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Adapt Or Be Crushed (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 9)

Page 35

by Sarah Noffke

  “Good idea then, just follow him.” Evan hurried after her. “Don’t you know not to talk to strangers? Or to follow them when they demand it?”

  Sophia nodded. “Especially since we’re not short on enemies, but something tells me we need to follow him.”

  “Me too,” Wilder agreed on her other side.

  They nearly ran into Mahkah, who was hurrying in their direction. “I ordered another pizza.”

  “Not now, Kah,” Evan stated like he was offended. “We have to get a stranger who strode in here and demanded that Sophia follow him.”

  Mahkah nodded. “Okay, well, we can come back for the pizza.”

  Evan sighed. “Do you always have to make everything about what you put in your mouth?”

  “Oh, put a sock in it.” Sophia sped out onto Roya Lane and looked back and forth, trying to locate the man with a black ponytail. He moved fast and was quickly making his way to the end of the street. “That way!”

  They all hurried through the lane while maneuvering around passersby and gnomes who seemed to be trying to get in their way to slow them down.

  Sophia nearly lost sight of the man several times, but one of the guys often helped out by spying him before he turned a corner. When the guy disappeared into the shop at the end of Roya Lane, Sophia paused, totally confused.

  “Why would he go in there?” Wilder asked, standing at her side.

  She smiled, finally understanding what was going on as she watched the elf disappear into the Fantastical Armory.

  “There can be only one reason.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Two

  The man who Sophia realized was none other than the Protector of Weapons was casually waiting for the dragonriders when they entered his shop.

  “Subner, that’s you, isn’t it?” Sophia looked the elf over. He didn’t appear anything like his former appearance as a hippy, but he was still an elf—much like Ainsley and Renswick who were different from their race in that way.

  “It is.” Subner leaned on the counter with a long case beside him.

  “This place is cooler than the last time I was in here,” Evan gushed while looking around. The shop did seem to have new inventory with shiny weapons hanging all over the walls and cluttering the many cases.

  “Don’t touch anything,” Wilder and Sophia said in unison.

  “Jinx, Mom and Dad,” Evan spouted at once. “Now neither of you can say anything until I say your name five times, which will never, ever happen.”

  Sophia rolled her eyes and strode up to the Protector of Weapons. “So Doctor Tiffanee Freud was able to help you?”

  “She did. Now I’ve assimilated this form and won’t talk in nonsensical phrases any longer. I appreciate your help.”

  “You’re welcome,” Evan cut in. “Where is my lovely wife?”

  “She went back to the mortal world,” Subner replied.

  Evan nearly screamed like an offended schoolgirl on the playground. “How dare she? That tramp abandoned me? She spends our honeymoon with another man, then runs off—taking me for everything I’m worth.”

  “Which is pretty much nothing,” Wilder retorted.

  Evan clapped his hands to his chest. “Can’t you see that I’m hurting? Are you going to kick a man when he’s down?”

  “Down, broken, asleep,” Wilder listed. “It doesn’t matter much to me. I’ll kick you however and whenever it suits me.”

  Evan shook his head. “You know who your friends are when your wife leaves you high and dry.”

  “The marriage can be annulled now,” Subner stated blandly, not at all entertained by Evan’s antics. He was definitely back to his old self—humorless and lacking much personality.

  “Fine, fine.” Evan waved him off and turned to study some weapons in a case.

  “I’m glad you’re better,” Sophia said.

  “What you’re probably most glad about is that my recovery means I can help you secure the weapon you’ll need for your next battle.” Subner patted the case sitting on the counter beside him.

  “Yes, please.” Evan strode over, his eyes full of curiosity. Mahkah and Wilder joined him and stood behind Sophia.

  “There can only be one weapon in there,” Sophia stated. “But I was under the impression that we were all going into battle together.” She indicated the other dragonriders. “That’s why we all had armor created and the dragons too.”

