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Magnum (Rugged Skulls MC Book 1)

Page 3

by Amy Davies

  “This is—”

  “Enough,” I growl at her. Her eyes widen a fraction before she steps back, the realization hitting her that she just disrespected me and the club.

  My body is buzzing while I stare down this woman who can make my dick rock hard in a matter of seconds but then make my blood boil, and not in the good way I felt a few seconds earlier.

  Fucking Risky.

  “Magnum, I—” I hold my hand up, stopping her from speaking.

  The silence between us in the seconds that follow helps me gather my thoughts and prepare the speech I’m going to give her.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before opening them and looking at her. Her cheeks are now a slight pink because she knows she pushed too far. Shaking my head, I tell her a few things she needs to know about my club.

  “The women you saw on the phone know the photo is being taken. They have given full consent for a photo to be taken of their pussy by one of us.” Her nose crinkles in disgust, and I arch a brow at her, making she sure she’s still with me.

  “Go on.” Her voice is firm but quieter now. She folds her arms across her chest in a move of defiance.

  “It’s for us at the club only. No other fucker sees them. And we do not ever show their faces in the photos. So, from now on you will say fuck all about Snatch-Chat and what the boys have going on. It is none of your fucking business, do you hear me?” Giving me a nod, I continue with my rant.

  “Good. You will see shit around the club that I know you’ve seen back home, but darlin’, my boys are younger and better looking than the fuckers back in Phoenix, so they fuck more. They’re kinkier. Now, as for speaking to me the way you did. You owe me. I say five spanks on that ass of yours, when I see fit. And you will take it and count them for me, you got that?”

  “You can’t be serious?” she asks, the fire building in her eyes again. I smirk at her and nod. “And if I say no?” Her hands find her hips, and she scowls at me.

  “Try it and you’ll find out. I know you know how club life is, Kara, so please do not make me regret letting you stay here.” Stepping closer to her, hooking her belt loops again, I tug her to me.

  “You didn’t let me stay here. Colt told you to take me in.” Her voice is a whisper now, and her breathing is fast at the closeness of our bodies.

  “No, baby, I told him I would take you in when we were talking about your situation back home. I wanted you here so I could protect you,” I confirm. Her body wracks with shivers. Smiling down at her, I move in, laying a soft kiss on her lips. No pressure, and she doesn’t kiss me back. Not that I expected her to.

  “I’ll have Edge show you to your room.” With that, I step away and walk back into the clubhouse, heading straight for my office. To think that Kara wouldn’t affect me was a stupid thing to think. That woman has me in knots already and she has barely been here for an hour.

  I am in trouble, so much fucking trouble. But she will be worth the risk.



  My room is what you would normally get at an MC clubhouse. A king bed, with one beside table, a dark wood bureau and a small walk-in closet. I am freaking thankful I was given a room with an en-suite. I really don’t want to shower where the brothers or their pieces of ass do.

  Tightening the towel around my body after my shower, I rub a small towel over my hair. It feels so fucking good to wash the flight off me, and the heat of standing outside being berated by Magnum. Lifting the brush off the unit, I run it through my rose gold hair. I love the color. I had it done a few days before the shit hit the fan.

  When I met Marvin Hancock, he seemed like a normal dude. He dressed well, and he didn’t smell. He drove a sexy car, even though I like bikes. He knew how to treat a girl well, wined and dined me. I was a sucker enough to let it fool me. We dated for three months, until he stopped by the bar I worked in and saw me talking to Tank. Once again, I told him that Tank was one of my best friends, and that I would never cut him out of my life

  Marvin didn’t take it too well, and when we got home, he hit me. Slapped me across the face when I mouthed back to him and told him straight that he may be my boyfriend, but no way in hell did he dictate who I could and couldn’t talk to.

  That one act told me everything I needed to know. I went straight to the club and told my uncle and Colt. In turn, they told me they would sort everything out. Unfortunately, Marvin had other ideas, and that’s when the stalking began. Me, living up to my nickname, ran my mouth, risking my life and those of the others around me.

