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The Seduction Game

Page 25

by Damien Dsoul

  Shango pressed the doorbell and Ted opened the door and ushered him into his home. In the living room was Howard and April. They had been sitting there almost an hour waiting. They rose to their feet when Ted returned with his expected visitor and shook hands with Shango; he did not appear surprised finding them there.

  April said, “So nice to see you again. I was wondering when we were going to sight you around.”

  “It’s funny, I was just thinking the same thing,” Shango said in his smooth voice while giving April a subtle look-over. “You’re looking hot tonight. Where’s Holly?”

  Ted left the room while the three of them sat down and waited. April asked Shango how long he intended to remain in the city. Howard paid little attention to their conversation as he ruminated on what had led to them been here in the first place.

  April did call him while at work hours after his time with Becca to inform him of her get together with Holly in Jenny’s home. It occurred to Howard then that he had fucked up not coming clean about whereabouts the previous night; April let him know how upset she was about it.

  “I thought we have an agreement about not keeping anymore secrets?”

  “I’m sorry, darling. I got carried away by what he got me to do after Ted and Holly left.”

  “And whatever would that be? Are you going to tell me or do I have to wait till you get home?”

  “No, you don’t have to wait,” he snapped, but quickly apologised. “He told me to come and meet him at the hotel. I didn’t know he had a date with Ted and Holly. And then after they’d gone, he made me clean up the room and... and suck his cock.”

  April’s silence lasted some seconds. “Oh Howard darling, that’s all you should have said. But we’ve got to work on something before he gets here.”

  Their call over, April searched amongst several of their neighbours to see who would mind allowing any of their adult kids to watch over Carl for the evening; she gave them a time. Howard was not eager about them paying the Simms a visit but under April’s insistence he had no choice. He called Ted after returning home to confirm what hour Shango intended showing up, letting him know he and April would be there soon.

  He felt comfortable letting April take charge of the evening with getting into Shango’s skin while he sat back to watch and observe. Not that it mattered much - Shango was for the ladies whereas hubbies perform cleaning-up duty after. But it did no harm wondering what Shango had in store for Ted’s wife. And with April wanting to jump into the fun, the evening was bound to be a spectacular one.

  Shango and April quit their chat and looked up as Ted returned leading Holly behind. It was a perfect picture of a husband leading his wife towards the arms of her awaiting lover; the thought was not lost on Howard. Holly’s features were highlighted by her dimples as she took in the room’s occupants. She wore a shoulder-top blouse and tight skirt; her high heels clinked with each step she made into the room. Olu welcomed her into his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “You’re very beautiful,” he sniffed her neckline. “Hmmm, love your perfume.”

  “Thanks. I hope you love what I’m wearing too.” She turned around for him to admire the rest of her. Howard’s hand rested on his crotch as he too appreciated her legs jutting under her skirt along with the outline that was her hips. Shango whistled with approval.

  I do indeed love your outfit. Even better I can’t wait to get you out of them,” he laughed. “Now how about we get on out of here.”

  “Hope you’re not leaving us behind,” this came from April and all eyes turned to her. “We’d love to tag along. It’ll be boring us sitting at home while you two have all the fun.”

  “Now that you mentioned it, sure, why not.”

  Ted opened the front door and wished them a fun time. Olu had his arm around Holly looking like he had no intention returning her back. April and Howard said goodnight to Ted as they went towards their vehicle.

  Charmaine had a cigarette in his hand but stubbed it out as Shango and Holly approached. He exited the vehicle and opened the back door for them.

  “Back to my place, sir?” he asked Shango as Holly settled in the backseat beside him.

  “You know it, sissy-boy.”

  Charmaine looked over at April and Howard and waved at them; they reciprocated the gesture then got into their car.

  “Who is that?” April asked Howard after shutting the passenger door. Howard looked through his window at Charmaine driving off before starting his engine.

  “That’s Charmaine,” he said. “He’s a tranny; or rather, she is.”

  “A tranny?”

  “Transsexual. Shango’s fucking his wife.”

  “My God, who isn’t he fucking?”

  Howard reversed out of the driveway and drove fast to catch up with Charmaine’s rear lights.

  “Who did you find to watch over Carl?” he asked.

  “Nicole Newton. She’s one of Abby Newton’s daughters. She’s a real sweetie; I told her we’d be back around nine.”

  “And she agreed to that?”

  “For twenty Dollars she said yes. Now are we going to catch up with them or do you know where they’re heading already?”

  * * *

  Holly had never been to the Lakeview District before. She mentioned this to Shango after he informed her where they were going. His hand caressed her thigh all through the ride. He sometimes leaned towards her and whispered something in her ear that produced a burst of giggle from her; he could make out her nipples pressing against the fabric of her dress wanting attention. Charmaine caught their foreplay in the mirror and chuckled inwardly; he, too, was so looking forward to Master Shango conquering the woman in his home tonight.

  Charmaine slowed to a stop in front of his building and Shango helped Holly out of the backseat and into the building. Charmaine worked on his lipstick while observing through his mirror for sighting of Howard and his wife. It was not long before they entered the street and parked across from Charmaine. Charmaine got out of his car as they came to join him.

