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Page 13

by Alex Isaacs

  Saturday morning, after our run, breakfast, and getting our homework done, the three of us decided to go swimming. The two were acting a little differently with me now; I wondered if I have done something wrong. As the day went on, I tried to be as nice as I could to the two of them. I could see that they liked me treating them this way. As we were walking back to the house, Ann slipped, I was just able to catch her before she fell to the ground. Her ankle began to swell up. I said I had better carry you home, picking her up in my arms. Ann complained about her ankle for a couple of minutes until she got settled in my arms. Ann put her head on my shoulder as I carried her the rest of the way. Mandy ran ahead, telling Rose what had happened. We took her to the emergency room. We found out she sprained her ankle; she was now supposed to stay off it for a couple of weeks. They gave Ann crutches, but she could not get used to using them. Ann asked me if I could carry her, please. I smiled, picking her up, taking her to the car, then into the house to the front room.

  Ann stayed on the couch for the rest of the day and night until it was bedtime. She asked if I could carry her up to her room, which I did. Ann smiled, saying thank you as her mother came in to help her get ready for bed. I went to see Joe, asking what time the PSV was going to be at the asteroid tomorrow. Joe said he hoped early in the morning; he told me that he hopes the signal from the PSV can get back to us with the information. I went to bed, anxious to see the information.

  In the morning, Rose came to me, asking if I could help with Ann. Ann wanted me to carry her down for breakfast and to the lab today. Rose said that if I did not want to do it, it would be fine. Ann needs to learn to use the crutches. I said I did not mind, adding I thought I might have done something wrong the other day, the two girls were acting strange around me yesterday. Rose told me I did nothing wrong; the girls have realized something. Rose got Ann dressed and ready to come down for breakfast; Ann smiled as I came in to get her.

  We headed into the lab, finding a few people in, along with Simon, to see the information coming back from the PSV. It landed about two hours ago, starting to get the information everyone needed back here on earth. We waited for an hour; then, the information began to come into the lab. I could see Simon smiling as he went through it. He turned to Joe, saying we can not destroy the asteroid, showing him the materials in the asteroid. The two smile and nodded at each other, I sensed they were up to something. They were happy with the materials in the asteroid. Simon got on the phone; I could hear him telling the person on the other end of the phone that the asteroid is solid rock. Simon paused, then said, we would work out a way to divert the asteroid to keep everyone safe here on earth.

  Simon got Joe to come to another office to discuss what the plans now were for the asteroid. I got on the computer, looking at the information about the asteroid. The PSV is sending back more information, including the size, the speed, and more of the composition of the asteroid. Mandy came over to look, I stood up, letting her have my chair. Mandy smiled, saying thank you. Mandy told me I could come closer to keep looking at the information; she even moved to make it easier for me to see. I saw some of the metals in the asteroid, some I have never heard of before. Simon and Joe returned, seeing us at the computer. Simon said good, write down the information to help with our plans. I now knew he was going to use the program we have for diverting the asteroid. Simon saw Ann sitting by herself with her foot bandaged. Simon asked Rose what happened, then Simon told me not to carry Ann all over the place; she needs to get back up on her feet to help us later on. I could see Ann looking sad after hearing that. I said I would help her get back on her feet and walking. A smile came back to Ann’s face.

  After our meeting in the lab, I began to look at the figures. Joe picked up one of the laptops to bring home with us for the two of us to work on with the program. I got up, moving over to Ann, helping her to stand. I said we would get you back on your feet, so you do not miss out on any of our work. I put my arm around Ann, giving her enough support, as she took her first steps. I could see it was tender for her to put weight on her ankle, but she tried as long as I had my arm around her for support. I helped her out to the car; then, into the living room.

  I went to work with Joe on putting the information in to see what we would need to divert the asteroid around and away from the earth. Joe said maybe we should see about stopping it first. I looked at Joe, asking him why Simon wants to stop the asteroid and not divert it away safely. Joe went to the fridge, grabbing us both a beer; then, he got me to come outside away from the other three.

  We sat down on the patio, Joe taking a drink of his beer. He then told me I am not supposed to repeat this to anyone. Simon wants to stop the asteroid so we can mine the materials in it for our space program. Joe said there might be enough materials for a larger ship. I sat there, taking a drink of my beer. I asked Joe where will the ship be built. Joe said it would be put together in space. Because of the size of it, we would not have enough fuel to send it into space from the ground. I asked if building a space station to build it in was an idea to look at as well. Joe said not enough materials for both. Joe said this is a stroke of luck this happening. I asked what the alternative would have been. Joe said, sending the PSV’s to the asteroid belt to retrieve the materials. I then asked him about fuel for all of this, Joe smiled, saying there are nebula’s out in space that we could get what we need for fuel. I now knew why Joe was high up in the organization; his background in astrophysics and physics is valuable. I now asked Joe why he is telling me all of this. Joe took another drink; then, he told me that Simon trusts me more now with everything that has been going on; Simon trusts my whole family.

