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The Digestive Health Center: Susan's Story

Page 8

by Pepper North

  “You’re cold, Susan. Let’s get you under the covers.” He lifted her feet to the bed and urged her to lay back by pressing on her shoulder. When she was in place, Mark covered her up with the other side of the comforter so she was covered. “Just relax while I bring in the supplies.”

  Susan yawned. She was tired. Maybe, she could just close her eyes for a little while. She wouldn’t go to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Susan woke an hour later to smell pizza. Her stomach growled ferociously. Susan saw a familiar white fluffy robe at the bottom of her bed along with a pair of soft socks. She got out of bed and pulled on a pair of panties before wrapping herself in the robe and putting on the socks. Walking to her kitchen, she passed the open guest room door. The bed had been cleared off and it now had a duffle bag sitting in the middle of the mattress. It looked like she was going to have an overnight guest. She had wondered how Mark was going to be there each night and then the next morning to treat her. Now, she knew. He’d spend the night at her house. Her neighbors were going to assume he was her new boyfriend.

  She continued down the hall and into the kitchen. Mark heard her and came in from the dining room area. “Hi, Susan. Do you feel better?” he asked. “I poked around your freezer and came up with a frozen pizza. It’s smelling pretty good. Did your nose wake you up?”

  “It smells awesome. I shouldn’t be so hungry. I haven’t done anything all weekend to build up an appetite but I bet I could even eat the cardboard box that pizza came out of,” she admitted. Just then, her stomach growled again and they both laughed.

  “Maybe, I should have cooked two pizzas,” Mark smiled at her. “Come sit down. Drink some water. You need to be hydrated. I had better check on the pizza. I bet it’s almost done.” Mark ushered her to the kitchen table that had been cleared of papers and set with glasses of water and milk.

  “Yuck, milk doesn’t go with pizza,” Susan said mentally deciding that she wasn’t going to drink that.

  “Of course, it does. Everything goes with pizza,” Mark answered taking the pizza out of the oven with her red oven mitts. He waved them in her direction. “I hope you don’t mind. I thought it was more important that you rest than answer a whole bunch of questions from me. I just made myself at home. I moved your papers from the table over to the island very carefully so I didn’t mess up any organizational system you had.” He quickly sliced the pizza into wedges and placed two on each plate before carrying them over to the table. He’d put her hot sauce on the table earlier. Now, he liberally dotted his pizza with the red spice before handing it over to her. “Do you like hot sauce, Susan?”

  She nodded before adding a little to her pizza. She took an eager bite. The flavor exploded into her mouth. As soon as she could chew and swallow, she commented, “Wow! This is so good. Why doesn’t frozen pizza usually taste this good?” she asked as she eagerly bit into the pizza again.

  “I have a secret seasoning blend I always add to pizza. You had all the ingredients. If you’re a good patient, I may share my secret with you. Maybe.” Mark said with a smile. “Is it too hot?”

  Susan shook her head “no” but she had to wipe the sweat beading on her brow from the pizza’s fresh out of the oven temperature and the added spice. “Try some milk. It is a better combination than you would have thought,” he suggested lifting his milk glass to toast her. Susan picked up her glass and took a small sip and then a bigger sip. Mark nodded his head knowingly, “Good, isn’t it?” Susan nodded her agreement.

  Susan ate with gusto. Mark brought her a couple more pieces and together they finished off the pizza. As she swallowed the last bite, Susan told him, “You know, I think that was the best frozen pizza that I’ve ever eaten. It’s definitely the best frozen pizza that ever came out of that oven.” She wiped her mouth and sat back in her chair. “I’m stuffed.”

  “Go sit in the family room and watch some TV,” Mark suggested. “I’ll tidy up in here and then, I’ll come in to watch with you.” He waved off her offers to help.

  Susan went into the family room following his directions and soon was laughing at the funny video show that was playing. The sound of her laughter urged Mark to quickly complete his job and he joined her a few minutes later. When a commercial came on, Mark reminded Susan that she needed to wear her prosthesis again. She tried to talk him out of it but he pulled her out of her chair and steered her to the dining room.

