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Love Song: A friends-to-lovers rock & roll romantic suspense

Page 7

by K. G. Fletcher

  Laura reassured Casey that Donny never touched her or verbally threatened her. She said he was fairly civil and was careful with how he spoke. Casey could tell her sister was nervous over the phone by the way her voice quivered as if she were afraid her actions of disappearing again might have started World War III. Her voice was also higher than normal as she spoke in whispers so GG wouldn’t overhear their conversation. Casey feared for Laura’s life and felt deep remorse for not being there when she needed her the most. She asked her to text the address of Beth’s house and promised they would come up with a game plan for when she returned the next day.

  Casey braved a strong front while on the phone but could feel herself coming apart at the seams. For Donny Tanner to have tracked down Laura again with a restraining order against him was more than she could bear. She knew this was some heavy shit and they would have to be very careful. Laura apologized profusely for texting her in the middle of a show and told Casey she loved her. Swallowing a huge lump in her throat, Casey told Laura she loved her too.

  When their call ended, she looked forlornly at Sam before she burst into tears. He was right there to console her with his strong arms protectively around her, and appeared to be deeply concerned about the events he’d just been told. This was the hard stuff—the stuff that could either make or break a relationship, and theirs was brand new.

  “Shhh… darlin’, I’m right here okay? I’m not going anywhere. I want to help.”

  Casey pulled back from him, wiping the tears from her streaked stage makeup. “This is heavy-duty Sam. I understand if you want to walk away before things get too—” He interrupted her by placing his fingers gently over her mouth, and slowly shook his head. She couldn’t help but notice his blue eyes misting slightly.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  The melody of their love song hummed sweetly beneath her skin.


  Casey went back to her room while Sam finished collecting his gear and saying good night to the rest of the band.

  “Dude! Great job again,” Rocky said as he shook Sam’s hand excitedly.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “Hey, you wanna go grab a New York slice or something before we call it a night?”

  Sam had forgotten he was technically sharing a room with Rocky. It was time to let him know what was going on. “So… I’m going to bunk up with Casey tonight. Cool?” He bit his lower lip in anticipation of the keyboard player’s reaction.

  “Whoa! You and Casey?”

  Sam nodded.

  Rocky scrunched up his entire face with pure elation. “Dude! That’s awesome! You guys make a great couple.” He held up his hand for a high-five.

  Sam told him he would be up to get his stuff in a few minutes and thanked him for understanding. Dora pulled him aside and gave him a hug while Rocky engaged in another animated conversation with their bass player.

  “Take care of my sweet girl, okay? This stuff’s been going on for a very long time. She comes across as strong, but I think she’s really afraid.” She looked up at him with concern.

  Sam nodded sadly. “Dora, where is the rest of her family? I mean, do her parents live nearby? Is there anyone else that can help?”

  Dora’s sigh was heavy. “No. I’m sure she hasn’t told you yet, but her parents died when she was still a teenager, way before her niece was born. It’s just the three of them now.” He nodded again and she kissed his cheek. “Good night Sam. Great show tonight.” She offered him a weary smile and started to walk away. He had an idea and quickly grabbed her arm.

  “Dora! Where can I get some New York style pizza around here? I think our girl needs a little cheering up.”

  A huge grin blossomed across her face. “Come with me. I walk by the best place on my way to the subway to go home.” The two linked arms and walked out into the brisk fall night.


  Casey was emotionally exhausted. She walked right into the hotel room and threw her things on the desk, slipped off her shoes and didn’t even bother to change, climbing under the covers fully clothed in her show dress. She must have dozed because she was disoriented when Sam walked through the door juggling his luggage, cymbal case, a pizza box and a plastic bag with a six-pack of beer. Sitting up, she wearily blinked her eyes and tried to adjust to all the lights still on in the room, remembering she’d given him the spare key card earlier.

  “Hey, darlin’. Sorry that took me so long.” Parking his luggage by the wall, he set the pizza and beer down on the dresser. “How are you holding up?” He seemed to take in her appearance and she blushed, sure her stage makeup was smeared across her face and her hair in a wild mane.

