The Keepers Collection

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The Keepers Collection Page 19

by Pepper North

  He had known that being a Keeper was an honor. He had not realized just how much he would care for this defenseless human and how quickly those feelings would overwhelm him. He was beginning to understand the extent of the close relationship between the Keepers and their humans. He was bonding to her as much as she was bonding with him.

  After a little quiet time to look around and absorb the differentness of the landscape, Naja looked behind them to the home that they had just left. “It looks so big inside, but it’s not so big outside,” she noticed.

  “My home is larger than many, simply because I am larger than the average Nrantian. Inside we have all the space we need: your sleeping chamber, my sleeping chamber, the main living space, a bathing chamber, and an evacuation chamber,” Srih counted them on one hand.

  “Evacuation chamber? There IS a toilet in your house!” she glared at Srih.

  “The evacuation chamber is simply an empty space that operates with great suction to remove waste from Nrantians. It pulls it out of our bodies through our skin. You will see my outer layer begin to turn dull over time. It will not feel as soft. That is the indication that I need to visit the evacuation chamber.”

  Her face had softened during his explanation. “It doesn’t sound good. Doesn’t it hurt to pull something out through your skin?”

  “Nrantians feel relief from a session in the evacuation chamber. The temporary discomfort is easily tolerated.” He pointedly looked at her. “Now, you know why you must use your quobon for your needs. It will be hard at first, but you must always remember that now I live to take care of you.”

  Thoughtfully, she nodded as she ran her fingers across the velvet fur on his chest. “I’m used to doing everything myself. It’s hard to let someone else do something for me.”

  “I understand, little human. I will help you adjust to your new home,” Srih practiced that smile once again.

  “Okay,” relieved, Naja nodded. With that taken care of, she relaxed against Srih’s strong body. “What are those plants over there?” She pointed at a clump of plants that looked like Earth trees, but they were a dark orange color that split into five drooping sections at the top.

  “Those are Varitus plants. It is common everywhere here. Both the blossoms and berries are used to make cloth and for food. You must be careful around the Varitus plants. Derisps often lurk near clumps of the plants,” warned Srih.

  “What’s a derisp?” she curiously asked.

  “It is a creature here with long legs. They would harm you if you were alone. You must never wander alone,” warned the huge Nrantian.

  Shivering against him, Naja nodded. “I will stay with you, Srih,” she promised.

  “Now, it is time for small humans to have their afternoon sleep.” The large Nrantian smoothly rose to his feet, lifting her with ease into his arms.

  “A nap?” Naja questioned incredulously.

  “If that is an afternoon sleep, a nap is what you will take. When you wake, we will take a bath and have the greenness meal,” he simply explained as he reentered the large home.

  “I’m too old to nap,” she said suddenly.

  “Do not tell me no, little human. You need a lot of sleep after being in stasis for so long. You must trust me to know what is best for you.”

  Naja felt tired. She knew that he was probably right, but she didn’t want to give in completely. “I don’t want to go to bed.” When he stood her in the middle of her new sleeping chamber, Naja crossed her arms over her chest, blocking his hands which tried to unseal her protective suit.

  “You are acting naughty, Naja. Lower your arms please,” Srih patiently instructed.

  “I don’t want to go to bed.”

  “I will be forced to punish you if you do not follow my directions, Naja,” Srih warned as he lowered himself to one knee next to her so that he could look her straight in the eyes. His expression was somber

  “I’m not going to bed,” she stubbornly replied, shaking her head vigorously and tightening her crossed arms.

  Before she could stomp her foot, Naja found herself stretched over Srih’s knee. She felt the air hit her skin as he easily split the protective suit down the back, exposing her body. Within two breaths, he had removed her quobon, baring her pale, plump buttocks.

