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Collateral Damage

Page 10

by Susan Harris

  “Are you certain that you have no idea what kind of power could be in your veins?”

  Tell her… tell her… say the words aloud and let them all know you are more powerful than all of them combined. They will bow at your feet and worship you like a queen deserves to be worshipped. Say the word, Ever… Valkyrie.

  The word slipped onto her tongue, and her lips parted as she readied herself to say it aloud, when a pop of gum behind her drew an annoyed grunt from Caitlyn.

  “Hey guys… wassup?”

  Erika had managed to slip outside unnoticed by either of them, and Ever could almost feel the waves of anger radiating from Caitlyn’s skin. Ever’s housemate simply smirked and popped her gum again. The newest member of P.I.T. remained a mystery to them all, reluctant to tell them what exactly she was. Erika was dressed in her usual attire of combat boots, combat pants, and a short-sleeved tee, the end of a tattoo peeking out from under one sleeve. Like the one on Derek’s back, Ever was intrigued by it and wanted to see it fully, yet she felt odd asking Erika to show it off.

  “Sarge sent me looking for you two. Wolfie’s getting antsy. Thinks something’s going to jump out of the bushes and run away with Ever. I fear he didn’t appreciate it when I told him if he continued to be an overprotective asshat, that Ever would be quite capable of running away from him herself. The growl almost tickled.”

  Rising from her seat, Caitlyn marched over to a grinning Erika. She inhaled, then growled.

  “That almost tickled, too. Bugs you that you can’t tell what I am, doesn’t it?”

  “I will figure it out… I promise you that.”

  A pop of gum. “And I’ll enjoy watching you try.”

  Caitlyn shook her head and headed back inside with a promise to Ever that they would speak again soon. Erika started to follow her, when Ever placed a hand on her elbow.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you for days, but I keep missing you at home.” Ever fumbled over her words, afraid that what she had to ask Erika would cause the other woman to laugh at her. “I want you to train me to defend myself.”

  Erika cocked her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “From what I heard, you fought well against Donnelly. Watching all those martial arts movies must have paid off.”

  “That’s not it,” Ever replied with a sad sigh. “My limbs moved on their own. I’d no control over my movements, and I’ve no idea how to do it again. If I want to work for P.I.T. and not have Derek scowl and worry every time someone comes at me, I need to learn. I don’t want to be the damsel in distress. If I can’t fend for myself, then I’ve no right to join the team.”

  Folding her arms across her chest, Erika’s eyes flashed with something before the cool exterior slipped back into place. “You really want me to teach you? Why not ask Lady Vampire, or your wolf?”

  “Derek won’t want me to fight… he will tell me he can protect me. And Caitlyn has Melanie to worry about.” When hurt stung Erika’s face, Ever rushed on. “And to be honest, asking either of them never crossed my mind. I don’t know why, but I think we would work well together. You won’t pander to my humanness, and the others might. If you don’t want to, I totally understand.”

  Silence gathered around them as Erika mulled over her words. Ever took her silence as rejection and, head down, walked toward the back door. Her fingers had twisted the handle down when she heard Erika say, “I’ll do it.”

  “I’ll do it under two conditions,” Erika continued. “One—this stays between us for now. I don’t want your mate on my ass because he can’t see what you need to do in order to feel more like you belong on the team. And two—you listen to everything I say without complaint. Questions I don’t mind, but complaining I won’t tolerate. When I was trained, complaining got you a smack in the face and Fr… our trainer made us into excellent fighters. Can you agree to that? Can you trust me, Ever?”

  Ever pondered her words and realized deep in her soul that she did indeed trust the woman with the honey-coloured hair and sad eyes. Yes, she had noticed the sadness behind the smart remarks and tough exterior.

  “Yeah, I trust you. And thanks for doing this.”

  Erika ducked her head. “Least I could do, considering I’m crashing at yours. Come on. Let’s head inside. I don’t particularly fancy being hunted down by your wolf.”

  They headed back in, side by side, and Ever almost stumbled over her own feet as a vision raced into her mind.

