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Beast of the Bay

Page 16

by Pride, Mia

  “He is not my brother!” Ernesto shouted, taking a step closer to her. Too close. Kat pulled her hand back and threw a right punch into his nose, causing him to stagger backward, cradling his face. “You whore!” he roared. “You will pay for that!”

  “Ye come that close to me again and I will do more than that!” Kat yelled back. “I will speak with Niall about this! Ye dinnae belong in the kitchens. I ken ye were planning on poisoning everyone.”

  “You had better watch yourself,” he warned with an unsettling calmness in his voice, still holding his nose. “They cannot put me away. Not without angering my king and having more ships sent. I know I have the upper hand.” Scowling once more at Kat, Ernesto turned and ran out of the kitchens, leaving a small trail of blood in his wake.

  Her wedding was tomorrow and she knew one thing for certain. Ernesto could not be trusted. She would speak to Juan tonight, but if she had to take matters into her own hands, she would tie up Ernesto herself and throw him in the dungeon. He was a threat to her future husband and that made him a threat to her and her entire world.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A knock at her door sent Kat bolting upright from the bed, looking around into the blackness. “Wake up, my lady! ’Tis yer wedding day!”

  “Rose!” Running to the door, Kat opened it and saw Rose on the other side, carrying a light blue silk gown and wearing a grand smile. “You should be resting in bed!”

  “Och, nay! I willnae be missing a chance to ready a bride. ’Tis a tradition here. I have readied every bride that has come through Castle Dheomhan for forty years and every marriage has been a long and happy one.”

  Stepping aside so Rose could come in, Kat stretched, then rubbed her eyes. “I must have fallen asleep early last night. I dinnae remember anything except waiting for Juan. I had to tell him something verra important. Rose! Where is Juan? I must see him!”

  “What? Nay! ’Tis bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.”

  “But… this is life or death!” Kat said urgently, remembering the nightshade berries and the crazed look in Ernesto’s eyes.

  “It always is, my lady.” Placing the gown down carefully on the bed, Rose turned to look at Kat. “The bath will be up shortly. Ye need to be clean in… all places… for yer husband tonight.”

  “I may not have a husband to be clean for if ye will not listen to me, Rose! The man who hurt him is in the kitchens!”

  “Aye. I ken that. That is where he was placed. Juan wanted mercy shown to the lout. We cannae kill him or send him back to Spain, so he must serve us here.”

  “Aye, but he had a bowl of nightshade last night! Cook yelled at him and tossed them out. He meant to poison us!”

  “Lass!” Rose admonished with a frown. “Ye are a skittish bride. Nobody can hurt ye or Juan or anybody else. The castle is full of people around every corner. Juan is safe. Ye are safe.”

  Frustration welled up inside Kat until she wanted to scream. But clearly, Rose was determined to believe she simply was an anxious bride, worried someone would ruin her special day. The only way this day would be ruined is if Ernesto succeeded in killing Juan. If Rose wouldn’t listen, then she would have to take matters into her own hands and find Juan, damn the consequences. Her people were a superstitious lot, but Kat never believed in such things. A woman made her own destiny, and her marriage would not fail if she saw Juan, especially if it meant saving him from disaster.

  Another rap at the door had a row of servants showing up with the wooden bathtub and buckets of water. Oh, bloody bollocks. Rose was not going to let her escape this room until she was scrubbed raw and primped like a cursed queen… a queen she did not want to be. Why had she fallen asleep last night waiting for Juan? She had spent the evening trying to stay busy with virtually nobody allowing her to do aught, pacing in front of the keep’s door awaiting Juan who never showed, not even for the evening meal. Kat had gone up to her room, deciding she would check on Juan, then fell asleep.

  Suddenly, a horrifying thought gripped her and she truly began to panic. “Juan! Is he all right? He never came back from the docks while I waited last night. Did they hurt him or take him away? I must see him!”

  Rose blocked the door as Kat ran for it, shaking her head and making a tsking sound. “Ye are the most flustered bride I have ever had. Calm down, lass. Juan is all right. I saw him just this morn. He asked for ye and I told him the same thing I told ye. Ye cannae see one another! I willnae allow it!”

