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The Keepers Collection

Page 22

by Pepper North

  “Nooo!” she wailed. How could she ever explain this to him?

  “Tell me, Naja. What is wrong?” his voice was stern and strict.

  “My stomach hurts from a different kind of cramps,” she whispered, lifting her head to look at him. Would he understand?

  “I do not understand, Naja. Explain this to me.” Srih searched his brain for human stomach ailments. Aha! His diligent study provided the answer. He remembered reading that some human females became severely constipated each month. “Naja, are you beginning your month menses?”

  “Oh, God!” she whimpered in embarrassment. He sounded like her grandfather.

  Srih reached in and plucked her from the corner. He gathered her against him. “I know that you are embarrassed, but there are no secrets between a Keeper and his human. I am here to care for you. If I do not know what is wrong, I can not help you.” He kissed her forehead softly. “Now, I can help you feel better. First, empty your bladder, my little human.” He compressed her abdomen to help her complete this task.

  The large Nrantian carried her to the padded table and stripped off her quobon. It was as he thought. The quobon was stained with her red discharge. He watched her fling one forearm over her eyes to hide as the other clutched her lower abdomen. Srih pressed a few buttons on the computer screen to log in the date of her menses so that he could keep a careful record for the following month.

  He also pressed in a request for a heated pad. When dispensed to the table, he raised her clutching hand and laid the warm pad over her abdomen. “Is this where it hurts, Naja,” he softly questioned.

  “Lower,” she whispered, peeking out from under her arm.

  He adjusted the pad and waited for her nod. Then, he pressed it firmly to her skin. It would adhere to her body giving off heat to relieve some of her pain. When she sighed in relief and relaxed against the table, he began to clean her body of the expelled blood and urine. She squirmed as he pressed the lubricated reader into her rectum, but he calmed her with a soft caress on the inside of one widely spread thigh.

  She peeked at him again. “That feels so much better, Srih. Thank you. I am usually miserable without painkillers at home. Even with those, I usually am in pain.”

  “There is no reason for you to feel pain. My apologies to you for not anticipating your menses. I promise that I will act more rapidly to take away your discomfort next time.” A beep of the computer heralded the dispensing of several large capsules with a time schedule for subsequent doses. The computer noted that painful menses ranged greatly in young females. The reader had detected strong contractions that signaled that Naja’s were more painful than most. Srih was very sad that she had dealt with this all alone on the much less sophisticated planet. I will take proper care of her here.

  He quickly removed the reader and placed the medication deep into her bottom. He tapped more notes into the computer before wrapping a fresh quobon around her hips, enveloping the heated pad inside. As he picked her up from the table, already the whiteness and drawn lines around her eyes and mouth had disappeared.

  “Are you feeling better, little human?” Srih quietly asked. When she nodded, he leaned forward to kiss her lips softly. “You can tell me anything. And you should tell me everything. I am here to take care of you. Will you promise me that you will tell me if something is wrong?”

  Naja froze, not wishing to agree to something that she wasn’t sure that she could do. Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind. “You’re my Keeper,” she whispered as she realized that he was hers as much as she belonged to him.

  “I am, little human.”

  Chapter 61

  Pinknesses and greennesses passed slowly. Naja began to settle into her new life with Srih. Each day he allowed her a short amount of time to play on the computer. Her closeness with Srih continued to increase. She relied upon her Keeper more each day. Each evening, Srih would cuddle her on his lap to drink a bottle of the delicious mixture. When she was almost asleep, he would place her gently into her crib and leave her to sleep alone.

  Naja could tell that his feelings toward her were growing stronger as well. His neeblings were always hard against her body during their shower and while he was feeding her a bottle. She dreamed of the pleasure that he aroused in her body so easily. He had taken great care of her during her period, but he had not given her pleasure since her cleansing. Her flow had stopped yesterday.

