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Century of Spells

Page 4

by Draja Mickaharic

  This bath should not be taken more often than once a week. Usually, taken twice a year, this bath will protect you from the effects of any magician of better than average ability.

  Protection Against Specific Spells: To protect your home or apartment against the type of spell that is cast by placing something in the doorway or on the steps of a house, add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Pray over the water to remove all negative influences from your doorway, your steps, and whatever else you intend to mop. Then mop the surfaces, wringing out the mop into another bucket. When you have finished, pour the mop water and the wringings into a street or a roadway.

  If you are going to declare psychic war on someone you should mop your stairs, porch, doorway, and any outside surfaces of your home on which anything can be cast or thrown before you begin the war. This ensures that you will be protected when the other person's inevitable counterattack comes. In most cases War Water will cause any spell which is placed on your doorstep to rebound instantly to the sender.

  Protection of a Home: This spell is especially suited to protecting a home from acts of violence, whether the violence is psychic or physical. This spell may be done annually if desired. The best day to do this in a Christian home is on the feast day of St. John the Baptist, on June 24th. In a pagan or nonreligious home, the best day is the day of the summer solstice, about the 21st of June.

  Add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Pray over the water for the protection you want. If you are a Christian, you should pray in the name of St. John the Baptist. Lightly mop the house out, from top to bottom, front to back. Wring your mop into another bucket. Throw out the water and the wringings from the back door of the house if you have a back door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse water down the toilet. If you don't have a back door, flush the water down the toilet and rinse out the bucket and mop and flush that water, too.


  Creosote was once a common household cleanser. It is no longer available, however, as many people feel that creosote causes cancer. Tar Water has been used in the past for the same kinds of cleansing as creosote was used for. It is almost as effective as creosote, and much easier to obtain. To make Tar Water you will need access to a wood burning fireplace. Tar Water is occasionally made using roofing tar. This is not the same product, for roofing tar has a mineral origin—it is made from petroleum. Roofing tar and coal tar are not the same as wood tar, and cannot be used for the removal of thought forms.

  To make Tar Water you will need about a quart of wood tar, the sticky stuff that comes from the chimney of wood burning fireplaces. Place the tar in a large bucket. You should use a bucket you are not particularly attached to, as you will find that it is not going to be very good for cleaning any more. Mix about a gallon of water with the tar, stirring briskly with a wooden stick for ten or fifteen minutes. Allow the tar to settle for two or three hours, and pour the water off into a clean container. Let the water settle again and once again pour it off, filtering it through cheesecloth into smaller bottles you can close.

  Tar Water usually does not go bad, so it is not necessary to add vodka to it as a preservative. It will settle out further in time, forming a dark oily ring around the bottle. It is necessary that the bottle be shaken vigorously before any water is taken from it. Another approach is to add a small amount of dishwashing soap—a few drops per quart of tar water. This will dissolve the oil in the tar water so it does not stain the bottle.

  Using Tar Water

  Tar Water, like creosote, is used to remove heavy thoughtforms from a person, place, or thing. It is used to remove the kind of heavy and obsessive thoughts that come from the deep emotions of grief, pain, and loss. It can also be used as a floorwash or mopping compound to remove heavy negative emotions left by quarrels, fights, or arguments.

  If you recently moved into new living quarters and find yourself quarreling more often with those with whom you live, you may be being influenced by the thoughtforms of the previous residents. Negative thoughtforms can remain in the same location for many years, influencing everyone who comes in contact with them. Using Tar Water floorwash throughout the living space will destroy these thoughtforms, or at least weaken them enough to reduce their effect on your family.

  Tar Water Bath: For a tub bath, use a cup of tar water to a tub full of bath water. Pray over the bath for the release of the thoughtforms, or for cleansing and protection. The person being cleansed should soak in the tub for about ten minutes, trying to let go of all inner turbulence.

  Tar Water Floorwash: For a floorwash, use about a cup of tar water in a bucket of water. Clean the floors first, and then use the floorwash as a final coating. In some cases it may seem as if the room has been redecorated; it can become much brighter once the old thoughtforms have been cleaned out.


  Indigo is made from a plant. It used to be one of the principal ingredients in blue dyes and in laundry blueing. As it was a fairly rare and expensive commodity it quickly gained a magical reputation. Pieces of indigo were carried as good luck charms, and indigo began to be used for all sorts of things.

  Indigo does have certain useful properties, and it was the discovery of these properties which gave the material its initial reputation. As a dye, and as a color, indigo has the ability to strengthen the astral nature of anything to which it is applied. Natural indigo (or the color indigo from natural sources) will act faster in this respect than an aniline dye of the same color. This is because of the greater harmony of the natural dye with the natural flow of the universal life force.

