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The Mafia Manipulation: A Ryker Group Book

Page 16

by S. M. Dapelo

  “Button,” he was at my side and took my chin, making me look at him. “Just because you haven’t been in a bunch of relationships doesn’t mean you’re not exactly what I want. I don’t need fake and silicone. I need real, and that’s you.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. “You’re exactly what I need, and I need you now.” He reached down and lifted me up, and I couldn’t stop smiling. Damn, I was falling for my husband.


  When I woke up the next morning, Luc was arguing with someone on the phone. “Because she’s refusing to go. She wants to be here when Jennifer gets back to help her. Are you going to fault her for that? Plus, she’s insisting Dom had an apartment no one knows about. She’ll be able to find it easier than anyone else.” He glanced at me, realized I was awake, then growled. “Oh, and now you made me yell and wake her.”

  “Tell Marc hi,” I sang as I stretched. “Warn him if he tries to force me to go anywhere: one, I’m off my meds, and two, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “Make sure you ask Cosmo about her hand-to-hand training,” Luc frowned into the phone before hanging it up.

  I rolled to my stomach to watch him as he hung up the phone, “I know I’m new to this, but I think sex is a lot better than anti-depressants. Just saying.”

  He smirked as he sat back down on the bed, “It’s supposed to raise your endorphins. And thank God Marc decided we needed a box of condoms for a wedding present. I’ll admit I’ll be happier when your shot takes effect.” He leaned over and kissed me, then moaned, “But we don’t have time for another round right now. Your dad’s inside person said the FBI is expected there within two hours. How quick can you get ready?” He looked away, “The woman I was involved with… well, there’s a good chance she’ll be there to rattle you.”

  More likely you, I thought. “Well, I’m dealing with your ex-girlfriend, so I have to look great.” I tossed back the sheets, “So, about twenty minutes?”

  “Best. Wife. Ever.” Luc helped me up and kissed me again. A girl could get used to this. “I’m going to be thanking the big guy every day I ended up with you.”

  “If you ever forget, I’ll remind you,” I winked as I headed toward the dresser, buoyed by what I saw in his eyes. “Jeans and a sweater, okay? I could dress in Armani, but I don’t want her to think we were forewarned.”

  “I like you best in just one of my shirts,” he smiled.

  “One of your shirts it is,” I smirked, pulling a pair of leggings out, along with some black lacy lingerie. I opened his closet, perusing through it. “You don’t own much color, do you?”

  “You took my red shirt last night,” he shrugged. “Spilled things show up on color. I have a blue in there I wear to church occasionally.”

  I raised a brow, “Spilled things?”

  He shrugged, “Blood spatter, same difference.” He looked at me, his eyes narrowing, “You’re not actually wearing my shirt to your dad’s, are you?”

  I yanked a gray Armani business shirt off the hanger, “Of course I am. Dad will just think it’s a new dress fad. Everyone else will probably see it for what it is.”

  “Which is?” He circled his hand in the air as if saying ‘elaborate please’.

  I bit my lip, knowing how this was going to sound. Then took a breath and looked Luc in the eye, “You’re mine and I’m yours.”

  His face went into a slow smile, “Don’t the rings do that?”

  “They show we’re married. This is much more intimate.”

  He closed the space between us, “I enjoy intimate.”

  “I’m aware,” I pressed my lips together and looked down. “Let’s just say, this will make sure everyone realizes our marriage is more than just a convenience.” I looked up, “If that’s okay with you?”

  His smile was still in place, “More than okay. I think you’re going to give Marc a run for his money with the psychological profiles.” He chuckled, “I think I just agreed to go steady with my wife.”

  I gave a small shrug, “We’ll see.” Then walked into the bathroom.

  An hour later we were pulling into the compound’s back entrance. I had added a belt and a pair of heels to the shirt and leggings and put my hair into a high ponytail. Luc grabbed my hand as we walked in. Six men sat around the table, eating pastries from a bakery down the road. “Seriously? We have a cook.” I looked at them.