  “But… ye did see him?” Kat said, feeling slightly less shaken.

  “Aye. I did. Now, strip down and get in the tub.” The servants filed out, shutting the door behind them and Kat took a deep, steadying breath. Aside from knocking Rose on her arse, Kat saw no other way past this. It would be best to simply allow Rose to do as she wished and speak with Juan as soon as she saw him.

  The steaming water did help to soothe her nerves and Kat took a deep breath, doing her best to relax her tense muscles and focus on the day ahead. She was getting married. She was getting married! Whoever would have thought that Kat Burke, who everyone still called O’Malley as she preferred, would be marrying a Spanish king turned pirate known to all as the Beast of the Bay?

  Giggling to herself, she sunk deeper into the water and closed her eyes. She may as well enjoy this time. She had been assured that Juan was safe for now and that would have to do until she met him in front of the chapel.

  “There is not much a hot bath cannae fix,” she heard Rose say with pride. “I ken what a bride needs. Now close yer eyes and allow me to make ye the most beautiful bride in the world.”

  “Ye say that to all the lassies, do ye not?” Kat chuckled.

  Snorting, Rose replied. “Aye. Mayhap I do. But with ye, I truly mean it. Ye are a beautiful and fearless woman, lass. And despite being rough around the edges, ye have a kind heart and by the time I am done with ye, ye will look ready to take the crown of Spain, even if ye never want it.”

  “I just want Juan. I go where he goes.”

  “Good. Then allow me to get ye ready to meet him at the aisle. Ye have a long day ahead, followed by a long night… if ye ken what I mean.”

  Kat wanted to squirm but kept still. She knew what Rose meant. She had seen Juan naked. She had felt his hardness beneath her the one time she straddled him clothed and he gave her pure pleasure without even trying. Her body had done the work, and she was excited to see what else her body could do with his and feel him inside her for the first time.

  Feeling her body flush, her nipples pucker, and her core ache, Kat swallowed and took a deep breath, desperate to get through this day so she could end it in Juan’s arms… and his bed.

  “Cook reported back to me,” Niall whispered in his ear as they walked toward the chapel. “He did as we suspected he would do.”

  Juan shifted, feeling the wind blow through the crisp white tunic he had borrowed from Niall, along with a snug fitting pair of black breeches that fit him very well and were of higher quality than he had worn since arriving in Ireland over a year ago. It reminded him of a life long gone, but as he stopped in front of the chapel and looked up at the cross on the pointed rooftop, he smiled and knew Lucia and Gabriella were watching over him, wishing him joy and happiness. And he would have that as soon as Ernesto was out of the way.

  “He tried to poison us?” Juan asked with a sigh. He was angry, yet it was expected. Nobody had believed Ernesto would simply give up.

  “Aye. Cook found a bowl of nightshade berries he tried to pass off as bilberries. He could have killed every person in this castle if she had not been on alert. She had asked him to gather berries for the tarts.”

  “Well, he found the berries,” Juan groused.

  “Aye, he did,” Niall replied, popping his knuckles.

  Alonso and Lawrence stood silently listening and Juan looked at them. “We cannot allow him to continue this. He would have killed everyone here just to seek revenge on me.”

  “Si. Includi
ng me, his father. He has truly gone mad. He is a danger to himself.”

  Nodding, Juan looked behind him to see if Tomas had returned with Kat yet, but he saw no sign of them.

  “Padre,” Juan said lowly, looking at Alonso with a deep sadness he did not wish to feel on the day he married Kat. “If he attempts more trouble, I cannot guarantee his safety. I will be the first to kill him if he tries to hurt anyone.”

  Alonso looked pained but nodded, closing his eyes. “Si. I know. It breaks my heart. He is my son. But he is not the boy I used to know. An evil has consumed his soul. I saw it in his eyes. He is not savable.”

