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Your Love Is Mine

Page 13

by Bella Andre

  Ruby, who had thought they were just about to get into the water, made a slightly grumpy sound, so Cassie swung her up into her arms, calling out to Flynn, “Last one in is a rotten egg!”

  Holding Ruby around her chest, she lowered the baby’s feet into the water. Ruby immediately started splashing and giggling as they got wet.

  Soon, Flynn was there too, his cuffs rolled up so that Cassie could see he had surprisingly sexy feet too. Then again, everything about him was sexy. If he ever let his walls fall enough for them to go to bed together, she could imagine just how mouthwatering the rest of him would be…

  Her cheeks were flushed as she said, “You’re right, Ruby really loves the water. Good thing you brought her a full change of clothes.”

  “Looks like you’re going to need one too.”

  She hadn’t planned on going into the pond when she’d dressed for their hike today. Now she realized that Ruby’s splashing had drenched not only the baby, but her white T-shirt too, so that Flynn could quite easily see just how well her nail polish matched her red bra.

  “When we get back to the cabin,” he said, “you can change into something of mine while I make dinner. That is, if you’re free tonight.”

  She lifted her gaze to his, knowing he wouldn’t have made that offer lightly when he was such an intensely private man. “I am. I’d love to have dinner with you and Ruby.”

  Ruby reached for Flynn, then, and it was such a joy to watch him play with his little girl. He might not have much experience with babies, but that didn’t stop him from instinctively understanding exactly what she needed—someone who wasn’t afraid to plop down in the water with her and splash around with total abandon. And when Ruby surprised herself by flinging water in her own face and started to cry, he soothed her so sweetly that Cassie’s insides turned to complete mush.

  “We’re coming up on Ruby’s nap time,” he said a while later, when all three of them were pretty much soaked. “I’ll just get her into dry clothes, and then we can head back.”

  A few minutes later, Ruby was nodding off as she rode in the backpack. Not wanting to wake the baby, neither of them spoke. But this time, Flynn was the one to reach for Cassie’s hand.

  Their kisses might still be on the back burner, but right now, Cassie was more than happy for the simple pleasure of Flynn’s hand over hers.


  From the first moment he’d set eyes on Cassie, Flynn had warned himself over and over to leave her alone. Smith hadn’t sent him to Maine to seduce his cousin—and Flynn knew he had no business messing around with a forever kind of girl.

  But he hadn’t counted on how incredibly seductive her smiles were. Or how impressive she was, on every level. Or how much fun she was to be around.

  And especially not how sweet her kisses tasted.

  Tonight she was looking particularly adorable wearing one of his T-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants while her wet clothes tumbled in the dryer. She was reading Ruby’s favorite book to his little girl, and maybe he should have been sick of hearing about the bus wheels going ’round and ’round by now, but when Cassie was singing along with the story, he found himself as captivated as Ruby, who was bouncing on her lap.

  He was so busy staring at the two of them—and marveling at how different this night was from any he’d ever had in Los Angeles—that he almost forgot to stir the stir-fry he was making for dinner.

  Flynn hadn’t cooked for many people over the years, but whenever he had, they were always surprised by how well he knew his way around the kitchen. That’s what came from taking care of both himself and his sister while they were growing up. If he hadn’t made dinner, more often than not, Flynn and Sarah would have gone hungry. As an adult, he’d found cooking to be the perfect activity when he wanted to think through plot holes in his screenplays.

  “That smells so great,” Cassie said, while Ruby happily played with the pull-tabs in her book. “Mom is going to be so impressed when she finds out you can cook.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up too high,” he warned. “My food won’t be a patch on your mom’s.”

  “I wish I were closer so that I could kiss you again to stop you from saying that.” She shot him a warning look of her own. “You’d better stop talking trash about yourself, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  Flynn had never been more tempted to talk some serious trash about himself, if only to see what Cassie would do with her mouth, and maybe her hands, to shut him up.

