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Page 6

by Alex Isaacs

  At dinner, Simon and my parents went over the plans; I would take them to the airport early then come back to pick them up about four in the afternoon. My parents did not need to bring anything. The others packed their things up after dinner; I could leave mine until tomorrow.

  I woke up early, starting the chores as usual. My brothers joined me; then, I took the eggs into the house. My mother was already getting breakfast ready; the others were up, putting their bags down by the door. My dad had gone out in the truck, probably to fuel it up. By the time he goes back in, everyone was eating. My dad told the boys that they would be back later in the day, Alex would be in charge, get the chores done, check on the gardens and the crops. We headed out to the airport; I dropped the five of them off, the other gentleman was there waiting to go back as well. I went back to help finish the chores off, my two brothers asking if I was going to go out with Ann. I smiled, saying no, she is not interested in me or anyone else. We checked the gardens, watering the plants. We went to check on the crops; everything was coming along fine. I went in to pack my bag to go back later in the day; then my brothers started to ask me about the other farm. I said that the town is buying this farm, we went to talk with Mr. Hamilton. I said we hope he would sell the farm to dad; then, we all might be able to have farms in the valley. My brothers were both happy to hear that, especially being in the same valley. I showed them some pictures of the valley, saying the other farms needed a lot of work.

  It was approaching the time for me to go to pick up my parents, my brothers said goodbye; asking when I would be back. I said I did not know, but I would let mom and dad know. I got to the airport; the plane was landing as I parked the truck. I said goodbye to my parents; then, I got on board the flight. Simon was the only one on the plane. We began to talk; he said my parents said the same thing as I did about the farm and the animals. Simon then told me he made a deal with my parents. Simon said that we would get the farm and the rest of the valley, Simon will back us on getting the main farm if we could not afford the price. I told Simon the amount of money I have in the bank, he looked shocked, asking where I came across that money. I filled him in, telling him about the first interview I had for a scholarship out in California. I said I lost the scholarship because I won the money at the casino, and having my face all over the papers. I could see that Simon thought that was odd, but he did not ask any more questions on the matter.

  Simon then began talking about what his plans are for the farm and the valley. I was amazed he was going to move this part of his operation up here, but after hearing why, I agreed with what he wants to do. I told him I would look into making it run smoothly for him. Simon smiled at that. He then said there would be a lot of construction in the valley; he will build a new house for my family, plus putting underground installations in, he did not want many people to be able to see what would be going on in the valley. I then told Simon a friend from school is driving a dump truck, they are working on the new highway a little up north. He says they have lots of stone; they need to get away from the area. Simon wrote this down, asking me other questions of things in the area.

  We landed, and as Simon was taking me to the Urbina’s, he asked me not to talk to anyone about this secret of ours right yet. The Urbina’s know, but we do not want anyone else to know about what is going on. I said thank you as he dropped me off. I went in, ate my dinner; then, I got ready for my classes. Joe talked with me before bed, saying Simon is impressed with my parents, I was thinking of what Simon said; then, Joe said that Simon had filled him in on everything he is thinking of doing. I still did not say anything until Joe mentioned it first. Joe said that the cattle would be healthier specimens for our program. I told Joe that Simon is excited about everything. Joe agreed, adding that if things go through soon, he will start right away with the construction. I asked how he was going to do that; he would have to bring more people up to do the work. Joe smiled, saying Simon is trying to get the contract to build for the town on your old farm property. I did not know that; then, Joe said that it is a secret that I cannot repeat.

  Chapter 3: We Get the Farm

  I had trouble getting to sleep, that is a big secret that Joe let me know regarding Simon. I wonder how much Simon has said to my parents about the underground facilities. No wonder he wrote down about the road work up the highway, it is the freestone for the taking. If Simon is the only one to know about that, he would be sure to win the contract with the town.