  Lawrence put a hand on Alonso’s shoulder with a look of sympathy. “I am verra sorry. Tomas’ uncle was the same way. He went mad and killed his own brother for greed. It broke Grace’s heart, but she vowed to kill him if nobody else did, for she saw the madness. Tomas ended his life, saving Grace from having to do so. But it was hard on us all. We cannae save everybody.”

  Alonso simply nodded again, then cleared his throat. “But, today is also a day to celebrate. My other son is getting married. We must put our troubles aside and appreciate our blessings. And, speaking of blessings…” Alonso smiled and pointed behind Juan. His heart jumped into his throat when he saw the most beautiful woman in the world being escorted toward him by Tomas.

  Walking slowly toward him, was a woman who never considered herself more than average. A woman who was fierce, fearless, loyal, and brave. She was also everything he never knew he wanted. Stubborn. Defiant. The blood of pirates ran through her veins, yet she owned a natural grace that few possessed, and she was here to marry him, the luckiest bastard in the world.

  The crowd went silent as she stepped up beside Juan wearing a light blue silk gown with beautiful jewels sewn into the fabric and lace around the hems and lowcut square neckline. Beautiful flowing sleeves hung below her wrists and her red waves were twisted into intricate braids atop her head with white flowers strung throughout. She was the sun and he was naught but a grain of sand on a beach, lit by the beauty of her rays.

  Swallowing hard and feeling his insides twist, Juan took her hand and looked into her shining green eyes. “You are breathtaking, Kat. I am a fortunate man.”

  Worry creased her forehead and he frowned, wondering if she was having a change of heart. If she left him now, he would be an empty shell of a man. “Is everything all right, mi amor?” he whispered. The priest shifted, waiting for them to be ready, but Kat shook her head and Juan’s stomach dropped so fast he thought he would be ill.

  “Juan… I need to tell ye something right now before we marry.”

  “Anything. What is it,” he whispered, preparing to be a broken man.

  “’Tis yer brother, Ernesto. Last night, he brought the cook nightshade. He means to kill us,” she whispered so only he can hear.

  “Oh. Is that all?” he asked, feeling relief flood him.

  “Is that all?” she asked with exasperation. “He means to kill ye!”

  “I know, mi amor. We all know. Cook told us. We have it under control.”

  “I… I worried all night long about ye! I have been ill to my stomach! I broke his nose!”

  Grabbing her face with his hands, Juan looked her in the eyes and shook his head. “How did I get this fortunate? I love you and your temper, Catalina.” Leaning in, he kissed her softly and though she felt tense with frustration for a moment, she softened and wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as the crowd whooped and laughed.

  “Ye are not married yet!” the priest blustered. “Please withhold yer affections!”

  Niall laughed and shouted, “Och! Come now, Father! This is a pirate stronghold, after all. Ye have seen worse than two people about to marry kissing!” Everyone started to laugh and when Juan pulled away, he saw that the priest had turned red with embarrassment.

  “My apologies, Father,” Juan said, clearing his throat. “My grandfather was the Holy Roman Emperor. I should know better.”

  The priest blustered and coughed, not certain if Juan was mocking him or being honest, and Kat nodded to the priest. “He doesnae lie, Father. We shall behave.”

  Nodding and looking around, the priest appeared confused, but tugged on his robe and began the ceremony. All Juan could do was stare at his bride and image getting her out of that dress. He remembered feeling her bared womanhood rubbing along his hardened shaft and wishing he had not still worn his breeches. How easy it would have been to slide into her warmth, to fill her with his cock and then…

  “Juan?” Kat poked his arm and he blinked, snapping out of his thoughts. “Do ye take me as yer wife or not?”

  “Oh… si. I do,” he responded and she smirked as if she knew what he had been thinking about.

  “Do ye, Katherine Burke, take this man, Ferdinand Hapsburg, Prince of Asturias, to be yer husband?

  “I do, as long as he never uses that name again.” Juan laughed along with everyone else. It appeared the entire castle knew his secret now. He would have to deal with his brother in Spain eventually and find a way to make certain he was not constantly under threat. But for now, being called by his birth name and having Kat accept him was something he never thought would happen.

