Book Read Free


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by Alex Isaacs

  I noticed everyone heading back before the hour was up, so I followed along back to the room. As I got to the door, the man was checking names, directing people where to go. When I handed him my papers, he said for me to go into the classroom. I found a seat, looking around. I noticed that there are six of us waiting, then I thought there are only five scholarships. I found out that all our scores are the highest in the group. We will go to meet the committee of the program that we will be working on while at the university and afterward.

  The six of us got up to see the committee, I moved over to Ann, asking her why six for the five spots. Ann smiled, saying that the five of us were close in the score so that the committee will look the five of you over, then dismiss one of you. We entered a conference room, the committee of four people introduced themselves to us all. Simon Hawthorne, the billionaire, said he hopes our computer programing skills will shine for his space program; once in the program, we are not allowed to tell anyone what we are doing. The Army officer was next, General Horten, said he would be keeping tabs on our movements to keep everything secret. The next person, a young woman stood, introducing herself, Rose Urbina, she is in charge of the botanists, but need the computer people to work with her group. I looked at Ann; she was smiling, then the last man stood up, his name Joe Urbina, he is in charge of the physics department of the group.

  Simon stood up, saying we have a problem, six qualified people have almost identical scores, but only five spots open. If anyone in the group of six thinks they might not be able to do the work for the space program or have second thoughts about going into space, please let us know now. I looked at the others; no one stood up. The group of four then left the room to talk. About ten minutes later, they came back in. Simon stood up saying they made a decision; then, he told Ann she would not be getting the scholarship. I looked over at her; she looked devastated. After a couple of minutes, she got up and ran out of the room. The group then came to meet us individually, I held back, wanting to be the last.

  As the other four candidates left, the committee approached me, congratulating me on my scores. I asked if Ann was the daughter of Joe or Rose; they smiled saying they are married, and yes, she is their daughter. I looked at them; then, I blurted out how they could not take her in ahead of any of the rest of us. That shocked the four of them, then Simon asked me if I was willing to give her my spot. I thought about it for a second; then, I said yes. I think she wanted this more than any of the people in the group. Simon looked at me; he said he wants me in the program. I have one of the highest scores, along with Ann. I asked why Ann is not in the group? Simon looked at her parents; then, he said he would get her in the program with her parents. I asked, will she be in the computer program. Simon looked at Ann’s parents, then asked me to hold on, as they went to talk away from me.

  Simon and the others came back to me, Simon said he would split the scholarship between the two of us, some arrangements will have to be made because of the security of the program. I told them I could pay my way, Simon smiled saying the only way into the program is by scholarship. I then told about what was going to happen now; the others were already going through the process. Mrs. Urbina said she needs to find Ann; I asked if I could come with her to help find her. Mrs. Urbina said yes, I should let her know what I did for her. We headed out to look for her, but an announcement went over the system for Ann B. Urbina to come back to the meeting hall she had just left. I waited with her mother outside the room; it took Ann about five minutes to get back to us.

  As Ann approached us, her mother said that I have something to tell her. I looked at Ann, took a deep breath, telling her she is in the computer programming course. Ann’s face lit up; she hugged her mother, then she turned to me to thank me for giving her my spot. Her mother told me to tell Ann all of it. I said we are sharing the scholarship. Ann looked confused; her mother said I stepped up and said something on her behalf. Simon liked that right away. But, we will have some allowances on what is going on now that two of us are on the one scholarship. I said thank you, Mrs. Urbina, she said to call her Rose, please. We went back into the room; then we were led to get the paperwork started and everything that goes with it.

  We signed a lot of paperwork to deal with security on the course; I found out it was so no one outside will be able to get any of the information we will see and are working on while here. After I completed everything, I called home to say I got the scholarship, and I will be starting school in August. My parents were happy, wondering when I was coming home. I told them I would call back. I need to get a flight booked home. I hung up the phone; then I was asked if I wanted to look over the operations before going home. I said yes, I could book the flight home later. Mrs. Urbina told me I could come and stay with them for now; it will be easier since Ann will be going to see it all at the same time. I went to pick up my bag at the dorm; then, we drove to their house.

  As we pulled in the driveway, I looked at the house; it is the size of a mansion compared to the house I live in back home. I was shown around the house by Mr. Urbina; I liked his office, he had a big computer. He said I would be working on computers like this eventually. I thank Mr. Urbina for his hospitality; he said to call him Joe, no need for formalities here. As we sat down to eat, Rose said I have very nice manners, my parents should be proud of me. After dinner, I helped with the dishes; Rose said I did not need to help; she did not mind doing them. I told Rose, everyone helps out on the farm. After we sat down to talk, they asked me all kinds of questions about where I was from, Joe said that Simon might be interested in what I know about the farm, he has some ideas he is looking into for his space program.