  In my first class, I found out that our final exam for the summer course will be in two weeks. I know we covered a lot of ground in the course, but I did not expect it to be a full-term; this will cut down on how long we will be in school. That is great for Simon and his scholarship program. I started to get prepared for my exams. Every class this week was the same, the announcement of our exam before our classwork. I asked Zoey about the exam in the psychology class, she said it would not be that hard, most of our marks are from the assignments we are doing.

  On Friday, I ran into Simon after my class. He informed me that he might have the contract to build with the town. I asked what he would do if we do not get the farm. He smiled, saying he thinks it is a deal; my dad told him how he liked Ann and me taking an interest in farming. He said he contacted my dad; he has some dump trucks going up there to start to haul the stone from the road works already. Simon does not leave things to the last minute; I guess that is why he is rich. That night at dinner, my dad sent me an email, Simon did get the contract, now we are hoping to get the farm soon in the valley. I emailed my dad back, asking if he found out about the other farms in the valley. My dad said yes, he had sent Simon the information on all of them. My dad said he would let me in on more when I get home for my next visit.

  Saturday, I went in with Ann to do some more work on the computers. We were getting a lot of the bugs out, Simon, got us to install it in another computer for the space vehicles; then, he disappeared with it. Sunday, we did some studying and homework. Ann went with her mom to see about her work. I found out later they were getting ready to move some of the work up to the valley.

  On Monday morning, we got split up into groups of three, Ann and I were lucky to be together. The third member of our group, Mandy, has a military scholarship. We had to work outside of our class, so we did it in the evenings. Mandy is enthusiastic about her work; we found out her dad is in the army, on the base near here. The three of us worked well together; the assignment did not take as long as we thought. We would hand it in before our exam next Monday. I started to notice that Mandy was in all of our computer courses. The week went quickly; I was prepared for my exams next week. After Friday's class, I got a message to go and see Simon in his office. When I got there, I went right in; he was on the phone. He said hold on, then put it on the speaker. Simon said to go ahead, Alex is here now. I then heard my dad on the speaker. My dad said we got the farm; he was also going to purchase the abandoned farms in the valley.

  I had to sit down; this was great news. My dad then told me that we would take possession of the farm next week. My dad then said to me that Simon would fill me in on the rest of the news. Simon hung up the phone, saying congratulations. He then said he would be flying up to give my dad the money for the abandoned farms; he needed a spot to put some of the stone, adding there might not be enough room in the small quarry out the west entrance. Simon then said that they would be starting to build a new house for my family on the new farm. He brought out the diagrams to show me the complex. My dad said it would be better to have it mostly underground, so no one knows. The complex was big; it would have a house on it, plus a bigger barn for the milking operation. Simon then said a second house would go in place of the old one for us to live in; the first house will house the workers in the complex, plus give access to the complex.

  Simon then said he would be talking with Rose and my mom about putting up greenhouses to cover the cement pad. Rose will love the idea of trying out the hydroponics on the farm. We will rebuild the other hous
es on all the farms; they would house other workers. Simon said he is going to ask my dad what farms my brothers want to have. I wondered where I would be staying. Simon said either with my parents or in the house on top of the complex. When I finish school, he will figure out another place for me.

  I asked Simon if he was going to make the valley self-sufficient. Simon said he would be talking with my dad on that matter; the cattle will not go to waste, we can butcher then for food, I will see that part of the operation later. I asked what about power. Simon looked at me; then, he said I was like my dad. Simon said he is looking into using solar energy; that way, the power bills will not give away the operations. I suggested Simon also use wind power; he noted that down. Simon got a call; he began to put the plans away; it was General Horten. The General was let in, Simon saying for me not to mention anything to anyone right yet. Simon said he would also arrange for me to get home for the week off. As I was leaving, the General said we have a problem with the storage out west. Simon asked me to hold on for a second. The General looked at Simon, who said it is okay to talk about it in front of me.