  This morning as he walked into the sleeping chamber she had begun calling her nursery, Naja made a decision. She would be here for the rest of her life. She was lucky enough to be cared for by someone who would put a romance novel cover model to shame. She knew he was attracted to her, and she craved his touch. She would make the first move.

  “Good pinkness, Naja? Did you sleep well?” Srih asked as he lowered the protective barrier. Leaning in, he scooped Naja into his arms and hugged her tightly to his body, trying not to groan as her full breasts pressed against his torso. Chiding himself to focus, he compressed her lower abdomen against his muscles to help her use her quobon.

  He was pleased when he heard her bowels empty as well. Srih had begun to add a small amount of cuthrim juice to her nightly bottle to prevent blockages from occurring. She did not like using her quobon and would especially resist using it for her solid waste. The cuthrim juice was a more gentle way of producing results without requiring frequent cleansings which were very stressful for humans.

  Today, he would remove her body hair between her legs. He knew this would be a big step for Naja. Many humans felt this was a sign of their adult status and did not wish to have it removed. Here, however, it was necessary to allow her body to be cleaned after using her quobon. Srih thought her plentiful tufts of blonde hair were very cute, but she would be healthier without it.

  He finished cleaning her bottom and moved quickly to secure her hands above her head and her bent knees to the sides of the padded table. Srih stroked a soft hand down her torso to calm her as she began to thrash to free herself. “Naja, you are fine. I am not going to hurt you. Today, I am going to remove your body hair here,” he said as he ruffled the blonde curls between her legs. “This is not needed here and is unsanitary. This will not hurt. Will you trust me?” he asked, meeting her big, brown eyes.

  Big tears began to run down Naja’s cheeks. Disturbed, Srih wiped them tenderly from her cheeks. “Why are you crying, Naja? Are you scared?”

  Her voice wavering with emotion, Srih watched the tears cascade down her cheeks as she admitted, ‘I don’t want you to think I’m only a baby. I want you to touch me like an adult, too. You haven’t touched me intimately for days.”

  Immediately, Srih leaned down to kiss her tenderly at first and then deeper, allowing his tongues to dip into her mouth. He smiled against her as her tongue met his eagerly. His little human was hungry for his kiss. He explored her mouth thoroughly until they were both breathing more heavily. Lifting his mouth to look at her tenderly, Srih spoke softly, “My little human, I have not touched you because I knew that you were not feeling well—not because I did not wish to touch you. You make my neeblings ache with desire, and I look forward to merging our bodies.”

  “Really?” she squeaked. The burn of desire that had appeared in her eyes during his kisses morphed into anticipation. She fought against the bonds that held her hands in place as she tried to wrap her hands around his neck.

  “Shhh, little human. First, we finish our task. Then I will free your hands,” Srih promised. He moved quickly to spread a thick green paste over her full mound and across her outer labia. His fingers even spread the paste at the inner edges of her buttocks to remove the wisps of hair that grew there. “It will begin to feel slightly warm, Naja,” he warned.

  Just a short time later, he began to wipe the paste from her skin. His little human raised her head from the table top to watch as he revealed the soft skin underneath. When he was finished, he released her limbs and watched with that human smile spreading over his lips as her hands immediately went b
etween her legs to feel the hairless skin.

  Srih watched her small hands run over her mound. The sight of her fingers rubbing against her body and exploring the path where he had spread the paste went straight to his already suffering neeblings. Without a second thought, his hands joined hers but for an entirely different reason. For several greennesses, Srih had laid in his bed forcing his body to remain on the mattress when his desire was telling him that Naja should be with him.

  His fingers smoothed over her flesh, appreciating her soft bare skin before dipping into her inner folds. His fingers immediately glided smoothly through the wetness that had already begun to gather. Her body froze under his fingers as hers lifted to grasp his forearms to hold on to him as if he would disappear. Those brown eyes that entranced him so much met his with a pleading look that begged him not to stop.

  Srih quietly asked, “Little one, have you missed my touch?”