  Her back pressed against Erika’s as the berserker closed in on them. Their swords were poised to attack or defend, depending on whom Odin’s warrior lashed out at. They tended to go after Erika first, taking out the person tasked with guarding the future queen’s life until her last breath. But her father’s rage monsters forgot that before she had accepted her queendom, Ever had been as fierce a warrior as her best friend and could slice through cartilage and bone as easily as the girl at her back.

  Spittle flew from the berserker’s mouth as he charged, the sheer mass of him shaking the ground beneath their feet. The stench of blood thickened as the monster came within mere inched of them. With an ease and efficiency that came from years of fighting alongside each other, Erika dropped to her knees, striking out with her sword. The berserker roared in fury and crashed forward, allowing Ever to leap up and press her own sword forward, catching the berserker at the neck, the blade sliding neatly through his flesh. His head bounced off the ground as it fell.

  Wiping her sword off on the bear hide that covered his chest, Erika looked up at Ever. “They are getting braver… striking at us on our own shores.”

  “Odin is getting desperate.”

  “But leaving all the fun to us… ”

  They grinned at each other, then Erika gave the berserker a swift kick before they raced off through the forest of Valhalla, safe in the knowledge that they had each other’s backs… forever.

  “Hey, Ever. You okay? You zoned out there for a sec.”

  Ever shook her head and blinked, her eyes returning to focus. She suddenly felt tired—bone weary and exhausted. She glanced at Erika and saw the same smile she had seen in her mind. With a shudder, she turned and intended to take a step when she lagged. Erika had to catch her before she face-planted onto the ground.

  “You know you have your work cut out for you, right? I have the ditzy blonde down to a tee,” Ever joked.

  “No worries… I’ve got your back.”

  Raised voices from the P.I.T. squad room hastened their conversation, and Ever moved away, steadier on her feet now. She pushed open the door, and the arguing cut off. Slipping inside, followed by Erika, she forced her lips to curl as the door closed behind her.

  “No need to stop on our account. Carry on.”

  Ricky sat atop his desk, his boots on his chair, body angled toward the rest of the group. “I was only trying to convince Derek that if Neville Morris is behind this, then he should reach out and ask him.”

  “And I told Ricky that if Morris came after me, then he wouldn’t be so subtle. He would want the glory in seeing my downfall, in being the one to rip my heart out.”

  With a wink at Ever, Ricky added, “Actually, he didn’t tell me—he snarled and snapped his teeth. I was terrified.”

  “Poor baby. Do you need me to protect you from the big bad wolf?”

  “Well, if you wanted to slide on over here and comfort me with the warmth of your body, then I would have no complaints, Ever.”

  The growl that echoed through the room made the hair on her arms stand tall. Ever raised her eyes to meet her wolf’s amber-toned ones and brushed off his glare, saying, “Hush with the growling, will you? It’s harmless, and you know it. Now, if you’re going to behave like this, then I’m going home. I’m tired.”

  The amber melted from his eyes, and Ever ignored the other pairs of eyes watching her. Since helping out at P.I.T., she couldn’t help feeling as if she were living her life in a fucking fishbowl. Perhaps she could sell tickets, make a few bob out of the soap opera that was her lif

  A strangled cough swung her attention to Donnie, who held up his hands in apology. She sighed, sinking down into Derek’s chair. He still glared at her, the sweetness gone from their earlier conversation. Ever rubbed her temples and let her heavy lids slowly close, listening to the conversation around her.

  “Do we still think Arthur has a hand in this? He said he’ll make an appearance for questioning after tonight’s gathering at Chester’s home,” Ricky said.

  “Possibly,” Derek replied. “but he wouldn’t be so keen to come in for an interview if he knew the griffins were around. Plus, both the vampires and I can smell a lie. If we bring Melanie back in here for the interview, then we can be certain of it. Even if he skirts the truth, Melanie will know.”

  Caitlyn leaned back against the wall. “I still don’t understand how you knew of her ability when neither of us had noticed.”

