The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 17

by Pepper North

  Not all humans survived the long voyage. He would not celebrate until the precious human was placed into his arms. Until then, Srih would focus on learning all he could from the Keepers who would be leading the training sessions. He tried to keep his emotions in check but knew that he would never recover if something happened to the female who had been entrusted to his care.

  Setting off for the official training site, Srih focused on settling his mind to absorb the information that the specially chosen instructors would share. Along the route, he received the congratulations from many acquaintances. The news of his selection had traveled as quickly as the inspectors. To be chosen as a Keeper was such a high honor that everyone celebrated with you.

  As he walked into the center, Srih immediately dropped to his knees in front of the impetuous human female who ran toward the exit. She immediately stopped when faced with his large bulk in her path. Stepping back a few steps, she looked at him with tears in her eyes. “My papa spanked my bottom.”

  “Little human, did you deserve to have your bottom spanked?” Srih asked solemnly. He recognized this small female as Payi, the beloved human assigned to the esteemed Oreg. He had been a trainer of Keepers for many years before Payi arrived. Srih had seen Payi from a distance before when Oreg brought her to help train Nrantians who had been selected to become Keepers. He had never had a chance to interact with her so closely.

  He smiled at her gently and held a hand out to her slowly with his palm up to show her that he would not hurt her. “Little one, your papa must have been very worried about your safety for you to receive a spanking. Can you remember what you did before he corrected you?”

  “Your hand is huge,” Payi mentioned as she placed her tiny hand in his for comparison. “You’re huge all over. Are you a giant Nrantian?” she asked.

  Her Nrantian was amazingly advanced. All humans were fitted with a temporary translator upon arrival to Nrantia that allowed them to understand the alien language. By the time the transmitter was deactivated, most humans had learned a small vocabulary that helped them adjust to their new lives and follow the directions of their Keepers. Talking to Payi now, it was evident that she’d continued to not only learn, but understand the Nrantian language. He had heard that Payi was very intelligent and did not question this conclusion.

  Moving slowly, Srih wiped her drying tears from her cheeks as he answered her question. “You are correct, Payi. I am larger than the average Nrantian. Are you changing the subject, little one? Did you do something naughty to receive a spanking?” He paused, allowing her to think for a moment. He smiled at her proudly when she nodded her head in the typical human gesture that expressed agreement according to his studies. Recognizing and accepting responsibility for misdeeds was an important step for humans to learn from their mistakes. He continued to talk to her gently. “Your papa is waiting behind you. He looks very concerned about you. I think you could make his heart much happier if you would go apologize.”

  Payi turned her head to look back at Oreg who indeed stood several lengths away from her, allowing her to talk to Srih privately. Glancing back at Srih, Payi said, “He does look sad. I should apologize and let him hold me. He always feels better when I do that.” She paused once again and tilted her head to the side as she looked at Srih. “Are you going to be a Keeper?”

  “It is my greatest desire, little one,” he truthfully answered.

  “I could come to play with her,” Payi offered, her face beginning to brighten at the thought of helping a new arrival adjust.

  “I would be honored if you would offer her your friendship, Payi. Now, your papa is waiting. Will you go give him a hug for me?” Srih schooled his face into the human expression called a smile. He was shocked when she shook her head at him in disapproval.

  “You will scare her if you smile like that.” Her small, cool fingers reached to touch his face. She pulled the corners of his large mouth down slightly and adjusted his lips to cover his teeth a bit more. Her hands left his face, and her head tilted to the side as Payi considered her adjustments. “Much better. You won’t scare her now.”

  “Thank you, Payi,” Srih expressed his gratitude. Her responding smile helped him better understand the gesture. He looked forward to seeing his own human’s smile.

  He watched her move toward Oreg in the strange human pattern called a skip. More joyful than a walk, the bouncing gait safely carried her swiftly to the large Nrantian who waited patiently. He could not overhear her words as she reached him, but Oreg stretched his arms out to her as she leaped up into the air with all confidence that he would catch her.

