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Operation: Fallen Angel (Shepherd Security Book 4)

Page 19

by Margaret Kay

  She reached her lips to his and kissed him with everything she had in her. He was a good man, a kind man. He wanted to take care of her and the baby. That was enough to make her love him, if she didn’t already. Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she loved him or not. She’d thought about him every day while she was in Seattle, even before she realized she was pregnant. And after she knew she was pregnant with his child, she replayed in her head every second they had spent together trying to figure out if he could possibly have feelings for her. She knew even then that she had feelings for him.

  Given how he was now, she was still very confused why he had acted the way he did after they were rescued. Why had he regretted having sexual relations with her? She knew he did. How could he not have felt bound by the vows they exchanged before God? She released him from his because she knew that was what he wanted. It wasn’t what she wanted though, and she hadn’t been brave enough to fight for him and a future together. As she kissed him, she knew she’d eventually ask him. But not now.

  She paid attention to what he liked, what made him moan. Kissing his neck made him breathe hard. She knew from basic human biology that her hand on his penis would feel as good to him as his hands caressing her between her legs did. She ran her hand down his tight abdomen, skin on skin. First, she rubbed the front of his flannel pants. He moaned loudly and his mouth took hers more aggressively. Then she got brave and plunged her hand beneath them. She felt the silky soft skin of his member, his hard, erect member.

  He gasped out and arched his head back when she made contact with him. “Oh fuck, Elizabeth,” he groaned. He pulled his pants down to his thighs to give her more space to work over his cock.

  A smile curved her lips. She liked that she was able to bring him pleasure. She wanted to make him feel as good as he did her. She wasn’t brave enough to attempt oral sex on him. She’d have to do some research online to find out how best to do it to bring about the greatest sensation. She massaged him, stroked his shaft, and kissed his neck and ears.

  Doc was assaulted with so many erotic sensations from Elizabeth’s hand and her lips. The only thing that would have made this better would be if he could watch her hand work over him. He was just about to come, lost in how stimulating if felt. He stopped her hand, grabbing it with his.

  “Clothes off,” he growled. His hands then pulled at her top and her bottoms. Then he tore his all the way off too. He flipped her to her back. He hung his face over hers as he settled between her legs. “I want to look into those beautiful blue eyes as I make love to you. Don’t close them or look away.”

  Elizabeth kept her eyes on his as requested. The honesty of the moment as he penetrated her was overpowering, a connection unlike any she’d ever felt. He moaned, his eyes half-closing in a sensual bliss. In the depth of his eyes, she saw his soul, open and raw. She saw affection that could be love. She watched his facial expressions. It was erotic, watching his pleasure morph into what almost looked like pain as he plunged harder, deeper, and faster into her. She knew he was about to orgasm. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

  The moment he came, his head snapped back, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. She watched him in fascination. The sensation of him throbbing deep inside of her was exciting, bringing her closer to her own climax. He collapsed onto her; his entire body coated with a sheen of sweat. She heard his heavy breathing beside her ear, felt his racing heartbeat over hers.

  After a few minutes he rolled off her and his hand reached down between her knees. His eyes reaffixed on hers. “Your turn and keep your eyes open and on mine as long as you can. I want to watch your eyes as I make you come.”

  As his hand worked over her and she felt the incredible sensations. His eyes invading hers made her feel stripped down, her soul open to him in the most intimate and vulnerable way. He quickly brought her to an orgasm so intense she screamed out, but he didn’t stop his ministrations. He kept the rhythm up, making her cry out, overwhelmed by the assault on the little bundle of nerves. Her whole body quaked as her mind exploded, fireworks exploding behind her closed eyes, a lightning bolt jolting her everywhere.

  The next awareness coming to her was being held tightly to him. She still breathed hard; her senses felt numb. Oh dear Lord, thank you, was all she could think. She wasn’t capable of speaking yet, nor did she know what she’d say. The connection they’d just shared was overpowering. She now understood why a sexual relationship was special. To share this with another human being was something only to be shared with someone you could be naked down to your very soul with, open, and honest in all ways.

  She felt a kiss press to her cheek. Then Alexander’s lips took hers again. He kissed her deeply, passionately. When he pulled his lips away, she forced her eyes open to gaze into his. A soft smile curved her lips. “I fantasized about us making love again while I was in Seattle, but it was never that intense.”

  Doc chuckled. “We’ll see if we can top that tonight, but right now, I think we need to get up and get going. We have a lot to do today.”

  “We do?”

  “After we both clean up and have breakfast, we need to get the marriage license from the county building. Then we’re going shopping to get you a warm coat and some other clothes you need. We need to go to the bank and then stop in at the office.”


  While they each showered, cooked breakfast and ate, Doc sent and received several text messages on his phone. He messaged Lambchop to be sure he’d be at the office. There was no need to tell him the situation, Lambchop’s first text back said congratulations! Are you bringing the marriage license to me? Doc’s lips curved into a grin.

