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The Keepers Collection

Page 2

by Pepper North

  Slowly, Payi regained her composure. She’d have to deal with her new life. She became aware that she was dressed only in padded underwear. Her breasts were exposed as they were pressed against Oreg’s warm body. Her arms immediately crossed in front of her body, and she struggled to move away from Oreg.

  Oreg’s arms tightened around her. “Payi, you are fine. Don’t worry that I see your body. I am your Keeper. The closest equivalent of your culture would be a father. I will take care of all your needs for the rest of your life. You don’t need to hide from me. I have already seen your beautiful, human body. I have been caring for you for several days now as you recovered from the stasis bed. Have a little more magriri milk and relax.” He shifted her body into a reclining position and firmly held her in place as he brought the bottle to her lips.

  Payi tried to avoid the nipple but Oreg slipped it adeptly into her mouth, and the delicious mixture began to flow. It was so good. She repeatedly swallowed until the bottle emptied. Payi felt her muscles relax but realized that all the liquid had quickly flowed through her body. She struggled not to urinate squirmed as her full bladder demanded that she use the restroom.

  Oreg removed the nipple from her mouth. “That’s better, Payi. We’ll just take it slow for the next few days until you become accustomed to your new life. The magriri milk helps you relax. Is your bladder full, little one? You just need to relax your muscles and let it flow into the quobon. Your body is not suited to our evacuation chambers so you will potty into the quobon from now on.” He began to rub firmly on her stomach. “I know it’s hard to relax, but you will soon be used to your quobon as well.”

  Payi struggled to hold her urine, but the pressure of his big hand combined with the full bladder caused the liquid to begin to squirt from her resisting body into the padded quobon.

  “That’s perfect, Payi. Let it all out.” Oreg continued to rub her tummy. “No tears, Payi. In many ways, you will be like my special baby. I will change your quobon when needed, cleanse your body, and feed you to keep you healthy and take care of your medical needs. I am very honored to take care of you,” Oreg explained patiently in his deep voice as the last of the urine soaked into the quobon. “Have you finished, little one?” Waiting for her embarrassed nod, Oreg lifted her into his strong arms and carried her to a high table. Pressing one large hand between Payi’s breasts, he held her firmly on the table while releasing the fasteners on each side and sliding the filled quobon off Payi’s body. Setting it aside, Oreg separated Payi’s thighs and began to cleanse the urine from her body with a soft, warm, moist cloth. “Don’t wiggle so much, Payi. I have to get you clean, or the urine will irritate your soft skin. I think we should check your reading while your quobon is removed to make sure you are recovering from the stasis. This may be a little uncomfortable, Payi. Stay still, and your reading will be complete very soon.”

  He held her firmly against the table with her legs spread widely apart. Payi was dismayed to see Oreg hold up a large rod and dip it in a shiny, thick liquid before pressing it firmly against her anus and sliding it deep into her rectum. “No!!!!!” Payi protested loudly increasing her struggles to free herself. “Take it out!” She demanded.

  Oreg did not struggle at all to hold her in place. The reading device did not budge from its location deep in her bowels. “Calm down, Payi. I will take your reading often. You will soon become very used to this. It is not hurting you. Relax,” Oreg crooned to Payi. He held the rod in place for many minutes until a beep was heard. Pulling it out, Oreg returned the device to a slot above the table and carefully read the characters that glowed upon the rectangular display. “Your body temperature is a little high. I’m going to give you some medicine to lower it, Payi.” He pulled out an instrument that looked like a large syringe but with a thick, rounded end instead of a needle. Oreg filled it with a glowing orange liquid and brought the instrument between Payi’s legs. He pressed the nozzle to her tightly clenched anus, and as she whimpered and pleaded for him to stop, he slid it carefully into her bottom and injected the warm liquid into her bowels. Oreg pressed a cylindrical plug into her bottom to hold the medicine inside.

  “You should begin to feel sleepy, Payi. The medicine will work while you rest. The plug will slowly dissolve. By the time you wake up, little one, you’ll need to evacuate your bowels.”

