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Biker Daddy (The Grimm Tales of Smoky Vale Book 1)

Page 5

by Gianni Holmes

  “Jesus Christ, I told you to go home!” I thundered at him. He was slowly tearing down my barriers, and I wasn’t sure I could take any more tonight. It was even worse now that he’d confirmed he knew what I liked. I’d always suspected he did, but when he still kept pursuing me, I began to think differently. How could he know what I was into and still want to be with me?

  Apparently, I was all kinds of wrong. What else could I be wrong about?

  Ignoring me, Jamie stalked over to Raúl and grabbed him by his ear hoop. Raúl howled but released my dick. “What the fuck, bitch!”

  “Get the fuck out and keep your hands off Grimm!” Jamie cried, giving Raúl a shove toward the door. I watched the scene unfold before me, my dick still hanging out, as I tried to decide how I should react. Should I be furious with him for running off my willing hole for the night or cracking up at the sight of this tiny halfway as I thought of him (halfway between a man and a boy) engaged in a territorial fight over me?

  Rubbing his ear, Raúl let loose a stream of Spanish I couldn’t understand. He spoke way too fast, but I caught the word “loco” and “puta” before he disappeared from the room. Jamie stalked over to the door and slammed it shut but made no attempt to face me. His shoulders were rigid, his whole body taut, and I had to stifle the groan of appreciation at the healthy view of his backside. His ass was sinful. When had he grown up into this walking talking advertisement for the kind of sex I liked?

  “Why do you do that?” he asked, his tone softer than I’d expected. “Why do you push me away and then pick someone else right in front of my face when you know they’re not the one you really want?”

  I hated the dejected slump in his shoulders. When he was being all feisty, that Jamie I could resist. When I doused his fire, that gutted me. I should have walked away again as I had been doing for over ten years, but he always took my rejection like a champ. He’d get right back up from being knocked down without breaking a sweat and plot his next move.

  “Jamie.” His name came out on a groan, and before I could stop myself, my legs carried me toward him. I swore they moved of their own accord.

  There were two people I cared about more than anything else in the world. Two people who I would gladly lay down my life to save. One was safely tucked away in Boston, while the other was right here in this room with me, driving me nuts.

  After all these years of rejecting him, I crumbled. I’d thought I got rid of him when he went away to med school, but now he was back, and I had a good idea why. He was as smart as a whip, this boy who wouldn’t leave me alone. Joel had informed me Jamie had turned down his residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and I definitely knew he hadn’t done so because he missed his father.

  Another reason I shouldn’t get entangled with him.

  I placed my hands on his shoulders and turned his stiff frame toward me, but he kept his head bowed.

  “Jamie, look at me.”

  He stubbornly refused, looking down, and when he snorted, I remembered my flaccid cock was still hanging out.

  “Glad to know one of us finds this funny,” I muttered, releasing him and stuffing my john back where it belonged. Clearly with Jamie around, that wouldn’t be down Raúl’s willing throat. For sure, it would not be down Jamie’s, although his mouth was so perfect for sucking on my cock, his full lips spread over the breadth of my flesh.

  Jamie’s fist landed into my gut, pulling me out of my daydream. “Ouch,” I cried, but it didn’t hurt. Jamie was small, especially when compared to me, and everything about him was petite. A tennis ball would have done more damage than his fist.

  “What the hell did you do that for?”

  He punched me again. “For giving someone else your dick right in front of my face while I’ve been saving myself for you. What kind of Daddy does that to his boy?”

  I blanched at his words and grabbed his small fists before another punch could land. “Quit it, Jamie.” I jerked him to a standstill, none too gently. “What the fuck do you mean you’ve been saving yourself? And I’m not your Daddy. You are not my boy.”

  He rolled his eyes, but his cheeks flamed, and Jamie rarely ever blushed. I knew he was telling the truth. “It means whatever you want it to mean.”

  “You sass me again, boy, and I’ll put you over my knees.”