  “Glad you could make it, Howard.” They shook hands then he kissed the back of April’s palm. “I hope you don’t mind, darling. I’m happy your man here brought you along unlike last time,” he gave Howard a sly wink.

  They rode the elevator and got to the apartment. Charmaine’s wife Lisa answered the door. She was naked and did not appear to care. She kissed her husband and was ecstatic when Howard introduced April to her. April’s eyes went everywhere as they entered the apartment. She almost expected to find Shango fucking Holly in the living room but there was no sighting of them there. Lisa led them to the bar to fix them drinks. Two black men occupied a sofa holding drinks in their hand; like Lisa, they too were naked.

  “These are my two gentlemen for the evening,” Lisa introduced the men after filling April and Howard’s glasses with champagne. Lisa went and planted herself between her men, stretching her legs over their thighs, showcasing her pink gash for all to see.

  “They sure know just how to keep a woman company,” she purred, caressing the men’s cheeks, crackling with pleasure while they squeezed her tits and fingered her pussy.

  “You having a good time, love?” Charmaine said to his wife then to April, “Come on you two. Let me take you to Master Shango.”

  April went with him. Howard stopped to look one last time at Lisa gushing frivolously from the tantalising attention she was getting from her studs before going to catch up with Charmaine.

  April sipped her drink and squeezed her face from the buzz as the liquor sailed down her throat. The drink did the trick of revving up her erotic engines to full steam; she could not wait to see what Shango was up to. Howard did caught some erotic heat and like April, he too was in high anticipation for the evening.

  Charmaine led
them along the same corridor Howard had passed last time to the master bedroom.

  The room’s outlook was nothing like the last time Howard was inside. He almost expected to find a crowd watching the Master at work but to his chagrin group of persons were there. There was Olu Shango sitting on the bed looking towards their direction with Holly sitting on the floor with her head bent over his crotch. Her skirt was bunched over her waist, exposing her rump; the exquisite slurping noise she made was evident.

  “The Master is just getting warmed up,” Charmaine chuckled with glee.

  April was awestruck by what she saw as she edged closer to get a better view of Shango’s thick rod. She wanted nothing else but to be where Holly was, doing what she was doing. Her legs felt jittery as she stood there watching them; she could almost feel her pussy drip with wetness.

  She drained her champagne and handed her empty glass to Howard. “No point standing here watching.”

  April worked her hand behind her back to unzip her dress; Howard assisted her with it. She unclasped her sandals and wrestled out of her dress. Charmaine clapped his hands, cooing like a schoolgirl as April went and joined Holly. She knelt beside her and they exchanged pleasantries. Holly made room between Shango’s thighs and allowed April to suck on his huge cock.

  Howard wanted to go join them but Charmaine held his arm and shook his head. Howard wanted to voice his complaint but could not figure the words to express what he was missing out on.

  “That’s not where you ought to be, Howard. Come, there’s a special friend of mine you ought to meet.”

  Howard groaned as Charmaine steered him out of the room. He looked back in desperation at April and Holly bobbing their heads before Master Shango’s crotch. Charmaine stopped and shut the door before his eyes.

  “For fuck’s sake, why did you do that?”

  “I told you I have a special friend that’s waiting. A lady-friend and I tell you, she’s to die for.”

  Charmaine led him back into the corridor. “She’s a Mistress whom I worship; a dominatrix. Lucky for us I already told her about you and she wants to meet you.”

  “Why?” Howard asked as if still in doubt about everything he had just heard. He looked back at the master bedroom door, wishing he was in there right now. That was all he had looked forward to enjoying for the evening, nothing more.

  “Can’t we just go back?” he pleaded.

  “That can wait,” Charmaine propelled him towards a door that to Howard was probably the same that opened into the fateful room he and Ted had walked into during their previous visit. “This is more important, trust me.” Charmaine knocked on the door.

  “Come,” a woman snapped from inside.

  Charmaine opened the door and gestured at Howard to enter. Howard reluctantly ventured inside and then everything about April and Shango flew from his mind when he saw what awaited him. Charmaine prodded him further into the room then shut the door.

  A thickset woman sat on the bed pulling a black rubber glove down to her elbow. She wore a black latex rubber outfit cut to her meaty thigh and black high-heeled boots that rode to her knees. A face mask shielded half of her face. Her lips were rosy red just like her hair.

  “Who’s the white boy,” she addressed Charmaine who came and knelt before her.

  “His name’s Howard, my Mistress. The friend I told you about.”

  Howard stood transfixed at the big woman as she rose to her feet. She was of average height, but the aura she distilled in the room made her seem like a giant. Her auburn hair fell halfway to her backside. More than a dominatrix, she looked like a she-devil. She wielded a riding crop in her hand; Howard could only imagine what tendencies she had with it.

  “Bring your ass over here, white boy,” she barked at him.

  Howard drew closer as if spellbound. The woman gestured at him to drop to his knees which he did. Her size seemed to expand before his eyes.

  “I am Ms. Jenn,” she smacked her crop on his shoulder, making him wince. “And you are my slave for the evening.”