  At the same time, when he could think beyond how much he wanted her, he had to wonder if she had a point. He wasn’t a kid cowering in the corner anymore—so why did he always talk about himself as though he were?

  Of course, it was easier to focus on getting dinner on the table, so he shoved the question to the back of his brain. “If you could get Ruby set up in her high chair, I’ll bring our plates over in a couple of minutes.”

  “Hear that, little miss?” Cassie said to Ruby. “It’s dinnertime. Yum yum!”

  Cassie looked so natural as she stood with the baby on one hip, brought her over to the high chair, and strapped her in, that Flynn’s chest clenched tight with emotion.

  “I almost forgot,” she said. “I brought Ruby a new bib.” From her bag, she took out a bib printed with elephants. “These are some of Ellie’s relatives,” she said to Ruby, who happily traced her little fingers over the fabric. Cassie looked over at Flynn. “I apologize in advance for all the elephant paraphernalia I’m bound to give her from here on out.”

  He knew she was teasing. And yet instead of teasing back, he was perfectly serious as he told her, “You never have to apologize for anything, Cassie.”

  “Same goes for you, you know.”

  But he did. Because he still hadn’t told her the truth when, more than anyone, she deserved it from him.

  He brought over a selection of purees for Ruby, then put plates of rice and Thai-style stir-fry in front of Cassie and himself. “I can take over feeding Ruby,” he said, but she waved away his offer.

  “You know I love taking care of her.” The words were barely out of Cassie’s mouth when Ruby nailed her straight between the eyes with a spoonful of pea mash. Laughing, she added, “Even if it means getting a pea-flavored skin and hair mask.” She wiped off her face with one finger, then licked it. “Mmmm. That’s really good.”

  Flynn hoped she wasn’t waiting for him to say something in response, because just watching that one small act had lit a major fire inside of him.

  He’d never wanted anyone so badly. Never craved a woman’s taste this much. Never endlessly fantasized about stroking someone’s soft skin. Never had to stop himself from spinning one wicked scenario after another about the two of them inside his brain.

  He shoved a forkful of food into his mouth, but didn’t really taste it. At this point, he just needed to get through dinner without dragging Cassie against him and ravaging her mouth.

  And any other part of her he could reach.

  “Oh, Flynn.” Judging by the rapturous sounds, Cassie was enjoying her meal. “You’re a brilliant cook.” She closed her eyes on another mouthful, and he let himself drink her in for a few precious seconds. “You’ve got to make this for my mom. Thai flavors are something she’s always wanted to master, but never gets quite right.” She put down her own fork to help Ruby eat a few more bites. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  “I spent some time in Thailand a few years back, doing some research for a movie. One of the street food vendors let me cook with him for a few days.”

  “No wonder you’re such an amazing storyteller. When you do something, you really give it your all, don’t you?”

  The way she looked at him with stars in her eyes made him uncomfortable when he hadn’t done a damn thing to deserve her admiration.

  She held up a hand. “And be careful how you respond to that, or you risk my mouth on yours again.”

  Yet again, he was tempted to say absolutely any
thing at all that would convince her to kiss him. Instead, he told her, “Research is one of my favorite parts of the job. Especially when I have the privilege of trying on someone else’s life for a little while.”

  Though it was obvious she wanted to ask his reasons for wanting to shed his own life for someone else’s, she simply smiled and said, “I really need to get over being such a wimp so that I can see your movies.”

  “No.” He felt strongly about this. “I don’t want you to watch them.”

  “Why not?” She frowned, clearly unable to understand his reaction. “Everyone says how amazing they are.”

  His gut was churning now. “I was a different person when I wrote those movies. I hope I’ve become a better man since Ruby came into my life.” And you too, Cassie. Since you’ve shown me just how beautiful honesty and hope can be. “I don’t want her watching my movies either, when she gets older.”

  Cassie put her hand over his. Ruby, who was sitting between them, mimicked her, her little hand touching his. “I won’t watch them if you don’t want me to. But even if I did, I already know who you are.”