  Anchored in place by two of his large hands, Naja didn’t have time to protest before a hand landed sharply on her bottom. Over and over that iron-muscled hand covered by velvety fur fell on the pale skin. Twisting her head back, she watched a red, six-fingered handprint appear on her bottom. A new one appeared with the next swat. Dropping her head, her protests were replaced with sobs. The spanks slowed and stopped. That punishing hand began to rub her bottom to soothe the irritated skin lightly.

  “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I should have taken a nap. I knew I was tired. I just didn’t want to do everything you said. I’m sorry. Don’t spank me anymore,” she pleaded.

  Without a word, Srih lifted the sobbing human from his leg and held her tightly to his chest. “Little human, I also know that you are very tired. I have one job to do. I am your Keeper. If you need sleep, you will sleep. No argument will convince me not to enforce what I know you need.”

  “I know. You spanked me.” Naja pulled back to look at him. Large tears cascaded down her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, Naja. I’m glad you are sorry. Will you listen to my instructions next time?” His serious tone brooked no refusal. His gentle touch belayed the harshness of his tone as he wiped away her tears.

  “Yes, Srih,” she said immediately. Her head drooped, and she asked him in a wavering voice, “Are you going to ask for a different human?”

  “I am definitely not going to ask for a different human. You are mine, and I am your Keeper,” Srih pronounced. His voice became a little stressed as Naja leaped forward to wrap her arms tightly around his neck. He patted her back reassuringly.

  Alone on such a different world, Srih was her one stabilizing figure. She realized just how much she already relied on him. He makes me feel secure. In all this craziness, he takes care of me. She vowed to herself not to make him punish her again.

  When Srih set her down on the soft bedding in her chambers, he patted the cushioned top to indicate that she should lie down. After tucking a soft cover over her body, Srih walked to a large box on the far side of the sleeping chamber and picked up a plush object. He tucked the object shaped like an animal from her planet under the covers with Naja. He smiled as she pulled it against her chest and hugged it tightly. “Sleep well, Naja. I will check on you often. You are not alone,” he reassured her before he raised a panel in front that extended high above her body.

  Propping herself up on one elbow, she started to protest being enclosed in the crib until she saw his face change into that serious look that she had just seen after her spanking. Naja lowered herself back to the bed and hugged the stuffed teddy bear to her chest again. She closed her eyes and was almost instantly asleep.

  Chapter 54

  Waking up, Naja looked around as she sat up to stretch. To her amazement, Srih sat in the gliding chair facing her crib. She smiled at him before she realized that his eyes were closed. He had taken a nap, too. Moving quietly to let him sleep, Naja rose to her knees to look around.

  Her eyes fixed on the painting on the wall of the Nrantian landscape. There in the corner, were a few spindly legs. What was that? It looked almost as if they belonged to an oversized spider from back home. She stood up to get a better view.

  “Naja, what are you looking at?” Srih’s deep, melodic voice asked.

  She pointed to the corner. “What’s that, Srih?”

  Srih followed her eyes and indicating finger. “That is a derisp. It is the animal I warned you about earlier. I added that to the picture to remind you that although there is much beauty on Nrantia, there are also creatures that would seek to harm you. You are safe with me, little human,” he said as he stood to come to the side of the enclosed bed. One hand lowere
d the front as two others scooped her out of the crib.

  Holding her close to his body, Srih hugged her tightly before asking, “Did you sleep well, Naja?”

  Enthusiastically, she nodded her head. “Did you?” she teased.

  “Sleep is important for both of us. I have tended you since you arrived. I was also very tired. Come. Drink a bottle, and then I have a treat for you.” The huge Nrantian carried her to the chair and picked up a bottle that had been waiting for her. He held it to her lips and frowned when she pushed it away. “Little human, your bottom will be very sore if you receive a second spanking.”

  That serious look was the only warning she needed. Immediately, she opened her mouth, allowing him to insert the nipple into her mouth. As the delicious mixture filled her mouth, Naja eagerly swallowed as she hummed in happiness. Inside, she made herself a promise to think twice before rejecting Srih’s help. She curved her hand around Srih’s large one and squeezed his hand slightly in thanks.