  “It’s her day off,” shrugged Marc. “I picked this up on my way here, while your husband was yelling at me.” He tilted his head to the side as he regarded me. Then gave a shark-like smile. “I like the look. It’s gonna give just the right message.”

  “Not now Marc,” said Luc. “Is the FBI here yet?”

  “Would I be stuffing my face if they were?” Marc snapped back.

  “Do you two ever stop fighting?” I looked between the two of them.

  Luc waved me off, “We rarely argue this much. He’s stressed.”

  “Are you saying you and Dom never fought?” Marc looked incredulous.

  “He was ten years older than me, remember? When I was six, he was already driving. When I was ten, he was in college. It would have to take a lot to make us argue, and nothing that big ever happened,” I smiled.

  “Lucky you,” muttered Luc. “Where’s Cosmo?” he asked in a normal voice.

  “In his study, waiting for us. Elena called right before I came in here. I wanted to give him his space,” shrugged Marc. He looked between Luc and me, “So when am I gonna be an uncle?”

  Luc’s face stayed placid, “When am I getting a sister-in-law?”

  Marc’s nose flared. “Let’s go see if Cosmo’s done,” Marc straightened his tie as he walked out the door.

  “So that’s how you get him to stop?” I asked.

  “Works every time,” Luc said out of the side of his mouth, causing me to giggle. So far, I was enjoying marriage. It was nice to be the center of attention with at least one person.

  When we walked into the study, I noticed Dad appeared paler than normal. “Daddy? Is everything okay?”

  He looked up and nodded, “Maybe. Elena and your mother are coming home tonight.”

  “So, the treatment?” I asked.

  “It’s not a right fit for her, sweetheart,” he forced a smile. My heart stopped for a moment. My father rarely smiled, and he never called me sweetheart.

  I took a stuttering breath, “How bad?”

  “They won’t tell me,” he shrugged and sat back. “They’re coming home tonight and Elena’s demanding a family meeting. They should arrive at six, we’ll plan for eight.”

  Luc squeezed my hand and Marc tossed a look my way. “We’ll all be here,” Marc said. “Maybe the four of us can grab dinner at Rudy’s tonight.”

  Dad nodded absentmindedly, “That’s a promising idea. Today might be more difficult than I thought.” He glanced at me, “Are you doing okay? Between Dom, your mother, and your marriage, there’s been a lot of change.”

  I frowned, “I’m fine, Daddy.” I got into little girl mode around him. “I’m worried about you. You’re pale.”

  He waved my concern away, “I’m fine. With Elena away, I’m not sleeping well. I’ll get a full night tonight.”

  “If you’re sure,” I hedged.

  “Here,” he held up a cup to me. “Someone decided I looked tired today and left this on my desk. You know I only drink espresso. This is a child’s beverage.”

  I looked into the cup. Simple coffee with cream and, probably, sugar. I shook my head with a smile, “Shouldn’t your staff know better?”

  Dad grunted his response. I went to inhale the aroma and gagged. “Something’s wrong with this.”

  “Give it here,” Luc grabbed it and sniffed. He looked at Marc with flashing eyes, “Bitter Almonds.”

  “I smelled nothing different,” Dad frowned.

  “Less than half the population can smell it. I can’t, but Luca can.” Marc’s face was grim, “There’s cyanide in there. Someone just tried to kill you.”

>   “Oh really?” came a voice from the doorway. I turned to see a tall blond man, probably in his early forties, standing in the doorway. Behind him were two others. The first was a carrot-toped man, smaller than the first, but not so small he wasn’t intimidating. The second was a woman with hair so white it made Elena’s look dark. Tall and angular, she had an air of arrogance as she raised her chin.

  “What do you want?” asked my father, who then glared at one of his men. “Matteo, what’s the rule when I’m in my study?”

  The man looked at his shoes, “Announce anyone before I bring them to you.”

  “This is why I’m re-training everyone,” Dad sighed as he leaned back again. “I know who they are,” he pointed at the two agents in the back, “Who are you?” He stared at the blond man.

  “Director Bishop Holder. I have a few items I need to discuss with you, sir.” He glanced at the cup, “I believe the timing is fortuitous.”