  We got into a few scuffles and that’s when Colt decided it was time I left and came here to Fort Lauderdale. At the time, I thought it was a shitty move, because I wanted to stay and face Marvin and his family, but seeing what they are capable of, I know it was the right move to come here.

  Marvin has always had a thing about women being obedient and knowing their place. I think it stems from his mother, who eventually had enough of his father’s beatings and his ways with women and left when Marvin was a teen.

  After drying off and applying my favorite body lotion, I dress in clean clothes; cotton shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops. Today’s tee slogan is ‘So apparently, I’m dramatic’. I’ve cut off the sleeves because I find them restricting.

  My hair is half up and half down today. I need it off my face since I have to clean the bar. I arrived here two days ago, and Magnum told me that I will now run the bar while I’m here. I don’t mind. I love the clubhouse feel and I love working behind a bar.

  But holy heavens is the bar in a state. Bottles all mixed up, liquors all over the place, and do not get me started on the mess. Considering the rest of the main room is spotless, the bar needs a deep clean. The girl they had working here clearly didn’t have a clue about cleaning.

  After adding my pink lip gloss, I pick up my phone and leave my room, making sure I lock the door after me. I don’t trust the bitches that hang around here. The Rugged Regs are as bitchy as they come. They think they rule the roost with their high-power jobs and fancy clothes, then they come here to fuck the best of the best, sexy biker men.

  I make my way to the kitchen because I need coffee; it’s the liquid that makes me function every day. Edge is sitting at the dining table placed in the center of the room, the huge breakfast buffet set out along the wall.

  I frown, looking at the food, then looking at Edge. Asking the silent question.

  “One of the Regs owns a catering company, so Magnum hired her to do breakfast and few other meals, especially when we have a huge cook out. Magnum goes all out for those,” Edge explains. Nodding, I load up a plate and make myself a coffee.

  “Sounds expensive, if you ask me,” I say, before taking a bite of my bacon. Edge smiles before taking a mouthful of coffee.

  “Well, no one asked you, now, did they?” comes a whiney voice from the side door leading out onto the deck. I turn my head to look at the woman, then focus on my food, not giving her any attention.

  “Dora,” Edge says with a warning tone. I arch an eyebrow at him, asking him silently if he thinks I need him to fight my battles for me. He shrugs and goes back to eating his food.

  I hear her pottering around behind me, but I pay her no mind as I eat my breakfast.

  Then, the hair stands up on the back of my neck, and I know he just walked into the room.

  I force my body not to react, but it’s hard, especially when he kisses the top of my head.

  “Morning, Risky,” comes his gravelly, sleepy voice.

  Damn the man.

  “Morning,” I grumble, picking up my coffee. I drain the rest of the cup then stand to get a refill. My heart stutters in my chest when I see Magnum leaning against the unit, talking to Dora, smiling at something she said as she touches his arm.

  All the same.

  Ignoring them, I refill my cup and go back to the table to finish my breakfast before I tackle the bar. A giggle comes from behind me, and my back goes rigid before I can stop it. Clenchin
g my fists, I stand up, pushing the chair back harder than expected, and it makes a loud scrape across the floor.


  I quickly rinse my plate off and place it in the dishwasher before topping up my coffee.

  “You didn’t have to do that. We have people to clean up after us,” Magnum says to my back. Turning to face him, I see Dora smirking at me, with her hand on Magnum’s arm. Looking at her appendage then up to Magnum, I smirk back.

  “Clearly. She likes to be paid for her jobs,” I smart off, then leave the room. I hear Edge laughing behind me, followed by Dora’s bitching.

  Score one for Kara.

  Pulling the cleaning items out of the closet, I get to work removing all the alcohol then spraying down everything and giving it a full scrub. Lord knows how long I’m there for, but my arms ache, my knees hurt, and I’m sweating like a man at an all you can eat.

  “Oh look, on her knees, where she belongs,” comes the same whiney voice from the kitchen.