  The General said the survivalists are planning to take some weapons out of the base we are using. Simon said the headquarters in California; the General said yes. Simon told me the plans might change on the complex; I will let you know later. He then asked me to go and get Joe. I left the two of them in the office; I now wonder if that survivalist's group is the one that Scott is in now. I had better make sure I do not say anything to Scott. I found Joe, letting him know that Simon needed to see him. I headed out and back to the house. I was happy; my parents were getting a new farm, plus a deal with Simon. I could not wait to get home, but I have my exams next week to do. I settled down, starting to study before dinner. At dinner, Rose and Joe congratulated me for my parents getting the farm. Joe said we can now talk more about what the group will be doing.

  I started to hear the plans with the farm. The cattle will have tests and procedures done so that if we venture out into space, frozen eggs and sperm for the animals will go with the space vehicle to a new planet. Joe said they have two small space vehicles; they are building two more. Testing has begun, plus Simon put the computer program into one of the vehicles to test it out. Joe said the two of us made a significant breakthrough with the voice program. Rose then said that she would be taking seeds from the best plants, plus making powdered milk along with powdered food for the trip that the vehicles would be going on in the future. Rose said that the two of us would be working with others on other computer programs for everything in the program. I could see Ann’s look on her face; she did not know everything that was going on like she thought she did.

  I asked Joe how much my parents would know about what is going on with the program. Joe said they would know only so much. I now knew I would not be telling my parents anything more about the program. Joe then said that Simon has already begun to move equipment to my dad's farm, then it will go into the valley. The General will also be sending men to do the work; they are in the program. I asked is there going to be a larger space vehicle to use in the future. Joe shrugged his shoulders; then, he said it would depend on Simon getting the resources to build one.

  After our talk, I decided to go for a walk to clear my head; I needed to put this out of my mind; for now, I had exams to do this week. I walked for about an hour, returning to the house to do some studying for my first two exams. I got to sleep early; the walk helped me out a lot. In the morning, I was up, as usual, helping with breakfast. My first exam went smoothly; everything was in for this course. We would find out about our marks next week. The afternoon exam was a little tougher, but I did feel good after it. The rest of the week was going fast. I even felt good after my psychology exam, which amazed me. We had one more exam to do on Friday morning. I got prepared as best as I could, this was the toughest of the courses this semester. I took my time on the exam, going over it before the time ran out to hand our papers into the assistant.

  As I was about to leave, a soldier came into the classroom, going right over to Mandy. I saw her almost collapse into a chair. I looked at Ann; then moved over to Mandy, asking if everything is okay. She could not speak; she was beginning to cry; I looked at the soldier. He told me Mandy’s parents were in a car accident; both were dead. Ann was now comforting Mandy, she was shaking and crying, mumbling something about Marie and what was going to happen. I looked at the soldier; he said Marie is Mandy’s sister. I asked him what will happen with the two of them, he said probably the usual thing, Marie will go into a foster home, Mandy will have a choice to stay in the army. I can see why Mandy is upset. I told Ann to keep Mandy here for a minute. I called home to my mom; I knew she would help out for the time being.

  I got my mom on the phone, explain the situation, she said to bring them with us if I can. My mom asked for Rose’s phone number, then told me she would call back shortly. We got Mandy up, deciding to take her home to her sister. Ann tried to call her mom, but the line was busy, she had to leave a message. I thought my mom was on the phone with Rose right now. We got to the car; Rose was standing there talking on her phone. Rose got off the phone, taking Mandy in her arms comforting her. Rose said she was talking with my mom, who is now probably talking with Simon. Rose’s phone now rung, it was Simon. After hanging up, Rose said that Simon is getting things ready, it seems that your mom Alex is hard to say no to, especially with what has happened. We drove to Mandy’s house; there were a few soldiers there. They were helping with Marie; she was crying and looking for Mandy.

