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Century of Spells

Page 13

by Draja Mickaharic

  Lastly, pray that the person-call him or her by name will be unable to drink the drink so long as the bottle remains sealed. This spell is one that is used quite often, but it has a remarkable disadvantage. If the person is a committed drunk you will now have to find out what his or her new favorite drink is!

  Four Thieves Vinegar Rub

  Combine one-fourth cup of Four Thieves Vinegar and three fourths cup water. Using a wash cloth, wash yourself down from head to toe after a cool shower. This is a particularly good rubdown for the first shower after a debilitating illness. You may wish to shower again after the rubdown, however. It assists in removing dead skin and negative vibrations, so it has both a cosmetic and an astral cleansing effect.

  Move Out Of My Life Spell

  Place the name of the person you wish out of your life in a small bottle. Fill the bottle full with Four Thieves Vinegar and cap it securely. Throw the bottle into a river while praying that the person will leave your life.


  Lodestones are natural magnets. For many years they have been used in all sorts of spells, primarily to attract things to the one using them. We met them first under Magnet Oil in the section on oils. Because lodestones move without being touched, they seem to be the best example of living beings in the mineral world.

  They have been used in magic by a number of cultures. As a result they have accumulated a wide range of spells around them. Most of these spells are based on the property of the lodestone to attract small bits of iron. Many modem magicians prefer the more powerful alnico or ceramic magnets available today. Any of these may be used to good effect for the following spells.

  Lodestone Good Luck Charm

  Keep a lodestone in a covered earthenware dish. Once a week, on the same day, take it out of the dish and place it in a glass of water. Let it sit in the water for a few minutes while you thank it for its help in attracting good things into your life in the last week. Then take the lodestone out of the water and drink the water. Dry the lodestone and place it back in its container, sprinkling a few pinches of “magnetic sand” (iron filings) over it, and put it away in its container until the next week.

  You must keep the lodestone out of sight, usually in a closet or other private place. You can tell the lodestone just what you want by “programing it” with symbols. For example, to gain increased income, place a silver dime in the container with it. For love, you could put a photo of someone in the container. The purpose of the lodestone is to assist you in drawing to you those things you want to have in life.

  Lodestone Healing Spell

  I must admit that I have only met one person who could use this spell successfully. She was an old woman who did root working in the Sweetwater, Tennessee, area in the late 1930's and early 1940's. I will tell you the procedure she used, and hope that you also can do it.

  Pray over a lodestone, which is kept in a red charm bag and used only for healing. Tell the lodestone you want it to remove all sickness from the person, naming the person by name. Then take the lodestone and pass it over the person's body from head to foot, one stroke at a time. After each stroke the stone is to be dipped in a bucket of cool water. This requires about fifty strokes, from the center of the head to the toes and then to the bucket of water. If the person is bed-ridden, he or she is turned over to allow the magnet to stroke every part of the body. Once the stroking is completed, the lodestone is thanked and replaced in the bag. The bucket of water is emptied in the middle of a road. Be careful that it does not splash on the person who empties it.

  Lodestone Charms

  Lodestone charms are occasionally made into charm bags. In this case they are usually “fed” with iron on a regular basis. In addition, the charms are usually made up with herbs or some form of symbol to indicate just what is to be drawn to the wearer. I know a young man who had one made up with a tiny automobile to assist him in obtaining a car. He was able to buy the car he wanted after wearing the charm for a month or so.


  Bath salts are often used for protective or healing baths. They are easy to make, and you can save a lot of money by making your own rather than buying the prepared product at an occult or curio store. The end result is a bathing product which may have a spiritual effect, which is to say that the bath salt might cleanse away some astral detritis when you use it. However, it doesn't work for everyone. If you don't like swimming in the ocean you should not use this type of bath.

  Take a cup of rock salt, such as the sodium chloride used for melting snow or making ice cream. Place the rock salt in a coffee can or a container which has a lid and is big enough so you can shake the rock salt thoroughly.

  In a measuring cup place a teaspoon of water. Add twenty drops of food coloring to the water and mix well. You can color the rock salt according to the following color scheme. Use red food color for love, vitality or rejuvenation. Use blue for calm, tranquility, and peace. Use green for health or healing-you should advise the person to see a physician as well. Use yellow for mental stimulation. Combine fifteen drops of yellow and five drops of red for prosperity or success in business.

  Add whatever herbs or perfumes you wish to add, finely ground, to the measuring cup, and mix up again. Now add the contents of the measuring cup to the rock salt. Place the lid on the rock salt can and shake it thoroughly. If you mix it well you will have a nice even color all over the salt crystals. If desired, you can dry the salt before using it. It should have a fairly uniform color, with bits of the herbs sticking to some of the rock salt crystals.