  He put down his fork. He had to tell her the truth, had to explain that she couldn’t know who he was, because no one did. Even if it meant she never looked at him like that again. With admiration and—even more important—her heart in her eyes.

  But Flynn had no idea how to start. How to say the words he’d sworn he would never speak to anyone. How to strip away the man he’d created out of thin air to expose the boy he’d wanted to forget ever existed.

  Ruby let out a yell that yanked him from the battle he was fighting inside his head. She was rattling her high chair, obviously no longer thrilled about being strapped into it.

  “Would it be okay if I let her out of her high chair?” Cassie asked. “She could sit on my lap while we eat, if that would make her happier.”

  Grateful to Ruby for the reprieve, however short, from having to confess both his lies and his painful truths, he said, “Actually, once she’s done eating, she tends to be happiest on the rug with her toys.”

  Cassie wiped down Ruby’s face and hands, took off her bib, then put her down on the floor nearby with her mobile blanket and zoo of stuffed animals. Flynn knew that buying her anything that caught her eye in the local toy store was a bad habit, but he wanted to do whatever he could to make up for the first five months of her life, when he hadn’t been there to watch over her.

  Only, Ruby didn’t seem interested in her toys tonight. Instead, as soon as Cassie sat down at the table again, Ruby reached out for her, obviously wanting to be held by one of her favorite people.

  Cassie was about to go pick her up when Flynn saw Ruby’s expression change into something that looked like determination. Somehow he knew to put his hand over Cassie’s to keep her in her seat.

  A few beats later, Ruby leaned forward onto her hands, then hoisted her bottom up into the air. She stayed like that for a few moments, almost as though she couldn’t believe what she could do with her limbs.

  “Flynn,” Cassie whispered. “Is she…?”

  Before Cassie could get her question out, Ruby lifted one foot and then one hand and moved herself forward. After a beat, she did the same with her other foot and hand. When she fell over, she lay on her back and wailed.

  Flynn and Cassie flew to her side. “You crawled!” he said at the same time that Cassie exclaimed, “She crawled!”

  He lifted Ruby up high and kissed her cheek while Cassie leaned forward to kiss her other cheek. That was when he realized there were tears in Cassie’s eyes.

  “You just blew my mind, little miss.” Cassie’s voice was thick with emotion. “Do you want to do it again?”

  Flynn wanted to cherish this moment forever, one in which he was filled with so much love and pride that there was no room for darkness. But he knew Cassie was right, that he should put Ruby down so that she could crawl again.

  “I love you, Ruby.” He kissed her again, then set her down.

  Ruby frowned, and he thought she might cry again as she reached for Cassie.

  “Cassie,” he said quickly, “last time she was trying to get to you. Maybe if you move a few feet away, that will convince her to do it again.”

  Cassie scooted to the edge of the rug, and as Ruby watched her get farther away instead of closer, Flynn could pinpoint the exact moment the determined look came back into her eyes. Ruby wanted so badly to get to the woman she adored, she’d do whatever it took.

  Rocking forward onto her hands again, she popped her bottom into the air. The next thing he knew, she was motoring across the floor like a baby-shaped spider.

  Cassie cheered Ruby on as she held out her arms for the little girl to crawl into. “Ruby, you’re amazing!”

  Ruby giggled when Cassie popped a kiss onto her lips, then squirmed to get down and do it again.

  Flynn marveled in awestruck silence as she spider-crawled all over the living room and kitchen.

  “Looks like it’s officially time to babyproof.” Cassie’s voice was full of love as she moved a basket of kindling off the floor by the fireplace and onto the counter.

  How had things already changed so fast? One moment, Ruby was happy sitting in one place playing with her toys, and the next she was exploring every nook and cranny. He’d barely started to get his head around the way things were, only to realize that he would have to come up to speed yet again.