  “Please don’t stop,” she begged, holding on to him desperately.

  “Shhh! I am going nowhere. Do you wish to join with me fully?” he asked, preparing himself for her refusal but unable to stop himself from touching her body. His finger pressed into her tight vagina, and he groaned internally at the thought of his neebling sliding into that warm, wet channel.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. If you stop, I may rid you of your fur,” she threatened as she sat up to throw her arms around his neck. She moaned as her change in position slid his furry finger across her clitoris. “No, that won’t happen. But I’ll find some kind of revenge.”

  Scooping her up in his strong arms, Srih chuckled softly in that low voice that sent shivers through her aroused body. “No revenge will be necessary, my bloodthirsty human. Unless you stop me, I will soon be joined with you.” He swept her from the nursery and carried her quickly to his sleeping chambers.

  He set her softly on the bed before dropping to the surface next to her. His finger still implanted within her body began to move slowly in and out of her body. Srih stilled as her mouth kissed along his neck and nipped slightly at the curve below his jawline. Her wet tongue smoothed across his fur tasting him.

  Srih reared back to claim her soft lips under his. His twin tongues swept into her mouth to intertwine with hers as they stroked and seduced her. He absorbed the moan of pleasure that filled his mouth as he sought to bring his little human as much pleasure as possible.

  Eager to taste her sweet skin, the enormous Nrantian began to kiss down her throat to nuzzle her breasts. Her hands grasped the back of his head and pulled him firmly to one breast as she rolled her shoulders back to present her nipple to his mouth. As his lips grasped the budded peak, her body arched toward him. He inhaled as much of her generous curves into his mouth as possible as his hand wrapped around the flesh spilling from his lips.

  “Please, please, please,” chanted Naja as the suction of his mouth seemed to be connected straight to the needy folds between her legs. She felt a gush of wetness coat his hand and fingers that continued to ease in and out of her body.

  Releasing her nipple with an audible pop that drew another moan from her, Srih turned his attention to her other breast and lavished it with the same attention. He penned her twisting body firmly to the bed with one hand that spanned across her softly rounded flesh. He had already discovered that Naja enjoyed being restrained. She might not wish to admit it, but her body revealed her secrets.

  He kissed down the center line of her body, enjoying the sweet taste of her bare skin as the aroma of her sweet desire grew in his nostrils. When finally, his lips kissed the newly bared mound guarding her most private treasures, Srih paused to inhale deeply. The scent of her arousal etched itself on to his brain. He brushed the tip of one tongue along the seam between her legs.

  When she widened her thighs and lifted her hips toward his mouth, he dipped his tongues eagerly into the wetness that made her pink folds glisten in the light. Her sweet taste almost destroyed his control. Srih crumpled the soft bedclothes into two strong fists to ground himself as he pressed his lips and tongues against her sensitive tissues. Paying attention to the most responsive area at the entrance to her vagina, Srih swept his tongues into the tight channel to caress along the opening. His tongues swirled independently just inside her body where she was most sensitive. To stimulate her further, he rolled her inner labia between his lips, loving the shivers of arousal that shimmied through her body.

  When her eyes were closed and her fingers pulled restlessly at his soft fur, Srih ran a hand across his abdomen, releasing his neeblings. He lifted his body to loom over her. Supporting himself on two hands, he cupped her face with one hand. “Naja are you prepared to be joined with me? Once we take this step, there will be no turning back. You will be mine forever,” he warned.

  “And you will be mine forever, too?” she asked with a steely glint in her eye.

  “Yes, little human. I will be yours forever as well.” Srih lowered his face to kiss her deeply. As his tongues distracted her, Srih moved his body into position. After smearing a large amount of sexual lubricant over his organs, a large hand grasped each of his neeblings. As he pressed them against her small openings, Srih’s thighs tensed as he tried to hold the pressure steady as he began to insert his neeblings into her lubricated openings. They both groaned as his body began to invade her.