  “I’m alright. I must have fallen asleep.”

  Easing himself next to her on the bed, he nodded and linked his warm fingers with hers. “I’ve got us some genuine New York pizza. Are you hungry?”

  Casey looked over at the pizza box and licked her lips. “Maybe a little.”

  He smiled and brought the pizza and beer over to the bed, laying it out like a picnic. When he opened the box, steam floated in the air revealing the large pie topped with everything imaginable. “I didn’t know what you liked on your pizza, so I just got the works.”

  She looked at him and grinned. “Works for me.”

  They ate pizza and drank a few beers, talking quietly about the gig. Casey didn’t bring up her sister or niece and felt much more relaxed. As she watched him clean up the aftermath of their picnic, she was floored by Sam’s genuine gladness to be there for her.

  “Come on.” He offered her his hand. “Let me help you get ready for bed.”

  A frown tugged at her lips as she looked up at him, uncertainty filling her being. When she took his hand, he led her into the bathroom and flipped down the toilet seat cover motioning for her to sit. Without saying a word, she sat, curious as to what he had in mind to do in the bathroom. Looking through her toiletry case, he pulled out her travel packet of make-up remover wipes. She watched his every move as he washed his hands and rolled up his sleeves before taking several wipes out of the packet. When he turned to her, he lifted her chin up with his fingers, and gently swiped the wipe across her cheeks removing her show makeup. His brow was furrowed with concentration, and he was tender in his actions. Her demeanor changed as she received his humble gift, and tears started to well in her eyes again.

  “Sweetie, don’t cry. I’m just washing your face.”

  Biting her lip to keep her emotions at bay, she nodded, and pulled off her false eyelashes, tossing them in the trash. Sam swept a clean wipe across her eyes, taking off the mascara and eyeliner, revealing her true self, unadorned and pure. When he stepped back to assess his handiwork, he nodded with satisfaction before he grabbed her brush off the counter.

  “Turn to the side,” he quietly whispered, causing a shiver to travel down her spine. She shifted, closing her eyes, and could feel him start to brush out her show hair. With each gentle stroke, she started to relax and finally breathe. When he finished, he lay the brush back on the counter and pulled her hair into a low ponytail at her nape, securing it with a rubber band. She opened her eyes to meet his, unembarrassed by her natural self, unlike the last time. Hoisting her up with both hands, she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist, breathing in his scent at the crook of his neck. As he kissed her ear and held her tightly under the harsh, fluorescent lighting of the bathroom, they held on to each other, as if not wanting to let go.

  It was several minutes before Casey pulled back from him and boldly started to unbutton his shirt, revealing his broad chest and tight abs. Running her fingers up and down his skin, she watched him shiver. Without a word, he turned her around and hoisted up her skirt before grasping at her panties. She watched him in the reflection of the mirror as he caressed her bare ass, her undergarment dropping to her feet. His hand spread her legs apart and he continued to stroke her inner thighs making her moan. Their eyes locked in on each other in the mirror, his fingers slowing rubbing
the apex of her legs. She couldn’t help but gyrate against his hand.

  “Hold that thought,” he whispered into her hair and left the bathroom. She quickly rummaged through her overnight case and pulled out a gray container of birth control pills holding it up for him to see when he reentered.

  “I’m on the pill,” she whispered, smiling adoringly at him. He smiled back and mimicked wiping sweat off his brow. Pushing her ponytail to the side, he wrapped his arms around her from behind again, and kissed her neck lightly, his supple lips tracing her sensitive skin. Unzipping his pants, she felt his hand press into her lower back as he steadied himself and teased her wet opening. When he finally thrust into her tight wetness, his gasp was audible. Arching her back, she held onto the vanity and stuck her butt out, overcome with pleasure. It didn’t take long before their bodies pulsed in such a frenzy she thought they might break the sink off the wall. Watching their reflection in the mirror was totally erotic, their hands all over each other; their facial expressions full of crazy fervor. When they came together, Sam collapsed against her back with his arms around her, firmly holding her breasts. His heart beat like a kick drum against her bare skin, and her breathing found his rhythm and slowed.

