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Century of Spells

Page 11

by Draja Mickaharic

  Three herbs must be gathered and prepared for the charm. First is a sand burr, the seed of the sand nettle. Second is a piece of Sampson snakeroot, which must be broken off, not cut with a knife. Third is a piece of devil's shoestrings, or goat's rue. These three herbs are wrapped in a small piece of black cloth, which is then sewn closed all around with white thread. The stitches in the packet should be as small as possible.

  The packet is set to soak in a small glass of whiskey, either all day or overnight. It is then taken out and prayed over. The whiskey is left to evaporate in the glass. The finished charm is placed in a charm bag or a leather bag. It can be talked to for any specific request which you want to make of it. This charm brings opportunities; it will not do the work required to bring them to fruition.


  This is a rather well-known love spell. It is popular, and it works. If you use this spell, remove the red charm bag before having sex, but hide it.

  Take two sewing needles of the same size, and lay them side by side, with the point of one at the eye of the other. Wrap the two needles in the leaf of a comfrey plant, or any other green leaf that has been newly picked. Tie this bundle with a piece of red wool yarn. Place the finished packet in either a red fabric or a chamois skin bag. It is then worn around your neck to gain the affection of the one you desire.

  The charm may be removed from the bag only to break it, which is done by breaking the two needles. If it is desired to “feed” the charm for a specific person, it should be fed through the opened bag with three drops of whiskey. It can be prayed over at this time to tell it who it is you wish to influence.


  This spell actually forms a part of protestant Christian magical practice, and takes its authority from the Bible. It is used in some protestant churches as a means of extending the power of the minister or the pastor of the church to those members of the congregation who may not be able to attend regular services, or who may be located far from the church. There is a real purpose to this type of spell or “talisman”: if it is properly prepared it has the effect of connecting the person who has the completed handkerchief with the spiritual force of the pastor or minister who prepared it.

  It is easy to look at the preparation of these artifacts as a superstition and to say that they are of little or no real value. However, there are many cases of people who were healed of various afflictions through the use of one of these prepared handkerchiefs. At worst, they are a comfort to those who possess them and believe in their beneficial effect. Our materialistic age is too quick to condemn as superstition anything that does not fit into the scheme of academic science. If we were able to understand the realities of the non-physical world, we might see that there is a great deal more to some “superstitions” than science is willing to accept! It would be better to postpone judgment until we know the truth of such things.

  The Biblical authority for this spell comes from the Book of Acts in the New Testament. Chapter 19 Verses 11-12 (King James translation) state:

  11-And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:

  12-So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

  According to Christian tradition, Saint Paul was granted a mission by Christ to carry the word of Christ to the gentiles. It is assumed that he also was granted the spiritual force to accomplish this mission, and that his spiritual force, penetrating his garments, is what made them a connection to him, and thus able to heal the sick and the insane. The preparation of a blessed prayer handkerchief is then simply a matter of imbuing the handkerchief with as much spiritual force as the minister or pastor can.

  Since these handkerchiefs are usually made in quantity for distribution, it is frequently difficult for a minister or a pastor to “charge them” effectively. In some cases they are simply placed on the altar and prayed over. The following procedure will provide a fairly uniform charge to about a dozen handkerchiefs at a time, without violating any of the magical taboos of most of the protestant sects that use these handkerchiefs.

  First the handkerchiefs are opened (i.e., not folded) and placed in a stack on the altar. Then holy water is prepared in whatever way the particular denomination of the religion calls for. Consecrated salt, usually a part of the preparation of holy water, is prepared in excess, and set aside as well. The holy water and the salt are placed on the altar. Incense of whatever kind the denomination prescribes is also prepared, and set on the altar. If no incense is specified, High Spirit Incense is recommended, as found on page 53 of this book.

  After making an invocation at the altar, the minister blesses all of the handkerchiefs. He then takes them, one at a time, and fumigates them individually in the incense, sprinkles them with holy water and sets them aside on the altar. Any customary prayers of blessing can be used, or the minister can devise a set form for these prayers if he wishes. Then, all the handkerchiefs are folded at the altar with a bit (a few grains) of the consecrated salt inside each of them. If they are to be blessed individually in the names of the congregation members, it is worthwhile to have name cards placed alongside the handkerchiefs so that the blessing can be made individually and the handkerchief identified from that point on.

  Once all the handkerchiefs have been blessed, the service is closed with a simple benediction. The finished handkerchiefs are now ready to be distributed. If they are not distributed immediately, they should be placed in individual envelopes so they will be kept out of contact from any other influence while they are in storage.

  These handkerchiefs are also made by counselors for distribution to clients, but they are rarely used by those who are practitioners of magic. They do make an effective gift to a troubled client, and probably should be more widely used.