  Susan froze in the doorway. It had been transformed into a medical examination room. There was a table that looked like it adjusted in some way. Next to it, a wide tray sat on rollers holding a variety of instruments and several jars and tubes. She groaned to see a rolling medical pole stand equipped with an oversized enema bag and hose. Other closed cases stood on the side of the room. She didn’t want to know what was in those.

  Mark urged her in and was helping her out of the robe before she could absorb all the changes to the room. “Looks a little different, doesn’t it? Your house is perfectly set up for me to treat you.” He stopped as her panties were revealed under the robe. “Susan, you don’t need to wear panties when you are home now. I need to treat your rectum and intestines. Let’s get these off.” He pushed her panties off her waist and whisked them down and off her feet. “Up on the table!” he told her as he helped her take the shoulders to table her position with her buttocks elevated and separated by widely placed knees.

  Susan heard him open a jar and then she felt his fingers as he pressed lubricant around. A medium sized tube entered her anus and Susan felt a warm liquid squirt into her rectum. “Just the lubricant,” Mark explained as he saw her tense. “Relax, Susan.” He waited several seconds until he saw her muscles ease. He immediately began to press the large prosthesis into her rectum. “Easy, Susan, easy. Relax as much as you can. I know it’s not easy. I’ll get it in soon.” Mark tried to calm her by talking slowly. He pushed the device in despite her pleas to stop. “It must go in Susan. Don’t make it harder on yourself. Relax for me.” He finally spanked her bottom sharply. At her gasp of surprise, Mark saw her relax in shock. He quickly pushed the prosthesis in place and patted her on the red mark of his spanking.

  “You spanked me,” Susan said in disbelief.

  “You were not cooperating, Susan. When I distracted you, you relaxed and I was able to seat the prosthesis without hurting you. I’ll do it again if you don’t cooperate,” Mark said evenly as he rubbed away the sting. “Now, it’s in place. Let’s go back and watch some TV before I put you in bed.” He lifted her off the table easily and set her on her feet.

  Susan immediately hunched over as she felt the prosthesis deep within her. “I can’t walk with this in me.”

  “Sure, you can,” Mark took both hands and began to pull her slowly through the kitchen and back into the family room. He ignored her as Susan protested the whole way. Once they were back in the family room, he had her lie down on her side on the couch to watch some TV. He chuckled to himself as her complaints faded away as she watched the funny show. Even the amusement of the videos couldn’t prevent the inevitable, Susan soon began to yawn and close her eyes. She was out within an hour. Mark picked her up and carried her into her bedroom where he tucked her in bed. He’d come back to remove the prosthesis when she’d worn it for two hours. He always followed Dr. Anderson’s schedules.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Susan jolted awake when she felt big, gloved hands turning her over on her side to face away from the door. She started to sit up but groaned as she felt the big prosthesis in her bottom. “Mark? Is that you?” she asked worried that there was an intruder in her house.

  “Yes, Susan. It’s just me. I’m sorry to scare you. You’ll soon get used to me being here with you. Turn over now on your side so I can take the prosthesis out of your rectum. It’s done its job tonight. Then you can go back to sleep, hon,” Mark said softly as he helped her shift over on her side. “Raise this thigh a little,” Mark pushed her top leg so that the knee was bent up revealing the bott
om of the prosthesis poking out of her. “Take a deep breath, Susan.” He began slowly pulling the stretching instrument out of her rectum as Susan groaned as her inner tissues were forced to flex to allow the prosthesis through her tight passageway. “That’s it, Susan. Good girl,” Mark praised as it exited her rectum. “Let me spread a little salve on you to help the soreness.” He pressed a cool mixture on to her anus and pushed it slightly in around the tight opening.