  “When we were almost blown up by Donnelly, Melanie called me, and when she heard there was a bomb, she asked if everyone was alright. I told her everyone would be okay, and her answer was, ‘You’re not lying, but you’re not telling the truth, either.’ At that point, Donnie had a gigantic hole in his chest.”

  Caitlyn considered his words, a worried expression on her face. “It is rather early for her to be displaying such abilities. Donnie took a year before his powers came to be… We must keep this between us. If Chester hears of her, then he will wish her to be his.”

  “Over my dead body,” Ricky grumbled.

  “Okay, so if it’s not Morris and it’s not Arthur, then we need to dig deeper and find someone with loose lips. Someone must have heard something. Such an elaborate plot can’t be designed by only one person,” Tom mused.

  Ricky cleared his throat. “I have an idea.”

  When all attention was on him, he carried on.

  “Someone should go to Chester’s party tonight. I’d go, but we warlocks are not invited. Every high-ranking supernatural creature will be there, and the revelry could make someone talk.”

  “But who could go? Besides, don’t you need an invite?” Erika asked.

  “New girl’s right,” Ricky said. “I can’t go, neither can Derek. Erika’s too new and doesn’t know anyone. Ever’s too human, so…”

  “I got an invite.”

  Attention focused on Caitlyn, who placed her hands on her hips. “I receive an invite every year. As one of the first of my sire line, it is customary. I never attend, but maybe I should make an appearance this evening.”

  “Alone?” Donnie asked, and when Caitlyn nodded, he cursed.

  “I don’t like this,” growled Donnie. “I don’t like this one fucking bit.”

  He slouched against the back seat of the limo. His alpha was in the process of taking a call, and his temper was growing with each word he overheard. Doyle, though not free to roam around, was sitting comfortably next to his mate with his team beside him, working on figuring out who had set him up. But he knew that he wasn’t even on Doyle’s radar, that nothing could tie him to the crime…

  His alpha hung up the phone and straightened his dickey bow. “Seems like I’m the prime suspect in the plot to frame Derek Doyle. I’m flattered.”

  “And did you?”

  Arthur dismissed his question with a chuckle. “I may tease Mr. Doyle incessantly, but do I want to draw that vicious bastard on me? Hell no. If you had seen the way he changed at the hospital, then you’d appreciate my desire to avoid him for an extended period of time.”

  He said nothing as the limo steered onto the enormous estate belonging to the head vampire of Cork City. Cars littered the courtyard, and theirs joined the long line of vehicles ambling for a parking space. It took far too long for his fraying temper to withstand. His fingers gripped the door handle, and it cracked under the strain.

  “Do you need to sit this out?”

  He looked up to see suspicion in Arthur’s gaze. Shaking his head, he swallowed back his anger, remembering the plan. Tonight. He just needed to get through tonight, and then phase two would be complete.

  “I’m fine, Arthur. Let’s go enjoy some fine wine and women; I will be quite alright.”

  “Good man. Now, let’s go greet our gracious host.”

  Arthur clasped him on the knee as he slid from the car. He counted to ten as he heard Arthur laugh and call him forward.

  Let Arthur have this night, he thought. It will be his last.

  With a sneer, he slipped from the limo and plastered a smile on his face.

  “You want me to wear what?” Derek said with a snarl, the rumble in his chest only subsiding when Ever slid her palm over his thigh.

  His muscles clenched and his jaw ticked, but her touch calmed him. It sent a little thrill through her that she could do that for him.

  Agent Knight tapped her manicured nails against her chin. “We are willing to allow you to leave the station under certain, shall we say, conditions.”

  “You want me to wear a fucking ankle monitor. Sure you don’t want to just microchip me like an animal?”

  Agent Gober sneered as she opened her mouth to answer, but Agent Knight cut across her. “That was not our intention, Derek. Our superiors feel that accounting for your whereabouts will appease all parties involved, especially since the blood tests have not come back yet. If we know where you are, then we can rule you out of any further mishaps.”

  Ricky snorted. “I like how she called a girl being ripped to shreds and Derek being framed ‘mishaps.’”

  Agent Gober narrowed her birdlike eyes at Ricky, and he swallowed hard.