  His eyes, those beautiful muddy pools, widened. “Be careful. Thought you said you weren’t my Daddy, but that sounds like the way a Daddy talks to his boy when he misbehaves.” He cocked his head to one side. “Is that what I need to do, Daddy Grimm, to get you to make me your boy? Misbehave?”

  I gritted my teeth at the ridiculous nickname he had come up with for me. “I told you never to call me that.”

  “I’ll quit as soon as you stop calling me Half-Way,” he pouted. “I’m a man now, dammit.”

  “Fine. I won’t call you that anymore.”

  That cute button nose of his turned up in distaste. “Actually, whether or not you call me Half-Way, I’m still pretty much going to call you Daddy Grimm. Spank me all you want; I’ll love it.”

  “Jesus!” I let him go and stepped back. “You’re a bit fucked in the head, do you know that?”

  He nodded, not offended in the least. “I know ’cause you keep pushing me away when it’s pretty clear what you want.”

  “What the hell do you know about what I want?”

  He leaned against the closed door, folded his arms across his chest, and eyed me. “For starters, I know you want to kiss me.”

  I couldn’t contain my scoff. If that was all he believed I wanted to do to him, then I was safe. He had no idea. I’d cleave him in half if I ever took what he was offering me. Despite my desire to be the bottom in a relationship, there were times when I had to top or I desired to top.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” he said.

  I raised an eyebrow, not trusting him. “What deal?”

  “You kiss me, right here, right now. If it does nothing for you, I’ll stop bothering you.”

  I considered the little imp before me, waiting expectantly on an answer. My gaze dropped to the curve of his lips, contemplating the natural pinkness. Usually, he wore lipstick and other makeup, but tonight he was only wearing blush as far as I had seen.

  What the fuck kind of president of a motorcycle club am I if I’m able to distinguish blush from other makeup?

  All this kid’s fucking fault. He’d had me buying him makeup when he hit fourteen, and he used to buy the cheap shit out of his allowance because his father refused to support his femme habits. After a foundation he’d bought had left his skin all blotchy, I’d taken up the responsibility of getting him products of better quality on the condition that they would remain at my house.

  “Well?” he asked impatiently, yanking me away from one of a thousand memories I had of him throughout the different stages of his life. And that was why I shouldn’t be kissing him. I’d seen him grow up from a boy of eleven to the young man he was today. Surely that was reason enough for me not to kiss him.

  And what of the guy who fucked you last month?

  Fuck you, conscience.

  I didn’t really need to be prompted right now that the last guy I’d let fuck me had been only a year older than Jamie. A year could be a lot.

  “You understand your word is your bond?” I said to him, reminding him of the governing principle that ran in my motorcycle club. A prospect, a member, was just as useless if his word could not be trusted.

  He hesitated as though not so certain of himself anymore, but then he squared his shoulders. “My word is my bond. Now kiss me.”

  He puckered up with his usual dramatic flair. This was going to be easier than I’d thought. Being several inches taller than him made kissing a little awkward. I finally settled on bending while I gripped his hips and hauled his body up against me.

  Holy sweet fuck, he feels amazing, and he smells divine.

  I dipped my head and captured his puckered lips. I wanted the kiss over with
as quickly as possible and him out of my life.

  Why the fuck did that thought hurt so much? I swore I’d missed him even more than my son when he’d been away. He had been the absent thorn in my side from the day he’d left for medical school.

  My lips touched his. Pleasant enough, but nothing to wow me over. Maybe I’d been overthinking this, and we had really no connection at all.

  With a sudden shift in my arms, Jamie came alive. His arms wrapped around my thick neck, and he crossed his legs around my waist. Me staggering us back against the door didn’t have a thing to do with the physical weight of him, but the inferno of passion that burst between us when he opened his lips and took me by surprise. His tongue slid into my mouth, and I heard myself moan.

  I grasped his ass, which had been in my mind all fucking night. I pressed his back into the door and ground against him, realizing I had lost the bet.