  Susan heard him strip off the gloves and he raised her top thigh up off the surface of the bed. “This salve feels really good here, too.” Mark said softly as he began to spread the salve across her clitoris and the opening of her vagina. He stroked softly brushing her most responsive areas repeatedly until Susan was pressing back toward his hand and moaning constantly. “That’s it, Susan. There’s always a reward for following the doctor’s orders,” he continued his motions reading her reactions perfectly until her body was poised on the brink of an enormous orgasm. Mark thrust his fingers deep into her vagina pushing her body into its ecstatic reward.

  Susan felt him pat her hip fondly as he stood up. Mark pulled her covers up to her chin and tucked her in like a small child. She heard him walk quietly to the door before heading down the short hallway to the kitchen and his new adjoining treatment room. “He’s going to store the prosthesis for tomorrow. I don’t like it but it’s supposed to help me,” Susan thought to herself as she yawned again and fell back to sleep.

  By the time Mark came back down the hallway, she was fast asleep. He smiled fondly as he looked in her door. Medical treatments were very tiring. Rewards were a great way to help a patient sleep after a long day. He ran his hand through his hair and decided to go to bed himself. Nurses needed sleep, too.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The next morning at 5:00 am, Mark wheeled a filled enema bag into Susan’s room quietly. She was sleep on her side so he easily pulled back the covers over her bottom. He raised her top buttock and pressed the inflatable nozzle deeply into her rectum. Squeezing the attached controls several times, he inflated the nozzle so that it would remain safely in her. She would not be able to dislodge it by turning over in bed. He clicked the clamp to begin the water and regulated it for a slow, gentle flow.

  Susan didn’t normally get up until 6:00. This would give the water an hour to flow inside his patient. He had calculated that she wouldn’t need to leave as early as normal because he’d drive her to work from now on instead of her having to catch the bus that took a slower more circuitous route to her office. That would give him time to administer her enema and for her to retain it as long as needed to stretch her narrow juncture deep inside. She might need a series of cleansing enemas after work later but this would follow her treatment program perfectly. Mark decided he would have time for a cup of coffee. He turned on the monitor he had plugged in last night and went to the kitchen to wait.

  About twenty minutes later, Mark began to hear Susan stir in her room. She moved restlessly on the rustling sheets. He put down his coffee cup and headed down the hall. Susan awoke fully to Mark pulling her covers back to reveal her nude body. She shivered in the cold air. “What . . . what’s going on?” she questioned sleepily. Her eyes widened as she realized that something was very different. She wrapped her hands around her bulging stomach. “Oh, no! You’re giving me an enema?”

  “Good Morning, Susan!” Mark said pleasantly. “Your enema treatment is almost all in. It’s time to turn onto your tummy to let the water run over to that spot on the right side.” He helped her turn so that she was again in the buttocks up, head and shoulders down position. Mark patted her bottom fondly before turning up the flow of the enema so that it would reach the narrowed section with sufficient force to stretch the tissues.

  Susan immediately tried to turn over and clench her buttocks together to stop the flow. “None of that Susan,” Mark chided as he put a restraining arm over her shoulders and behind her knees holding her in position. He moved her knees apart several inches causing her buttocks to separate naturally and allowing the water freer movement into her intestines.

  “Please, stop! This is a horrible way to wake up,” Susan protested. “I need to go to the bathroom now! You’re going to make me late to work.”

  “Susan, I have a new time schedule for you. I’ll explain it over breakfast but you’ll have plenty of time to get to work. I’m going to drive you so it will save a lot of time. We’ll use that time to treat your intestines,” Mark explained patiently without commenting on her ongoing struggles to free herself from her position. He easily held her in place until the large enema gurgled its signal that it was empty.

  “Can I get up now?” Susan begged. “I really have to go to the bathroom.