  Turning my head, I see Dora standing there next to another woman, looking down at me. I smile sweetly and climb to my feet, groaning when my back and hips click. Fuck, maybe I should have stretched before doing this.

  Who knew cleaning could be so much hard work?

  Turning to face the two women, who I imagine are Rugged Regulars, I smile sweetly, brushing the hair off my face before opening my mouth.

  “I may be on my knees, honey, but I do it for fun. Not money, like you.”

  Her face looks like thunder, and I smile at her, making her anger build. I love getting to these women because all they can think about is money and dick. Most brothers from the MC don’t take a Reg as an old lady, but you never know, there could be a first.

  “You’re a cheeky little bitch, aren’t you? Just because you know Magnum and Edge, don’t mean nothing. You need to know your place around here, little girl.”

  I can’t help but laugh loudly, grabbing my stomach from the strength of it. Straightening up, I swipe the tears away and go to speak, but his voice floats into the room.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Magnums asks, stepping up to the bar and stopping at my side. I can feel the heat pouring off him. Looking up at him—because let’s face it, I have to look up at most people, being only four-foot-eleven— I see he’s frowning at the situation.

  “This little girl was running her mouth at me, Magnum. I don’t know what I’ve done to her, but she just started saying nasty things to me. She gave me a dirty look in the kitchen this morning also.”

  I bite my lip to stop from laughing but seeing her bat her eyelashes at Magnum, I can’t stop it. I burst out laughing again, making all three of them look in my direction. They stand there staring at me until I calm down, gasping for air and wiping my eyes dry.

  I wave my hand, indicating for them to carry on with whatever they have to say.

  “Kara?” Magnum says, expecting an explanation from me. Taking a deep breath, I tell him exactly how it went down.

  “I didn’t start shit. She came in here commenting about how I’m in my place on my knees, so I threw shit back at her. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. Ask Edge. He’s been sat over there for hours on his laptop.”

  Dora’s eyes widen in fear, because she didn’t see Edge sitting on the sofa in the corner. Folding my arms across my chest, I smirk at her, waiting for what she has to say next.

  “Brother, Risky didn’t do a thing. Dora came in and stirred shit up. Kara was minding her own business; cleaning,” Edge adds, walking over to us.

  I look down and see Magnum’s fists clench. Bringing my gaze up to his face, I see his eyes are narrowed on Edge, who’s grinning at him.

  What is that about?

  “You want a piece, brother? Did you not hear me the other day?” Magnum spits. Edge chuckles. Do men chuckle? My eyes flit between the two, slightly worried about what might happen.

  “That’s what you ask me? Me, Pres?” Edge replies, leaning his forearms on the now clean bar. He must notice that his skin isn’t sticking to the bar anymore because he speaks again. “Damn, Risk, I can see my handsome face on this top, and the hair on my arms will stay intact now.” He winks at me, earning a growl from Magnum.

  “Magnum, can we go to your office and talk menus for the birthday party?” Dora chirps in like an annoying sounding bird.

  She smiles sweetly up at him, but he doesn’t pay her any mind. He looks between Edge and me, then plasters a wicked smile on his face, making my heart sink a little. He’s going to do it. He will take her back to his office and do fuck knows what to her, knowing I know what they’re doing. Clearly calling ‘dibs’ on me only goes one way. Well fuck that.

  “Yeah, doll. Let’s go.” Without waiting for her, he turns and walks toward his office. Dora smiles triumphantly at me before following Magnum like a fucking lost puppy.

  I don’t know why it pisses me off so much. I was pissed when he called dibs, but seeing him again has made my old crush surface, only this time it’s not little girl feelings, it’s full on woman feelings, where the P-Town tingles and floods.

  Shaking my head and ignoring the pang in my chest, I turn and go back down on my knees to finish putting the bottles of beer back in the small ice boxes behind the bar. There are three in total.

  “He’s a dipshit, Risk. He’ll come around.” Edge’s voice startles me. I had completely forgotten he was there. Spinning around on my knees, I smile up at him.

  “I’m fine. Nothing to it, Edge.” Sighing, he taps his knuckles on the bar and walks back over to the sofa and his laptop.