  For the next half hour, Ruby was in constant motion—and so were Flynn and Cassie as they pulled anything at all dangerous out of her reach. Thankfully, Cassie had already put in electric socket safety covers before they moved in, so by the time Ruby wore herself out and crawled into Cassie’s arms for good, the living room and kitchen were well babyproofed.

  Flynn made up a bottle for Ruby, which Cassie gave to her. Normally, he gave Ruby a bath before bed, but tonight she was so tired from crawling that he simply cleaned her tooth and gums, then changed her into a new diaper and pajamas. After he laid Ruby down in her crib, Cassie tucked Ellie the elephant into the crook of her arm, then covered her with a blanket. After giving her good-night kisses, the two of them tiptoed out of the room and closed the door. The baby monitor he kept with him would alert them if Ruby woke up and needed anything.

  Tonight, with Cassie and Ruby, he’d learned how good it would be to have a happy family of his own. But now that Ruby was asleep, his temporary reprieve was over.

  It was time to tell Cassie the full, unabridged truth.


  “Ask me, Cassie.” They had only just returned to the living room. Flynn had avoided this moment his entire adult life. But he’d never be able to look himself in the mirror again if he avoided it with Cassie. “I’ve told a million lies in my life, but I can’t lie to you anymore. Ask me the three questions I asked you, and I’ll tell you the truth.”

  She held out her hands to him, the same way she’d reached for Ruby a short while ago. And just like the baby, he grasped them like a lifeline.

  “Before I ask you anything, there’s something you should know.” She moved closer, close enough that when she went up onto her toes, her lips were nearly against his. “I love you.” She pressed a finger to his lips to forestall any protests. “And don’t you dare say I haven’t known you long enough to fall in love. I don’t need any more time than this to know what’s in my heart. And that it’s only ever beat this way for you.”

  If hearing her say she loved him hadn’t already been enough to steal his breath away, her mouth against his would have done it.

  Her kiss echoed the three little words as passion wound like a velvet ribbon around them.

  When she finally drew back, she lifted her hand to his cheek. “And now I can’t wait to hear all about you, Flynn. Your secrets, your edges and dark places—even if none of them have ever succeeded in covering up the light inside you, no matter what you think.”

  Desperation clawed at him to take everything s
he offered. The absolution, the promise of a happy future with her pure sunshine smile lighting up every moment.

  But he knew how insidious that hope could be…especially when he’d done nothing at all during the past twenty years to earn it. Until Ruby came into his life, he’d lived only for himself.

  Forcing himself to let go of her hands and step away, he made himself answer the first question, though she hadn’t yet asked it. “My world turned upside down pretty much from the beginning.”

  She frowned, but didn’t reach for him again as he went to stand by the window. Night in the forest should have been pitch black, but Cassie—being Cassie—had hung a metal sculpture in the shape of a heart on a nearby tree. It was strung with little white lights so that when darkness fell, the heart was illuminated.

  In the reflection of the window, he saw her slowly move to the couch and sit.

  “My parents should never have been parents,” he said. “I came nine months after they got together. My sister was born fifteen months after me. Fortunately, we were the only two kids they had. Your parents had the ultimate meet-cute romance, something straight out of a rom-com movie. Whereas my dad met my mom because he was her dealer.”

  Flynn made himself turn to face Cassie, certain he’d see shock on her face from his revelation. Instead, she simply looked like she wanted to wrap him in a big hug.

  He would have given anything for that hug. But he’d only just started spilling his guts, and if he stopped, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to start again. Not when every word he spoke felt like it was covered in spikes.

  “He was a nasty drunk, and she was weak enough to think she loved him. Loved him in a way she never loved me or Sarah. We were only ever in his way, and we learned to hide in corners or behind closed doors. I did everything I could to protect my sister, but—” His throat closed as he thought of all the days, the nights, he hadn’t been able to keep his sister out of harm’s way by taking her place. “I was a small kid and didn’t fill out until much later, so I couldn’t keep her safe.”


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