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Page 10

by Alex Isaacs

  The next week we settled into class, we are calmer with what we are going to do. The three of us talked more and more about it when we were alone. On Friday, our professor told us a quiz we are going to have next week. As we were walking back to the car to go home, Rose told us to go with Simon; he was sitting in another vehicle. Rose took our school books, handing me my notebook. She knew I would want it.

  Simon took us to the base where the space vehicle is. Nothing was said to us about when we are going up into space. We had to change into the clothing we are to wear on our trip. We then went to the vehicle, put on board with Kelly and Jason. Our trip to outer space is beginning. It did not take long to get into space; then, as we got out of our seats, we floated around. Kelly got us to turn on the magnets for us to walk correctly while on board. I took out my notebook, writing down a question about the next vehicles, would there be gravity on them, or would we need magnets all the time on our boots.

  Kelly asked to see my notebook. I showed her the questions that the three of us wrote down. Kelly looked at them, then said, we are not going to see what the effects of a weapon are in space. We looked out to see the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon. It looked different up here in space. We settled in, we each had a routine to follow. Each would take a turn at monitoring everything going on up here. Kelly said she does not trust the computers to give warnings for everything. We would take our turn, while others did experiments or slept. When I took my turn, I looked at the computers for monitoring everything. I put down some notes in my book; I would want to test them out on the ground on my next available chance.

  Everything went smoothly; the computer programs did run the way we wanted them to. When everyone was awake, I accessed the computer, putting on some music, I wanted to see if the systems would still work in unison with something not running the vehicle. Jason thought it was great having music; Kelly did not like the idea; it is a distraction. I turned it on low, making sure it did not distract her while she was monitoring the vehicle. I told her afterward that I put it in for testing, there is talk of a bigger space vehicle, it would probably have separate compartments for everyone. It would give people that were not working something to do or listen to at that time. Kelly said she understood what us eggheads had to do; she knew they needed us as much as we needed them. I went back to the central console, looking it over to see all the controls, seeing if there is a way to make sure warnings are seen and heard regarding the vehicle. We finished our tests on Saturday; we now got in the position to go back down to earth. We would land early on Sunday morning.

  After landing, we were taken if for debriefing by the army and the scientists. A lot of useful information came out of our trip. After when Simon was driving us home, I said that we eggheads must be doing an excellent job. Simon laughed, saying I must have done something that Kelly did not like. I told Simon I tried out the music program I installed to see how it would affect the computers on the vehicle. Simon said not to worry about it, the mission was a great success, plus the three of us are not afraid of going up to do more experiments.

  When we got home, I did my school work at some dinner, then passed out on the chair in the living room. Rose woke me up, then woke the other two up, sending us all to our beds. I slept right through the night. I wondered if I would have trouble sleeping after our mission to space.

  The next week went quickly; I could not wait until Saturday. I wanted to be in the lab again. I looked over the systems for the warning systems for the vehicle, making notes of things that could be larger to help spot the smallest of things that could harm the vehicles. After finding a couple of things to try, I wrote them up, taking them to Simon. Simon appreciated my notes, taking them to pass them on. I told Simon, I would work on a better program for the sensory equipment. I continued working in the lab, seeing the girls working on their ideas.

  When we got home, the three of us sat down to talk about the ideas we were working on now for the vehicles. I said maybe the three of us should work on one of our problems together. We can see if we can go into the lab tomorrow after we do our school work. When I went to my room, I started on my school work; I wanted it done quickly. In the morning, after our run and breakfast, we went to finish our school work. I was not that long, so I went to sit and wait for the other two to finish. I was not sitting there that long; Ann came out, then a few minutes later, Mandy came out. The other two probably started their homework last night as I had done. We got Joe to take us into the lab, where the three of us began to work on one of the problems. It did not take us long to make some headway with the first problem. We wrote down our findings, then started on the next problem. After we finally made some headway on the third problem, we wrote down our findings for it as well. We took the findings for the others to try to see if they would help. Simon and Joe were impressed with the work we were doing. We went home in the afternoon, Joe saying we are working more than we should be on the project. He was right; we needed some time away from work. Rose then told us we are not allowed in the lab on Sundays anymore. We are to go and have some fun doing something different.

  We went for a swim before supper, to get away as suggested. At the beach, we still talked about what we were doing; it is hard not to talk about it, it is all we have for right now. I knew if I were on the farm, I would have other things to do to distract me. I asked the girls what else we could do to get away from our work. Mandy said there is the training and exercises she has to do for the army. I asked Ann if she would like to give it a try, she thought about it, saying it would get her parents off our case of working on the project all the time. We decided to start tomorrow, going with Mandy to her training; hopefully, they would let us join her.

