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Angeles Betrayal

Page 11

by Michael Pierce

  The inside of the car was already hot from the few minutes it had been sitting in the direct sunlight. I took one more sip of my soda before setting it into the center cup holder and starting the engine. I was just about to shift the car into gear when a sharp pain pinched the side of my neck. My hand shot up to the source of the pain and hit another hand pulling away.

  Something was already happening to me. I felt woozy, my vision steadily clouding over. By the time I peered into the rearview mirror, I felt the dreamworld taking hold. I saw a figure in the back seat. It looked like a woman—at least, I thought it did. But I was fading fast, and within seconds, she disappeared along with everything else.

  And in the darkness, I heard a voice. “Sweet dreams, sweet boy.”



  My long conversation with Abigail made it clear what my next step needed to be. There wasn’t a specific thing she said or some grand wisdom the pre-teen imparted, but just the clear realization I had a duty to protect the ones I loved. I had an awareness that most of the world wasn’t privileged to have, and with that awareness came a responsibility to do what I could to help and not stand idly by while the vampires claimed the world for themselves.

  Maybe my decision wouldn’t ultimately change anything, but at least I wouldn’t have to look back knowing it was all my fault. Maybe Frederick would find another way onto the space station, or maybe that long-awaited goal would never be realized, but the outcome remain the same.

  When I hung up the phone with Abigail, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I still had a great sense of trepidation at what I had to do, but at least I didn’t feel guilty about my forthcoming actions. I’d be able to look Matthew in the eyes and know I hadn’t betrayed his love and trust. Mom, on the other hand, would be a different story—but she’d have to come to understand that I was doing all this for her as well.

  And with this profound realization, I knew I couldn’t sit on it—I couldn’t risk losing my new-found resolve. I had to confront Frederick right away, that same night. So, I didn’t waste another moment. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed straight for the elevator.

  However, once I was sitting in rush-hour traffic, heading toward LA, I rationalized I could’ve waited a little before leaving. But then I reminded myself that inching toward my destination, however slowly, was at least a forward momentum.

  I couldn’t remember the name of the street exit on the 101 but could picture the off-ramp enough to know it when I saw it. The surly street looked just as dilapidated and menacing in the twilight glow as it did in the darkness.

  I would have driven by the nondescript gated driveway if it hadn’t been for the exotic blonde pacing on the sidewalk in front of it. She wasn’t the same one I’d seen previously, and she was pacing without a partner. When the grille of my Land Rover approached her, she made no attempt to step aside, allowing my vehicle to come to a halt inches away from her intimidatingly perfect body.

  She tapped on the hood of my SUV with long violet nails and glared at me disapprovingly, before gliding over to the driver’s side window.

  My heart thumped wildly in my chest as I rolled down the window and met her icy blue eyes. Now I was unsure if I could actually pull it off—if I could even get into the club, let alone successfully confront Frederick.

  “Are you lost, little girl?” the female vampire asked with a deceptively sweet tone.

  I gathered my courage and attempted a confident reply. “No. I’m here to see Frederick.”

  “I don’t know anyone by that name,” she said, her expression serious as she leaned into my open window. “I think you should turn around and go home.” And with that, she rose to her full height and sauntered away.

  According to Matthew, the SUV was reinforced with steel paneling and bulletproof windows that could fend off a vampire attack for a limited amount of time. So, if I decided to ram the gate, she shouldn’t be able to stop me—until I had to exit the vehicle and make a run for the entrance of the club. At that point, I’d be in trouble. I had my gun with sleeper bullets this time, but doubted my ability to stop an actively attacking vampire… a real one, now.

  “I know Fangloria is behind that gate and I personally know Frederick Alabaster. I’m the daughter of Susan Winter,” I yelled after the retreating vampire. “Call someone if you have to. You can see my ID. But I am not leaving until I’m given the opportunity to speak with Frederick.”

  The female vampire stopped and turned on her impossibly high heel. In a flash, she was back at my open window, her breath cold on my cheek. “You are not in a position to make demands. If you truly know what I am, then you’ll also know I can snap you in half like a twig.”

  I gulped hard but tried not to cower. “I’m not demanding… but asking… for your help. I need to speak with Frederick about an important matter. He’ll know what I’m talking about.”

  “Then tell me and I’ll relay the message.”

  “It’s not something I’m permitted to discuss with anyone other than him. He’d have my head.”

  “I can have your head,” she threatened.

  “I understand,” I said, speaking more softly now. “Please just call him. He’ll want to see me.”

  The striking vampire finally seemed to be considering my request. After a prolonged moment of staring me down, she walked away from the Land Rover, tapped her earpiece, and began talking to someone on the other end of the line. With her back to me, I couldn’t hear what she was saying and could only hope she was talking to Frederick directly.

  The longer the conversation dragged out, the less confident I became that it was going my way. Finally, when the blonde vampire returned to my open window, there was fire in her eyes. “ID please,” she demanded.