  We went to bed early; we had to be going early in the morning, Ann’s parents had to get to work at the university, and I found out later at the building that Simon worked out of during for his program. I got up in the morning, heading into the bathroom, the door was not locked, so I thought no one was in there, boy was I wrong. Ann was stepping out of the shower as I entered; she saw me and screamed. I quickly turned to leave the bathroom. Rose came out, I apologized, saying we usually lock the bathroom door when we are in there, if it is unlocked we can go in. Rose asked was the door closed; I said we always close the door, so the dog does not go into the bathroom on his own. Rose went in to see how Ann was, I waited to go in, Ann giving me a dirty look as she went past me.

  At breakfast, Joe asked what the screaming was about, I said it was my fault, sir, I went into the bathroom while Ann was in there, we lock the door back home when we go in the bathroom. Rose said we better start locking the door, for now, do not need you walking in on anyone else. Ann said it did not matter now; I had seen her in the shower. I looked down; then, I said I only saw part of your bum. Mr. Urbina spits out his coffee as I said that, Ann got up, leaving the table mad at me. Mrs. Urbina told me not to worry about it; she will get over it soon, we are not used to having company in the house; it is as much our fault than mine.

  I finished eating, then helped with the dishes. Joe was still sitting at the table, talking with me about the classes. He asked me if I would like to start them early, probably all the other students will be doing that. I said I should call home to let my parents know; then I asked the date. Joe said it would start in the second week of July; the first week will be bad with all the days off. I thought that ours is the first, theirs is the fourth and since theirs fell on Thursday, they probably take the Friday off as well. I went to call home, my dad was all for it, my mom still hesitant, but she said she would get my clothes ready for me. I told Joe and Rose that if we can start classes early, I will be happy to start early. Joe said good, but we better talk with Simon about the arrangements since the two of us are sharing the scholarship. Rose said tell Simon that Alex can stay here with us, that might help things out for him and his decision. Suddenly, I heard what coming from Ann; she was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Rose turned to her, saying darling it is the least we can do since Alex helped to get you in the course
that you want. Ann said sorry, then Joe said we better get going, we do not need to be late.

  We got to the university, finding the courses that we are to take. All the courses but one will be the same for the six of us. We were able to see Simon quickly in the morning, mainly because of Ann’s parents. Simon said the course would start early; the school should let the other four know. Figuring out my extra course is going to be interesting, Ann picked out botany, it would keep her close with her mother. I mulled them over, then decided on taking a psychology class, it looks interesting and fit in with my other classes. My schedule now complete, Ann and I went to look over the operations. They are separate from the university; we needed special passes to get into the complex. I was amazed at all the different levels. Joe said this is only part of the operation; they have a private base where they build space vehicles. I looked at Joe; he smiled; this project has been going on for a few years now. I thought that it had to if Ann was getting into it, she probably has been taking courses to help her get into it ahead of everyone else. By the time we were ready for lunch, the tour was over. Joe suggested that I get a flight home and back to the university quickly before I can not travel and miss the start of classes.

  I got a flight out later today, returning on Wednesday the third of July. I called home, letting my dad know when I would be in at the airport later today. Rose drove Ann and me back to the house to get my luggage. Rose said she would fix up the room for when I return. Rose drove me to the airport, giving me a hug saying thank you for being nice about Ann for the course. Rose said Ann would settle down about me being here; she is not used to sharing things or having a boy around. I got on the plane for home; the flight would only take about three hours and was not that expensive.

  My dad picked me up at the airport; he told me they are happy that I am getting the courses that I want to follow. He then asked me what will I do if the courses fail to get me a good job. I knew I could not tell him that I will have a job from taking this course; it was in the papers that I signed for the secrecy of the operations. I told my dad that if it does not work out, I will come back to the farm. My dad then told me that the city is wanting to expand out our way; they might want to buy our farm. I asked my dad what will we do if they want the land. My dad said he has heard of another farm north of the town, in a valley, it is a nice size. There are other empty farms around it; the older gentleman, Mr. Hamilton, might be selling it. As we drove on, my dad suggested that we look at it and talk with the owner.

  We got near home, driving past our road to the road of the other farm. It is in a nice valley, having a gas station near the rock-cut, an old railway line that runs into the valley, switching off to run in four directions. The farm was larger than ours; the man was happy to see us interested in his farm. Mr. Hamilton told us he was only thinking of selling it, but is happy that other farmers are interested in it, he hoped a farmer would buy it if he sells. He took my dad's name and phone number, then let us look around the area, telling us that there is an abandoned town in the valley, along with the other abandoned farms. He said that the county might sell them for the back taxes that are owing.

  As we drove home, my dad suggested that the other two boys could buy one farm each, if they were to stay on farming. I thought of the valley, then thought of Scott and the group in California, this would be a nice valley to have to build up for their plans, but now that was not going to happen, I am not involved with them anymore. As we got in the door, my mom gave me a big hug, telling me she is proud that I am getting the scholarship and starting school so soon. As I unpacked my bag, I found the receipt for the money that I won down at the casino in California; I forgot that I am a millionaire now. I took the information out to show my parents; my mom fainted, hearing that I won that much money. I told my dad that if he does need money to help to buy the other farm, if the city insists that he sell this farm, he can use my money. I suggested that we go in to get my dad on my account to make things easier.