  Then why the hell did it feel like I’d fucking won a prize?

  Chapter Five


  “Tear that ass up, Grimm!”

  I ignored the man who shouted at us and the subsequent laughter accompanied by pounding on the tabletops as Grimm escorted me from the bar. His grip on my arm was bruising, but I didn’t mind. This time it was different. He had kissed me back with passion, and he could no longer deny what we both knew. He was as mine as I was his.

  Grimm growled at the catcalls we received, and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t care what anyone else thought about what would happen between Grimm and me tonight. Only both of us knew the truth, and it wasn’t anyone else’s business that Daddy’s ass would be mine.

  He pushed at the glass door with his massive shoulders, standing aside for me to pass him. Once we were outside, he didn’t lead me to his ride right away. He pushed me hard into the brick wall, and I gasped at the impact of my back hitting the rough surface.

  He crowded me, and for a second a sliver of fear ran through me. Not that he would physically hurt me. At least not in a way I wouldn’t like. I was a bit scared of finally getting what I wanted and hoping I would be enough for him.

  “So, you came back to Smoky Vale for me, huh?” he asked, grasping my chin in a firm hold.

  “I told you I would come back,” I replied, licking my lips nervously, and his eyes hungrily followed the movement, boosting my earlier confidence. “You had to have known I would come back. We have unfinished business.”

  “I was hoping you’d use the smarts you’re blessed with and understand why this is a crazy idea,” he said. “A fucking bad idea, Jamie.”

  I pressed my hands to his chest and down his shirt, then pulled the hem out of his tight jeans. “You care?”

  “What the fuck do you mean if I care?” he snapped. “You think I would have bothered with you all these years if I didn’t?”

  “But you were never around when I came back to visit.”

  “I had business to take care of on the road.”

  I pouted. He was lying. He had been avoiding me, so he’d skipped town on those occasions. Since Joel knew everything I did, it was easy for him to get the information about when I would be in town from his son.

  “Now we have business to take care of tonight,” I said, deciding to let bygones be bygones. What mattered was the here and now.

  Unexpectedly, he pressed his lips to my forehead. “After I spanked you that day, you stopped coming on to me. I thought you’d learned your lesson, but you didn’t, did you?”

  I caressed the hot flesh of his stomach and moaned. He felt so fucking good already. My cock strained in my jeans shorts at the roughness of the hair on his stomach and the muscles beneath. I’d had a crush on Grimm since I met him; then I’d fallen madly in love with him when he bought me my first professional makeup kit, so I’d stop getting breakouts from the cheap stuff. Over the years, everything I felt for him had magnified.

  “I stopped because you were right,” I answered, still stroking his stomach, which grew taut beneath my touch. “I decided I would rather wait than to get you into trouble. I’ve waited a long time, and there’s no trouble involved now, Daddy Grimm. Just you and me and what we’ve always wanted. I was never just your son’s best friend, was I?”

  “You left out annoying times a thousand. Following me around every-fucking-where. Jesus, you’ve got to be crazy, you know that?”

  “Crazy about you,” I agreed on a moan. “I’ve always been crazy about you, Daddy Grimm. It’s always been you. No one else. Not even a kiss.”

  He startled at that and pulled back a little. “What the fuck, Jamie? Tell me that wasn’t your first kiss in there.”

  I grinned at him, never ashamed to admit the truth to him. “Not bad for a first kiss, right? It better be damn good because I’ve waited my whole life to do that with you.”

  To my surprise, Grimm placed a hand on the wall above my head and slammed his mouth on mine. His hands descended to my ass and gripped my firm glutes. All my squats hadn’t been for nothing. He tried to get his hands beneath the cutoffs, but they were way too tight, and he ended up growling his frustration against my lips.

  “Fuck.” He tore his lips away from mine. “You’ve been nothing but trouble for me since the day I met you. You understand you’re going to be the death of me?”

  I wanted to laugh at his joke, but he was frowning, and he looked so worried. “I can take care of myself.”