  The astral world is fed by those things which affect the human senses. Thus, color, scent, flavor, and texture are, or may be regarded, as foods to the astral realm. This is one of the. reasons why physical offerings are made to the forces of the universe, and these forces are known as gods to their worshippers.

  Indigo water is made from ordinary household blueing, either dissolved or diluted with tap water. The powdered blueing will settle on standing, so the bottle must be shaken before each use. If it is impossible to find blueing, which is fast going out of style in this age of wash-and-wear, blue food coloring may be used. An intense blue color is what is required in the bottle of Indigo Blue Water.

  Using Indigo Blue Water

  Indigo Blue Water is used to strengthen and add power to charms of all sorts. A few drops of the water are placed on the charm and spread over it before the charm is prayed over. The water is allowed to evaporate from the charm, or to be absorbed by it. This treatment will strengthen the astral field of the charm, and allow it to accept a greater charge of emotional energy from the magician when it is charged by prayer.

  Indigo Blue Water Baths: Indigo Blue Water is very useful in baths for it strengthens the aura and, thus, the astral body. When it is used for this purpose it is used in a soaking bath. The individual taking the bath should relax in the tub for about twenty minutes. About one to three tablespoons of Indigo Blue Water is added to the tub for this bath. For the best effect, the person taking the bath should submerge completely in the bath several times.

  Other Uses for Indigo Blue Water: Indigo Blue Water is frequently used in conjunction with sea water to balance the energy flow. To balance your energy, it is applied to your spinal column following a thorough spiritual cleansing.

  A mixture of Indigo Water and sea water is frequently found on the altar of practitioners of a number of magicoreligious practices. Those who keep this symbol do so as an obligation or a duty, it is not done as a casual act. The fact that you see someone do it does not mean that you should follow their example.


  Flower and fruit waters may be made from flower petals and fruit peelings by the cold method. The flowers or fruit are placed in water and left in the refrigerator for a week or so. If you wish to keep these waters you should add vodka to retard spoilage. Water will accept the vibrations of most flowers and fruits, but not much of the sc
ent will pass into the water. Usually there is enough of the quality present to allow the water to be used magically, but there is insufficient scent to allow its use as perfume. Once the flower petals or fruit peelings have served their purpose in making the water they should be strained out and discarded.

  There are three favorite waters in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking which may be used directly as flower waters. They have a better quality than the homemade product, and are usually more effective when they are used as sprays. These are rose water, orange water, and orris water. In some cases lemon and lime waters can also be purchased, but these are considerably more difficult to locate.

  Once you can identify the effects of fruit and flower essences you can make up your own. These essences make a useful spray in the home, sprayed from an ordinary “spritzer” spray bottle. Until you can identify the effects of a spray by the vibration, you are better off using only the sprays mentioned here.

  Rose Water: Will act to purify any place where it is sprayed or used as a floorwash. It will act to remove some thoughtforms or heavy vibrations. It can make a home a lighter place to live in. It is not a cure-all, however, and will neither remove heavy thoughtforms nor break curses.

  Orange Water: This water smells a bit like orange blossoms the traditional wedding flower. It acts to encourage the display of emotions—which is useful if the emotions displayed are positive! It is good to use if you are expecting company for a dinner or a party.

  Orris Water: Used to promote communication between people. It is best sprayed into the air before a gathering takes place. Its effect as a floorwash is not very lasting. It seems to act to encourage people to speak their minds on any subject, and can be useful for preparing conference rooms and meeting halls.

  Lemon Water: Brings a refreshing and stimulating feeling to the place where it is sprayed. It can also suppress those who talk too much.

  Lime Water: Lime water calms places where an excess of energy is present. It is useful in a children's playroom as a spray or a floorwash. It has only a temporary effect, but it can assist you in getting children to bed on time if you spray the room while they are having dinner. There is a commercial lime water which is available which is not made from the lime, and it will not have the same effect. Be sure you make your own water from the fruit of the lime.

  For parties and social occasions a spray made from rose and orris water will make the occasion a bit more festive. It lightens the vibrations and makes people a bit more communicative. There are further suggestions for sprays in the section on herbs. They are all made from herbal teas. We will now look at the predecessors of sprays—the herbal sprinkles.


  Sprinkles and sprays serve a similar purpose. They change the feeling of a place. They are usually made from a herb tea with a bit of vodka added to retard spoilage. In most cases the herb tea is one which is made by the cold process in the refrigerator. The sprinkle is placed in the room by sprinkling from a bowl by hand, while the spray is placed in the room using a spritzer sprayer.

  Many occult and curio shops sell aerosol pressurized sprays. The water based sprinkles and sprays made from herbs and spices are much less expensive. The homemade product actually works better, as the store items are usually made of perfume and do not have much of the herb or spices in them. One of the nice things about sprinkles and sprays is that the effects are not as long lasting as those found with incenses or other work. Thus it becomes possible to change the effects in a room several times during the course of a day.