  Payi was horrified. She struggled to remain alert but began to feel very sleepy. She felt a new quobon secured around her hips and she was again lifted into Oreg’s warm arms as he carried her to lay her down on a fluffy, soft surface. She was covered by a luxuriously soft spread. Payi’s last conscious thought registered a quiet click as the small compartment was sealed off by a transparent screen.

  Chapter 3

  Slowly, Payi began to wake up. She slowly raised her torso up off the surface of the enclosed bed. Stretching an arm out to the side, she pressed a hand to the transparent barricade. It was warm to the touch and totally rigid. Payi sat up and swayed. She felt dizzy. Putting one hand on her head, she closed her eyes to try to reset her balance. Opening her eyes, she discovered Oreg was suddenly in front of her. Cowering back, she trembled. He was so big. He was so different than a human male. There was no doubt that he was a male of his species. His wide shoulders with their two sets of arms stretched in front of her bed. His muscled torso narrowed down to a set of abdominal muscles that would make even the most athletic human jealous. Oreg was not wearing any type of clothing. His purple fur flowed over the hard body. There was no hint of genitalia. “Perhaps, his species reproduces another way,” thought Payi.

  Oreg smiled at the cowering human female, “It’s okay, Payi. I won’t hurt you. Let’s get you up from your nap and see if your strength and balance have recovered from the long trip.” Oreg waved his hand in front of the barrier. There was a shimmering light, and then he reached through the opening with two arms to cradle her in a strong but very gentle grasp. There was no way that Payi could wiggle away. “Payi, I’m going to set you down on the ground to stand. I’m right here if you are dizzy.” Oreg placed her slowly on her feet and supported her as she tried to stand on her own. “What a good girl you are, Payi! So brave and strong,” Oreg encouraged.

  Payi swayed a little on her feet trying to find her balance. She stiffened her legs and took a small step away from Oreg to try to stand on her own. She felt weak like she was recovering from a bad flu bug. All her muscles trembled. Suddenly, Payi felt an overwhelming need to void her bowels. She looked around desperately. A loud rumble emerged from her stomach.

  Oreg steadied her with a muscled arm. “Payi, relax your bowels and use your quobon. The medicine I inserted earlier has done its good and is ready to flush out your waste. It’s okay, little one. I know you aren’t used to the quobon. This will get much easier.”

  Payi blushed furiously as her rectum spasmed and softened waste jetted from her body to fill the quobon. The warm, fecal matter spread across Payi nether area. She began to cry in embarrassment and discomfort.

  Oreg scooped her up and cuddled her again his rigid torso. Crooning soft sounds to reassure Payi, he laid her on the high table and rubbed her stomach as the last of the solid waste emerged from her rectum. Oreg pressed firmly on her bladder until Payi felt the urine also jet from her body into the absorbent quobon. Oreg waited for several breaths until he was sure she was finished before slowly unfastening the quobon.

  Observing Payi embarrassed posture with her head turned away from him and bright red cheeks. Oreg talked slowly to Payi, knowing the words didn’t matter but that she needed to feel reassured. Oreg slowly cleaned the waste and urine from her bottom and removed the smelly quobon into its sealed container. Looking at Payi’s beautiful human body stretched out on the table, Oreg scooped a small amount of lubricant on to his fingertips of one hand. Holding her legs apart with two arms and restraining her torso to the table surface, Oreg began to caress Payi’s inner labia.

  Shocked Payi, whipped her head back around to meet Oreg’s smiling g
aze. She struggled to pull her legs together only to discover that he had them firmly separated and she couldn’t free herself. “Stop, please, stop,” she begged breathless from her struggles.

  Oreg dipped a fingertip into her vaginal opening. “You deserve a treat, Payi, for using your quobon. Relax, little one. Let me take care of you,” Oreg said gently. He firmly stroked the sides of her inner labia and dipped a large, fur roughened finger deeper and deeper into her warm vagina until Payi began to rock her hips as her body responded involuntarily to his expert caresses. His long finger reached to the final depth of her vagina much deeper than any of her previous lovers had delved with their penises. Delicately touching her sensitive tissues, Oreg treasured the soft sighs and gasping breaths of his little human as she became increasingly aroused. He began stroking her enlarged clitoris with another finger and was amazed at the gush of the slick fluid and spasming tightness of her inner muscles as Payi climaxed strongly. Oreg held his finger inside her body firmly as Payi regained her awareness of the room around her.