  He text-messaged Angel, telling her the situation, though he was sure that was unnecessary. He was sure everyone at the office knew about Elizabeth and the baby. He asked her to provide support to Elizabeth. The reply was immediate and affirmative, gushing with congratulations on both the marriage and pregnancy. He chuckled as he read it.

  A message displayed from Shepherd, requesting a meeting that afternoon. Doc accepted it, hoping all his requests would be granted. At least Shepherd had come to a decision. Then a message came from Lassiter, with a meeting invitation an hour after the meeting with Shepherd. He shouldn’t have been surprised.

  Elizabeth saw Alexander texting but didn’t ask any questions. She’d never had a cell phone, not that it mattered. All her friends were Sisters, who didn’t have one either. She’d have no one to talk or text with, not that she could have afforded the cost of one. She realized Alexander had this whole life she didn’t understand and wasn’t a part of. She wondered if she would eventually feel more comfortable with it all.

  For Doc, the contentment he’d felt in bed with Elizabeth was quickly replaced with that awkwardness. Even in preparing breakfast, did she like scrambled eggs? How about turkey sausage? He really didn’t know much about her, nor did she know him. In a lot of ways, they were complete strangers, complete strangers who had lived through something neither of them thought they would, complete strangers who created a baby. And now he was going to legally marry her, and she would live with him.

  As they drove to the county building, the silence in the car was uncomfortable. Doc turned the radio on. “What kind of music do you like?”

  “I’ve never listened to too much music besides what is played in church. What do you normally listen to?”

  “Mostly, this station, Tom Petty Radio. I’ve always liked him, solo, with the Heartbreakers, the Travelling Wilburys, even with Mudcrutch.”

  Elizabeth didn’t know who he was or any of the others he mentioned. “Then let’s listen to this so I can see if I like it.” She wanted to like what he did so they would have some commonality. She didn’t like being so different and she wanted to be a part of his world. She did realize it would take time, and she was very grateful he had asked her to stay and wanted to make their marriage legal.

  When they reached the county building, Elizabeth was surprised when Alexander took her hand as
they walked in. The snow had stopped, but the wind blew cold. His gloved hand kept her hand warmer than the other one that she had stuffed into the shallow coat pocket. She smiled at him as he opened the door for her.

  The process of getting the license was fast. They were in and out of the building in fifteen minutes. Doc took hold of her hand on the way out as well. The pavement was slick, and he didn’t want her to fall. He knew he was going to be insane when it came to her safety. He’d feel better after they went to see an obstetrician. He noticed she didn’t have on good winter boots. She was wearing those same nun-boots from Africa. He added winter boots, and every day wear boots and shoes to his mental shopping list.

  He drove to the big mall next. For the next two hours they shopped for clothes, shoes, boots, a heavy winter coat, underclothing, even pajamas for her. Elizabeth had major sticker-shock and had to be talked into every purchase by Doc. “Elizabeth, this is what things cost and what normal people pay for them. I have the money and I want to spend it on you.”

  She could not vocalize all the thoughts that ran through her head. Not only was each item very expensive, they were from trendy stores, the newest fashion, and he bought her way too many items. She’d never needed more than two pairs of pants before, but he insisted on buying her ten. He bought her at least a dozen sweaters, another eight long-sleeved shirts, and three sweatshirts. The winter coat alone was over two-hundred dollars! And there was no reason at all that she needed four pairs of shoes and two pairs of boots.

  When they walked out of the last store, both their hands loaded with bags, Doc couldn’t figure out why she was so quiet and frowning. “Don’t you like the clothes?” He asked. “I’m sorry if I talked you into styles that you don’t like.”

  “Alexander, I can’t believe the amount of money you just spent. I feel terrible about it. I get it, you don’t like my clothes, want me in nicer things. What? Do I embarrass you?”

  Doc felt a blow like someone had punched him in the gut. “No, you don’t embarrass me. Why would you think that?”

  “Those clothes were from stores I would never have even dreamed about shopping in. And the shoes and boots, I feel embarrassed you bought me six pairs. I only have one set of feet!”

  “Elizabeth, even I have more than six pairs of shoes.”

  “And the bras,” she said with embarrassment. “The department store had bras that were less expensive, Victoria Secret, for God’s sake! I did not need fifty-dollar bras.”

  “No, but you needed to be expertly measured with accommodations for how your breasts will grow during your pregnancy and Victoria Secret does that. They are the bra experts. The one you are wearing is too tight. Even I can see that.”

  “How do you know what Victoria Secret does?”

  “I was texting with Angel this morning. She told me we needed to go there.”

  “You talked with Angel about my bras?” She was mortified.

