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Love Song: A friends-to-lovers rock & roll romantic suspense

Page 9

by K. G. Fletcher

  Expelling a long breath, she let her eyelids close and felt him cup water around the ridge of her hairline before pulling her up into a sitting position. Bringing her knees against her breasts, she held them there while he shampooed her hair, kneading his strong fingers across her scalp. She moaned with pleasure, the intense feeling erotic and oh, so relaxing. Gently, he tilted her head back and she kept her eyes closed, feeling a waterfall pour down the back of her head as he used some kind of cup to get the shampoo out. When he was finished, he wiped a dry towel across her face, catching the rogue droplets dripping down her cheeks. Pushing her long, wet hair to the side, he started to massage her shoulders, digging his thumbs deep into her muscles. Casey thought she might have an orgasm right then and there, it felt so damn good. When his hands stilled, her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him. He held a towel in his hands, open and ready for her to come into. She was so relaxed, she wasn’t sure if she could pull herself out. He must have sensed her hesitation and grabbed her by the forearm, hoisting her forward. She was soaking wet from head to toe wrapped like a burrito in his arms. Holding her, he used his free hand to wipe droplets of water back from her forehead.

  “I love you, Sam,” she sighed, staring into his deep, blue eyes.

  “I love you too darlin’.”


  Casey couldn’t remember a time in her entire life where she’d slept so well. For a split second, she couldn’t remember where she was and opened her eyes, taking in the hazy images of Sam’s bedroom. When she turned to look at him, she was disappointed he was already out of bed, a faint warmth lingering where his naked body had lain. Running her hand across the sheets, she exhaled comfortably, the aroma of coffee summoning her out of the bed. She sat up, pulling her knees against her bare chest and smoothed her wild hair away from her face. Through the gauzy curtains outside the bay window, she could see the red barn. The morning was so quiet and peaceful, the chirping of the birds a sweet sound to wake up to. Her heart fluttered; her love song for Sam quietly humming in her being. She wanted to touch him and talk to him about everything. She wanted to know about his life growing up; about his beautiful family, his dreams to be a musician and his plans for the future as a recording producer and college professor.

  With a sudden urge to see him, she hoisted her naked body up off the bed quickly. As her bare feet padded across the floor toward the bathroom, the hinges on the bedroom door creaked and she turned to see Sam standing in the doorway holding two cups of coffee. He was shirtless and his gray sweatpants hung just so on his waist. His blue eyes were bright behind the horn-rimmed glasses he wore, and he had humorous bed-head. He stopped in his tracks, staring at Casey’s nude body in the morning light.

  “Wow…” he whispered. “A guy could get used to this.”

  Her face radiated love as she kissed him lightly on his lips. “Good morning.” She wasn’t self-conscious at all and felt totally comfortable standing in her birthday suit in front of him.

  “Good morning,” he replied enthusiastically. She had the feeling if his hands weren’t occupied holding two coffee cups, they would have been all over her warm, blushing skin. He handed her one of the mugs and she disappeared into the bathroom. A few seconds later, she reappeared in her bathrobe sipping on the coffee and sat on the window seat patting the cushion for him to join her.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked as he ran his index finger across her knee slightly exposed from the fold in her robe.

  “Like a rock.” She continued to sip the hot beverage while peering over the rim at him, pure bliss washing over her. Turning his face to look out the window, his masculine jaw line was accentuated by his gorgeous smile. The glasses he wore added to his sultriness. Sam was so handsome and her insides stirred, imagining him making love to her while wearing them. “You look like a professor this morning,” she grinned.

  With a raised eyebrow, he looked at her. “Do I?”

  “Yes sir,” she teased.

  “Well, you look like a goddess.” Taking the mug from her hands, he set it on the window sill. Very slowly and with intention, he brought both hands up to the lapels of her robe and gently pulled them apart revealing her bare chest. She breathed in heavily, making her breasts rise, and she could feel her nipples pebble against the morning air. Running his hand across her skin, he started making circles with his index finger around her bosom. She watched him, aware of her body tingling all over, including the dampening area between her legs. Pulling on the tie of her robe, the garment fell open, and his mouth made an “O” as he sucked in a breath, his abs rippling in the morning light.