  When his weight was off her back, she turned around and held the edge of the sink with trembling hands. Sam appeared completely exhausted, but offered a naughty grin as he inhaled deeply. His pants pooled around his ankles and his flaccid penis glistened with wetness.

  Holding his arms open, she pressed into his warm embrace. “Let’s get some sleep, darlin’.” His hot breath floated over the shell of her ear. “We’ve got a big day ahead of us.”

  Her heart swelled when he said the word, “us.”

  Chapter Ten

  Gwyneth played in the front yard of the Roberts’ home blowing bubbles with Beth’s daughter, Chloe. She seemed to recognize Casey’s car and squealed with delight. “Cee-Cee!!”

  Putting the car in park and turning off the ignition, Casey quickly got out just in time to catch her niece as she propelled her small body into her arms. “GG!” She screeched, swinging the little girl in a circle.

  Sam parked right behind her and smiled as he exited his truck, as if pleased by their reunion. When GG noticed him approaching, she tensed. “Who is that man?” Pointing at what she thought was a male stranger, Casey reassured the little girl, shifting her tiny body to rest on her hip.

  “This is Sam. He’s my special friend.”

  As if on cue, he greeted GG with a big grin on his face. “Hey, Gwyneth. It’s nice to meet you.” He had a small snow globe in his hand with a miniature Statue of Liberty inside. Casey explained how she always brought back a special prize for her niece after being out of town. He insisted on being the deliverer of the prize this time, which she agreed would be a great ice-breaker. GG wiggled out of Casey’s arms and stood shyly next to her. Sam knelt down to her level and held the gift out for her to take.

  “This is for you, sweetheart.”

  She looked up at Casey who nodded before she took the globe tentatively from his open palm.

  “When you shake it up, it starts to snow.” He smiled and watched her gently shake the present, her hazel eyes following the tiny white flakes as they fell around the famous New York landmark. She grinned with delight.

  “What do you say?” Casey encouraged.

  “Thank you, Sam,” she whispered softly, clutching the new gift to her chest.

  “You’re welcome.” He smiled and watched her run over to Chloe. “She’s a doll.”

  “That, she is,” Casey agreed.

  Laying his arm across her shoulders, they walked up to the front door just as Laura came out. “Sam, this is my sister, Laura.”

  When she put her hand out to shake his, Sam surprised her with a polite hug instead. “Laura, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  GG interrupted, running up to her mother holding the snow globe out to her as if it were a million-dollar diamond. “Mama! Lookie what Sam gave to me! It snows!” Her eyes sparkled with childlike wonder and she energetically shook the plastic to show her mother how it worked.

  “How wonderful! I hope you thanked Sam for such a nice gift.”

  She nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shifting to watch the last of the snowflakes fall inside the plastic dome. In an instant, she and Chloe were off and running again, giggling in the faded grass of the front yard against the suburban street.

  The adults went inside and sat in the living room. They chatted quietly as Beth offered beverages. Casey was anxious to get to the topic at hand and approached the subject when they were all finally settled.

  “So, what’s the game plan, sister?” She looked expectantly at Laura who briefly looked at Beth before replying.

  “The Roberts’ have offered to let us stay here for the time being until I can talk to a lawyer and find out what the penalty is for going against the restraining order.”

  Casey nodded. “Beth, thanks so much. That’s really generous of you.”

  “Well, it’s the least I could do. And Gwyneth and Chloe get along really well.”

  Sam sipped his glass of water with his arm across Casey’s shoulders. “So, what is the penalty for violating a restraining order?” he asked curiously.

  Laura seemed embarrassed and looked at her lap. Casey turned to him and explained. “Well, a violation is a misdemeanor charge which is crap, but he could still face a fine of up to a thousand dollars and could possibly go to jail for up to a year. He knew what he was doing, intentionally following and stalking my sister. That’s a definite violation.”