  I sat back, taking another drink of my beer. I then said I had better get to work on the program; we would need to make sure we can stop the asteroid. I then asked Joe, where would we be stopping the asteroid. Joe said, hopefully, close to the earth. Joe told me he also has some things to figure out with the asteroid being close to the earth. We went back in, sitting down to work on the program. Joe then went into his office to work on his part of the asteroid program. I worked out the best solution with the information that we have. I showed Joe that four of the PSV’s could slow it down, getting it to stop, using this much fuel up. Joe shook his head on the amount of fuel we will have to use. Joe said he has to tell Simon; maybe the other groups can help us acquire more fuel.

  After dinner, with my work done, I helped Ann to stand and walk around on her ankle. I got her to start to use the crutches; this time, it did not take her that long to get used to them. I know she does not want to sit around, being left out of everything. I went to see Joe just before bed, asking when the PSV is going to leave the asteroid to come back. Joe said early in the morning; he is getting up to make sure it has no problems heading back. I ask if I can go with him. I want to make sure of some figures. Joe said he would wake me up around five. I set my alarm, going to bed, falling right to sleep.

  I woke up to my alarm, getting dressed. Joe came to my door, saying it is time to go to the lab. I brought the figures and the laptop to show Simon before I came back to go to class. As we got into the lab, the technician was about to instruct the PSV to take off and head back to the earth. Once it was up safely, I asked Joe to get the technician to get the PSV to go the speed of the asteroid; I want to make sure my figures on the speed of the asteroid. Joe instructed the technician, and within a few minutes, we found out the speed of the asteroid. I wrote down the speed, showing Joe. The asteroid is now going slower than the original speed I was using to figure out how to get it to stop. The speed change was small, but when I put in the new figures, I came up with a lessor fuel amount. Joe took the figures to Simon as I headed back to get ready for my class.

  Mandy and I helped to get Ann to and from our classes; then, Ann sat watching us do our training in the afternoon. Afterward, we went to the lab, Joe calling Simon on the phone as we came into the lab. I went into the office with Simon and Joe; they wanted to go over the figures once more with
me. The program gave out the same figures as before. Simon got on the phone to the other group, saying we have another problem with the asteroid, telling them that the PSV slowed down the asteroid enough to change its trajectory. The asteroid will now come closer to the moon before heading on to the earth. Simon then told them that we are working on another solution to the asteroid problem.

  Simon hung up the phone, telling me of the great job I am doing with the asteroid. Simon told me he knows I know everything that is going on with the asteroid. But, now, with the asteroid coming closer to the moon, we might have another problem. The gravity of the moon might pull the asteroid into the moon. Simon then said who knows what damage would occur if the asteroid hits the moon. Joe said we would have one chance to stop the asteroid before it hits the moon. I asked will we be trying to get it into the same orbit of the moon. Joe said that is one idea. Simon then told me that there is some more bad news. Simon tells me that four of us would have to be in the four PSV’s to coordinate the procedure; everything has to be accurate at that time to stop any collisions.

  I knew who was going to be going, Joe and I talked about it earlier. The two girls would not find out until the day we were going up to stop the asteroid. With the new information, the asteroid will be nearing the moon near the end of December. We have about eight weeks to make all the preparations. I asked if we could get the exact pull of the gravity of the moon. Joe said it would change with the size of the asteroid, plus the proximity of the asteroid to the moon.

  We went home for dinner, my mind on going up into space. I then thought about Christmas; I would have to be down here, not at home. I asked Joe about Christmas, Mandy and I should be home for it, what would we say. Joe said he would talk with Simon about it tomorrow; he said not to worry, they would get us both home for Christmas.

  Tuesday, after our training, the three of us were in the lab again. Simon came in telling the three of us that we should go on a trip in the PSV, Mandy needs to see how the computers run in space. I thought that this is a good idea. I would take the laptop to try the program out again. We set up a date to go up; it would be on Friday morning after our class, coming back on Saturday. We did not need to hide the PSV from the other groups now. They knew we have them to do the work of stopping the asteroid. I saw Simon talking with Joe; later, after dinner, Joe filled me in about the other groups. They now know we have four PSV’s, they were shocked to find this out, but now gave their backing for us to do the work. Joe told me that Simon has worked up what he would say the day of stopping the asteroid, having excuses ready. I said to Joe that the other groups and the rest of the world would be upset at us stopping the asteroid, not diverting it away from the planet. Joe said that Simon is considering that, he would think of what else to say to different complaints.

  I went to bed, thinking of what we were going to be doing. The rest of the week went by quickly. Friday, after our class, the four of us went up to the PSV, heading out into space to meet the returning vehicle. Joe coming with us, he needed to get his space legs. I think he also wanted to see the samples that are coming back with the other PSV. Ann was moving around a lot better, Simon happy to see this. We departed the earth, getting out in space to meet the other vehicle. Jason and Kelly made sure it had enough fuel to return to the facility, Joe going out to get the samples. As he looked at the samples, with the girls watching, I set up the laptop, making sure the program was working with the computers. We got everything straight, maneuvering into position for us to land ahead of the other vehicle. Saturday morning, we landed twenty minutes before the other vehicle. I saw Simon bringing some people from the other groups to look it over as he downloaded the information from the computer.