  1Crowley, Book of the Law (York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1976), p. 23.


  Spoken Spells

  The Pennsylvania Dutch Hexenmeisters work almost entirely with spoken spells. Many other practices use spoken spells, and differentiate them from the use of prayers. In fact a spoken spell is a prayer, but it is not a prayer in accordance with the suggestions for prayer made by Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew 6:6. The spoken spell is said before the person for whom the work is being done, and the force of the spell itself is what causes the work to be accomplished.

  That the spoken word has real force is beyond question. Yet the power of the spoken word is not usually realized in our present society. One of the great Indian spiritual teachers of this century had the following to say about the power of the spoken word:

  A man's words are lifeless if he fails to impregnate them with spiritual force. Talkativeness, exaggeration or falsehood makes your words as ineffective as paper bullets shot from a toy gun. The speech of garrulous or inaccurate persons are unlikely to produce any beneficial changes in the order of things. Man's words should represent not only truth but also his definite understanding and realization. Speech without soul force is like husks without corn.1

  To be operative, the spoken spell must contain the full faith and belief of the person speaking it. It must also project into the person, place, or thing to which it is spoken. This is the reason for the voice exercises that are given to students of magic. Voice technique must be mastered before this kind of spell is fully operative. When one speaks the spell, he or she is actually affecting matter with the voice, and actually transforms it in accord with the will.

  The manner in which this kind of spell is spoken is of primary importance. It must be spoken with absolute conviction, and in an emotional and energetic manner. This is not a manner of speech which is easily learned, but it can be learned and must be mastered by those who would learn these spells. The speaker's voice must resonate conviction so strongly that the words pass out and surround the person and area they are spoken for with a real and living spiritual force. Many of these spells were given to me by pract
itioners who regularly use them.

  A number of spells in this section come from the Christian religious practice. Most of these are not recognized by the established Christian Church today. They are still used by those who believe in them, however, and they work in the proper hands. The sincere prayer of anyone who believes is heard, regardless of the theological position at the time. Theology changes, God does not.


  The first spell that every hex healer learns is the spell to stop blood. If you cannot use this spell to aid people who have cut themselves, it is unlikely that you will be able to make much progress in learning to heal other infirmities. The ability to stop blood is basic to the healer's art, and any person who would be a healer must first begin with this or one similar. This spell is in daily use by many hex healers in Pennsylvania, and it works according to the ability of the healer.

  Jesus Christ, dearest blood!

  That stoppeth the pain and stoppeth the blood.

  In this help you (first name), God the Father,

  God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. Amen.2

  The spell is to be repeated over the person's wound, or facing the direction in which the injured person is. Then three signs of the cross are made over the wound, or in the same direction, one after another. The spell should be repeated again in half an hour, in the same way.


  Fire is a rural disaster. It brings total economic ruin to a farm family. There are a number of charms against the spread of fire. They work according to the ability of the person using them. The following charm is to be spoken at the fire itself to halt its spread.

  Our dear Sarah journeyed through the land,

  having a fiery hot brand in her hand.

  The fiery brand heats; the fiery brand sweats.

  Fiery brand, stop your heat:

  Fiery brand, stop your sweat.3


  This spell comes from a work which is quite popular among Hexers called Alburtus Magnus, or the Egyptian Secrets.4 The book is popular in Germany, and widely sold in the United States. It was not written by Alburtus Magnus, but it is attributed to him because of his widespread reputation as a magician and wizard.

  Swelling, swelling, swelling,

  In the name of Jesus, I command thee,

  That thou shalt cause ______,

  As little pain as the three nails caused

  Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

  Make three signs of the cross over the swelling. Repeat the spell in a half hour, as above.


  The person making the prayer of exorcism faces the one afflicted and repeats the following, saying it three times, aloud and in a clear voice.

  Thou arch-sorcerer, thou has attacked ______, let that witchcraft receed from him into thy marrow and into thy bone, let it be returned unto thee. I exorcise thee for the five wounds of Jesus, thou evil spirit, and conjure thee for the five wounds of Jesus of this flesh, marrow and bone; I exorcise thee for the sake of the five wounds of Jesus, at this very hour restore to health again, in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

  Three signs of the cross should be made at the end of each prayer.


  Say the following to the person in a clear voice, making the signs of the cross over the wound where indicated at the end of the prayer.

  Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ had many boils and wounds, but never had them bound. They do not become sore, they fester not, neither do they suppurate. Jonas was blind, when I, the heavenly child said unto him: As true as the holy five wounds were inflicted, and did not curdle nor fester. From them I take water and blood, that is for all hurts and injuries good. Holy is the man who can heal all wounds and injuries. Amen.