  I use a half teaspoon of ground cloves in the red rock salt, a half teaspoon of ground rosemary in the green rock salt, and a quarter teaspoon of mint in the yellow rock salt. I like to add a teaspoon of epsom salt to the rock salt before mixing it. It is also possible to add baking soda if you desire to raise the vibration of the mixture a bit.


  The Obi stick, or caduceus, or staff of Hermes, as it is variously known, is an emblem of power and the control of power. It is a “magic wand” in the literal sense, and specifically signifies the ability of its user to control the universal life force. It is thus a potent tool for an aspiring magician or witch to prepare. Its obvious use requires no explanation, as those who cannot immediately think of uses will probably not be able to use it in any event.

  The method used to prepare one of these wands is the best kept secret of the various practices which use them. In the Obeah practice of Jamaica, the secret of the Obi stick is very carefully protected, so much so that most of the better practitioners will only make one to hand on their power to a successor. That a chicken is sacrificed to the tree which gives its wood for the Obi stick is only the beginning of a long and complicated ritual by which the stick is made.

  Many years ago when I lived in a back country area, I had occasion to make two or three of these wands for students. I made them according to the following method, and as they were well received and put to good use I have no hesitation in recommending the method, although, so far as I know, it comes from no practice of which I have received formal training or informal knowledge. As the method requires access to a “wild place,” preferably deep in the woods, it is unlikely that many people will be able to follow the directions given. These arts are more for the country person than the city dweller.

  The finished wands have a very good feel, and once they are consecrated they may be put to good use. I have even had a Jamaican Obi man ask me how I had made such a powerful stick! The ritual of producing the wand takes a long time, but the result is well worth the effort.

  Firstly, enter the wild place and find a young oak tree, or a swamp oak. Locate two good ivy vines, in the same area if possible. Make friends with the young oak tree, and get its permission to become a wand. This usually takes several weeks of conversation and discussion with the spirit of the tree. Unless the tree is immediately willing to become a wand, it's worth spending some time with the tree discussing just
what you have in mind for the wand. The time will not be wasted in any event. I have had a tree point out that the wands I was looking for were in process of being naturally made only a few feet away from where we had been talking.

  The tree, once it has given permission to be made into a wand, should be watered with a solution made of a half cup blood meal, a quarter cup of bone meal, and a cup of good nitrogen fertilizer to about three gallons of water. This should be done in the fall of the year, after the autumnal equinox. This is the usual price for the wood, and it is better than sacrificing a chicken as the fertilizer will go right to work, while the chicken would have to decompose.

  The following year, about Candlemas, visit the tree again, and find the branch you desire. It should be a fairly low main branch about an inch in diameter, although a three-fourths inch diameter is all right. Transplant some ivy vines to the base of the oak as soon as possible, and cover the area around the base of the tree with small pebbles to keep bush growth away from the tree and the vines.

  After the vernal equinox, or as soon as the ivy vines are established, tie the vines to train them to the oak. You want to get the vines to your branch as directly as possible. At this time you may want to prune the tree, being careful to discuss this with the tree in advance. Prune just enough to eliminate suckers and dead wood.

  By midsummer the vines should be at your branch, and well-trained to the tree. Twist the vines around the branch to form a helix (or spiral), and tie them in place if necessary. The vines must be tight to the branch.

  From this point on you must check the tree every month or so. Keep the vines tight to the bark of the branch, the excess vine and tree well cut back, and the vine and the tree healthy and well-contented. This process continues for two or three years.

  In time the vines will strangle the branch in the pattern of the helix, and there will be a definite marriage of the two in the process. Once the branch is about an inch and a quarter in diameter at its smallest end, and the vine from a quarter to three-eighths inch in diameter, the branch and vines are ready to be cut out.

  The permission of the tree must be obtained again, and the vines should also be told that their purpose is at an end. The actual cutting should take place between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. First the growth end of the vine should be cut, and then the growing end. Then the vines themself, which hopefully you have kept from spreading, should be uprooted and cast from the tree to ensure that the tree will not be strangled by the vine after it has yielded the wand.

  The growing end of the branch is now severed from the tree's main trunk and your branch is at hand. The wound on the tree should be dressed, covered, and patched so the tree will not rot. It may be necessary to warm pitch for this purpose. All trimming of the tree should be done at once, and the pruning of the tree also done to remove suckers and dead wood. The object is to leave the tree in as healthy a condition as possible.

  The finished branch should be between three and four feet long, with the two helical vines which have impressed themselves into the bark of the branch for about half their diameter. As mentioned, all the cuttings of the branch and the tree prunings should be left at the base of the tree. The tree should be thanked for giving you the branch.