  “You’re so beautiful, Casey,” Barely touching her skin, he raked the tips of his fingers down to her pubic hair. She closed her eyes and let her head roll back, repositioning herself so that her legs were open wide.

  “Oh, yes,” he murmured.

  Shrugging out of the robe, she was completely naked again. She grasped his cheeks to pull him forward and couldn’t help but crash her lips against his in a passionate kiss. Pulling her up into a standing position, his hands ran the length of her body before gripping her buttocks. Flinging his glasses off onto the window cushions, he picked her up and carried her the short distance to the unmade bed. Hovering over her body with his hardness tenting his sweatpants, he stroked her swollen nub, his gaze intent as she lay there in pure pleasure.

  “You are so wet and so sweet…” he whispered. When he withdrew his fingers, she watched him lick them seductively before he yanked down his pants and grabbed his cock. Bending her knees, she stretched her arms to grip his boner between her legs and guide him inside her, but he pulled back and continued his merciless teasing.

  “Please, Sam. I want you so bad,” she urged.

  His pupils were dark with desire. “You want me darlin’?” he taunted as he flicked the tip of his penis back and forth across her clit.

  “Yes, I want you… only you, Sam.” She wasn’t sure if she could hold out much longer.

  Lifting her hips, he thrust his hardness inside her, making her squeal with pleasure. Their foreplay and his fast-paced rhythm quickly brought her to the edge of oblivion within seconds.

  “Faster Sam…. Oh God, oh God!” When he gripped her hands above her head, she couldn’t help but fall over the edge, succumbing to a full-blown orgasm. Sam continued to thrust into her pulsing walls as waves of bliss rocked her entire body. Fisting his hands into her hair, he stiffened before pouring himself into her with his staccato breath echoing her name in her ears. The pleasure was fast and intense before he collapsed against her body.

  They lay there panting from the intense climax, and she could hear the sound of birds chirping happily outside the window. He gently pulled out and rolled onto his back, his penis glistening in the morning light. Casey lifted her head and rested her chin on her hands. Turning to look at her with flushed cheeks, he played with her hair between his fingers. They both seemed to have a hard time finding the words to convey how wonderful they felt.

  “I want to wake up with you next to me every day for the rest of my life,” he spoke softly. His blues eyes were glass—calm and relaxed.

  Staring back at him with love emanating from her gaze, all she could mutter was, “Mmmmm.” She leaned down to kiss him delicately on his swollen lips, her tongue darting inside his mouth, which held the faintest taste of lingering coffee. Nipping at his earlobe she whispered, “I love you.”

  Grabbing the back of her head, he leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you too.”

  Closing her eyes, she made a mental note to remember this moment and how utterly happy she felt. But a gnawing sense of guilt plagued the back of her mind. If Donny Tanner hadn’t of shown up again, she probably wouldn’t be staying at Sam’s house. She didn’t want her happiness to be riding on her sister’s trauma, but she didn’t want to think about that now. The only thing she wanted to do was lay in Sam’s arms and bask in the glow of their new-found love, thankful for the sweet, sweet melody maski
ng the negative chatter in her mind.

  Sam kissed her cheek and rose to put on his sweat pants. Staring up at him, completely satiated, she admired his lean, muscular physique. He grabbed his glasses and her robe off the window seat and held his hand out. “Come on, gorgeous. I’m starved.”

  As she shrugged on her robe, Sam opened the bedroom door allowing Bleu to trot in and sniff around. Casey laughed, patting his head. “Good morning to you too, Bleu.” Beams of sunlight highlighted the crumpled sheets on the bed as the three of them exited the bedroom.


  Donny Tanner waited at the bottom of the apartment steps in the shadows, smoking a cigarette. He’d slept in his car at a nearby park, waiting for daybreak so he could come back to the gated complex, hoping Laura and his daughter might be inside and getting ready for the day. When mid-morning hit and there was still no sign of them, he realized they’d ditched him again, which made him even more determined than ever to find them. He knew they couldn’t stay away forever and conjured up a plan to speak to some of the neighbors in hopes that Laura might have spoken to one of them before their departure.