  The following spell should be recited softly but firmly by the person who is working the spell, while holding his or her hand over the burned area. If the burn is extensive, the hand should be moved to a different part of the burned area and the spell repeated until the entire area of the burn is covered. This is a famous charm for removing the pain from a burn, and has been used with excellent results for many years. I was unable to write about it until I recently found it in print, as it had been given to me in secret many years ago.

  Fire of God,

  Lose thy heat,

  As Judas lost his color

  When he betrayed our Lord

  In the Garden of Olives.5


  When preparing for bed, you may protect your home through the use of the following prayer. Kneel at your bedside and say the following prayer four times.

  My Home has four corners

  Four Holy Angels adorn them,

  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

  Neither Witches, nor Charmers,

  Nor those who do evil

  May harm me or mine.

  My home has four corners

  Four Holy Angels adorn them

  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

  My home stands with Christ,

  Surrounded by the Angels,

  Protected from evil

  Which would harm me or mine.

  In the name of the Father,

  And of the Son,

  And of the Holy Spirit,



  Malochia, or the Evil Eye, is a physical condition with an entirely psychic cause. It is found as an otherwise unexplanable headache or a sudden backache with no known origin. The following is one of a number of spells which may be used to relieve the condition. It is notable in that it is one of the few spells which you can use to cure malochia for yourself. It may be repeated every half hour for three repetitions for complete relief from a severe attack.

  Place a teaspoon of olive oil in a small dish. Pray the following prayer over it.

  Adoni, Lord of the worlds, visible and invisible, be my physician and comfort me in my distress. Heal and remove from me this which has been placed on me to aggrieve my head and my back. Thou art my only help, Thou art my only counsel, Thou art my only source of action. Come to my help I pray thee to give me healing. Amen.7

  Anoint your temples, the top of your head and the bump at the back of your head with the oil.


  This is a prayer to be said on a daily basis. It is a spoken spell and is used with the intent of overcoming all obstacles to the work at hand. The prayer is also used by a few Hexenmeisters as they prepare to do healings or to make charms.

  Jesus Christ, Saviour of Man,

  I ask that you aid me in my work.

  Almighty God, Creator of Man,

  I ask that you aid me in my work.

  Holy Spirit, Witness and Guide,

  I ask that you aid me in my work.

  Beloved Holy Trinity, mighty and mysterious, I ask that through the intercession of the angels my work prosper on this day, and that I be kept from all bad things. I shall be bound to the right, the good and the proper, and I shall see the work before me through the eyes of God, so that I may be led safely through all temptation to the profit of my immortal soul.

  God be with me on this day.

  Christ be with me on this day.

  Holy Spirit be with me on this day.

  I ask this in the name of Almighty God whose ears are never deaf to any appeal, who helps repentant sinners such as I to reach the glory of eternity through his mercy and his love.


  This prayer may be used as a daily prayer being regularly spoken before leaving the house to go to work. Used in this way, it shows the one who prays it the true relationship between self, work and creator. Over time it will allow the one who uses it to grow closer in daily life to the will of God.


  The process of taking an oath is held with awe and reverence in most primitive societies. I
n our modern and supposedly enlightened society, it is not held in such high esteem. Among some of the rural Hexenmeisters on the eastern seaboard, the taking of a serious oath is held in a different light from taking a civil oath. Agreeing to purchase a farm, to enter into a business, or to care for a friend's children after his or her death is a very serious step, and it requires a serious oath.

  The following form of oath taking is considered to be a “serious oath,” and it is thought that one who breaks such an oath loses all chances of divine salvation or eternal grace. Oaths which are sworn in this way are usually held to be beyond breaking, and should they be broken, the individual is treated by his former friends and neighbors as if he were eternally damned. This is a much more severe form of shunning, in that the oath breaker is not even recognized, much less spoken to. He is usually unable to conduct any business at all, and certainly cannot borrow money from anyone in his community.

  The process of taking the oath is as follows: Both parties read the oath with their hands on a copy of the Bible. When the prayer is finished, the two parties shake hands and the oath is complete. The agreement is usually written out in full, and read by the parties agreeing to the various parts. In most cases there are two or three witnesses for each party present. The added social pressure of the oath takers knowing that the witnesses will inform the community at large makes the breaking of the oath a very unlikely act. In some cases the oath is taken after a regular Sunday church service.

  I swear by God the Father Almighty, and by Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, and by the Holy Spirit, ever present and all knowing, that I enter into the following agreement with of my own free will and desire, and that I shall keep it as a cornerstone of my life or forfeit such grace toward salvation as my soul shall earn.


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