  “I know, Susan. It’s hard to be healthy. The enema must stay inside to stretch you. Would you like to listen to the news?” Mark turned on her bedroom TV and turned the channel to find his favorite news station. He settled down to sit on the floor and listened to the news. He made light, one-sided conversation with Susan. Her responses were mainly limited to groans and pleas to use the bathroom. Finally, when thirty minutes had passed, he helped Susan up out of bed. Following her down the hall with the empty enema bag, Mark had her stand next to the toilet as he released the air in the inflated nozzle. She immediately plopped down on the toilet with her enema bursting into the toilet bowl.

  Mark washed the enema bag, hose, and nozzle in the bathroom so he could keep an eye on her progress. When he heard the water expulsion slow to nothing, Mark turned on the shower warming the water for Susan before helping her step in. He leaned her against the side of the shower and soaped and rinsed her entire body. Susan pretended that she had not enjoyed her enema at all and she complained steadily about being woken up like this. Mark could tell she was covering for some feelings of arousal. Her vaginal area was saturated with slick juices and her nipples were very sensitive to the touch. Mark watched her swallow very hard consistently as he cleaned these areas.

  Once out of the shower, Mark toweled her dry and walked her back to her bedroom to dress. He pushed the enema pole down the hall back to his examination room. After washing his hands, Mark scrambled several eggs and poured more milk. As Susan walked into the room, he piled eggs on her plate and poured her some coffee.

  “I don’t eat breakfast,” Susan informed him curtly avoiding eye contact. She was still upset from her enema treatment.

  “You will now. It’s important that you follow a balanced diet, Susan. The enema treatment will help your bowels adjust and stretch but it will also help food move quickly through your system. You’ll need to eat the right foods to have energy for the day. I bet you were pretty tired mid-morning when you skipped breakfast,” Mark said looking at her as he ate his eggs.

  “Am I going to have an enema every morning?” she demanded. “I can’t do that. It’s a terrible way to wake up.”

  “You’ll frequently have enemas in the morning, Susan, but not every morning. Sometimes, you’ll have one when you get home from work or at lunch if I pick you up,” Mark replied calmly. He had expected that Susan would be grumpy this morning. “I will try to help you enjoy your morning enemas more after this.”

  “I won’t ever enjoy an enema,” she complained negatively.

  “Never say never, Susan. Now go brush your teeth and gather anything you need for work. Let’s hop in the car so you won’t be late,” Mark said grinning at the plan that was coalescing in his brain.

  He drove carefully through rush hour traffic and delivered her to her office building ten minutes early for work. He handed her a healthy sack lunch that he had prepared for her with the scant items that she had in her kitchen. “Eat this please. You need some good nutrition. Something fried or sugary that you buy from a machine is not nutritious,” he said with a smile. “I’ll know if you didn’t and I’ll give you a nutrient infusion tonight.”

  Susan took with it with a huff of breath. She had a feeling she knew what form that nutrient infusion would t
ake. “I get off at 4:30,” she informed him sharply.

  “I’ll be in the parking lot to the east. Call my cell phone when you’re walking out and I’ll pull around to pick you up right here,” Mark instructed calmly. He was well used to unhappy patients. Especially, unhappy patients who were just starting a treatment plan. “I put my number in your phone.”

  “Oh, no. I forgot my phone at home,” Susan said urgently.

  “I put it in your purse while you were showering. Don’t worry, Susan. I know changes in your normal routine will make things difficult at first. You’ll see. It’s all going to be better as your treatment continues. Trust me a little?” Mark asked with a smile.

  “Hummmppp!” was her reply as she stepped out of the SUV.

  Mark did notice that Susan was walking with a spring in her step. A well-maintained bottom was good for a young lady.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Mark stopped on the way back to her house and had another key made. He had borrowed Susan’s key ring out of her purse as he had dropped in her phone. She had already signed her permission to allow him to have a key when she signed the paperwork to have a home health nurse paid for with the grant. He stopped at the grocery store and bought a variety of healthy foods and some treats. Everyone needed a treat once in a while. He planned the evening’s dinner and when everything was organized, he laid down to sleep. His job as a nurse required that he take care of his patient at all hours. He would get some much-needed sleep.


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