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Beast of the Bay

Page 12

by Pride, Mia

  “As ye say,” Niall shrugged. “Ye ken as much as I do. They are seeking the true heir of Spain and believe he was aboard a ship that passed through here. Word got back to Spain that a man believed to be Ferdinand was still alive and now living somewhere in Scotland, England, or Ireland. They wish to find him, but I believe it will be like finding a grain of gold in a beach full of golden sand. It is highly unlikely. And if the man truly does live and has avoided his country, then I dinnae ken how he is a threat to the new king, but it appears the man is paranoid and not willing to take chances.”

  “What would they do to him… to Ferdinand, if they found him?”

  Again, Niall shrugged. “I dinnae ken. Likely take him on board and bring him home for the king to quietly decide his fate. There would be a public outcry if the people ever found out, I am certain. One doesnae mess with the royal line. It is ordained by God, after all.”

  “Ye dinnae strike me as a religious man,” Kat said, glancing around the room once more, looking for any sign of Juan or Alonso. Even Lawrence, but she saw none of them.

  “Aye. I have lived through enough storms, shipwrecks, murder attempts, and wars to ken there is a God and for whatever reason, He has shined his favor upon me. After all, tonight I dance in the arms of an angel.”

  Kat smiled and shook her head. “Ye have much experience with fine words and women, Niall. But it willnae work on me.”

  “Nay? Well, I meant what I said. It wasnae meant to be more than honesty. Ye are a beautiful woman, but ye are so much more. Intelligence shines brightly within yer green eyes. Ye are witty, cunning, loyal, and ye understand the life I live. We could have a good life together, Kat. I am a loyal man and would never betray ye.”

  Somehow, she believed him very much, though she had no good reason to. He seemed the honest and genuine sort and she felt she could trust him… to a point.

  “Where are the Spanish being kept while held here at the castle?” Kat asked, trying to change the subject.

  Niall squinted at her briefly. “On board their ship, though they have the freedom to wander. They are not truly prisoners, so much as they are forced guests. After all, the Spanish are the queen’s enemy, not ours. Each ship that sails our waters is judged individually by the Devils of the Deep. We dinnae see nationality. We see threats, gold, and survival. They have offered us no threats. Once we have more answers and Juan has finished his report, I shall send them on their way. I care not if they find their Spanish King or not. Yet… ye seem verra concerned about what will become of a man ye have never met.”

  Kat’s heart began to pound in her chest. Was she asking too many questions? He could not possibly know who Juan was. And, if he did, would he give Juan over? Attempt to ransom him back to Tomas for a fee? She was not sure what Niall would do, and she decided it was time to stop asking questions.

  Looking around the room once more, Kat finally spotted a familiar face, but not one she had been searching for. Nay, this was the face that haunted her dreams, the face that snarled back at her every time she closed her eyes and remembered the day she had been violated. He was here. She had known he was a pirate, but it had never crossed her mind that she would see him here.

  Gasping, Kat felt dizzy as all the blood left her face and her breathing became labored and shallow.

  “What is it, Kat? What has frightened ye?” Niall put a hand on the hilt of the sword he seemed to carry with him everywhere he went, scouring the hall with his intense blue gaze.

  “I… I need to go to bed. I am … very tired. That is all.” Her words were strained and it cost her greatly to speak them, for she barely had enough breath left.

  “I shall escort ye to yer room then, though I do wish ye would tell me why ye are suddenly having symptoms of panic.”

  Apparently, she was not doing a good enough job of hiding her fear. “I believe I simply drank too much wine. We dinnae have such quality at Clew Bay.”

  Niall made a face that told her he did not believe her, but he would not push her to speak on things she was not willing to. Stepping off the dance floor, the other couples lined up for their next dance as the minstrels started a new tune and Kat walked arm in arm with Niall, praying the man who had forced himself on her previously would not have seen her. She needed Juan and he had abandoned her. Heartache and fear clashed together, making Kat’s knees shaky with every step up the stairs. By the time they reached the fourth and final floor of the tower, Kat felt as if she would collapse.

  “Ye arenae well.”

  “I am, I vow. I simply wish to retire.”