  Dad frowned, “I don’t do police without my lawyer.”

  “Everything will be off-the-record. The same will apply to both of the Romano brothers as well.” He glanced at Luc, “Good to see our intel was completely wrong.”

  “One hundred percent,” my husband answered, crossing his arms. Then pointed at the other two, “We’re not discussing anything with them in the room.”

  “Agreed.” Director Holder nodded. Both agents startled. “I need to insist it only be the three of you for now. Miss Amato will need to wait elsewhere.”

  “I prefer Alessandra out of any business with the FBI,” my father shrugged. “However, get the names correct. She is now Mrs. Romano. She and Luca eloped yesterday.”

  “What?” the blond woman looked startled.

  Luc ignored her and turned to me, “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want. I don’t have the same rules as your father.”

  “You should,” muttered Marc. “It’s safer for her that way.”

  “Alessandra has inventory to inspect in the library,” my father interrupted before the brothers started arguing again. “Freddy brought everything from the gallery before he left, since it will be a bit before you will be allowed back in. I pulled strings and got your artwork released.”

  “Feddi, Daddy. His name is Feddi,” I reminded him.

  He shrugged, “Whatever. The point is the police are heavy handed. You need to look at it and make sure anything isn’t destroyed.”

  “Fine,” I rolled my eyes. “You know, Dom used to tell me everything, anyway. Luc will too.”

  My father’s brow creased, “Don’t roll your eyes. And if he hadn’t, you wouldn’t have had to be sent into hiding. And we’d know his killer. He obviously didn’t tell you everything.”

  “Fine,” I huffed. “Can I borrow Marco to help with inventory?”

  “You won’t have to,” a chirpy voice came from behind the agents. Cindy strolled in, “I’m here. I heard about the wedding and decided you need to go shopping for a trousseau. I can help with the inventory, then we can shop.”

  Luc shook his head. “Alley’s not leaving the compound for the moment. Wait until I’m done, then I’ll go with.”

  “Whatever,” Cindy rolled her eyes. “How is Alley supposed to surprise you if you’re shopping with us?”

  “Screw surprises,” smirked Luc. “I’m choosing.”

  “Luc likes to be in charge,” smirked the blond.

  “Mr. Romano to you,” Samantha walked in behind them and looked ready for blood. “You’re here in an official capacity. And to be frank, I’m pretty sure your boss told you to leave.”

  “I did,” agreed the blond man. “Agent Larson should never have been here. She knew that and I’m sick of the games.”

  “What games would those be?” I widened my eyes. If I was cute, I was going to make it work.

  “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, Mrs. Romano,” the man smiled. Then he turned to the agents, “You two are to go directly back to Denver. Your next assignment will wait for you there.”

  “If you don’t mind,” Sam interjected, “I’ll escort them to the door. Last time Agent Larson was left alone in a house, she somehow wandered into a private room. I wouldn’t want that to happen here.”

  “I would think Luca would escort us, since he’s second in command here,” Agent Larson glared at Luc.

  “Nope,” I shook my head and headed to the door. “I can do it. I need to go to the library, anyway. It’s my house.”

  “No, Alley. It’s your father’s house,” Luc walked up and kissed my forehead, “Yours isn’t ready yet.”

  “Still building?” Director Holder asked.

  “Updating,” Luc ground out as he glanced back at him. “We got a place by the art museum. It’s beautiful, but the master bath and kitchen both need some updating. Alley’s a fantastic cook, so she gets the best.”

  “If you’ll follow me,” I smiled at the two agents and led them to the front door.

  “I’m coming too,” Sam followed us. “I heard shopping was going to be involved.”

  “So, where’d all this art stuff come from?” Cindy asked as we walked the agents to the front door. I felt the ice queen’s eyes glaring into my back.

  “My gallery in Colorado Springs,” I answered. “It’s mostly paintings and photography.” I was happy with myself ignoring the other woman. How could Luc date her? She was faker than plastic.

  I opened the front door. Three of Marc’s men stood there, waiting to escort them to the car. The woman raised a brow at me, “He’s hiding vital facts from you. You know that, right? He isn’t what he seems?”