  I probably should have gotten it ready earlier, but didn’t, so I had to fish through my purse to retrieve my driver’s license. She snatched it from my hand as soon as it left my wallet.

  “It seems you are who you say you are,” she said and dropped my license into my lap. “You’ll have to present your ID again to security, then our Promotional Lead will meet you inside and take you to Frederick. Now scamper away, little girl. Or I’ll be tempted to eat you myself.” The radiant vampire gave me a predatory grin, reached into the open window, and ran a sharp nail down my good cheek. “You do look appetizing.”

  “Be careful,” I warned. “Frederick doesn’t like to share his food—or his toys.” I smirked back at her, and even though I didn’t consider myself either one of those things, the comment successfully made her back away from the window.

  Several seconds later the gate was opening. I immediately rolled up the window and let out a long breath as I drove into the narrow alleyway leading to Fangloria.

  Since it was still twilight, there weren’t many people here. I didn’t even know if the club was officially open yet. The parking lot was mostly empty and there was no line of eager attendees following the perimeter of the building. Two monstrous security guards stood by the entrance, talking to each other.

  I stuffed my ID into my pocket along with all the cash I had on me but put my phone into my purse and hid it under the passenger seat. I also shimmied out of my shoulder holster and hid the harness and pistol in the glove compartment. As much as I didn’t want to enter the club unarmed, I had no illusions about getting past security with my Society-issued gun.

  Now that I was here, I was questioning if I could really go through with it, if I had what it took to face Frederick and to tell him no. He had tortured Matthew for information regarding the portal, so what would stop him from doing the same to me? Would Mom be able to stop him? And the better question was, would she even try?

  I did my best to suppress my fear and calm my shaking body before exiting the Land Rover and heading toward the waiting security guards.

  Upon my approach, a black girl looking only a few years older than me appeared from within the club and stepped between the guards. “You must be Fion
a,” she said, sounding pleasant, but all business.

  “I am,” I said.

  “I figured as much. You look exactly like your mother.”

  Except for the scars, I thought automatically whenever someone made that comparison, though I never said it aloud. “We get that a lot,” was my canned response.

  “Come with me,” she said, then added, “Let her through.” She turned and walked briskly back into the club.

  I hurried after her, though I nervously glanced up at the guards as I passed, expecting one of them to stop me and give me a full pat down like the first night I was there. But they didn’t. They followed the girl’s orders and I sailed straight through. Now I wished I had brought my gun.

  “I’m Ajah,” the girl said when I reached her side. She was walking impressively fast in heels, and I was having to work hard to keep up in sneakers. Dealing with me was obviously an extra task she didn’t have time for. She didn’t attempt small talk, which was fine with me.

  The lights were brighter than on my previous visits, and there were people thoroughly cleaning the lounges. The bartenders were still setting up their stations; it all felt oddly quiet without the pounding music. And without the eclectic clientele, the inside of the club felt so… normal.

  Ajah led me through the dark curtains and down the stairs to the offices and prep areas. She stopped before the door I remembered as leading to Frederick’s office suite; she first tried the doorknob, and when it didn’t turn, retrieved a key to unlock it herself.

  “Frederick said he’d be here shortly. Have a seat on the couch,” she said, holding the door open for me.

  “Thank you,” I said and followed her direction. Halfway to the nearest couch, I heard the door closing and then the sound of it being locked from the outside. She obviously wasn’t taking chances. I continued to the leather couch and sat down, my heart now in my throat as I waited for Frederick’s arrival.

  But as I sat there, I heard noise coming from the en suite. The door was ajar, with the light on inside the bathroom. Small wisps of steam spilled from the opening. It seemed I wasn’t alone in here after all.

  As I thought of who it might be, the door opened; a tall woman emerged from the steamy opening, drying her long blonde hair with a white towel. She was humming to herself, obviously unaware that anyone else was in the room since she was venturing out completely naked.

  At first, I thought she was a vampire since her nude body seemed so perfectly proportioned—though her breasts were obviously enhanced. But then I noticed the bright red Vampire Nation tattoo on her crotch, in a region that really should have been covered with pubic hair.

  By the time I realized I’d seen the woman before—she was the one who’d answered the door when I’d come here with Mom—she caught me ogling her.

  “Now who’s the one staring?” the woman said, then bent forward to finish drying her hair. When she was done, she draped the towel around her shoulders, which still concealed nothing. It was clear she had no inhibitions about standing naked before me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, reflexively. I diverted my gaze away from her. “I didn’t realize anyone was in here. I’m waiting for Frederick.”

  “I didn’t either, but then again, life’s full of surprises.” She crossed her arms under her far too supported breasts. “You’re the girl from the True North Society that everyone’s been talking about, aren’t you?”

  “I’m… umm… not really comfortable talking about it,” I said, my voice stuttering more than talking. “Would you mind putting some clothes on?”

  “I’m sorry, honey. Does my indecency make you uncomfortable too?”

  “Maybe a little,” I said, still not able to look at her without fixating on her tattoo, which meant... it was safer to simply look away.