  Niall walked her to her room and leaned against the stone wall, simply regarding her silently for a moment. “Ye dinnae care for me, do ye?”

  “How do ye mean?”

  “I ken ye are in love with Juan. I never stood a chance, did I?”

  The blood that had left her cheeks only moments ago suddenly rushed back, making her feel aflame, breaking out in a sweat. “N-nay. I dinnae love Juan.”

  “So, what I walked in on earlier tonight was simply how ye two communicate?” Niall looked at her with a smirk and she flushed even more, feeling like a fly caught in a web.

  “It… just happens. He and I argue constantly but when we are alone… well, ye saw. It’s not love, Niall. I dinnae ken what it is, but he looked truly regretful after our kiss this evening. He still loves his wife. All I am is a woman who drives him so mad that he cannae decide if he wants to shake me or kiss me.”

  Chuckling, Niall shook his head and winked. “I think he decided quite easily what he wanted to do to ye earlier, lass. There is something there. I kenned I would never marry ye the moment I saw ye in his arms. He loves ye, Kat, whether ye love him or not. I wish ye both well.”

  Niall turned and walked away, leaving Kat flustered and pondering all he had said. He seemed to believe Juan was in love with her, but how he could know that was beyond her understanding. So what if Juan was drawn to her. So what if he kissed her from time to time. Those things did not equate to love and she saw the sadness in his eyes every time, eating away at her and making her vow to never let it happen again, yet she was not certain she could keep such a promise. Every time he was near, Kat lost all her senses and ached to be in his arms.

  Opening the door to her chamber, Kat walked in and immediately kicked off the fancy slippers Rose had put on her feet. Made of silk and matching the blue color of her dress, they were rather comfortable, yet she was used to boots and sometimes had felt as if she were not wearing shoes at all tonight.

  Reaching around her back, Kat loosened the ties on the dress and gladly stepped out, taking a deep breath and rubbing some feeling back into her aching breasts. She had no idea how noblewomen wore such things every day, but she was more than glad to be rid of them and desperately missed her breeches. Although, the chemise she wore was weightless and soft against her flesh. That was an article of clothing she would gladly wear if only she could wear it without anything else.

  Her mind wandered back to Juan, where it seemed to always wander these days. She could still feel the rawness on her lips from his beard as he kissed her. It felt as if he had imprinted himself on her. She wished he was here now, but he did not want to be, and she had vowed to keep her distance so he never had to look guilty or ashamed again.

  Plopping on the bed, Kat yawned and stretched, feeling drained and still a bit shook up from seeing the man who had violated her in the past. Her fear felt like a living, breathing entity, sucking the life slowly from her and draining her energy. More than anything, she wished to be back on the ship and headed back to Clew Bay, forgetting her time with Juan and the man down in the hall.

  A knock on her door had Kat sitting upright on the bed, her heart suddenly beating so fast she thought it may explode. “Who is it?” she asked, jumping off the bed and walking over to her old boots where her dagger still rested. Clutching it in her hand, she awaited a response.

  “’Tis Rose, my lady. I have come to ready ye for bed.”

  Relieved it was only the maid, Kat sighed and slipped the dagger beneath her sheets to hide it and walked over to the door, opening it quickly.

  “I have already removed my gown and turned my sheets down.”

  Rose walked in making a disapproving sound, looking at the fine dress Kat had left bunched up on the floor. “I can tell ye are no lady. Ye dinnae leave a silk gown on the floor. It will take forever to get the wrinkles out.”

  Kat watched Rose bend over to pick up the garment, feeling embarrassed by her lack of manners. She was raised by pirates, not nobility. Just as she was about to apologize, Kat saw a shadow move across the dim room, making her heart skip in her chest. Turning her head, she saw the door wide open and panic gripped her, words escaping her as paralyzing fear made her seem to stop breathing altogether. She recognized the hulking figure stalking toward them. She saw him every time her nightmares stalked her dreams.

  Rose still faced the other way, mumbling under her breath about the dress and trying to rub out the wrinkles, unaware of the intruder. Taking a deep breath, Kat screamed as loud as she could, making Rose spin around just as the large figure grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the room, slamming the door behind him and barring it. Kat heard Rose screaming on the other side of the door, banging against it with all her might, calling for help, but Kat knew nobody could help her now.