  The sound of a door creaking open caught his attention, and he quickly snuffed out his cigarette on the concrete. An elderly lady exited her apartment dressed in a trench coat and cautiously came down the stairs carrying a little Yorkie terrier.

  “Come on, precious,” she mumbled to the animal. “Time to do your business.”

  As she approached the landing, Donny turned the corner and started up the stairs with purpose, startling the old woman.

  “Good morning,” he said cheerfully, flashing his trademark, bad boy grin. He bounded up the stairs two at a time and started knocking on Laura’s door.

  The woman placed her little dog on a patch of grass and looked up the stairwell with concern, watching his every move. Donny knew she might be his only hope of finding out where Laura and his daughter might be. He continued his little act knocking politely on the door once again and it paid off.

  “Excuse me,” she yelled up to him. “Excuse me, sir. They’re not at home.”

  Donny leaned over the railing and ran his hands through his hair. “They’re not?”

  The old lady pursed her lips and shook her head. She paused looking down at her pet as it tinkled in the grass.

  Donny trotted eagerly down the steps and extended his hand. “I’m so sorry. I should have introduced myself. I’m Donny. I’m Gwyneth’s father.”

  The woman looked up at him with surprise and started to smile. “Well, I can see the resemblance. GG has your eyes.” She seemed pleased making the connection. “I’m Mrs. Donovan from across the hall.”

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He shifted uncomfortably. Here was his chance. “You wouldn’t happen to know where they might be, would you? I was supposed to take my little girl to the Georgia Aquarium today. I have a few days off and always like to spend them with her.” He hoped his lie fooled the old bat.

  “Oh, that’s so sweet. A father-daughter day.” She reached down to pick up her Yorkie. “Say hello to the handsome man, precious.” She teased, waving his little paw at Donny. He wasn’t so sure he could continue his little act, imagining for a moment how he would like to toss the little rodent dog out of her hands and smash her face in with his fist.

  Shaking the dark images from his head, he plastered a fake smile back on his face. “So, you know where they might be?” he asked through his bogus smile and gritted teeth.

  Mrs. Donovan thought for a moment. “I believe they’re on vacation. Casey told me just yesterday she was packing up and said they’d be gone on vacation for a while. She didn’t say where they were going, but she did introduce me to her handsome fella.”

  Donny furrowed his brow, a hot ember of anger igniting in his belly. He’d known Casey for half of her life and had never seen her with any type of “fella.” “Casey was with a guy?” he stammered.

  “Yes. Mr. Sam Wildner. They looked so cute together.” She seemed pleased she’d remembered his name.

  Donny tensed, imaging a man hanging out with Casey and probably his daughter. He realized this Sam “fella” might be the key to finding his family. Reaching his hand out to pat the Yorkie aggressively on the head, the little dog barked and nipped at his hand. “Well, if you see them, don’t tell them I stopped by. This was supposed to be a surprise. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Donovan.” He quickly darted behind the building to jump the fence, leaving the old woman open mouthed, standing on the sidewalk.

  “It was nice to meet you too, Tommy!” she shouted after him. Pausing for a moment, she turned to her dog. “Or was his name Donny?” she mumbled.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gravel crunched under Casey’s tennis shoes as she walked along the fence line to a small opening of trampled grass. Sam had told her about the trail and encouraged her to take a hike with Bleu by her side. The big dog trotted in front of her, familiar with the area leading into a faded pasture. The weather was gorgeous and Casey felt energetic and alive, exploring the farm property. She had nothing planned for the day and didn’t feel like calling her temp agency for a few days at least, so she could familiarize herself with her new home. Sam, unfortunately, had to be at work. He was the hired marching band teacher at the local high school and they were preparing for the big homecoming game coming up in a couple of weeks. He told her he could have called in sick, but it was just too close to the big game and he felt like he needed to honor his commitment to the kids who’d worked so hard over the past few months. She totally agreed and felt a surge of pride knowing her boyfriend was so dedicated. She was also secretly pleased to be able to spend the day as she wished, exploring and getting to know the lay of the land.