  He gave a bark of laughter that didn’t sound like the funny kind. “You have no idea what you’re up against, Jamie. This isn’t a fucking joke.”

  “I have some idea,” I insisted, gnawing at my bottom lip. “I know you wanted Joel and me to stay away so your enemies couldn’t get to us.”

  “And they’ve grown since you boys have been gone,” he returned. “If something should happen to you under my watch…”

  “Nothing will happen, but even if it does, I’d rather have a night in your arms than never know.”

  I was lying of course. One night in Grimm’s arms would never be enough, but it was a start. One that might not scare him as much as the thought of being with me forever did.

  “Come on.” He eased back from the wall, grasped me around the waist, and threw me over his shoulder. I hadn’t expected the rough treatment, and my stomach flipped and my vision swam temporarily.

  “What are you doing?” I cried, grabbing onto his shoulders.

  A sharp slap connected with my ass. I yelped more from the surprise than the pain as the jeans minimized the impact.

  “You don’t ever come here to the bar again without me,” he growled. “You hear me, boy?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I said in a meek voice.

  He grunted but said nothing else as he brought me over to his ride. He had only one helmet, which he handed to me, frowning at my outfit. When he slung one leg over the hog, his jeans stretched across the muscles in his thighs, and I couldn’t help ogling him.

  He grinned at me, the first time he’d truly smiled all night. “Get on.”

  I hopped onto that bike like it was my everyday ride. When we had just met and I had been fascinated by his bike, he had given me a short ride. I had clung to his back that day, my eyes clamped tightly shut. When he’d set me back onto the ground, my legs had collapsed beneath me. He had laughed as he caught me to keep me from falling.

  He always caught me before I could fall.

  Every single time.

  I clung to his back now, my eyes closed as I let the familiarity of him wash over me. I’d been so horny as a teen I’d almost jeopardized our future. The day he’d spanked me, he had not just bruised my ass. He’d made me feel so ashamed for trying to get him into trouble. I knew if he’d ever touched me, my dad would have had his ass locked up behind bars. It was that fear that had slapped me with some sense and developed in me a patience big enough to rival any saint’s.

  I was not too fond of riding on his bike, but I relaxed after a while. By the time he got to his stronghold, way out of town, I’d found the positive side in being
able to touch him. His fortress was well gated all around and didn’t look like a dump, even though it was the grounds where he had his clubhouse. He’d always had high-tech security systems, and as we approached the gate, he punched the code to open up for our entry.

  He had two men behind the gate, and seeing them was enough for me to sober up and realize that this wasn’t all fun and games. He had more security features now than he did back when Joel and I had roamed the grounds frequently. This meant he was expecting trouble, but none of it scared me. No more than the thought of never being with Grimm.

  “We’re home,” he said when he rode up to the great house, where he lived, and parked in the garage. Having an impressionable young boy living with him, he’d been adamant not to have Joel in the heart of the goings-on of his club. He’d tried as much as possible to give his son a normal life, and the house was open to his family and close friends only. Business was never discussed here.

  I couldn’t forget the time he had been making a snack for Joel and me, and one of his men had barged in with news that some shipment of theirs had gone missing. Grimm hadn’t snapped. He hadn’t even shown his anger, although it had flashed in his eyes. He’d excused himself, and within a few minutes, he was back. I had caught sight of the same guy a few days after with his hand in a sling.

  “Having second thoughts?”

  At Grimm’s words, I blinked the memory away. I shook my head, and he reached for the buckle beneath the helmet and took it off me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my curls. Before I could slide off the bike, he grasped my waist and easily lifted me off the big machine.

  “Thanks,” I told him. “Can’t say I still like riding on that thing, but I imagine I can put it to use. I’d love to fuck you on it someday.”

  “You talk a lot of filth for a doctor, kid,” he said and trudged ahead of me to the side door, which led us from the garage into his laundry room. “You’d have thought that fancy school would have refined you a bit.”


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