  I went to get my things ready for my move down to school; I had only five days until I went back to Florida. I got a good night's sleep, getting up early to do my chores. My brothers were teasing me about going to school in the summer; I laughed, saying it is warm all year round down at the school where I will be for now. My dad and I went into the bank, where I got his and mom’s name put on my account. The manager said some more money came in from California; she asked what I won a small lottery down there. I smiled, saying no, I won the money on a slot machine. My dad and I looked at the amount; it was near four million dollars after the full amount got added to the account. The manager said that the exchange rate was good in my favor; that is why it is more than what I originally won.

  My dad said he hopes he does not need to sell, but with my help, we could get that new farm if we need to. We saw the building up of the area heading our way; it might just happen. We got home; I got my mom to sit down while I showed her the amount in the account. We had to hold on to her; she nearly fell out of the chair. My mom was happy that I would help out if they had to sell this farm. She got me to get my clothes out to for washing; I set my winter clothes aside, I would not need them. My mom suggested that I buy some clothes down where I will be staying. I might not have that much room in the dorm. I forgot to tell my mom where I will be staying; they will need to know if anything was to happen. I told them of the Urbina’s; they run part of the program that I am in now. Since I am starting the course early, along with their daughter, they offered me to room at their house.

  My mom said you are staying with a girl; she knew I did not have time for a girlfriend; she did not even hear I was staying with her parents. My mom asked if she is a nice girl, am I interested in her. I said no, she does not like me after I accidentally walked in on her in the shower. My dad dropped his coffee cup; it shattering all over the floor. My mother had to steady herself after I said about the shower. My dad quickly cleaned up the mess, then said he had to check on a couple of things in the barn. I explained to my mom how it happened; she said the girl should have locked the door; it is her fault. My mom said I had better be careful, knocking on any closed door, especially the bathroom. We talked a little more; then I put away the clothes I will be taking with me back to school. I looked at my books, thinking I might not need them, but I can always bring them back on another trip. I put some things in my backpack that I will probably need in class. I thought about getting some other things that I might need but decided to get them down there when I find out what I will need. I was all ready to go; I packed everything that I thought I would need.

  I looked at some of the information that I was allowed to bring with me about the computer courses. I thought that now I was going to be spending almost all of my time with Ann in our course, except for the psychology course I signed up for as an extra class. I took out my notebook, making notes of the things I will need to pick up when I get back. I put in the picture of the farm along with my family; I can put that up in the room that I will be staying in over the next couple of years. I went to bed, getting a good night’s sleep. I will miss the farm. I woke up, doing my chores, then having some free time; I walked around the farm, then I asked my dad if I could borrow the truck; I wanted to look at a few things. I took my camera to take pictures for me to look at while I am away.

  I ended up going out to the valley where my parents might have to buy to continue farming. I took a picture of the nice lake, along with the scenery of the surrounding valley. It is a nice secluded area; I hope that my dad could get the farm in the valley, if the course did not work out, I would love to live here. I drove back home, getting there in time for supper. Tomorrow will be our holiday; we will not celebrate that much, we still have our work to do on the farm, it can not be left unattended. The next few days dragged on; I wanted to get going, I want to get my school started early, I was excited about what I might be able to get into from taking this course.

  Wednesday morning, I was up doing my chores. I was excited about going b
ack to school. My mom was upset at my going, but I told her I was only three hours away by plane, I would let her know if I could come back before Christmas. We packed my things in the truck; my parents drove me to the airport; my mom was in tears as she hugged me before I had to get on my flight.

  The flight was quick, no sooner were we up in the air, we started to come down to land. We had made some time with the winds in our favor. I got off the plane, going through to get my luggage, being met by Joe. He said the girls were shopping for tomorrow, it was their holiday, plus Ann needed to get another book that was not in on Monday for one of her classes. I asked Joe if I could stop to pick up my books for my courses. I want to start to read them. Joe seemed impressed with this; we went straight to the university book store. Joe helped me get the books, he knew which ones I needed, since I was in the same course as Ann. I got the textbook for the psychology class; Joe looked at it, asking me why I was taking this course. I had all my books, along with the other supplies that I would need. I was about to pay when Joe said to put it on this account; Joe told me the scholarship covers this part of my course. I was happy with that. We drove back to the house, Joe helping me with my things. Ann and her mother were not back yet as I settled in.

  I heard them come in the front door, so I got up to go to help with their purchases. Ann stared at me as I helped bring everything in, Rose thanked me for my help, then was amazed that I helped put the groceries away. Ann asked how I knew what to do with the groceries; I smiled, saying that I live on a farm; we all help do all the chores. I saw Rose smiling at Ann after I said that. Joe told me I did not have to stay in my room; I could come out to read anywhere I liked to read. I went back to my room, grabbing the first two books for my first two classes, along with my notebooks for each class. I came out to the backyard, sitting on the patio at the table. I opened my book, beginning to read up on my course. A little later, Rose came out to relax, seeing what I was doing, asking if I was okay with everything. I said yes, telling her I was preparing for my first classes. I went back to my reading when Ann came out; she had a textbook with her, the same as mine. She looked at my book, then went to sit down to read.


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