  Nothing will come of Magnum and me. He has never seen me in that way. I will always be the grungy girl he knew had a crush on him years ago. Pushing my stupid thoughts away, I get back to my job of getting the bar clean and ready for business tonight.



  Waiting for the rest of the boys to join me in church, I think over the phone call I just had off my old man back in Phoenix. Kara’s ex-boyfriend has caused some shit back home. He trashed her apartment and stalked her friend, who she worked with, trying to find out where Kara is. This cunt needs to be taken care of, but his family are some big balls family who deal in weapons in and woman back in Arizona and New York.

  Sarge is the last one to stroll into the room and take his seat. He looks all over the place, like he just rolled out of bed even though it’s nearly five in the afternoon.

  “Did we disturb your afternoon nap, brother?” I ask him, as he slumps in his seat.

  “Nah, man, just didn’t sleep well last night,” he explains, and I nod, knowing full well that Sarge struggles with sleep. He has since we left the army. It fucks with your head being over there, seeing and doing the shit we did.

  “Okay, fucker, I just got off the phone with Colt, and he had some news about Risky’s ex.”

  “What kind of news?” Edge asks, sitting forward in his seat. He’s taken to Kara, but to what extent, I’m not sure yet. I’ve seen them smiling and talking around the clubhouse, and I fucking hate it. Synclare had better hurry the fuck up and come home so this fucker can get a reality check that Kara is mine.

  “He trashed her place, badgered her friend from work, stirring shit up. He also made a threat to her life, claiming he will slit her throat after he has fucked it raw and his boys have fucked her in every hole.”

  Angry voices fill the room as the boys explode in defense of Risky. Letting them vent for a few seconds, me and Edge stare at each other, his anger clear as day. Frowning and breathing heavily, he slams his fist down on the table

  “We need to tell her, so she can keep an eye out for any possible troubles,” Edge says, and some of the boys agree, but I slap my hand down on table, ending the onslaught of pissed off men.

  “We are not saying a fucking thing to her. She will be protected at all times, brother. She doesn’t leave the clubhouse unless she has someone with her. We will have Ferris shadow her. He seems to be a promising prospect,” I
grind out, aiming my anger at Edge.

  “A fucking prospect? She needs a patched member not some wannabe. For fucks sake, Magnum,” Edge snaps back, making my blood boil.

  “She will be fine, Edge. Pres doesn’t take this shit lightly. You know that,” Opal defends. My VP always has my back. He also balances me out, reels me in when I’m going off track.

  “Whatever. Kara deserves more than that is all I’m saying. She is club blood, man. I will shadow her, not some prospect. If I can’t, then one of you fuckers around the table will step up,” Edge tells us.

  My fists clench at the thought of him being around Kara more than he has been over the last week. I’ve seen her around the club, but she’s gone out of her way to avoid me. Slide dropped a comment the other night about Risky thinking that I fucked Dora in my office that day they had their little spat in the main room.

  I tried talking to her, to explain that nothing happened, and that it was a shitty move of me to make, but she refuses to be in the same room as me for long. But tonight, she isn’t getting a choice. It’s Slade’s birthday party; the fucker is turning thirty.

  “Not a word to Risky until I know more. I will be with her at all times. When I’m not, one of you will. I called dibs and I fucking meant it. No more fucking around. It’s time that Kara Lornes knows she is mine.”

  Looking each of my brothers in the eye, I make sure they know I’m dead fucking serious, that they are to protect her with their lives, just like they would me.

  The need to protect her has taken over my body, and I can’t control it anymore. She needs to learn how things will be from now on.

  “Never thought I would see the day, brother,” Sarge speaks, before yawning. Fucker needs to keep his cock in his pocket for one night and catch up on some Z’s.

  I laugh and nod at him. “I know, man, but fuck that girl does something to me. She did years ago, but she was in a bad place after her parents’ death. Plus, I was a horny fucker back then, and giving my dick one pussy forever never even entered my mind, so I stayed away.” I shrug. “Any other news?”


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