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The Outbreak Series (Book 4): Deadlocked

Page 19

by Baker, Thomas

  The inside of the house remained nice too. No one had come along and disturbed it in the past year. The owners had decorated it with all kinds of ornate looking antique furniture.

  Hannah came face to face with Lindsay at the back of the SUV. Without a second thought, she wrapped the woman in a hug. She thanked God that Lindsay had found them, and through her; they had rescued Gus.

  Lindsay returned the hug with a weak pat on the back. "Okay, okay. You're welcome. You don't have to get all mushy about it."

  Hannah pulled away, eyes wet. "Talk about a miracle, huh?"

  Lindsay shrugged. "Hey, you didn't happen to see my dog around, when you were looking for us?"

  "No, we didn't, but we didn't search every house and every corner of the town. We get back, I'll help you look for him."

  Lindsay gave her a crooked smile. "How many other folks made it out of the Joker's hideout and will come back to town you think?"

  "I pray it was most of them. I don't think they will come back to Colorado though. We're only passing through to pick up our stuff, right? Killian is still out there somewhere. The guy's crazy enough to come back and hunt us down. It's a shame. We all need to move on."

  On that somber note, the two went back to work.

  After bringing everything inside they all sat around a long rectangular dining room table. They passed around some canned peaches and a can of what they were hoping was chili, but it had no label. They ate in silence for a while until JT spoke up.

  "Well Gus, everything else aside, how have you been?"

  "Oh you know me JT. Trying to stay alive and doing a piss-poor job of it like always." The witty reply brought snickers from everyone at the table except Hannah. She rushed away from the table and out the front door where she threw up their little treat.

  Linda appeared at her side, patting her back and helping to pull her hair out of her face.

  "You okay there girly?" Linda asked.

  "Yeah, I think so. I've been fighting a bug for a while now, it seems. I can't seem to shake it. Then Josh flashed in my head and-"

  "I know. I have nothing to say for that." Linda gave her a sad smile. "Still, that's no good sweetie. What are your symptoms? Maybe I can scrounge up something to help you feel better."

  "Aside from the vomiting show I put on for you, I've had exhaustion, some light-headedness, and cramps like it's about to be my time of the month, but nothing happens. I've always been irregular, so I don't think that has anything to do with it." Hannah dropped to a whisper. She didn't know why embarrassment rose in her.

  Linda stood there for a minute processing the information. Her sad smile brightened.

  "Hannah, have you and JT been careful in your relationship? Are you sure you're fighting a bug and not growing a baby?"

  Hannah went wide eyed at her question. In a complete state of shock, her knees buckled without warning. Linda caught her and helped her over to the porch swing. She collapsed with a loud squeak. The commotion caused everyone inside to stir and come out to see what was going on.

  "Babe you okay? What happened?" JT's voice, thick with concern, caused her to smile. He sat down next to Hannah.

  "JT, I suggest you and I better get ready to make a supply run," Linda answered him. "If my diagnosis is right, Hannah may be pregnant. Just in case she is, you'll need my help to gather up as much of the necessities as possible. First and foremost we need to get our hands on a pregnancy test."

  JT's mouth opened and closed several times, like a drowning man gulping for air.

  Just like me, he's speechless. Hannah thought.


  Thomas Baker

  I am simply a lover of all things fun! I have an at times over the top fascination with The Undead. All things horror really, with a great love for old slasher flicks and comedies. In fact that's what I try to relay into my writing, keeping things edgy, fun and moving.

  Robert Wagner

  Robert lives in the Kansas City area, is a husband, and a father of twin boys. Somehow he also fits in the time to write. He's had a love of horror, science fiction, and fantasy books since he's been a teen (which was a long time ago). Post apocalyptic stories fascinate him, probably a little too much. He's also a life long gamer, going back to the Atari 2600 (see, told you it was a long time ago.)


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