  “But it was the first time he ever went against the order,” Laura chimed in.

  Casey let out an exasperated breath. “Laura…stop trying to defend him. He’s not stable and you don’t need him around your daughter threatening you with God knows what!”

  “I know,” she responded, nervously wringing her hands in her lap. “I just don’t think this is ever going to end.” Her shoulders slumped with defeat, and her eyes held a definitive sadness.

  Casey felt the familiar rage against Donny Tanner start to boil within her. “Don’t let him win, Laura,” she growled through gritted teeth. “After all that we’ve been through, he’s not going to win!” She hoisted herself off the couch and marched into the kitchen to cool off before she said something really inappropriate in from of Sam and Beth.

  Sam leaned his elbows on his knees and rubbed his palms back and forth. The tension in the room was obvious. “Casey was really worried being so far away from you in New York. She didn’t sleep well last night either so she’s probably just tired.”

  Beth stood. “I’ll go check on the girls outside.” They watched as she went out the front door.

  Laura cleared her throat and cautiously began to speak. “I know you must think I’m a fool. I never expected to be involved with such a volatile man. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

  Sam tried to comfort her. “You don’t deserve what’s happened to you, Laura. A real man doesn’t hurt a woman, emotionally or physically.” He allowed his comment to settle for a moment. “I don’t know you, but I know your sister and what she’s told me. I can’t even imagine being in your shoes trying to raise your beautiful daughter, protecting her from her own father.” He paused and watched a single tear slip silently down her cheek. “From what Casey has told me, you’re a very strong, capable woman. I want you to know that I’m here to help in any way I can. You can trust me, Laura. Okay?”

  She sniffled and nodded slowly. “You need to watch out for my sister.” Her voice was low with the warning. “I don’t think I want her going back to the apartment alone. Donny was supposed to come over today. He may be waiting over there right now. He’s been very vocal about how much he despises Casey and blames her for keeping GG away from him.”

  The hairs on the back of Sam’s neck bristled as he nodded in agreement. “I don’t want you to worry about her. I’ll make sure she’s out of harm’s way. You just concent
rate on finding a lawyer and keeping your daughter safe.” He stood and walked toward her. “I really am so sorry you have to go through this.”

  Casey reentered the room just in time to see Sam hugging Laura. Marveling at the scene, her heart pulsed with a distinct rhythm, reminding her of the love song they were creating, making her catch her breath. When Laura pulled back from his embrace and noticed Casey, she wiped her cheeks and pointed at him. “He’s a good guy.”

  Casey approached both of them and put her arms around their shoulders. After kissing her sister’s cheek, she leaned her chin on her shoulder and offered a heartfelt apology. “I’m sorry.”

  Laura leaned her head against Casey’s. “I know.”

  Sam was involved now, his obvious commitment to her a beautiful testament to his character. Casey didn’t know what was in store for them or what the future entailed. The only thing she knew for sure was how she felt about this man who calmed her storms and made her feel safe in his arms. She was falling head over heels in love with him.


  Casey waved at her niece who stood on the driveway still holding her prized snow globe. Laura stood beside her and waved back, beams of sunlight making a halo around her head. They all agreed unanimously they would stay with the Roberts for the time being. Laura and Beth would carpool to the school where they worked together to make sure she was never alone and GG would be with Chloe at their preschool during the days while they worked. Casey reluctantly agreed to stay with Sam on his farm to keep her sister from worrying. Giving up control of the situation, and trusting another family to be in charge was hard for her.

  She was feeling a whole slew of emotions—thankful Sam was so in tune with her, and thankful her sister and niece had a safe place to stay for the time being. But she also felt… hesitant. She knew she felt a deep connection with Sam and wasn’t sure how to navigate this new relationship. Should she offer to pay rent while she stayed with him? Would she be sharing his bed? Did she need to learn how to cook for him? She’d never played “house” with any man in her entire life and the fear of the unknown was messing with her.


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