  “That’s correct,” Subner answered. “But this weapon can only be wielded by one person, and it’s the only way to destroy the enemy you’ll meet.”

  Evan held up his hands and nodded. “I’m the one. I get it. Hand over my new silver ax.”

  “It’s not an ax,” Subner corrected.

  “Whatever it is, I’ll take charge,” Evan said confidently. “Lord knows I’m the only one with strong enough shoulders to swing whatever is in that massive case.”

  “You’re not the one,” Subner stated with authority. His pale blue eyes connected with Wilder. “It’s you, Weapons Expert. You’re the one who must carry this into battle. You’re the only one who can deliver the final blow. If you don’t, then all of you will pay the ultimate price.”

  Evan slapped Wilder on the back and laughed. “No pressure, son.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Three

  Subner unfastened the buckles on the case and lifted the lid to reveal the largest sword that Sophia had ever seen. It seemed too big for a normal magician to carry. In truth, it seemed fit for a giant or one of the fiery stone creatures she and Liv had taken down on the volcano.

  The silver sword’s craftmanship was simply extraordinary with the devil’s face on the top portion of the hilt and his horns spiraling up toward the blade. The bottom of the hilt had a fist fashioned on it. The lower portion of the blade was serrated and the top dangerously pointy. Sophia could tell that it was incredibly sharp by looking at it.

  “Dang,” Evan exclaimed, drawing out the word. “That’s one mega-sword.”

  “It’s called the Destroyer,” Subner imparted, his intense gaze straight on Wilder.

  “Oh, man,” Evan complained and threw his head back. “And it’s got a cool name. Are you sure I’m not the one who needs to carry this into battle and strike the finishing blow, Sub?”

  “Subner,” the elf corrected. “I’m certain. It must be Wilder, although all of you have a role to play in the upcoming battle.”

  “Which is?” Sophia asked, a hopeful tone in her voice.

  “You’ll find out very soon,” Subner stated. “But it would be very helpful for you if you took that call.”

  “What call?” Sophia looked around as if someone had entered the shop looking for her. She was still tired enough that Wilder had to indicate her cloak pocket.

  “I think Subner means your phone,” he stated.

  Sophia growled when she realized that the Protector of Weapons knew her phone was ringing although she didn’t. She retrieved the phone from her pocket and nearly gasped at the caller ID. If Bermuda Laurens called it was for one reason: She’d remembered the monster that Nevin Gooseman had asked her about.

  The Dragon Elite were about to find out what they were facing—and by the looks of them and the weapon lying in front of them, they were ready right on time.

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Four

  Hiker thundered back and forth across the floor of his office as his hands pulled his beard.

  “You’re going to break the floorboards, son,” Mama Jamba warned while sketching on her pad as she had been doing lately.

  “Good,” Hiker fired back. “How did this happen? How did Nevin Gooseman get such a monster?”

  Sophia cleared her throat, knowing that question was hers to answer. “Bermuda said that he tricked her into supplying the information. Then, based on her assessment of the leviathan and the simurgh, she believes that he has someone who can do magical enhancements on the creatures.”

  Hiker halted, and his seething gaze landed on the old woman curled up on th
e couch. “Why is it that you’re no help with this one?”

  “Who says I’m not?” Mother Nature fired back. “These animals aren’t from my wheelhouse, so I’m not sure what you expect me to do. This one in particular isn’t one of mine, but rather a manmade genetic anomaly.”

  “One that could be anywhere and has the potential of destroying tons, as well as the Dragon Elite,” Hiker nearly boomed with his hands in the air.

  “The good news,” Wilder began in a calm voice, “is that we have the weapon to battle this beast when we learn where it is.”

  He indicated the case that held the Destroyer, which sat open on Hiker’s desk.

  The Viking glanced in that direction and nodded. “And Subner stated that it was the only thing that could?”

  “Yes, the finishing blow,” Evan stated. “Which means I have to do all the work to wear the beast down first. Then Wilder puts down his turkey leg, sweeps in, and takes the glory moment by simply stabbing the monster.”