  Chapter 25

  April lay on the bed awaiting the inevitable. It seemed to take forever. Her feature curled in yearning anticipation mixed with desire; the pain had not arrived yet but it was about to. She shut her eyes and swallowed a lungful of air as Shango’s bulk loomed over her. A crease of a frown highlighted her brow as if something was wrong - why was he taking so fucking long? April opened her eyes and looked past her abdomen to where her pussy met Shango’s pelvis; Holly held one of her legs apart for him. Shango rubbed his prick against her labia, teasing her towards madness. She opened her mouth thus letting go the pocket of air she had saved up.

  “Give it to me,” she demanded fiercely. “Give it to me, you hear!”

  “You want it bad? Okay, here you go!”

  He gave it to her and for an instant there was nothing. That instant lasted a millisecond before a reaction occurred. April’s body tensed as if struck by lightning. She muttered a croak, consequentially choking on a mouthful of air that she had just inhaled. A sudden flare ignited like a matchstick inside her head which mushroomed into a giant nuclear cloud. The explosion sent shockwaves from her brain racing to her spine, coursing every nerve, every cell, in her body. A searing groan welled from her gut, through her windpipe and out of her mouth. Her back arched from the bed as she bucked and panted uncontrollably.

  Holly maintained her grip on April’s ankle even as she struggled. Her eyes expanded and her mouth opened in awe as she watched Olu Shango’s muscle press deep into her friend’s pussy. April screamed and kept bucking and groaning as his cock slid into her vagina. Holly herself was still reeling from the throb of Shango’s size having stretched and fucked her minutes ago before letting April take her place. It amazed her that someone like Shango harboured such stamina to fuck two women without calling time-out. The sex she had enjoyed so far was unlike any she had experienced before. Better than their previous romp; this time he had discarded all niceties to fuck her even harder. Listening to April’s rising screams only confirmed that she too was feeling his mighty cock the same way she had.

  Shango lay on top of April and she caressed his backside and shoulders while groaning under him. Her hips and pelvis bucked against him when he pulled out only to slam back into her again. April murmured a rasping cry as she continued to take on his girth. Her pussy clung to his shaft like a glove. Each withdrawal he made came away smeared by her juice. Holly slid off the bed and come kneel behind Shango. Her position gave her meagre view of his cock slipping into her cunt. She rubbed her clit as she watched the underside of April’s pussy taking successive pounding from Shango’s girth.

  April moaned ecstatically. She raked her nails upon his shoulders as he then slid his hands underneath her backside to grasp her buttocks. Her body kept taking her punishment; her breathing sounded more like a revving engine. Her pussy felt unbelievably stretched and still she wanted him, craved him like nothing before.

  Her hips and thighs undulated against his pelvis. Shango propped himself on his toes, his palms pressed against the underside of her thighs as he thrust down into her vagina, grunting with effort. April clawed at his arms when she was not grabbing at her tits. Pools of sweat fell from Shango’s brow as he dropped to his knees and lowered himself back on top of her, grinding his pelvis while ripping into her. April gasped harder. Shango slipped his tongue into her mouth and she willingly pulled on his tongue.

  Just as his cock was taking April higher into the stratosphere, Shango pulled out to her sudden consternation. He reached for Holly and pulled her over, manoeuvring her to lie on top of April, her legs spread over hers. April caressed Holly’s hair from her face to get a better view of what was coming. Holly gave a sharp cry when Shango rammed into her. April kissed her face as a means of soothing her cries. Holly lolled her face against April’s sh
oulder. She gasped and whimpered into her ear while April pressed her crotch against hers.

  Shango gave one more thrust before pulling out of her. Holly gasped with relief and collapsed on top her friend. Shango was not done as he held his shaft in his hand searching below for April’s cunt. He missed his aim the first time before April reached down her crotch and slid his cock where it ought to go and from then on began groaning her own pleasurable moans. Shango repeated the same gesture as he went back and forth on both women till April caught hint of his impending climax. Shango groaned with lust and gestured at them to come to their feet.

  Holly rolled off April, their bodies wet and slippery from each other’s sweat. Olu Shango stood before them jerking his cock frantically as they knelt before him, both eager to catch his load. He threw his head back and roared as he shot a trace of cum across Holly’s face. April leaned her mouth closer and caught other spurts that flew at them. Holly tasted his cum as it landed on her lips and she squeezed her face in disgust. April did her the favour of licking cum off her face. She grabbed Shango’s cock and sucked him clean.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” Shango swiped his thumb across his brow dripping with sweat. “I’ve got some more black cock to give.”

  “You wore my pussy out,” April said. “You have more power in you to go on?”

  He grinned. “Find me a towel to wipe off this sweat and a glass of water and then we’ll see.”

  * * *

  Howard pictured himself as a lone spider suddenly caught in a Venus fly trap - how could he possibly have gotten this involved and not assume things would get any crazier, he thought to himself as he marvelled at the dominatrix goddess known as Ms. Jenn standing before him. Too late, the fantasy he had erstwhile enjoyed was now to his horror becoming his reality.


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