-brothers would.

  There’s a hard knock on the door behind us.

  “Spur says you can look at the goods – but if you want to sample them, it’s an extra thousand-credit fee.”

  The voice belongs to the Toad. I snort – his voice is nervous. That disgusting creature clearly doesn’t relish being the one that has to get between three horny Aurelians and an attractive woman. He’s probably used to being the biggest, most threatening creature in this club; but he knows we Aurelians could break his body without breaking a sweat.

  I snap my head to Daccia. “We have only three thousand credits. We might need to fight our way out of here.”

  The leader of our triad grunts. We’ve negotiated the private viewing of a female we said we might buy as a slave. Now she’s here with us, we’re all just barely holding back our mating rage. It’s hardly the best example an Aurelian Law Enforcement officer can set.



  I need to think quickly.

  My battle brothers are even more clouded by lust than I am – and I’m barely holding on to reason.

  We’ve got a henchman on the other side of that door – one who is never going to believe we’re Aurelian Law Enforcement. Hell, if I didn’t have a badge in my pocket, I’d doubt we were right now. We might as well have gone Rogue, the way we’re leering at Allie with lust in our eyes and raging erections in our suit pants.

  “Daccia,” I telepath. “We can’t waste time. We need to make a break for it.”

  Our leader snarls, but he knows it’s true. In terms of the practicalities of that – well, there are three of us, and only the Toad can stand up to any of us physically.

  But our concern is that if we try to take Allie from this place by force, Spur and his human henchmen might start shooting – and our charge might be injured or killed in the exchange. This is bad for two reasons:

  Firstly, that when Aurelian Law Enforcement capture a prisoner, they become fully responsible for him or her. If Spur or one of his men killed or injured Allie, we’d be the ones held responsible.

  Secondly, given the lust she’s inflamed in us, would any of us three be willing to let Allie get hurt? Or let her death or injury go unavenged?

  No – which means we have to protect her.

  Okay – onto the administrative side of the issue. That needs to be resolved before we can bust our way out of here.

  I turned to Allie, and growl: “I am Officer Kitos, and by the power vested in me by the Aurelian Empire, I declare you under arrest.”

  Still in Daccia’s lap – barely dressed in that bra and skirt – Allie’s eyes flash with a mixture of anger and outrage.

  I continue speaking:

  “Allie Tabber, you’re arrested on three charges of theft in excess of 100,000 credits, plus two charges of fraud, and one charge of inciting rebellion.”

  Rebellion. That’s the charge that amounts to ten years of her twenty-year sentence. Rebellion can mean anything from trying to mount an insurrection to simply escaping a planet when you’re on the list of criminals.

  Allie’s lip trembles. I see right through her, even if my battle-brothers can’t. She’s not a weak, vulnerable girl like she pretends to be. She’s a dangerous vixen.

  Allie Tabber was able to fool three Elites – fucking Elites. It wasn’t just any Aurelian triad she’d infiltrated and stole from. They were the highest of the high – part of the upper echelon of Aurelian society. They lost their riches at her hands, and then their status for shaming their rank by falling victim to her deception.

  Allie Tabber is the most alluring female I’ve ever laid eyes on – but I won’t let the same fate befall me, or my battle-brothers.

  “You take the girl,” telepaths Daccia. I step forward and grab Allie in my arms, lifting her from our leader’s lap.

  Still sporting a tent in the front of his suit pants, Daccia bolts forward – breaking down the door with one massive kick.



  One moment I’m being read my charges.

  The next I’m being grabbed.

  I don’t even have a moment to think of my next move before one of these huge aliens – the one called Kitos – snatches me up, out of his leader’s lap, and throws me abruptly over his shoulder like I’m just a child.

  Before I can process that indignity, Daccia leaps up and slams his foot against the door of the private room – smashing it open and obliterating anything behind it.

  As the dust settles, I gasp – seeing Obbit laid flat on his back in the hallway.

  Obbit – the five-hundred-pound Toad, who’d pinned me to the wall earlier like I was nothing. That burly Aurelian just knocked the enormous Toad down like he weighed less than I did.

  As satisfying as it was to watch Obbit whimpering on the ground, I realized it was bad news for me.

  I’d been utterly wrong in my read. From their huge erections, and the way they’d made me dance for them, I’d assumed t
hese aliens truly were the Rogue Aurelians they’d posed as – frequenting Spur’s joint looking to buy a slave to add to their harem.

  Instead, just as I’d feared, they’re really Aurelian Law Enforcement – come to capture me as I’d always feared they one day would…

  But if they think they’re going to get me back to Colossus without a fight, these three bastards will have another think coming.

  I kick and squirm in Kitos’ grasp, but there’s no chance to get away. The Aurelian has a tight grip around me with a single, burly arm – even while he draws his Orb-Weapon with the other.

  Fuck! They’re going to bust me out of here – steal me from Spur!

  I’m jarred as Kitos bolts forward in pursuit of his leader. My body bounces as the towering Aurelian barrels down the hallway. Daccia leads the way – smashing his way through a pair of Spur’s guards, not even bothering to cut them down as he rushes forward.

  The corridor beyond is lit up like a casino – all in an effort to coax the patrons of Spur’s to pay for private dances, and sometimes more. The blue and purple lights washing over us serve as a contrast to the violence suddenly happening all around me.

  Everything happened so quickly that not even Spur’s employees know what’s going on – but they know that something’s wrong. The guards and henchman that Spur has stationed around the club all come lurching forward to block the Aurelians – but they don’t get very far.

  I turn my head painfully to try to get a view in front of me. Daccia uses that same kicking technique to smash his way through another doorway – this one leading into the back alleyway behind the club. I’m carried by Kitos outside, into the chill evening air.

  Outside, the streets of the city are rundown. A homeless man’s eyes widen as we emerge into the alleyway. He’d been slumped against a wall, drinking cheap liquor, and the expression on his face suggests he’s not even sure if he’s really seeing what he’s seeing; or if the hooch is giving him hallucinations.


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