  “We also have the armor from Jeremy Bearimy,” Mahkah added while ignoring Evan like the rest of them.

  Hiker nodded. “That makes me a lot more comfortable knowing what you all are facing.”

  Sophia glanced at the picture on the iPad sitting on the coffee table that depicted the beast Bermuda Laurens thought Nevin Gooseman was sending after them: a tarrasque.

  It was weird for a group that rode ancient dragons to look at the monster they’d face and shiver with disgust. The tarrasque looked like an ugly dragon with its large head covered in two large horns and rows of teeth in its wide mouth.

  It was orange and armored in a thick-shelled back covered with more spikes. The monster’s tail was the length of its body and also full of sharp horns. Worse than its appearance was Bermuda’s explanation of the creature. It was quite hostile and unwilling to be tamed or reasoned with. There was only one thing a tarrasque wanted: blood.

  According to the expert on magical creatures, she only knew where one tarrasque in the world was located. It was the very last of the magically created dangerous monsters.

  As luck would have it—or not have it for the Dragon Elite—Bermuda had learned after some checking that it was missing.

  She tried to assure Sophia that the four dragonriders shouldn’t have much trouble facing off with the beast.

  According to the giantess, it would be a tough battle since its hide was pretty much impenetrable by most weapons. Sophia had informed Bermuda that they had a new weapon that should help.

  Bermuda seemed to think this was good news. She then explained that the teeth and horns of the monster could cut through most armor or strong dragon hide.

  Sophia again felt victorious, explaining that the riders and their dragons had new armor created by the extraordinary Jeremy Bearimy.

  “Then you have little to worry about,” Bermuda stated matter-of-factly. “Well, unless Nevin Gooseman has enhanced the tarrasque somehow as he did with the leviathan and the simurgh.”

  Silence fell in the room, and Sophia felt Wilder fidgeting with nervousness beside her. Hiker went back to pacing on the far side of the study. Evan hummed. Mahkah closed his eyes and meditated.

  Mama Jamba broke the silence when she pointed at the television and turned it on at once. “I hope that you’re all rested up now that you know what you’re facing because the beast is awake and ready for you.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Five

  All the dragonriders watched with wide eyes as the news coverage on the television screen showed the horrific events unfolding in Dallas, Texas.

  A monster that was almost as big as the one hundred and fifty-yard-long building planned its escape from a huge, abandoned sports arena. Sophia could hardly believe it as she watched the orange horns rip through the dome’s ceiling, tearing it open like it was an aluminum can.

  After ripping a slit through the top, the tarrasque effortlessly shoved the rest of the dome to the side with its claws that took up most of its hand. Free from its prison of sorts, the beast stood on its hind legs in the center of the football field and roared, making the buildings in the city of Dallas vibrate all around it.

  The helicopter taking the footage soared around the monster, trying to take in the creature’s enormous size. Sirens wailed on nearby streets. The city was in chaos, and it was evident before the reporter came on-screen.

  “What you’re seeing is coverage we only learned about recently when a traffic copter caught a disturbance from an abandoned sports arena slated for imminent demolition,” the reporter began in a rushed voice, her tone brimming with nervousness. “It has allegedly been acquired by the politician Nevin Gooseman, who recently went into hiding after authorities discovered he was behind the spread of distortion, a deadly disease that affected the magician and elfin populations.”

  “Nevin,” Sophia muttered under her breath. She knew he was behind this, but getting the confirmation was good. Necessary.

  Hiker nodded, seeming to agree with her silent sentiment.

  “We have no idea what the massive monster is that has just escaped from the sports dome,” the reporter continued. “But if this thing is loose in our streets, God help us all.”

  On the heels of the woman’s words, the tarrasque slammed through the walls that blocked it from the city of Dallas. The move sent debris in all directions, upended cars, and toppled buildings with a casual jerk of its hand. The beast then lumbered out into the streets of Dallas and roared as its tail swished back and forth, creating destruction in its wake.