  Ever nudged Derek with her shoulder until he turned his attention to her. “If it means we can get out of here, even just for the night, please do it. You have nothing to hide, and you’ll be with me the whole time. I just want to get out of here.”

  Derek studied her for a moment and nodded before turning his gaze back to the griffins. “Fine. Do it.”

  Agent Knight stepped forward with the anklet. Derek hiked up the hem of his pants and cocked out his leg. The griffin’s beady eyes shone with delight as she strapped on the device. Agent Gober tapped away on the screen of her tablet before nodding at her associate. Agent Knight rose, stepping away from Derek.

  “My superiors will also hold you personally responsible, Tom, should Doyle decide he might try and slip his leash. Sorry… poor choice of words.”

  That bitch wasn’t sorry at all.

  You know you could kill her in seconds. Slice through her body and watch her crumple to the ground. It would be fun.

  Shut up, shut up, shut up…

  She repeated the mantra over and over until the voice in her head dulled.

  The griffins gathered their belongings and headed for the door. Derek shoved the leg of his pants back in place.

  “We’ll be back first thing in the morning to continue with our investigation. Please be punctual,” Agent Gober said.

  Ricky gave them a mock salute as they exited. “Don’t let the door hit ya on the ass on your way out. Please collect your broomsticks, too, and shove them right up your—”

  “Ricky.” Sarge sighed.

  “Not the word I was gonna use, Sarge, but okay.”

  Sarge shook his head. “Ever, take your mate home and try and get him to relax.”

  Ever stood up and held her hand out to Derek. “C’mon, let’s go.”

  Derek glanced around the squad room. “Maybe I should stay and help.”

  Shaking her head, Ever put a hand on her hip. “Nope, out the door now.”

  Derek slipped his hand into Ever’s outstretched one. “Be careful tonight, Caitlyn.”

  She snorted. “Of course. Now, I must go home and change.”

  Wrapping his arm around Ever’s shoulder, Derek chuckled as he led her from the room to the sound of Donnie’s voice.

  “What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?”

  “One must wear proper attire for such a party,” the vampire replied.

  “What does that mean?”
  “You’ll see.”

  Donnie swore as they left the squad room behind, Erika coming out after them. She held up a hand asking them to wait, and disappeared out the front door. Ever snuggled into Derek, the stress of the day washing over her. She felt so weary. Just trying to keep the thoughts in her head at bay took most of her strength. She wanted to take Derek home and lock the doors for a week.

  “You okay?” Derek’s voice dragged her back to the present.

  “Yeah, just thinking we could do with a holiday.”

  His lips brushed the top of her head. “It’s only a couple of weeks to Christmas. We could get away from here for a few days if you want. Spend our first Christmas together away from everyone.”

  Sounded like heaven. “I’d like that.”

  Erika ducked back inside, her mouth pulled into a tight grimace. “Bloody vultures are everywhere. How ‘bout I take you guys home in my Jeep? They probably have the make, model, and reg of both your cars.”

  “How many?” Derek barked.

  “Couple hundred. Humans Matter brought the force.”

  The group had a couple-thousand-strong membership countrywide, and Derek’s highly reported arrest would have been like catnip to them. Ever steered Derek toward Erika’s car at the back of the station.

  Through their bond, Ever could feel the rage bubbling inside Derek’s mask of coolness. It might only be new, this fragile link to one another, but under the stress of heightened emotion, it seemed to be stronger than ever.

  “Don’t let them bother you. They don’t know you. They only see what they want to see.”

  Erika rushed ahead of them, disappearing out the door, and Ever heard the rumble of her Jeep’s engine. They followed suit down the back steps, and when Derek opened the back door, Ever quickly slid into the Jeep with Derek on her heels. She entwined her fingers in his, trying to ignore the rigidness of his spine as he stared out the window.

  Erika drove slowly, edging out the gate as it opened for them. She eased the Jeep out, turning on the radio to try and block out the jeers from outside. Tiesto’s “The Right Song” poured from the speakers, and Erika hummed away to it, but nothing could totally drown out the shouts from the lynch mob.


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