  To make up a sprinkle, use the herb tea directly from the bottle in the refrigerator. Pour about two ounces in a bowl and sprinkle it around the room freely. Be sure to get some into the comers of the room, but unless you like to wash walls, try to avoid flicking the sprinkle onto the walls as it will waterspot.

  In the section on herbs there are a number of herbs mentioned as sprinkles, along with the purpose for their use. As with everything else used with magical intent, it is important to pray over the sprinkle for the effect you desire before you begin flicking it around the room.


  In the section on herbs several herbs are mentioned that can be used as a bath. These baths are made by using an herb tea. About eight ounces of the tea are required for a tub bath.

  In the case of a blended tea, made from two or more herbs, it is better to make the teas separately and then blend the strained teas together. In certain cases this is not done, the two herbs being mixed together and only one tea made. It is important to read the instructions in each case. For the most part it is probably better to stick with the baths listed as examples in this section or the single herb baths in the section on herbs. Experimenting will often cause more trouble than it is worth.

  All these baths are intended to work on the spiritual body, so they should be taken as soaking baths. This also means that a physical bath should usually precede the spiritual bath—no soap or bath oil should be used in a herbal bath. As the bath intends to work on the spiritual body, it is better to air dry after an herbal bath.

  In taking an herbal bath, the entire body should be exposed to the herb. This requires that the person soak in the tub for six to eight minutes, immersing the whole body completely several times. This procedure will allow the herbal bath to have its best effect on you.

  U sing herbal baths occasionally is an excellent way of keeping yourself on top of the world around you. It is not a cure-all, but it is an improvement over the usual state of spiritual neglect which most people practice. A few of the cleansing and protective baths may convince you to make them a regular part of your life.

  A Bath for Protection Against Negativity

  This bath will release negative influences and maintain you in a protected state for ten to twelve hours. It is a good bath to take if you have to visit negative or hostile people. The bath provides a sort of “armor” that protects you throughout the course of your visit. Place in a two quart bowl:

  7 fresh garlic cloves

  1 pinch dried thyme

  1/4 teaspoon dried basil

  1 pinch dried sage

  Pour a quart of boiling water over the mixture and allow the water to cool while the mixture steeps. Strain out the spices and pour the mixture into a tub full of bath water. Bathe in the tub for seven minutes, praying for the release of negativity and protection from negativity. Immerse your body at least three times. In this bath it is the interaction of the herbal mixture that permeates the bath, giving it its special character.

  A Bath for Increased Business

  If you work for yourself, or if your income depends on tips, you can increase your earnings by taking this bath. It is designed specifically to provide a temporary increase in the money supply. It should be taken shortly after a new moon for the longest lasting results. However, it should not be taken more frequently than once every three or four months. Too frequent use nullifies its effects. Place in a two quart bowl:

  7 teaspoons dried parsley

  1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

  1 teaspoon brown sugar

  Pour one quart of boiling water over the mixture and allow it to cool to room temperature. Then strain the liquid into a half tub of bath water. Bathe for seven minutes and pray for an increase in finances while you are in the tub. Do not wonder or speculate as to where the money will corne from; just know that you will receive it.

  The Bridal Bath Spell

  The purpose of this bath is to remove sexual fears and blocks from a woman who is about to be married. It may also be used under other circumstances, but my source specified that the bath is for women and is to be taken three days before the wedding. A friend who used it said that it made her more freely orgasmic. It certainly can't hurt in any case.

  Combine 3 heaping teaspoons of dried oregano, and 1 heaping teaspoon of dried basil. Place in a bowl and pour a quart of boiling water over the mixed herbs. When the mixture cools to room temperature
strain out the herbs and add the tea to a tub of bath water. You should remain in the tub for at least eight minutes and immerse yourself a total of eight times. Air drying is very much preferred in a bath of this kind, and you should not take another bath for at least twenty-four hours.

  A Bath to Release Emotional Energy

  Unresolved conflicts are very damaging in daily life. As these emotional conflicts and stresses are usually deeply buried within, you do not usually examine them consciously. The trick in dealing with conflict is to release rather than to hold on to it. Unfortunately, this usually requires that you deal with conflicts using your rational mentality, something which few people are equipped to do. The following bath will assist in the release of conflicts and associated emotional energy, whether or not the conflict has presented itself to your conscious mind.

  Draw a tub of bath water and add 1 cup of sifted rye flour to it, stirring the flour in well. You should soak in the tub for about twenty minutes, immersing yourself at least four or five times. You should consciously relax in the tub, releasing any tension which you might feel.


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