  Mama Jamba pursed her lips and continued to sketch. “The only ones I’m aware of who can help are the Dragon Elite. Let’s hope they’re up for the biggest challenge they’ve yet to face.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Six

  “No pressure at all,” Evan said over the comms connecting the four dragonriders. “All of the city of Dallas is counting on us. And if we don’t contain this tarrasque, then it will only create havoc as it tours North America.”

  Sophia shook her head at the dragonrider who was the best thing for morale as they rode into battle, after exiting the portal into the skies over Dallas, Texas. It wasn’t hard to determine where the tarrasque was. All they had to do was follow the sounds of screams and sirens.

  The Dragon Elite hovered in the air on their dragons while they assessed the scene in front of them. Being quick was essential to protect lives and everything else. However, rushing into battle without studying the scene would be a costly mistake, and one Sophia couldn’t afford.

  She glanced out at the city that stretched in front of them—flat and full of concrete. It was also easy to spot the tarrasque because it was massive, the size of a city block. It was clear that Nevin had spent his efforts to make the monster huge. Whereas the leviathan and the simurgh were massive, they were sea and air creatures. Although incredibly dangerous, they had nothing on a land-dwelling beast.

  “What are your orders, boss?” Evan rode atop Coral who also wore the special armor from Jeremy Bearimy. They looked regal in the shiny gear, although Evan sported his trademark grin.

  She drew in a breath and leaned low on Lunis to pull in his strength, which she’d need for what came next.

  “Evan and Mahkah, you need to protect the city and mortals.” Sophia pointed at the many helicopters and tanks that were speeding into place, obviously thinking they could stop the tarrasque. “They don’t know any better and are going to get themselves killed faster by fighting the monster. Push them back and try to minimize damage.”

  Mahkah nodded at once and took off on Tala without another command.

  Evan saluted and flew off after his friend.

  “Wilder,” Sophia began. She felt strange ordering her boyfriend into battle, but right now they were riders, and their orders were to protect. “You need to get in close, but that monster is much too hungry and energetic for that, so we’re going to wear it out.”

  He grinned at her from his place on Simi. The white dragon flapped her wings as
she stayed aloft next to Lunis. “I like this plan. Sounds like a game.”

  “Keep your distance until the time is right,” Sophia warned. “If you get too close, that monster can swipe you two out of the sky. I don’t want you going in for the punishing blow until we have the advantage, which will take a moment.”

  Wilder nodded, pure confidence in his gaze as he absorbed Sophia’s command. “You got it.”

  Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Seven

  Nevin Gooseman watched the aftermath of what he’d worked on for months…years…from the top of a skyscraper in downtown Dallas.

  He had wanted to help the mortal world, but maybe they needed war and destruction. There never seemed to be an end in sight to their problems. Nevin would create a piece of legislation meant to protect mortals, and they’d invent more chaos that he’d have to fix. It was never-ending. Now he saw that the solution was to take them down, so they stopped fighting. Sometimes being put out of one’s misery was the only solution.

  He puffed out his chest and smiled as he looked out at the evening sky full of Army helicopters outfitted with the best mortal weapons. They were nothing compared to his magitech army, and they stood little chance against his tarrasque.

  In the streets of downtown Dallas, tanks also armed with weapons rolled toward the tarrasque. Those too would be stomped to bits when they got in the way of his prize.

  The only ones who stood a chance against the powerful and massive tarrasque were the Dragon Elite, and not even prayers could save them now. This was most assuredly their funeral.

  Nevin watched as the four dragons swooped through the air, their riders low on them and navigating in different directions. Nevin didn’t know what they planned to stop the tarrasque, but he knew it wouldn’t work.

  The beast was too large and powerful. He had planned to be far away by the time the dinosaur-like creature was big enough to escape its confines. However, after all his efforts and losses—after everything—Nevin Gooseman needed to see this. He needed to watch the demise of the Dragon Elite and the mortals.


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