  “It is good, isn’t it, Naja? Are you interested to know what your treat is?” he teased.

  Naja nodded her head as she drank thirstily. Her body squirmed on his lap in cautious anticipation. What did he think would be a treat?

  “Do not worry, Naja. You will enjoy it. Drink your bottle, and we will check your reading before your treat,” he informed her, watching her face turn guarded at the mention of a reading. He knew that she would adjust to having her body’s function checked multiple times a day. Just as she already seemed to have forgotten that she was only wearing her quobon, instead of the layers of clothing that humans seemed to wear on Earth.

  When she had finished her bottle, Srih carried her to the padded table and laid her down softly. Before releasing her quobon, Srih knowingly pressed on her lower abdomen aware that she would need to empty her bladder. Naja groaned in protest and held on to his hand. Srih comforted her with a brush of a giant hand through her hair.

  “I don’t like that,” she unhappily accused when he released her soiled quobon.

  He simply answered, “I know.” There would be other things that she didn’t like in her new life. Srih would do his best to help her adjust. He rolled her over to her side and parted her buttocks. Lubricating a finger, he slid the large digit into her small, clenched opening. He noted that her body began responding to his touch with signs of arousal: a flush across her chest, faster breathing, tightened nipples, and that slick fluid beginning to coat her intimate areas. Removing his finger, he pressed the reader into her bottom deeply as she wiggled at the invasion.

  “I don’t like that, either,” a disgruntled voice wafted to him from the table.

  Srih just patted her still rosy bottom and slid his hand between her legs to begin to convince her that she could enjoy this process. He ignored her whispered “What are you doing?” question to focus on her body. His velvety soft fingertips traced the pink folds between her legs. Moving blindly, he relied on those tale-tell signs to guide his movements.

  “Little human, a Keeper has many ways to provide a healthy life for their charge. Pleasing you is a joy. Will you let me help you?” he asked as a large finger began to press into her wet vagina.

  “This is right?” she questioned with tension in her voice.

  “This is right, Naja, as long as you enjoy it,” his soft voice curled around her.

  Another velvet covered hand wrapped around one of her breasts. His fingers began to caress her round, full globe. The brush of his soft touch glided over her nipple. Instantly, it budded fully. His fingers rolled the tight nub just to the point of pain causing her lips to part with a cry of enjoyment.

  When she bit her lip to contain her noise, that low voice rasped across her body. It sent shivers through her skin as if he was touching her everywhere. “Do not hide your reactions from your Keeper, Naja.” She nodded before she realized what she was agreeing to do.

  Her mind could not dwell on this as his fingers drove her pleasure higher and higher. Naja gasped aloud as his fingers tweaked that sensitive nerve bundle between her legs. She tried to resist, but his hands everywhere overwhelmed her body. With a cry and an arching of her back to thrust her breast fully into his teasing hand, Naja strongly orgasmed.

  His fingers extended her orgasm until she lay limp on the padded table. Then, he gently withdrew his hands from her body. Sliding the reader from her bottom, he waited patiently as the computer dispensed the medication that she needed. Srih smiled at her quick inhaled breaths as he pressed the capsules into her rectum. His small human’s body was very sensitive.

  Chapter 55

  Sitting in her elevated chair at the table, Naja wiggled as Srih fed her the greenness meal. This time he joined her in eating. Naja was amazed by the amount of food the huge Nrantian inhaled.

  Again, he required that she tried an assortment of different foods. Some she loved, and some she didn’t. She noticed, there were certain things that he did not choose to eat. “How come you don’t have to eat any of the green stuff over there?” she asked, pointing to a dish on his right.

  “I am a strong Nrantian male, and I do not need the baolk to make me strong and healthy. You do!” Srih scooped up another small helping of the baolk and held it at her lips. He nodded approvingly when she opened her mouth to allow him to feed her the healthy food.