  “Wow… you are an innocent,” she said and started walking toward the bed. “What does Matthew see in you?”

  “What did you say?” I asked, knowing I’d heard the name Matthew leave her lips. But I’d missed the context.

  “We don’t see many like you… in here, I mean.” She’d grabbed a lacy pair of panties from the bed and was now pulling them on. After a small adjustment to the waistband, the Vampire Nation tattoo was gone.

  “You said something about Matthew?”

  “Did I?” she asked innocently. “I don’t believe so. I only know one Matthew, and he wouldn’t be anyone you’d know.” She proceeded to shimmy into a black dress that truly accentuated her ample curves—something I could never pull off.

  “I feel I know you from somewhere,” I said, trying hard to place her.

  “Probably just from the last time you were here,” she said, nonchalantly, carrying the towel back to the en suite.

  Then I heard the door being unlocked, causing my heartbeat to double in the span of a single second. Frederick entered before the mysterious woman returned.

  “Fiona, my sweet,” Frederick exclaimed. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Before I could answer, the blonde exited the bathroom. “Mr. Alabaster, I was just finishing up,” she said. “I’ll get out of your way.”

  “Taylor, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were still in here.” He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek when she stopped next to him, then spanked her as she headed for the door. “I hope the two of you were playing nicely.”

  “I always do,” she said before closing the door behind her.

  Frederick smiled at me, then locked the door from the inside with a golden key worn around his neck.

  “Does your mother know you’re here?” he asked, turning back to me.

  “Not unless you told her,” I said.

  “I did.” He crossed the room to stand before me; he seemed to have an aversion to sitting on the couch. “I don’t want her to think I’m going behind her back, especially when it comes to you. Would you like to wait for her to arrive?”

  “No,” I said, standing to face him at eye-level, even though I was quite a few inches shorter. “I just want to get this over with.”

  “Then speak your piece.”

  This was it, the moment I’d been dreading. I just had to rip off the Band-Aid and say what I’d come here to say. I grabbed onto my legs to keep my hands from shaking uncontrollably. My mouth had gone completely dry. But I couldn’t let the fear stop me; I needed to speak. “I—I can’t take you to the portal,” I finally said.

  Frederick didn’t immediately react. He seemed to be chewing on my words. After a few moments, he ran a hand over his mouth and sighed. “I was afraid of that. I must say, it’s rather disappointing, but not completely unexpected.”

  When he turned away from me, I expected a sudden attack, causing my whole body to tense. I glanced at the locked door, knowing there was nowhere I could run—the only key to escape was around his neck. I was completely at his mercy until Mom arrived, and there was also a good chance she wasn’t actually coming—that she didn’t even know I was here. I hadn’t told her. Frederick said he had, but that might have been a lie.

  “I was truly hoping you’d decide to do this on your own,” Frederick said, opening the door of what I assumed to be a walk-in closet. “But it’s always important to have contingencies.” He didn’t sound upset but rather resigned, disappearing into the dark closet. He soon reappeared, wheeling out an occupied computer chair. A hooded figure was tightly bound to it, struggling vigorously to escape. Frederick positioned the chair before me and removed the hood.

  My heart stopped cold at the sight of Sean’s petrified eyes staring back at me. He had a gag in his mouth and his face was terribly bruised.

  I thought he was gone… left for New York, since Alexis had said she’d watched him leave with the rest of his family. I wanted to run to him, rip off his bindings, and throw my arms around him to protect him from this monster. But I knew better. I didn’t dare move.

  “I hope there is some way I can convince you to reconsider your decision,” Frederick said, his face cold and terrifying—the tru
e face of a legendary vampire.




  It was hard to believe the sheets on the bed were ever white. They were now covered in sickly orange stains and the bright red of fresh blood splatter. I was being given a few moments of rest before the next session began, a few moments to let my excessive wounds heal, so they could simply be reopened. The physical pain was fading, but the memory of the torture was still hauntingly fresh in my mind.

  “He looks healthy enough,” Frederick said from his chair across the room.

  The two nurse vampires on the bed with me didn’t need more of an invitation to begin ripping into my flesh again. They each had an arm while I was propped in a seated position against the wall. They used their fangs not just to bite—which wasn’t painful like it sounded—but to rip and tear at my flesh. Grabbing onto tabs of loose skin, they tore it off in long ribbons, slowly skinning me from shoulders to wrists.

  My throat was so raw from screaming that the sound came out as hoarse groans, barely audible over the nauseating sound of my ripping skin. Just when the world faded to black and I was about to pass out, they’d stop, put smelling salts under my nose, then dab my face with a cool, wet towel. As soon as I was alert again, they’d pick up where they left off.

  “Pleasant isn’t it?” Frederick said.

  My eyesight was too blurred to see him any longer. Now he was simply the ghostly voice of the devil, with his tempting promises of reprieve. I did what I could to picture the face of every person I’d left behind on the space station, to remember why I was allowing myself to endure such torment and torture. But the excruciating pain was making their innocent faces harder and harder to make out.


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