  “Nay. Nay. Not ye. Not again.” Kat swallowed and looked up at the large bald pirate, his wild eyes locked on hers before looking her up and down with a sick smile. “Why? Why cannae ye just leave me alone? Niall will kill ye if he finds ye here…” Kat shook all over, her palms growing sweaty and her knees ready to give out beneath her.

  “Niall willnae ken, because ye willnae tell him.” The man popped his knuckles and took a step closer. “Because if ye do, I will slit yer throat next time…”

  “There will never be a next time!” Kat screamed, moving out of the way as he tried to grab her.

  “I saw ye walk in with that Spaniard. Ye can open yer legs for him and Niall, but not me? That is nay very polite,” he whispered, lunging at her once more.

  “Leave me alone! Have ye nay soul?” Kat cried. “Why do this again?”

  “I have been dreaming of ye since the last time, bonny lass, and then ye walked into my home. ’Tis meant to be. I shall have ye again!” he panted as he attempted to grip her arms.

  Kat dodged him again but found herself pressed up against the bed, having nowhere else to go. “Ye are foul!” Kat shouted, spitting at him. The banging on the door stopped and she prayed Rose had gone for help. But, without knowing for certain, Kat had to defend herself.

  “And ye are a feisty bitch,” he replied, smiling widely and swiping at her chemise, grabbing a chunk in his fist and caging her in with his large body. He was twice as big as her and towered above Kat menacingly. Though she struggled to get away, she knew there was nowhere to go.

  Then, she remembered the dagger she had hidden beneath the sheets just before Rose came in. It was just within her reach, but she needed to wait until the time was right. She heard fabric rip and looked down just as he pushed her onto the bed. Part of her chemise was torn around her legs and she began to kick and punch her arms to get him off her, screaming for help when she heard more frantic banging against her door once again.

  “Kat!” she heard Niall’s voice calling to her and she calmed down slightly, knowing what she had to do.

  Not at all deterred, her attacker only became more aggressive, pinning her down and scrambling to get beneath her skirts. He had to be a crazed man, had to know Niall would kill him if he broke down this door. But, it was time for Kat to take matters into her own hands.

  No longer would she live in fear. He’d taken her maidenhead, her innocence. He’d ripped it away from her while she cried, screamed, and begged, but he would never hear her or any other woman beg for mercy again.

  Managing to slip her free hand beneath the sheets, she felt the cold steel blade against her fingertips. Finding the handle, Kat gripped it tight in her fist, ear buzzing as blood rushed to her head. The door began to creak as Niall attempted to break it down, but she barely heard it over the rushing of blood in her ears. One candle flickered in the corner, its smoke like the fingers of death reaching out, calling her to do as she must.

  Gritting her teeth and stealing her nerves, Kat plunged the blade deep into his back, feeling it lodge between bone as he wailed and struck her across the face just before sliding to the ground. Her jaw ached and she tasted the metallic bitterness of her blood, but as his weight lifted from her body, she knew she had avenged herself and stopped this wild-eyed man from ever hurting another woman.

  A deafening crash filled the room and she closed her eyes, knowing Niall had broken down the door. “Kat!” she heard his voice but it seemed so far away. A tear tracked down her cheek, but that was all. That was all she had to spare. No more weakness. No more fears. No more pain.

  “Are ye all right?” Opening her eyes, she saw Niall standing over her, a look of fear in his eyes. Nodding, Kat sat up on the bed feeling dizzy and shaken, her stomach in knots.

  “What happened? Is he who scared ye in the hall?” Niall sat down slowly beside her, wrapping a wool blanket from the bed around her.

  “Aye,” she said softly, nodding and doing her best to avoid looking at the dead man on the floor by the bed. “He… he attacked me once before at Clew Bay.”

  “Charles was a bastard. I am so sorry, Kat. He deserves his fate.”

  Nodding, Kat leaned in and rested her head against his shoulder. “Thank ye for coming to help me.”

  “I am only sorry I didnae get here sooner. And that I had a man such as him in my presence.”

  “Is Rose all right?” Kat asked, thankful for the older woman who sought out help.