  Deeper and deeper, his body stretched hers as he sank into her tight channels. When he was unable to move any further, the huge Nrantian began to adjust the size of his neeblings slightly making one larger and the other smaller before reversing the process. Each time he grew and subsided within her, Naja’s body relaxed just a bit, allowing him to glide further inside of her.

  Within several minutes, Srih had skillfully convinced her body to allow him fully inside. He froze as her channels tensed and relaxed around his girth. The ecstasy of being held so tightly within her sweet body was unbelievable. The look on Naja’s face convinced him that she was feeling the same pleasure.

  Moving slowly, Srih began to ease from her body and thrust back inside. Almost immediately, he felt her start to shimmer around him. Settling his teeth against each other, Srih continued to press in and withdraw slowly as she spasmed around him in pleasure as three separate orgasms crashed over. Finally, he allowed himself to find his own pleasure.

  Freezing over her small frame as his orgasm flooded through him, Srih was unable to move until the rapturous pleasure subsided. He allowed his neeblings to slide from her, unable to contain his sadness that their bodies had not been linked for the hours or days required to complete the sealing. When her hands cupped around his cheeks, as if she were concerned that he was unhappy after their lovemaking, he explained, “Naja, when a Nrantian feels about his chosen one as strongly as I feel about you, it is traditional to be sealed together. I am not disappointed in our pleasure for it was wonderful. I am sorry that we have not been sealed together for all of eternity.”

  “Being sealed together is like being married on Earth?” she asked, struggling to understand.

  “That is an easy way to think about the sealing ceremony,” he allowed.

  “Then we need to schedule a sealing ceremony.” When he looked hesitant, she mumbled, “Unless you don’t wish to be sealed to me?” Her body twisted underneath him as she tried to evade his gaze.

  His large hands held her firmly in place. “It is my greatest desire to be sealed to you for the rest of time, Naja. But, I want you to be sure, little human. There can be no changing of our minds after this decision is made. I will ask you to think about your desire to seal with me for two pinknesses. On the third pinkness, I will make an appointment with Dr. Irte for a check-up for you, followed by our sealing.”

  He would not listen to any of her reassurances that she did not need to think further about the decision. Firmly stating that he would ask her on the third pinkness for her decision, Srih lifted himself to his feet and carried her to her nursery where he tenderly spread a healing paste over her stretched tissu
es and dressed her in a fresh quobon.

  Naja was surprised to find that the angle of the light indicated that they had spent half of the pinkness wrapped in each other’s arms. She had been so wrapped in the sensations that she had not realized that so much time had passed. Her stomach hungrily growled at him, lightening the mood. With a pat to her padded bottom, Srih took her hand and walked her slowly to the eating area as he changed the conversation. She asked several questions that he ignored before giving up. She would try to find out more about the sealing when allowed to interact with the computer.

  Chapter 62

  Finally, on the second pinkness, Naja had been able to search the computer for information about Nrantian sealing ceremonies. While it mentioned that this was a practice revered by Nrantians throughout the ages, it did not list any details that helped Naja. One Nrantian word in the terse description did keep repeating in her mind.

  Naja’s understanding of the Nrantian language was increasing each day. She knew from Payi that the translator would be turned off at some point. Payi had been a bit unclear as to a specific time or some other factor that triggered the end of the translator. Still, there were nuances to words that she did not understand.

  One of these troublesome words was contained in the definition of the sealing. On the surface, the word signaled permanence, but underneath, there was a connotation of something like a single purpose or use. She didn’t quite understand it. She couldn’t ask Srih without revealing that she had been researching rather than playing the learning games the computer kept launching for her.

  When a signal at the door heralded visitors, Naja crossed her fingers hoping that Payi would be on the other side. Unfortunately, it was another Nrantian who had come to speak to Srih about a growing problem in the area with derisps. Naja hadn’t listened very hard to catch all the details of the conversation.


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