  Monday, after our last class, we went with Mandy to her training. The soldiers made us sit while they made a couple of calls. Joe and Rose showed up with the General, asking us why we wanted to do this. I spoke up saying that Joe and Rose want us to do other things than working on the project; this is the first thing the three of us talked about and would like to do now. The General said it is okay; it will keep us away like instructed. The officer was informed of the two of us joining in with Mandy. We then got clothing to fit in with the group. It is different from the things we were doing; it was strenuous but interesting. Each day was something different. Ann was scared when we were going to learn to shoot the weapons. After the first couple of rounds, Ann got used to the weapon and got a little better. I, on the other hand, figured I knew everything about the shooting of these weapons. I did shoot back home. Mandy laughed as I took the first couple of shots. This rifle did not work like the one back home. The instructor corrected me, telling me I was not back on the farm. I looked at him; how did he know that. I settled in, doing as he told me. I got better using this weapon, soon hitting the target.

  I felt better after doing the training with Mandy. On Friday, Simon called us in to see him. Simon said he is happy that we are doing what Ann’s parents suggest, he did not think the army training would be our first choice. Simon then told us why he called us in. Our ideas are helping with figuring out better things for the vehicles. Our ideas help to lead them to other solutions. Simon then said that the classes we are in are now available on-line. He continued saying; we might start taking the courses that way during part of the year. Simon said he knows we are in an accelerated program, and after talking with Ann’s parents, we feel that it might be too much for the three of you. I asked Simon when he figured we would start doing our classes like this, Simon said maybe in the spring. He might get us all up to the valley; all the important buildings are up. The main one in the village center would be up, but we do not know what we are going to put in it yet.

  I asked what type of things are going to be happening in the valley. Simon said that to go into space, we need food, water, and oxygen. We have machines that can produce oxygen, the food we are making great progress. The food will be freeze-dried, easy to carry, saving us space in the vehicles. We can produce water
, but hopefully, we would not need that much. If we are traveling great distances, we would have the people going with us in suspended sleep. When we find a planet suitable, we will begin to populate it, bringing in machines to raise the animals to help us live on the planet. Mandy asked what Simon meant. Simon tells us that we are taking sperm and eggs from the animals we need to survive. It is also saving space on the proposed vehicle. I thought to myself; I can not wait to see the operations in the valley now. My parents must know what is going on with the animals.

  Simon then switched topics, saying that he is also going to get more people going into space now on the PSV’s. The more people that can adjust to being in space now, the better for the program. He is also going to get the three of us going into space to monitor the changes in the vehicles, plus make sure the computers can cope with sudden changes if need be. I looked at the girls; we will be going up more into space now. Simon ended the meeting by telling us to take the weekend off, stay away from the labs. He suggested we go to a movie, shopping or other places that have entertainment.

  As the three of us left the building, we found a bench to sit on. We asked what we could do on the weekend. Ann said she heard there is a party going on with the other students. I thought, what if we do not like the party; then, I mentioned that to the girls. Ann said we would leave. Mandy said she knows that the recruits also have parties; I looked at Mandy saying, do you think the three of us will fit in at that party; Mandy would, but not Ann and me. We decided to go to a party with the students first. We headed to the house to have dinner, then get ready for the party.

  Rose asked what we were going to do tonight; we told her about the party. Rose looked shocked to hear us going to a party. I told Rose I would be diving; I am going to pick up a navigation device for the car at the electronics store. I will program the addresses into it so I can get us to where we are going. After dinner, we headed to the mall, finding the electronics store. I purchased the navigation device, the clerk helping to set it up initially for me. Once I saw how to do it, I put in all the addresses that we go to, even the university. I put in the address for the student party, then the three of us drove to the party. There were a lot of people at the party; we kept together so we would not get lost and separated. I saw Zoey; she was with a couple of girls. She told me she did not think I would be the partying type. Ann and Mandy grabbed a drink, and we watched everyone having fun. As we walked out to the back, we saw a pool. Ann turned around quickly; they were skinny dipping.

  Mandy and I watched the couples having fun until we noticed that Ann had gone back into the house. Ann suggested that we go to the other party. Mandy said we had better stay here; the other party would be worse than what is going on here. We kept away from the pool for Ann, and after an hour, I was bored. Mandy and Ann were up dancing when Zoey came over to me, asking if I wanted to dance. I whispered in her ear that I did not know how to dance. Zoey laughed then told me it is easy; most of the people here do not know how to dance. She told me to watch a couple of people, then copy a little of what they are doing. I felt embarrassed as I got up to dance. Ann and Mandy saw me coming up to the dance floor with Zoey. The two watched me fumble around; I saw them giggling. I wanted to leave the floor, but Zoey said I was doing fine, loosen up a bit more.

  A slow song came on, Zoey grabbed me, she knew I was trying to leave. She put her hand on my shoulder, telling me to do the same, then she put her other hand on my hip. I did the same, and we began to slow dance. Zoey said, see, you can dance. I felt a little better as the song went on, Ann and Mandy were watching me from the side of the floor. After the song, Zoey thanked me for the dance. I went over to the two girls, Mandy asking me up to dance. Mandy saw Ann looking lost, so she went and brought her up to dance with the two of us. I felt a little better as I got used to dancing. Mandy said I should treat it as if I am learning to shoot the rifle. We danced for a while, then went to sit down. We were tired; the girls asked what else we could do, Ann laughing said maybe we could look at the people swimming again. I think a couple of the drinks she had were loosening her up. Mandy smiled, then giggling, grabbed Ann’s hand. The two went out to the pool quickly. I thought I had better go with them, hoping they would not do anything foolish.