  We met Simon in the lab later after the others were gone. Simon and Joe looked at the samples; the PSV did a great job of getting a lot of great samples. Simon and Joe were pleased as we headed out to go home. At home, Joe told me the samples were better than Simon initially thought. Joe then said that Simon is going to fly Mandy and I home for Christmas, bringing us back on the next day. Simon would go with us, explaining what is going on, saying he would get us back after all was complete. I called my parents to let them know that Simon was bringing Mandy and me home for Christmas. I would call them later to give them the details of our arrival. I got Mandy on the phone with Marie. They talked for about an hour again. I was happy to see Mandy smiling as she got off the phone. Mandy came over, hugging me, then kissing me on the cheek for letting her talk with her sister.

  I told Mandy that we have our exams coming up soon, we are going to go Christmas shopping together. We should get it out of the way soon. I could see Mandy looking a little sad, so I added that she could make up her lists, I would pay for everything so no one would know what we are doing. Mandy threw her arms around me, hugging and kissing me, saying thank you. Ann came over, hugging me saying that is so sweet of me; she will come to help Mandy get some presents. I went to do my school work, then into bed early. It was a long trip up into space, plus all the excitement.

  In the morning after breakfast, I asked Mandy if she had started on her list for Christmas, Rose looked at me, I think it reminded her she has a new person to buy for this year. Mandy said she had a couple of ideas; I was thinking of my parents and brothers. I could get my brother's electronics, which is easy for them. I thought about phones for my parents; it would keep us in touch a lot better now. The three of us went out shopping, Ann said we should wait for a couple of weeks, the sales would be starting then. I said okay, let's make our list out for where everything is going to be to make it easier. I marked down the prices to see how much of a deal we would get for waiting.

  We got back to the house; Rose asked how the shopping went. I told her that Ann suggested we wait until the sales start. Rose smiled, saying that is when she starts her shopping. I looked at the calendar; our exams would be coming up just after that, I thought I had better get started on my notes for them.

  The next two weeks went quickly, the next week the sales would begin. Then our exams not long after that. I kept checking up on the asteroid; it was slowly making its way towards us each day and week. Everything is ready for us to stop the asteroid; only the girls did not know they were going up in space yet. Our training with Mandy was improving, some of the people were teasing me, putting up pictures of my kiss with Zoey on my locker.

  Joe and Simon were making plans for the asteroid, wanting to make sure they could get the materials they want. I asked Joe what the other group thought of the new plan. Joe said that Simon told them about it the other day, now the groups are fighting to see who should own the asteroid. Joe said Simon is laughing about the ownership of the asteroid; it will keep the group's minds off of anything else to do with the asteroid for now. I thought it is only an asteroid, how would they get the materials or even get to it without Simon. Joe showed me the one sample, Simon smelted it, it was more durable and lighter. The metal is better than the metal in the PSV’s. I asked if Simon is figuring out how to mine it on the asteroid. Joe said he probably is, Simon thinks about everything for his project. I now wondered how he is going to hide the frequent trips to the asteroid. The fuel would be costly.

  I asked Joe about the fuel, he took me into the office, bringing out a book on some ideas for the fuel solution. Joe opened it up the section, showing the idea of a PSV going out to gather the gases for the fuel from the nebula’s that are nearby the earth. I said that the PSV’s would use less fuel being lighter. Joe agreed, the stronger metal is also going to be better for them. I started to think about taking an astronomy class on the side. I want to be able to know what Joe knows about space. That afternoon, when I got back to the house, I looked up online about a class. I could start it anytime, doing it online. The astronomy class is like the other classes starting up online courses. I signed up for it, getting the list of books I would need. I went into the school bookstore before dinner, getting all the textbooks.

  Sunday morning, after I finished everything,
I went to my room after our run. I began the first class in astronomy. I found I would need to go to the university to use some of the equipment in the class. I could do that on Thursday afternoon, while the girls were in their class. Then I remembered it would not be this week because of the holiday.

  Wednesday afternoon, I got a break, the psychology class gave us work to take with us, we could work in the class or go home. I decided to go to the astronomy class to do some work. I was nearly late for my training; the assistant asked when I was going to leave. I was the only one in the class. The girls were excited; we had two more weeks until our exams started. Mandy could not wait to see her sister; it seemed like Ann wanted to see her as well. Mandy and Ann were getting a lot closer, which is nice, especially since what Ann and Marie went through. That night we stopped to do some grocery shopping on the way home, everything would not be open until the sales on Friday. And on Friday, Rose would not want to be doing the groceries.

  After our daily routine and our regular homework, I went to my room to start another lesson in my astronomy course. I am glad I have access to the equipment; I do not know where I would be without it. Friday, it was busy with all the sales on, I got lucky, there was more than enough of the electronics I wanted to get. Mandy got all of her things, picking up presents for my family, her adopted family. I was able to sneak away to get the girls each a present, but I had to ask Ann about her parents. Ann said they are always hard to buy presents for them. I bought some jewelry for Rose, then decided on a beautiful watch for Joe. When we got back to the house, everyone was rushing around, trying to hide what they bought today.


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