  Doc halted her at the bench near the exit door. He sat the bags he was carrying to it and took those from her hands, setting them to fill the bench. He leaned in close, his lips to her ear. “Angel and I are very good friends, as is Madison. I’m a stupid guy that doesn’t know anything about women’s clothing, except that yours are getting too tight. I knew you didn’t want me to spend much on these things for you, so I asked Angel what stores to go to. I knew you would never suggest we go into Victoria Secret, and forgive me for wanting to see you in sexy, lacy, pretty bras and panties.”

  She blushed and looked around to see if anyone was close enough to have heard. She was relieved that no one was. “They are pretty, and I do like them,” she admitted. “But Alexander, those maternity clothes are over five-hundred dollars. I’ll only wear them for six months! That is such a waste of money.”

  Doc gave her a sly smile. “Well, six months with this baby.”

  Elizabeth was surprised by his statement. Would he really want more children with her? The thought that they would have more kids and be a real family, filled her with hope that Alexander would grow to love her. She smiled wide. “Okay, the maternity clothes are comfortable.”

  “Okay, so no more frowning. Just be happy with your new clothes.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  Doc pulled his knife from his pocket and cut the tags from her coat, boots, hat, scarf, and glove set. “Wear the new winter stuff and put your coat and boots into this bag. It’s cold out and more snow is due this afternoon.”

  She did as he said and was surprised how warm she was when they stepped back out into the chilly air. He drove across the parking lot to a restaurant and asked her if it would be okay for lunch. It was a chain restaurant. She’d never eaten in one though. When she saw the prices in the menu she again paused. A hamburger was fifteen dollars! Everything on the healthy menu was over twenty dollars. That was where Alexander was ordering from.

  “You can have anything you want, but this is the section with the healthiest items. It shouldn’t surprise you that I will want you to eat as healthy as possible, so our baby is healthy. I’m going to apologize in advance that I’m going to be crazy about your health and safety.” He chuckled out loud.

  She pulled her hair to the side of her head and twisted it into a braid unconsciously. She reviewed the healthy menu again and decided to order what he had. Then she looked up at him. “I’ll want to be as healthy as I can be too. I like that you care so much about our baby.”

  “I care about both of you,” he corrected her.

  The bank was the next stop. They took seats within the personal banker’s office. Doc presented his ID and prompted Elizabeth to do the same. “I need to add my wife to my accounts and get a debit and credit card issued to her.”

  “I don’t need a credit card, Alexander,” Elizabeth protested.

  The young personal banker took their IDs.

  Doc ignored her. “And if you could do me a favor and bring my checking account up and turn the monitor so we can see it, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Certainly,” the man said. After a few keystrokes, he turned the monitor. “I just need to add you to the signature card,” He said to Elizabeth.

  “Can you give us a moment alone to go over my account?” Doc asked, surprising the young banker.

  “Um, of course. I can use this time to get the supplies I need. I can issue her debit card, but the credit card comes from offsite, and has to be mailed to you, Mr. Williams.”

  “No problem,” Doc said.

  The man left, closing his glass office door behind him. His keyboard was on the far side of the desk. He’d watch through the door to be sure neither of them touched the keyboard. Alexander Williams was a long-term customer with high-balance accounts. Not the type of customer he wanted to piss off.

  Doc pointed to each deposit on the screen. “These deposits are my paychecks.”

  Elizabeth was shocked by the numbers she saw displayed on the computer screen. Her mind reviewed the dates, every two weeks.

  “This withdraw is the bank automatically transferring out ten-thousand to my money market account, when the balance rises over fifteen thousand. It’s what I have it programmed to do, no sense leaving that much in a checking account. I also have a regular savings account and other investments.”

  Alexander had more money than anyone she knew. “Okay, you make enough to pay for what you bought me, but that doesn’t mean you should have spent that much.”

  “I work damn hard for the money I make. I put my life on the line doing my job, and damn-it, I’ll spend whatever I want on whatever I want to spend it on, be it two-hundred dollars on a coat for you or five-hundred dollars on maternity clothes.” His voice was strong.

  She didn’t know what to say to that. She merely nodded. A part of her felt flattered that he wanted to spend his money on her, even though she saw it as excessive. A small smile pulled at her lips.

  He took her hand and when he spoke again, his voice softened. “So, now will you relax about money and know we have enough to supp
ort us both and this baby?”

  Her smile grew and she nodded.

  “The only thing I will ask is that if you are going to spend more than three-hundred dollars at one time is that we discuss it first.”

  “Oh, good heavens, I would never spend three-hundred dollars at one time.”

  Doc chuckled. Sure, she would! “Okay. We’re good then?”

  “We are, and I’m sorry,” she began.

  “No sorry needed,” he cut her off. He motioned to the personal banker who skulked just steps outside the door.

  When they finished adding her and her debit card was issued, he brought her to the ATM and told her how to use it. He made her withdraw two-hundred dollars. He made her put it in her purse. She’d need cash for when he was gone.

  “And if you spend it and need more, you go to any one of these bank branches and use the ATM. Try to only take money from this bank though, so we avoid fees.”


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