  At lunchtime, she spoke to her sister, relieved to hear nothing out of the ordinary had happened as of late. Laura hadn’t heard from Donny and GG was safe at her preschool.

  Casey sighed, breathing in the fresh, farm air. Her body temperature was heated from all the walking, so she wrapped her jacket around her waist. She paused and threw several large sticks for Bleu to retrieve, giggling at the big dog who acted more like a contented puppy obediently bringing them back to her. The trail finally ended near a grove of trees on the bank of the Chattahoochee River. Sitting on a big rock overlooking the shoreline, she listened to the sounds of the dark water as it lazily flowed southwesterly toward metropolitan Atlanta. Bleu lay beside her and she leaned back on her elbows, allowing the sunshine to warm her face. She couldn’t help but smile, the rushing water adding a unique element to the love song humming within her. Replete with gratitude for her new path in life with Sam, she thought to herself she must have done something good in her life at some point to deserve such an incredible man.

  The trees whooshed in the slight breeze sending several colorful fall leaves raining down on her and Bleu. The big dog looked around, nonplussed, making Casey laugh out loud. Picking up a bright yellow leaf, she twirled it between her fingers thinking about her love for Sam. It had been the perfect day, waking up in his bed, sharing coffee and making love. He made her breakfast which consisted of a berry smoothie and a hardboiled egg. While he was upstairs showering and getting ready for work, she made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to take to school for lunch and included an apple and a cheese stick. Touched by her gesture, they made out in the mudroom before his departure. With flushed cheeks, she waved as he drove down the driveway to the main road and he blew her kisses out the window. It was really kind of corny the way they were acting, but she didn’t care. Being in love agreed with her.

  Glancing at the time on her cell, she got an idea. “Come on Bleu,” she said to her dozing companion. “We’ve got work to do.”


  Sam never left the school till close to six on weekdays, always available to help his students who needed extra attention. When he looked at his watch and realized it was almost seven, he panicked and quickly gathered his things to head home. It had been a busy Monday leaving him har
dly any time to communicate with Casey all day. She’d texted around lunchtime as he was eating the sandwich she made him to let him know that Laura and GG were doing well. Relieved with the update, he immersed himself into the rest of his chaotic day, dealing with high school music students.

  Revving his truck engine against the dark sky, he zipped up his jacket to fight off the slight chill in the autumn air. At least the traffic was minuscule and he made it home in less than twenty minutes. The porch light was on and Bleu bounded down the stairs to him with puppy fervor as he always did after they’d been apart for the day. Sam grabbed his computer bag and stomped up into the mudroom.

  “Honey, I’m home!” he exclaimed humorously.

  He entered the kitchen with wide eyes, the entire room reeking of garlic. The countertops held every pot and pan he owned and there was a variety of food strewn about as if a marathon cooking class had taken place. His table was set with two place settings and a tall, tapered candle had burned halfway down dripping wax onto the holder. An open bottle of wine sat near the edge of the table and Sam lifted it up eyeing how much had been drunk, observing it to be only a quarter full. He bent over to look in the garbage can and noticed a crumpled bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken on top of something black and burned which he couldn’t make out. Bleu moaned and sat on his hind legs as if waiting for his reaction.

  With one hand on his hip and the other scratching the back of his head, Sam suppressed a belly laugh, his heart surging with appreciation because he knew Casey had tried her best to make him a special dinner and failed. Before their first date she told him she wasn’t much of a cook. Boy, she wasn’t kidding. He felt a little sorry for her kitchen fiasco and took a swig of the remaining wine before he hunted her down.

  “Well, at least she tried, huh, Bleu?” His big dog barked in agreement and followed him through the house. “Casey?” He walked into the empty living area and continued up the stairs to the second floor. “Casey? Darlin’ where are you?” He shrugged off his jacket as he entered the master bedroom and found her curled up on the window seat, fast asleep. Turning to Bleu, he placed his index finger over his mouth before tip-toeing over to her.


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