  Oreg’s eyes met his over the head of his precious Payi. The veteran papa nodded his approval of his interaction with the human female. Srih practiced his smile once again.

  Chapter 50

  Soon, Srih watched as the ship landed. His eyes focused on the two precious carriers being transported from the stasis pods. A crew member walked toward him with one carrier. Srih recognized him as someone he knew from his youth.

  The smaller Nrantian looked at Srih and nodded. “I am glad she will have you for a Keeper. She is beautiful and so spirited. I watched over her on the journey. Care for her well, Srih.”

  “I thank you, Muwr, for tending her on the long voyage. When you are next in Nrantia, would you like to come to visit?” Srih asked.

  ‘I would be honored, Srih.” The other Nrantian brushed a hand over the transport pod to clear the clouded shield over the human’s face. With a last glance, he turned and reentered the ship.

  “The life of a scientist is lonely,” Oreg mentioned as he approached. The eyes of the two Keepers met and communicated silently. “I do not wish to interfere with your bonding. I have brought you a few supplies that you may not have yet. Several of these I found very useful in shaping Payi’s behavior as well as helping her adapt slowly to her new environment.” Oreg handed him a satchel that fit over one set of arms to hang against his back. With that completed, Oreg excused himself to leave Srih with his human.

  Moving efficiently, Srih unsealed the transport pod to reveal the beautiful female inside. She would begin to wake up immediately if not medicated. The busy ship dock would not be a good introduction for her. He pulled the immediate supplies that he would need from a small bag at his waist and laid them on the padded surface at the bottom of the pod. Trying to work dispassionately, Srih brushed aside the fabric covering her nude body to lift the young woman’s bare legs. He pressed them toward her shoulders to reveal her tight bottom entrance. All Keepers were taught to place medications here to be efficiently absorbed. After lubricating the rounded end of a large red, cylindrical capsule of luryx, he pressed the medicine against her tight muscular ring.

  A small sound of protest drew his attention. Glancing at her face, Srih judged she would soon wake up without the medicine. Continuing to move gently, he slid the capsule deep into her bottom. He quickly assessed her mass and pressed the second capsule into her bottom.

  Meanwhile, another set of hands held a bottle of magriri milk to her lips. He watched carefully to see if she would respond to the brush of the nipple against her lips. He slightly relaxed when he saw her mouth open, and her lips seal around the nipple to begin sucking. Instantly, the human relapsed into a sleeping state as she automatically drank from her bottle.

  He allowed himself to pause momentarily in his treatments to appreciate the beautiful human female. She was almost a complete opposite of Oreg’s, Payi. Her hair was long like Payi’s but a pale, shimmering color. Her body was rounded and curved with full breasts and heavy thighs. She would be much taller than Payi when standing on those long legs. Srih couldn’t imagine how any human could be more beautiful.

  The new Keeper decided immediately to call her Naja, after a rare treat that grew only once a year. It was a rounded fruit that seemed to glow with light. Srih loved naja and searched for it every year in the open spaces around his home. Most years, it eluded him. On those rare occasions when he found
one hidden, he savored it thoroughly.

  “Come, Naja. It is time for the trek to your new home,” Srih spoke softly to her as he wrapped an absorbent quobon around her hips before sealing her body in a large, fabric sack that would preserve her body heat. Picking his precious human up, the Keeper cradled her in his arms. He swore to her his oath of protection, “I promise that I will care for you for the remainder of your life.”

  Carrying her pressed to his broad chest with three of his four arms, Srih’s long legs quickly walked from the busy city center. Emerging from the crowded paths to stride on the lush blue trawl that covered the beautiful planet of Nrantia, his eyes searched the landscape as he tried to imagine how everything would appear to Naja. He would enjoy seeing his world through her eyes.