  As I got out to the pool, the two were standing near the edge. Someone pushed another person into Ann, knocking her into the pool in her clothes. A couple of guys helped to lift her out, Mandy and Ann staring at their naked bodies. I got Ann away from the pool, grabbing a towel for her. Zoey came over, telling the two girls to follow her, she would get her some dry clothes. I followed them upstairs, where Zoey stopped me at the door, saying no guys allowed in the room. I thought I could not go into the room; Ann needed to get out of her wet clothes. I stood guard at the door, waiting for them the three of them to come out of the room. I looked at the time; it was getting late. When the girls came out, I asked if we should be heading back home. Ann was giggling again; Mandy said we better get Ann home before she got into more trouble. I told Zoey I would bring the clothes to our next class, she thanked me, then said goodnight.

  We got back to the house; Mandy needed my help to take Ann into the house. We took her straight to her bedroom, Rose and Joe, hearing the commotion, came to see what was going on now. Ann turned, hugging me, then kissing me right in front of her parents, before sitting down on the bed. I turned red-faced, leaving the room. Rose told Mandy she would help Ann to bed. Joe came out with me, telling me to come to the kitchen. He grabbed himself a beer; then he handed me one. Joe asked me what happened. I told him about the party, saying Ann only had two drinks, Joe shaking his head saying Ann has never drunk before. I said she was standing by the pool and got accidentally knocked into it by someone. A girl I knew helped Mandy to get her into some dry clothes, and we brought her home.

  Rose came down, almost yelling at me, asking me why Ann was in a pool with naked men. I looked at Joe; I had left that part out, hoping they would not find out. I told them people were skinny dipping, Ann and Mandy went out to look. Ann got knocked into the pool, and two guys helped her out. Rose corrected me; two nude guys helped her out of the pool. I looked down, embarrassed, saying yes, that is what happened. Joe told Rose that Ann and probably Mandy were a little drunk. I said I only saw them having two drinks. Joe got up to get another beer, seeing me now drink this one down, he grabbed me another. I could see that Rose was mad as Joe handed me a second beer. Rose looked at Joe; I do not think she liked him giving me another drink. Joe grabbed a glass, put some wine in it for Rose, getting her to sit down with us at the table. Joe said it was going to happen sooner or later, Rose taking a good drink. Joe said at least Alex was there to make sure nothing else happened to the girls. I finished my beer; then I asked if I could go to bed. Joe said yes, Rose saying she will see the three of us in the morning.

  The beer helped me sleep that night; I was worried about what was going to happen to the three of us in the morning. After breakfast, Rose got the three of us to sit down. She began asking what we were thinking about going to a party like that. I, for one, did not know that stuff like that happened at parties, but I kept my mouth closed, saying nothing. Ann and Mandy sat there looking down at the floor, also not saying a word. Rose turned to me, asking why I would let the two girls go to the pool. I started to talk; then Rose told me not to say anything. After Rose stopped yelling at us, she said she did not know what to do with the three of us, part of it is her fault getting us to do something else away from our schoolwork and the labs. Rose told us to get out of her sight; we quickly went into the back yard. Ann was starting to say something when her dad came out telling us to go to the mall for now until Rose calmed down.

  We got in the car; Ann telling us she has never seen her mother like this before. I said you have never done anything like this before, either. The two girls started giggling, then started talking of the two naked guys helping Ann out of the pool. I cleared my throat, the girls looking at me laughing, saying sorry. The two then began to
whisper with each other laughing about it still. We got to the mall, as we were walking in, I turned to see the two looking at me from behind. I let them go ahead of me. The two kept turning around, whispering, then giggling. I went into a store to get away from them; soon, they came back to me saying they are sorry. I said I did not stare at the naked girls in the pool as they stared at the guys. Mandy said oh really, I said well not that much. The two girls came over, hugging me, giggling some more. Mandy asked which girl I liked the most that were in the pool. I was about to say something but stopped. The two laughed again, hugging me again.

  As I saw them looking me over again, I stopped and looked the two of them over, smiling at them. The two girls giggled, whispering again, then walking off, moving their hips back and forth on purpose. I followed them until they settled down. Mandy started asking when we should go back to the house. I said I would not go back for a while; Rose will still be mad. It was still early in the morning; we could not go to the lab; our books were at home. I said maybe we could go to the university, use their computers, seeing if our courses are on-line like Simon was saying. I stopped at the book store, picking up some notebooks for the three of us before going over to the university.

  We found our classes on-line. We got to the next class in the first course, which was unavailable at this time. We looked back at the previous class; it seems they were recording them as they gave them out to the students. We went over our homework for the next class, then wondered what we were going to do now. Ann said maybe we should come up with something to do that we will not get in trouble. Going to the movies or shopping would get boring quickly, then I thought about my brother, he liked to play video games. I suggested it to the girls, but what would we play that all of us liked and could play at the same time. We decided to go to the mall to at least look at the games.


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