  The General showed up at the house as my phone rang. My mom said it was all arranged, Simon will bring the two girls with us until things get straightened out for them. I could see the look on the General’s face; he was not impressed with my mother. As I hung up the phone, the General asked if that was my mother. I said yes, he said she is a hard woman to deal with; I hope she is not like this all the time. I smiled, saying she is a lovely person, sir. The General talked to the other soldiers. They packed some things for them; I told Mandy that she and her sister are coming with us for the next few days. Mandy jumped up, giving me a big hug. I could see Rose smile a little. Ann went with Mandy to help pack some things for the trip. The General got me aside, saying that the two girls may not be able to stay with my family. I said I thought that might be the case, but at least for now, they will not be alone. The General told one of the women to pack a bag; she will accompany us on the trip, the General telling her to put on street clothes as well for the journey.

  As we were getting ready to get our things for the plane, the General told Rose that he would see us shortly. The five of us headed to the house, the army woman, Lieutenant Sanders, would meet us at the airport. We gathered our things, Joe was waiting for us at the house, Rose letting him know what was going on with the girls. We got to the airport, Lieutenant Sanders helping with Marie, Ann helping Mandy as we boarded the plane. Simon and the General showed up, the General in street clothes as well. Simon asked me if everything was okay, I smiled, saying yes, for now.

  The flight was a quiet one; the two girls fell asleep after we got in the air. As we landed, I saw my mom and dad waiting. Simon said there is a car for them as well. My mother came right over to Marie and Mandy; I told Mandy this is my mom; she will help with you two. Marie went straight into my mother's open arms, crying again. The two girls got in the back seat of the truck with my mom, holding on to her. The lieutenant and I got in the front with my dad. The others went into the rental car, following us home. My dad said that they were already moving into the new farm. We would have to figure out the sleeping arrangements for the others when we get to our old farm.

  We pulled into the farm, my mom saying we will be staying here, for the time being, all the food is still at this house. I saw my brothers moving some things into the barn; I knew where I was sleeping tonight. Simon introduced the General and the Lieutenant to my parents. Simon then said that he hoped my parents did not mind moving to the new farmho
use in the next little while. Simon said he got the contract with the town for developing this property. Simon and my dad walked over to look at some of the fields; I guess Simon wants to get things moving.

  The General asked if someone could go to pick up some food for everyone. I saw him reaching for his wallet, so did my mom. My mother told the General to put his wallet away; he was coming into the house for a good home-cooked meal. The General quickly put his wallet away; he had one confrontation with my mother today. I guess that was all he wanted. I looked to see the Lieutenant smile a little; she thought it was funny seeing the General get ordered around.

  I got the girl's belongings into the house; the Lieutenant was staying here with the girls; my mother did not mind that she would room with Ann. Joe and Rose had the third room, Simon and the General could go to stay at the other farm for now. My mother began to get the dinner going for tonight, Rose saying she would help out. My dad, Simon, Joe, the General and I went to the new farm. After the two put their things into the house, we drove around the valley, showing the General everything. My dad pointed to the small quarry out the east gate, Simon smiling at me, he already knew about it. The General looking over the landscape said he does not like the way someone might be able to get into the valley by going up the side of the ridge. Simon suggested that maybe they could make it harder by extending the quarry walls around the valley. My dad said that it might not be easy to do; there is a stream up on the west side that flows into the lake. There might be another stream on the east side. Simon said that is good, fresh water coming into the valley.

  My dad told Simon, after buying the other farms, he has a map of the area. The whole valley is in his name, the concession roads surrounding the outside of the valley are the extent of the property. The General said that we could do what we want inside these concession roads. Simon suggested that the General walk around this area to see how easy it will be to continue with the quarry walls. I told my dad we would meet him at the front gate in a while. I walked with the General looking at the slopes. I said that there is a lot of stone here that Simon can use. The General laughed, saying Simon already has sources for stone. We got around to the front of the valley, waiting for the other two to show up.


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