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The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era

Page 14

by Michael Mandelbaum

  Clinton administration

  American foreign policy after Cold War and

  Middle East and

  NATO expansion and

  See also North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  Cold War

  America’s zenith of power afterwards and descent from

  arc of American foreign policy and

  Chinese military initiatives of

  conclusions regarding

  containment policies and

  defense budget during

  effective American policies during and after

  Global security order and

  Middle East and

  Soviet Union and


  of China and Russia

  Marshall Plan and

  See also Cold War; Russia; Soviet Union

  Congress of the United States

  greenhouse gases and

  loans provided after 2008 recession by

  reductions to defense spending by

  Congressional Budget Office, recession of 2008 and


  Marshall Plan and

  reduction in American oil consumption and


  countries who should cooperate and

  glowing reputation of cooperation and

  post–World War II

  reasons that countries may fail to cooperate

  terrorism and

  Council on Foreign Relations


  conclusions regarding


  as supplied by government

  See also Defense spending


  Debt, American

  after recession of 2008–2009

  features of

  for fiscal years 2009 and 2010

  history of facing and overcoming

  interest on

  oil and

  privileged status of dollar and

  Decline of Great powers

  See also American foreign policy

  Defense. See American foreign policy; Security

  Defense spending

  American public and

  for the Balkans

  history of

  for Iraq and Afghanistan

  recent history of

  reductions to

  Deficit spending. See Debt, American


  great-power politics and

  in Middle East

  oil as enemy of

  Russia and

  See also American Government


  of China

  entitlement programs and

  of Europe

  of Russia

  Deng Xiaoping

  Dependency burden

  Dirksen, Everett M.

  Dollar, U.S.

  See also Currency

  Duchess of Windsor

  Economic collapse of 2008

  American debt after

  conclusions regarding

  history of facing and overcoming recessions similar to

  housing bubble and

  Lehman Brothers and

  redrawing boundaries of limits on foreign policy decision making and

  world recession and

  See also September 15, 2008

  Economic constraints, American foreign policy and

  Economy, Chinese

  Economy, Global

  American services to

  cooperation and

  See also Economic collapse of 2008; September 15, 2008; World Government

  Economy, Russian

  Economy, United States

  containment and

  oil consumption and

  See also American foreign policy; Debt, American; Defense spending; Economic collapse of 2008


  American security policy and

  Iraq’s free elections and

  Israel and

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Elections, of Middle East

  Entitlement programs

  consequences regarding

  government as unable to pay for


  population predictions and

  Euro currency

  European Union (EU)


  See also Defense spending; Entitlement programs

  Exports, economic constraints of

  Fannie Mae

  Fascism, of World War II

  Federal Reserve

  Chinese economic policies and

  Lehman Brothers collapse and

  money printing of

  Finances. See Currency; Defense spending; specific economies by name

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Foreign policy

  of Iran

  of Venezuela and Russia

  See also American foreign policy


  Franco-Prussian War

  Freddie Mac

  Free market

  of China

  global security order and

  “Free rider problem,”

  Fuels. See Alternative fuels, reduced consumption of oil and; Gasoline; Oil

  Fundamentalist groups, Islamic

  F-22 fighter aircraft


  conclusions regarding

  increase in price of

  raising price of

  Gates, Robert



  American reassurances regarding

  compared to China

  containment policies and

  World War II and

  Global economy

  American services to

  cooperation and

  See also Recession of 2008; September 15, 2008; World Government

  Global Security Order

  China and Russia and

  global economy and

  international security order as peaceful


  World War II and

  Global warming

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Government. See American Government; World Government

  Great Britain

  decline of

  Germany and

  Great Depression

  and dramatic changes in future economy

  and September 15, 2008

  World War II after

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)

  Great Power Politics. See

  Global Security Order

  Greenhouse gases


  Hamas (Islamic fundamentalist group)

  Health care

  Medicare modification and

  reform measure of March 2010 of

  rising costs of

  Hezbollah (terrorist organization)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Housing bubble of 2008

  Hughes, Howard

  Hussein, Saddam

  American security policy and

  weapons of mass destruction and

  Income inequality

  of China

  demographics and


  Inflation, Federal Reserve and


  Interest payments, debts and

  International Monetary Fund

  International security

  China and Russia and

  overview of

  reducing role of oil in global economy and

  See also American foreign policy; World Government


  American security policy and

  conclusions regarding

  Islamic Republic of

  nuclear weapons and

  restricting stream of oil revenue to

  as serious danger to Arab regimes and United States


  American security policy and

  debts from war in

  series of free elections in

  Iraq, occupation of

  cooperation and

  death tolls in
br />   defense spending for


  Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction

  similar to NATO expansion

  state-building and

  as unforeseen

  Islamic fundamentalist groups

  Islamic Republic of Iran



  and China

  cooperation and

  World War II and

  Jobs, income inequality and

  Kennan, George F.