  Srih remained vigilant through the journey. His bulk convinced most predators to find easier prey. With his hands holding his human gently, he would be less able to defend against an attack. A rustle on the far side of a varitus plant, made him quicken his steps. The derisps were growing bolder. Several of his neighboring Nrantians had battled them recently. The pinkness was beginning to fade, allowing the greenness to take over.

  He saw his large home looming ahead of them. He skirted a tangle of varitus plants which could provide cover for the lurking predators. Srih reached his door and pressed his free hand against the locking mechanism to open it. Stepping inside quickly, he set the door to withstand any intrusion. A sound of thin legs scrabbling against the door behind him proved that he had been wise to avoid the varitus plants. The colorful vegetation had disguised at least one derisp.

  Carrying Naja into her new room, he placed her on the padded surface at the side of the cheerfully colored walls. Srih had painted a Nrantian landscape on one side of the room. He wanted Naja to grow accustomed to seeing her new home.

  Unsealing the sack that had maintained her body heat, he gently stripped Naja of its protective covering. Srih pressed firmly on the female’s lower abdomen. She moaned in her medicated state but yielded to the pressure. His sensitive hearing detected the sounds of her urine flowing into the quobon. This primitive way of voiding the toxins from her body would require that she always wear a quobon. According to his instructors, humans struggled most in their adjustment to using this absorbent wrap.

  When the sounds had ceased, Srih removed Naja’s quobon, exposing her beautiful body completely. Alone now with his human charge, Srih admired her smooth body. He began to clean the remnants of her long voyage from her body as he tenderly wiped her skin. Srih washed her face with a soft cleaning cloth. He treasured the look of her long blonde eyelashes against her rounded cheekbones.

  What color would her eyes be? Not wishing to disturb her, he decided to wait until she opened her eyes to show him. He smoothed over her full pink lips. Her coloring was a continuum of shades of light skin and hair. His cloth glided over her neck and rounded shoulders to reach the full breasts that swelled from her torso. Again, it was a pale shade of pink that colored the nipples topping her generous mounds. Srih noted those nipples clenched to form tight peaks at a soft touch of the cloth. She was very responsive.

  Her rounded stomach led to a tuft of curly blonde hair between her legs. He removed all the traces of her liquid waste. Srih needed to remove these curls, but this task could wait until later. Srih allowed one large finger to trace the seam of her labia moving her thighs apart with his other arms. A low moan fell from Naja’s mouth as her body began producing her slick arousal fluid. Srih cleaned her delicate, pink folds, noting that she reacted most when his fingers touched the small nub above her vagina and at the ring of muscles that guarded the small opening between her buttocks.

  Filing away this information, he finished cleaning the front of her body, and his strong hands rotated her to lay face down. He adjusted her head gently to face him. Quickly, he wiped the rest of her body clean before picking up the reading device that would assess her health. He dipped the rod into the thick lubricating liquid. Pulling apart the dimpled flesh of her buttocks, Srih inserted it deep into her bottom. He held it in place as his precious charge wiggled slightly on the table.

  “Quiet, Naja. The reading will be completed soon.” This first reading would take the longest as the computer assessed her body. He smoothed his hand over her pale skin appreciating the softness of her full bottom. Finally, a soft tone and a slew of information appeared on the screen. The computer identified deficiencies in several nutrients.

  Her body had been maintained in stasis as it had been when the scientist had collected her. He was not pleased to find that she had neglected her health on her planet. She would be healthier here with his supervision. There were too many needed supplements to insert them as he had the luryx. A probe extended from the computer with a pad the width of three of Srih’s large fingers. He pressed the pad to her skin and moved quickly to soothe her by running a gentle hand over her shoulders. The pad attached itself to her skin injecting the needed substances. The probe retracted back into the computer, and a new large, red capsule rolled from the dispensary.

  Srih removed the reading device from her tight channel. Repeating his process of inserting the luryx, the Keeper rotated his precious human charge back to her back. He wrapped a fresh quobon around her bottom being careful not to jar the medicated pad that was being absorbed into her body. This procedure was painful. He would keep her medicated until the process was finished.