  Tears leaked from the corners of Payi’s tightly closed eyes. What was happening to her? She was on a different planet. She could never return home. She’d never see her family. A large being was caring for her as if she was a child and now, she’d lost all control over her bodily functions voiding her bowels and bladder into a diaper and then climaxing despite all her attempts to not respond to the skillful caresses. Even now, Oreg still invaded her vagina with a large finger thrust deeply to touch her cervix as her body still clenched around it.

  “Shhhh, Payi. I know you are struggling to understand all that has happened to change your life. Enjoy the pleasure, my little one. I am very happy to take care of all your needs - the basic and the pleasurable ones. I know you are embarrassed, but I am your Keeper. It is a great honor that you are in my life. I am here only to treasure you,” crooned Oreg softly. He slid his finger from her vagina as the last of the climatic squeezes ended. Rubbing his large, furry hand gently on her abdomen, he continued to caress Payi until the tears stopped and her beautiful, blue eyes met his. “You are a delight, Payi. I know you would rather be at home. That’s not possible anymore. Hopefully, you will soon feel that being here in my care is the next best thing to being with your original family.”

  Oreg swiftly fastened a new quobon around Payi’s bottom and scooped her into his arms. Moving to a lighted panel on the wall, Oreg pressed several buttons, and after a whirling sound, a cylindrical container with a large nipple appeared in the center of the panel. Oreg lifted the bottle and carried his precious human over to the oversized, cushioned chair. Pressing her firmly against his torso, he held the nipple to her mouth and encouraged her to drink. “Open your mouth, little one. This is a special mixture that will help you regain your strength. I thought you might wish to explore your new world today. You must first rehydrate yourself.” He teased the nipple against her lips until she opened her mouth just wide enough for him to insert the nipple deep into her mouth. “That’s it. What a good girl you are! Suck deeply. Let the mixture help you become strong.” Oreg rubbed her tummy softly as she sucked in the warm mixture.

  Payi hated the feel of the nipple in her mouth, but the liquid was delicious. As it slid down her throat, she did feel her energy level rising. Finishing the last of the bottle, Payi struggled to sit upright. She felt Oreg’s arms supporting her as she sat on his lap. “Thank you, Oreg. I feel better now,” Payi whispered. “Can I stand up now?” she questioned hesitantly.

  “Let’s get you dressed, and we’ll go outside for a while so you can get some fresh air and a little exercise. That always helps everyone feel better,” Oreg promised. He lifted her to her feet and waited until she felt steady on her own before he opened a panel in the wall revealing some colorful clothing. “Let’s see if I guessed the right size, Payi.” He pulled out a one-piece outfit that fastened somehow down the front and had a large decoration on the back. He helped balance Payi as she stepped one foot and then the other into the strange garment. As he eased the fabric over her hips, Oreg’s furry hands caressed every inch of Payi as they smoothed the fabric over her torso, helping her insert her arms into the correct slots. Finally, Oreg sealed the opening together with a final soft brush to Payi’s erect nipples.

  Payi let out her breath. She didn’t understand why she reacted so strongly to Oreg’s touch. Her erect nipples thrust against the soft material. He shouldn’t be able to arouse her with just a gentle caress. Now, at least she was covered from head to toe.

  Oreg stretched a large hand down in front of Payi. He smiled at her as she hesitated. “Little one, you are still very unsteady on your feet. Let me help you balance. Take my hand. You will hold my hand or be in my arms any time we are outside this room for your protection. Come now.” Again, he stretched his hand toward her.

  Payi put her hand into his amazed that her hand looked like a little girl’s in his large grasp. She followed him as he took slow, patient steps to the door. She looked around curiously as they moved through another large room to a large, green door. She could recognize some of the items in the room as over-sized places to sit, but many of the room’s contents were baffling.

  Payi watched Oreg carefully as he pressed his large six-fingered hand to a large glowing panel on the wall. The entire panel slid open revealing a doorway to the brilliantly colored Nrantian landscape. The colors were so vivid that Payi’s eyes watered in reaction. Holding Payi’s hand firmly, Oreg gently coaxed her to step over the threshold into the Nrantian fresh air. He paused as the door slid closed together and Payi breathed deeply.