  The trimmed branch must then be dried for a while, at least until the vernal equinox, before it is worked for use. If it is desired to glue the vines to the branch—a wise idea—either fish glue or hoof glue should be used. Casine or plastic glues will change the feel of the wand. The glueing should be done before the consecration, which may be done according to any method you prefer.


  The following books are either referred to in the text, or they contain useful material which expands on the text.

  Psychic Protection and Removal of Psychic Influences

  Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune

  First printed in 1930, this work has been reprinted a number of times. It is usually the first book a novice magician is told to purchase. Published by Aquarian Press, Welling borough, England and distributed in the USA by Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME.

  Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic

  Published in 1982 by Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME. This work deals with the removal of negative spiritual influences. I wrote this book for the layperson rather than the novice magician (the audience for Dion Fortune's work).

  Spiritual Properties of the Plant, Animal, and Mineral World

  The Psychic Garden by Mellie Uyldert

  Published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, England, 1980.

  Metal Magic by Mellie Uyldert

  Published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, England, 1980.

  The Magic of Precious Stones by Mellie Uyldert

  Published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, England, 1981.

  The author of these three books is a brilliant and understanding psychic whose primary interest is healing. All three of these books are the best in their field! The English editions are translated from the original Dutch.

  Living Medicine by Mannfried Pahlow

  Published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, England, 1980.

  This book deals entirely with herbal healing, but it is worth reading because it gives a very complete introduction to the anatomy of plants. Acquaintanceship with the book will build the necessary understanding of the plant kingdom which one must have in order to work with the herbs magically. Translated from the German.


  The following herbal references are a good starting point for exploring the vegetable kingdom, whether for healing or for magical use.

  The Herb Book by John Lust

  Available from Benedict Lust Publications, 490 Easy Street, Simi Valley, CA 93065.

  Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss

  Back to Eden Book, Lorna Linda, CA. Also available from Benedict Lust Publications.

  Magical Practices

  Most books about magical practices are not written by those who are initiates of the practice. All of the books listed here are written by initiates in the practice of which they write.

  Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente

  Phoenix Publishing, Custer, W A, 1985.

  Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein

  Phoenix Publishing, Custer, WA, 1981

  Santeria: African Magic in Latin America by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler, Original Publications, NY, 1976.

  Strange Experience by Lee R. Gandee, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971.

  Magic and Spells

  The Book of Secrets of Alburtus Magnus Of the Virtues of Herbs, Stones and Certain Beasts; also a Book of the Marvels of the World

  Edited by Michael R. Best and Frank H. Brightman Published by Oxford University Press, NY, 1973, paper edition, 1974.

  This is the best edition of Alburtus Magnus, but it is likely to be difficult to find. It reveals what our ancestors believed in, and can teach us that beliefs are a variable thing.

  The Archidoxes of Magic by Paracelsus

  Published by Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1975, now out-of-print.

  This is a facsimile of the first English edition of 1656. While it makes interesting reading, it is another guide to ancient beliefs. There are some excellent points in it, however, which make it worth reading.

  Pow-Wows or the Long Lost Friend by John George Hohman Published by Fulton Religious Supply Co., NY.

  There are better editions of this book available, but they are hard to find. The work was first published in the 1820's and has been kept in print since then. This alone is a good testimony to its usefulness!



  Abracadabra Spell, 126-127

  abundance and prosperity, increasing, 57

  accidents, to protect against, 14

  Adam and Eve Root, 72

  affection, gaining, 82, 84

  Agrimony, 72

  air element, 45

  Allspice, 50, 59

bsp; Aloe, 73

  altar wash, 98

  amulet, 102

  Angel Water, 90

  Asafetida, 73

  astral connection, to break, 40

  astral dirt, releasing, 38; removing, 41, 93

  anemia, treating, 26

  anointing, 67

  Astral Cleansing Bath, 38

  astral nature, to strengthen, 31, 92

  astrological correspondences, 22, 120

  aura, to close off, 5, to strengthen, 32,


  back, lower back pain, 66

  backache, as an indication of malochia, 115

  Banishing Spell, 127

  Bardon, Franz, 18

  Basil, 74

  Bath Salts, 134-135

  baths, 35-43

  Bath for Ending Relationships, 40

  Bath for Increased Business, 36

  Bath for Protection Against Negativity, 36

  Bath to Release Emotional Energy, 37

  Bath for Self-Discipline, 39

  Bath for Spiritual Growth, 41

  Bridal Spell Bath, 37

  Broom Herb Bath, 42

  Clove Bath for Protection, 42

  General Astral Cleansing Bath, 38

  Skin Tonic Bath for Negativity, 38

  Bay Leaf, 74

  Benzoin, incense, 59


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