  “Aye. Shaken and worried for ye but she is all right. She hurt her hip when he threw her out and then her foot while kicking the door. I have her resting now with the healer, but she will be all right.”

  Kat nodded, making a mental note to visit Rose before leaving this awful place. “Niall?”

  “Aye?” He looked at her and swiped her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

  “I need to see Juan. Will ye walk me to his chamber?”

  Smiling, Niall nodded and stood up. “I save ye and ye ask for another man. Dinnae dare deny ye love him. Come,” Niall prompted and put out a hand. Kat took it without a word. She was not ready to admit out loud that she was in love with a man who still loved his deceased wife, but she knew in her heart it was true. When she was being attacked, something inside her called to him, for him. She had wanted him to be the man knocking down the door to rescue her. Yet, he was not here. She hoped his absence only meant that he did not hear the chaos, for she was certain he would have come to her if he had been able to.

  Walking down the stairs to the floor below, Kat winced at the pain in her knee. At some point, she must have hurt it in the struggle while kicking wildly and her cheek still throbbed from being struck. Kat wrapped the wool blanket tighter around her body as a chill ran up her spine. The cold stone floors froze the soles of her bare feet, yet the chilled air helped to cool her nerves and flushed cheeks. Her linen chemise dragged on the floor where it had been ripped. Reaching the chamber where Juan resided, both Niall and Kat stopped dead in their tracks, staring at the open door.

  “Juan?” Niall asked, peeking his head into the chamber then quickly drawing his sword causing Kat’s heart rate to kick up several notches.

  “What is wrong?” she asked, rushing over and looking over his shoulder. Two dead men lay on the floor and evidence of a struggle was apparent. A candlestick lay on the floor, as did a snuffed-out candle and an overturned table.

  Gasping, Kat tried to push her way in, but Niall gripped her arm and forced her back. “Nay. There may be more men inside,” he warned.

  “Juan!” she shouted into the chamber, panic sweeping over her, all thoughts of logic and reasoning vanish
ing. “I need to get in! Where is he?”

  Niall stepped into the room further, sword gripped tightly in one hand and Kat’s arm gripped tightly in the other. Kat silently followed, looking around the dark room and smelling a tinge of blood and smoke. “He’s gone, Niall! Oh God! They found him!”

  “Who?” Niall asked, turning to look at her. “Ye best tell me what ye ken.”

  Nodding, Kat realized she had to tell his secret. He was gone and they needed Niall’s help. She trusted him, knowing he would help Juan. “Juan is Ferdinand, the true heir of the Spanish crown.”

  Niall’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “Nay. It cannae be. I thought it was all a bloody tale.”

  “It isnae. He doesnae even ken the full truth about why his mother faked his death at a young age and hid him away with Alonso, but he grew up verra wealthy and taken care of, knowing he was the rightful heir, knowing he would never take the throne. I dinnae think he ever wanted it. The Spanish must have taken him to the ship! We must get him back!”

  “Are ye certain about all of this, Kat?”

  “Aye. I only figured it out earlier today as we arrived here. But, ’tis the truth. And, he is in danger if they leave here with him!” Bile rose up, burning her throat. Fine time to admit to herself that she was in love with him, now that he was gone and in mortal danger.

  Jerking out of Niall’s grip, Kat turned to leave the room, her blood rushing through her veins as she tamped down her ever-rising panic, clenching her shaking hands into her torn linen chemise as she stormed down the hall.

  “Where are ye going?” Niall shouted as he followed in her wake.

  “To get my Spaniard back. Ye coming or nay?” she shouted over her shoulder, already descending the stairs two steps at a time.

  “On board a Spanish galleon to help save the rightful King of Spain?” Niall scoffed from behind her. “Ye bet yer fine arse I’m coming.”

  Chapter Ten

  Heavy rope cut into his wrists and his arms ached from being tied behind him to a wooden post down in the steerage. The pain in his head seemed to pound in time to the rhythm of the waves rocking the anchored ship. But, it wouldn’t be anchored for long. Even now, he heard the captain calling orders to raise anchor and lower the sails. He would be on his way back to Spain soon enough, forced to face ghosts and a brother he never knew, being punished for his claim to a throne that he never wanted in the first place.


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