  “It doesn’t smell like Earth,” Payi exclaimed. Payi breathed in another lung-full of the sweet-smelling air.

  “No, Payi. There are many things that you will find very different from your life on Earth. My planet is very beautiful. I am honored to show it to you. Let’s walk around a little. We won’t go far. You are still weakened from your long trip in stasis. Soon, you will feel like skipping and running through the Nrantian trawl. I understand that it is like your grass but softer and blue,” Oreg talked softly to Payi as she glanced around trying to see everything around her. Oreg led Payi forward slowly until they reached the bottom of a large plant growing straight up. It looked like an Earth tree with a single, bark-like trunk but it was a deep orange color, and it extended upward where it divided into five segments and each drooped over with a large, sweet-smelling blossom.

  “This is the Varitus plant. It is common all over Nrantia. The blossoms are made into the material from which your clothing is made. It also has a delicious berry that grows during two months of the Nrantian warm season. I will fix you some as a snack when we return home. Let’s sit under the Varitus plant and rest your muscles. You are getting a little wobbly, Payi.” Oreg sat down and swept Payi up to sit with her back against his torso and her legs swept out in front of her.

  Payi was amazed to see that her legs were shorter than Oreg’s lap. She’s only reached his abdomen when they had been walking next to each other. As she was cuddled close to Oreg, Payi relaxed against his heavily muscled torso. She felt doll-sized. She knew when she felt stronger that she would not be happy to be treated like a child.

  “You are thinking very hard, little Payi. Is something bothering you?” Oreg’s deep voice rumbled behind her.

  “I’m not an infant on Earth. You know that, don’t you?” Payi crooked her neck around to see Oreg. “I’m an adult - a full-grown woman. I live alone. I work. I support myself.”

  Oreg’s chest jiggled against her like he was laughing. He easily picked her up with two arms and turned her around in his lap so they could see each other easily. “Yes, little one. I know you are an adult, Earth female. It sounds like your life was a little lonely. Is that true, Payi?”

  Payi shook her head no vigorously while simultaneously reflecting that she had been lonely a lot on Earth. Everyone was so busy in the city. Sure, she had friends, but most of the time if she wasn’t at work, she had been alone.r />
  “No?” Oreg looked at her questioning. “We will make sure that you are not lonely here either. I will dedicate myself to your care so I will always be here, little one.” He began to caress her side with one large hand. “You are very precious to me already, Payi.” His hand moved around to the front of her torso and cupped one full breast through the fabric.

  “Oh!” Payi exclaimed and tried to move away from the caressing hand. She found herself supported firmly in place by two other muscled arms. Payi felt a breeze on her bare skin and realized that Oreg had opened the front of her clothing revealing her light rose colored nipples to his eyes. She struggled to close the material only to have her hands captured and held behind her back.

  “Relax, Payi. I will never hurt you. I wish to look at your beautiful body and please you again. Look, your body already welcomes my touch,” Oreg softly spoke as he caressed her soft breasts.

  Payi looked down to see her nipples contracting in pleasure as Oreg’s large, furry hand brushed across the sensitive tips. “You shouldn’t touch me like this. I shouldn’t like it,” Payi groaned.

  “It’s my delight to take care of your every need, Payi. I am your Keeper. I will always tend to you. Just lie back and enjoy. I promise you great pleasure,” Oreg was very solemn.

  Payi felt her garment open further and saw another of Oreg’s hands busily removing her clothing. Her thighs were stretched apart across Oreg’s muscled legs, and Payi felt labia begin to moisten as she remembered the earlier caresses. She closed her eyes as Oreg began to pluck at her nipples sending spikes of pleasure into her core. A gentle finger began to separate her inner tissues spreading her natural lubricant around. The fur on his hand was softly abrasive, and Payi felt hips begin to rise to meet the probing finger. This time, his finger did not press into her vagina but swept the slick lubricant to her tightly closed anus. Teasing around the sensitive opening, Payi gasped in protest.


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