  Kennedy, Paul

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Kissinger, Henry


  Korean War


  Lehman Brothers, collapse of

  Lord Palmerston

  Marshall Plan



  Medvedev, Dimitri

  Middle East

  American foreign policy and

  American security policy and

  Arab-Israeli conflict and

  Bush administration and

  Clinton administration and

  conclusions regarding

  costly engagement of United States in

  democracy and elections of

  Iran as serious danger in

  nuclear weapons and

  oil and

  See also Oil





  See also Defense spending; specific economies by name



  Napoleonic Wars

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel

  National debts. See Debt, American

  National security

  See also American foreign policy


  New York Times, The

  New Zealand

  Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  conclusions regarding

  overview of ill-advised expansion of

  real reasons for expansion of

  Russia and

  Soviet Union and

  spread of democracy through

  North Korea

  Nuclear weapons

  American prevention of spread of

  Iran and

  Middle East and Africa and

  of Russia

  war and

  Obama administration

  America’s energy policy and

  cuts to defense spending at start of

  economic constraints voiced by

  reducing America’s oil use and


  as addiction

  alternative fuels and

  America’s need to reduce consumption of

  climate change and

  Cold War policy of containment and

  conclusions regarding

  costs of

  countries whose foreign policies run on revenues from

  as drawing United States to Middle East

  fiscal problems of

  of Middle East

  raising price of gasoline to reduce consumption of

  supplied by governments


  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)


  great-power politics and

  twenty-first century as tilted towards

  Pearl Harbor

  Peltzman Effect

  Peltzman, Sam

  Persian Gulf

  Islamic Republic of Iran and

  oil and

  as planet’s largest reserves of oil

  Pew Research Center

  PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

  Politics. See American Government; World Government

  Poverty, of China

  Putin, Vladimir

  conclusions regarding

  oil revenues and

  Racist ideologies

  Reassurance, as American policy

  Recession of 2008

  American debt after

  conclusions regarding

  history of facing and overcoming recessions similar to

  housing bubble and

  Lehman Brothers and

  redrawing boundaries of limits on foreign policy decision making

  See also September 15, 2008

  Recession, world, with financial crisis of 2008

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, The (Kennedy)

  Roe v. Wade

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.


  American reassurances regarding

  conclusions regarding

  containment policies and

  demographics of

  discontent with global status quo of

  economy of

  foreign policies of, run on revenues from oil

  NATO expansion and

  non-Russian former republics of the Soviet Union and

  as nuclear-armed and formerly orthodox communist

  size and importance of

  strategic partnership with China

  United States pressure from regional security arrangements by

  war and

  See also Soviet Union


  Saudi Arabia



  American decline and

  benefits of

  changing American government in fundamental ways

  See also American foreign policy; Entitlement programs; specific issues regarding scarcity by name


  American policy for oil and

  China and Russia and

  during Cold War

  duty of government


  See also American foreign policy; Defense spending; International Security

  September 11 terrorist attacks

  cooperation after

  defense spending regarding

  oil and

  September 15, 2008

  and change in American foreign policy

  and change in consumer spending habits

  Chinese economic policies and

  conclusions regarding

  economic collapse of

  entitlement program costs and

  global economy and

  global security order and

  sharp fall in the price of oil and

  taxes and

  See also American foreign policy; Recession of 2008

  Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  Shinseki, Eric

  Social Security programs

  costs of

  modification of


  Solana, Javier


  South Korea

  Soviet Union

  Cold War ending and

  decline of

  as similar to Iran

  United States foreign policy and

  See also Russia


  See also Defense spending; Entitlement programs


  Stalin, Joseph


  Stiglitz, Joseph


  Sunni Muslims

  Sutton, Willie



  for entitlement programs

  on gasoline

  on oil

  orthodoxy regarding

  during recessions

  to support baby-boomer entitlements

  for war


  of al Qaeda

  cooperation and

  during George W. Bush administration

  of Hamas and Hezbollah

  oil and

  of September 11, 2001

  Treasury Department

  Tucker, Sophie

  Twain, Mark


  United States

  Arab-Israeli conflict and

  budget and

  and China

lement programs of

  and Iran

  Iran’s nuclear weapons and


  need to reduce consumption of oil and

  and Russia

  Tawain and

  world security and

  as world superpower

  See also American foreign policy; American Government; Economy, United States



  Vietnam War

  Wahhabism (Islamic fundamentalist group)

  Waiting for Godot (Beckett)


  China and Tawain and

  of China with India

  cooperation and

  great-power politics and

  reduced American international role and

  of Russia with Georgia

  See also specific Wars by name

  Washington, George

  Weapons of mass destruction

  Welfare programs


  Social Security

  World Government

  conclusions regarding

  cooperation and

  duties of

  much of governance of coming from America

  policies in future of

  supplying resources to people

  taxes and

  See also Global economy

  World recession

  World WarI

  World War II

  American debt and

  China and Japan’s strained relations and

  cooperation and

  crisis of global economy prior to and Axis powers during

  decline of great powers as result of

  and dramatic changes in future economy

  great-power politics and

  history of

  summit meeting of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin

  Michael Mandelbaum is the Christian A. Herter Professor and Director of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington D.C. He is a former faculty member at Harvard University, Columbia University, and The United States Naval Academy. He earned his Ph.D. in political science at Harvard University. He is the author or coauthor of eleven previous books, including The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets in the Twenty-first Century; The Case for Goliath: How America Acts as the World’s Government in the Twenty-first Century; and Democracy’s Good Name: The Rise and Risks of the World’s Most Popular Form of Government, all published by PublicAffairs.

  PublicAffairs is a publishing house founded in 1997. It is a tribute to the standards, values, and flair of three persons who have served as mentors to countless reporters, writers, editors, and book people of all kinds, including me.

  I. F. STONE, proprietor of I. F. Stone’s Weekly, combined a commitment to the First Amendment with entrepreneurial zeal and reporting skill and became one of the great independent journalists in American history. At the age of eighty, Izzy published The Trial of Socrates, which was a national bestseller. He wrote the book after he taught himself ancient Greek.


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