  After more prayers and vows, the priest concluded the ceremony and appeared to be in better spirits, smiling. Mayhap he had realized the truth: that he had just officiated a royal wedding. “Now, ye may kiss,” the priest said with a nod and stepped back.

  Grabbing Kat, he pulled her to him tightly, making her gasp and laugh just as he bent her backward and kissed her long and hard until neither of them could breathe. She felt so good and right in his arms and she clung to him as if she never wanted to let him go. The crowd cheered when he finished kissing her and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her toward the castle.

  “Juan, be careful, mi amor. Dinnae hurt yerself.”

  Approaching the keep, Juan kicked the door open with his boots and walked toward the stairs. “I do not intend to hurt myself.”

  “Where…” Kat looked around at the staff in the hall who stared wildly at them as he began to carry her up the stairs. “Where are ye taking me?”

  “To our chamber, of course. We have time before the celebration begins and I can think of a few ways to celebrate with you alone, Wife.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks turned that bonny shade of pink that he adored and she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. When they reached the first floor, where he had been staying during his recovery, Juan kicked open his chamber door as if it were a rat in the way of his plans to devour his wife. Her breasts pressed against his chest and when he looked down, he could see their plump flesh heaving over the top of her bodice. Slamming the door behind him, Juan walked over to the bed and tossed her down, making her squeal with laughter and delight.

  “Ye really are a beast, are ye not?” she said teasingly, her dress tangled around her legs.

  “Do you want me to be?” he asked, walking toward her slowly, removing his shirt and throwing it on the floor. “Kat, mi amor. I have wanted you with an aching need.”

  Her eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip, getting on her knees on the bed as she ran her hands up and down his chest. “Ye are built like a warrior. Ye were born to be a king. Ye fight like a pirate, yet ye are kenned as the Beast. Tell me, Juan. What are ye really?” she whispered.

  “I am yours. I will be your warrior when needed, treat you like my queen, fight like a pirate if I have to protect you, and be a beast in our bed if only you want me to be,” he whispered, feeling his aching need for her grow only stronger.

  Running her hand back down his chest, she quickly untied the string of his breeches and reached down, wrapping her warm hand around his cock. “I want ye to be anything ye wish to be, Juan. But right now, I want ye to be inside me.”

  Pulling his erection out of his breeches, Juan groaned when she wrapped her fist around him and began to work him into a hardness he had never known possible. “By the devil,
Kat…” he murmured. “Why are ye still dressed?”

  “Because ye havenae removed my clothes yet.”

  “I need to see you. All of you,” he whispered, reaching around to loosen the ties of her dress. “You must stop what you are doing before I lose myself. I have not been with a woman in a very long time and I do not wish to displease you.”

  “Never, Juan,” she said, but listened and released her grip so he could work her silk dress down her shoulders and arms, taking her chemise with it. When the fabric pooled around her waist, her perfect round breasts were finally free for him to admire.

  Placing his hands on them tenderly, he stroked his thumb over the hardened tips and enjoyed the way she closed her eyes and moaned softly. She was a sensual woman by nature and seemed to respond to his merest touch. “Do you like that, mi amor?”

  “Aye,” she whispered. Leaning down, he took one rosy bud into his mouth and gently sucked while massaging the other in his palm. She groaned and tilted her head back as he switched, placing the other breast in his mouth while pushing her dress down over her hips. Fully exposed to his gaze, she was the perfect vision of womanhood and beauty.

  “I am a most fortunate man,” Juan said, taking her mouth with his and pushing her back on the bed. She went down willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

  “Juan, ye ken everyone is down in the hall waiting for us,” she giggled against his lips.

  “I do not care. I could not wait a moment longer to make love to my wife.” Getting up on his knees, he looked down at her, completely nude and waiting for him. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure this was not all a dream, but if it was, he did not want to wake up. Being her husband would make every day a dream come true and an adventure. “Are you ready, mi amor?”

  Looking down at his hard shaft, Kat nodded, taking it in her hand and guiding it between her legs. “Aye, Husband. I have never wanted anything more.”


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