  “Mmmm, Srih?” she asked as she tried to distract herself from consuming the fibrous food that she was sure had to taste like seaweed back home. “Is there a difference between male and female Nrantians?”

  “Female Nrantians carry our young. They are equipped with an organ somewhat like your uterus. Males have the same additional muscle mass and abilities to protect as human males do.”

  Her face blazed red, and she wanted to ask so badly, but she was afraid to pry into his private life. Finally, she blurted out, “Do you have a female Nrantian and children?”

  “No, Naja. A Keeper gives up the idea of a traditional Nrantian family without regret. I am very pleased to be your Keeper. You are my family now,” he answered gently. “It is a family that I am already very proud to cherish.”

  Her shoulders sagged with relief, and she sat back against the chair’s padding. Even though happy that she had not separated him from his family, she really wanted to ask more questions, but she was too embarrassed to ask the personal questions floating around in her brain. She’d wait until she knew him better to ask.

  After several more bites of food for Naja and an amazing quantity of food consumed by Srih’s massive body, Srih tidied the eating area and picked Naja up once again in his strong arms. “Before bed, there is time for us to visit the cleaning chamber. It is important for you to follow my directions, Naja. Okay?”

  She hesitantly nodded. Are we going to shower together? What directions could there be? She did not resist as Srih removed her quobon and carried her into a small room that resembled a closet. He held her high in his arms. Their faces were parallel to each other.

  “Ready, little human?” he asked. At her look of bravado and a small nod, Srih leaned in to press his lips tenderly against hers. This gesture of affection was well documented in the studies of human behavior. It did seem to reassure Naja. When he lifted his head, she pressed her fingertips to her lips and nodded.

  Srih began the cleaning cycle. Warm fluid began to fill the small chamber. It encircled his lower body and reached her feet. Naja smiled with delight at the satiny feel of the liquid. When it reached her waist, she scooped it up to rub on his broad shoulders. It instantly foamed to make sweet-smelling foam.

  His large hands began to sweep across her body to clean her skin. Naja squirmed as his fingers brushed across all the nooks and crannies of her body. He tilted her backward to wet the top of her blonde hair. The feel of his six, enormous fingers lightly scrubbing across her scalp brought a purr to her lips as her eyes closed to enjoy his attention. When she was covered with foam, his hand floated before a sensor in the wall triggering a rinse cycle.

  As the liquid continued
to rise, he noted her concern when it rose to her neck. “You will be okay, Naja. The cleaning fluid will cover our faces for a short time before draining back into the system. Take a deep breath with me now.” Srih pantomimed taking a deep breath as the fluid covered their heads. Almost immediately, it drained rapidly from the chamber, leaving them both suds-free and feeling clean.

  The huge Nrantian waited to see her reaction. Had she been scared by the liquid covering her head? He was amazed to see a huge grin spread across her face. Bouncing closer to him, she pressed her lips joyfully against his. Without a second thought, Srih cupped the back of her head threading his fingers through her wet hair to pull her tightly against his mouth.

  Naja opened her mouth under the pressure of his. As his tongue swept into her mouth, she realized that he didn’t have one tongue but two. They entwined around hers, seducing her with their skillful seduction. His flavor filled her mouth. She eagerly pressed closer to his body.

  One large hand lifted from her body to brush between their bodies. Not understanding his actions, Naja lifted her head from his to protest the separation of their bodies. “Nooo!” she wailed without thinking to censor herself.

  “Little human, it is okay,” he brushed a soft hand down her back pressing her body back against his. “Our play has aroused my body. Nrantian genitals are contained in a pouch in our abdomens. My erections were stretching this pouch to a painful level. I have simply released them.”

  As his mouth descended to take hers again, she turned her face to the side. “Them? You have more than one erection?” she blurted.

  “Yes, Naja. Nrantians have two erections when stimulated.” He carried her from the chamber and wrapped her in a soft cloth to dry her before setting her on her feet.


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