  “Get your ass out of here,” hissed Sam getting in her face. “I protect family. You don’t want to be on my radar.”

  I put a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “I got this.” I tilted my head to the side, staring at the agent, “Why does it bug you so much he’s over you? You didn’t give a damn about him.” She started to say something, and I raised my hand to stop her. “Don’t assume I’m stupid. If you cared about him, you would have done anything you could have to stay with him. I know I will.”

  “Will you? It might be more than you’re expecting. Besides, I have morals,” she sneered.

  “Not good ones, if you’re willing to rip someone’s heart out to advance a career,” Sam said, crossing her arms. The agent’s eyes widened. “Yeah, I was told about you. He told me how it ended and what you said to him. Don’t pretend you’re better than everyone else, just because you carry a badge,” Sam sneered.

  Agent Larson’s face morphed into a sneer. “I know exactly who you are,” she hissed as Sam.

  Sam gave a one-shouldered shrug, “Good. Then you know what I’m capable of and how I protect my family.”

  I looked at the men waiting, “Gentlemen, make sure they make it through the gate safely.” They nodded as I turned my back on the agents.

  “Impressive,” smirked Cindy.

  “Everyone always assumes I’m weak,” I shook my head.

  “Never thought it for a moment,” Sam smiled. “Innocent as they come? Yes. Weak? Not even close.”

  “We have your back,” Cindy sang. “I have a feeling between the three of us, we can cut anyone down to size.”

  “And that’s why you’re my matron of honor for the big wedding,” I smiled at her. “Having girlfriends is fun.”


  We had finished the inventory, and only a single ceramic vase hadn’t made it through. Feddi must have missed it. Everything else was in acceptable shape. Cindy was fidgeting, “So what about the bachelorette party?”

  “What party? I’m married,” I shrugged. “I never expected one.”

  Sam’s mouth dropped open, “Why not?”

  “Because I’m usually ignored,” I shrugged. “I’m the illegitimate kid. I wasn’t expected to count.”

  “Which idiot told you that?” Sam looked outraged.

  “All my cousins.” I looked up and shook my head, “It’s not like Elena, Dom, or Dad said anything, b
ut even Dad’s guys were always firmly in two different camps. Those who acknowledged me and those who pretended I didn’t exist.”

  Cindy’s eyes narrowed, “Which camp was Rudy in?”

  I rolled my eyes, “He always gave me an extra scoop of gelato every time we went to the restaurant. You shouldn’t even have to ask. He’s more my uncle than any of my father’s brothers.”

  “Well, good.” She seemed a little less ruffled. “I’m still not sure about all the politics around here yet.” She looked around, “How long are we going to wait?”

  “I know how to sneak out,” I smirked. “Come on. As overprotective as Dad was growing up, Luc has overshadowed him.” I headed to the door as my husband’s irate form filled it.

  “Cindy, Sam, I need to talk to Alley alone for a moment,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  I frowned, “What’s wrong?”

  “Alone, button. You three can get back to this in a minute,” his jaw kept ticking.

  I glanced over to Cindy who walked past us, winking at me, “I’ll grab something from the kitchen. I’m parched.”

  “I need to check in with Ethan,” Sam frowned at Luca as she walked out. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen soon.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as we’re finished,” I forced a smile as I watched them walk down the hall. Then turned to my husband. “What’s going on, and why is the director of the FBI talking to you and Dad in private?”

  His jaw moved back and forth before he answered, “Something’s wrong. We might have been sold out.”

  “What???” My heartbeat ratcheted up. It had to be Enzo. No one had seen him since last night.

  Luc put his hands up, “They couldn’t have any information on us, except contact to other individuals. But whoever gave him the knowledge Bishop’s throwing at us right now, they were high level.”

  “Gianni?” I asked.

  Luc shook his head, “He wasn’t high enough. We’re talking about my level or right below. Hell, this guy knows more than I do. The problem is,” he grabbed my hand, “we’re going to be busy for a bit. We’re not getting out of here until at least dinner.”


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