  Finally, he picked her back up in his arms. Taking a seat in the soothing chair that he had selected especially for her, Srih held a fresh bottle of formula to her lips as he settled into the chair. The pack that Oreg had brought to him caught on the back of the chair, reminding him of its presence. He’d been so focused on the little human that he had forgotten it. He held Naja carefully as he shrugged out of the straps to place it by his side. He would look through the information and materials later. For now, he wanted to hold her in his arms.

  She was here. She was more beautiful than any other human on Nrantia. I am a very lucky Keeper.

  Chapter 51

  Two more greenesses passed before Srih ceased inserting the luryx medication that kept Naja sleeping through her adjustment period. Her frail body would struggle under the greater gravitational force without an opportunity to become acclimated to her new world. He watched her carefully as her eyes started to blink slowly. His soft fingers caressed her plump cheek before running down her neck to drift over her shoulder.

  He automatically smiled as she squeezed her eyelids closed. Her enchanting movement of snuggling next to his fur seemed to indicate that she was not ready to wake up yet. He caressed her cheek again, still smiling at her. He noted how quickly he had adopted the human smile. Srih moved the gliding chair slowly to comfort her. He would allow her to set her own time to open her eyes.

  Waiting patiently, Srih wondered what color her eyes would be? His hand moved down to rub softly on her rounded tummy. He softly laughed as she wriggled under his hand, still resisting his efforts to rouse her.

  Naja’s hand ungracefully flopped as she moved her muscles for the first time. A pair of vertical wrinkles appeared between her blonde eyebrows as she concentrated on getting her hand to do what she wanted. Finally, she was able to coordinate her muscles to try to push that soft fuzzy object off her tummy. When her fingers touched the hard muscles of his hand covered by the velvety fur, she froze. What was that?

  She peeked open her eyes trying to be stealthy. “What?” she yelled as she saw the massive hand on her stomach. It was purple and huge! Her mouth opened to scream, and something was placed between her lips. A delicious thick mixture filled her mouth, and she swallowed automatically. Instantly, she felt herself become calm.

  “Little one, it’s okay. You are safe. Take your time to wake up. You have been asleep for many of your earth years,” a deep, melodic voice reassured her.

  Those big brown eyes opened fully to look up. She is so beautiful! Srih watched the emotions move across her face: confusion, frig
ht, resolve. The Keeper was very pleased with the strength of his new charge. He lifted the bottle from her lips and greeted her, “I am Srih. You are on the planet, Nrantia, now. It is my pleasure to be your Keeper. I have given you the new name of Naja. It is a very rare and delicious treat. We will look for one when they are in season.”

  With her body’s natural flight impulses dampened by the maigriri milk, Naja’s mind tried to gather itself to respond to the large, purple figure who cradled her on its lap. She dismissed most of his words as unbelievable. She clung to anything that seemed familiar. Her unemotional, intellectual knowledge of the solar system came immediately to her mind. “There is no Nrantia in our solar system.”

  “You are correct. You have traveled a long distance to your new home,” the large purple figure answered with a smile that just wasn’t entirely natural.

  “What are you? How do you speak English?” Naja struggled to sit up. She froze as his arms began to help lift her into her desired position. He had four arms. How could he have four arms? “Is this a prank? It’s not Halloween. Why are you dressed like that?”

  “I am not sure about your reference to Halloween. You will have to explain it to me sometime. I am simply me, Srih. I am very large for a Nrantian, but I am not wearing fabric on my body. My fur protects me. Would you like to touch it?” Srih patiently asked as he held his hand to her, palm up.

  Just as Payi had done, Naja placed her palm against his. She marveled at the size difference between their hands. Blinking, she recounted his fingers. He had six. Her hand lifted to allow her fingers to brush the soft purple fur. It was like velvet under her fingertips. Without thinking, she moved her hand to brush over his massive chest. It was as if someone had covered molded steel with the most beautiful velvet. She pressed one fingertip into his flesh poking him sharply.


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