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The Keepers Collection

Page 26

by Pepper North

  “Little human, you have been mine since the first moment that you were brought to me. You are my life and my purpose. I would choose you again and again,” Srih pronounced solemnly.

  Dr. Irte’s fingers spread a thick paste at the entrance of her vagina. He adjusted the Keeper’s upper neebling as Srih inserted the tip of his erection in her drenched channel. Again, the doctor reached between them to spread the mixture generously on her clenched anus before assisting Srih’s entrance into that tight channel. He stepped back lightly to allow Srih to press his thick organs deeply into the small human’s body.

  Srih again leaned over her beautifully curved body. He captured her mouth and began to distract her skillfully from the doctor’s presence next to her. When he felt her hand begin to tug against the soft fur covering his broad shoulders, he smiled against her lips. He knew that she was focused on him.

  His hands and mouth roamed freely over her body. Caressing her, taking a gentle nip, or tweaking a sensitive site on her body, he drove her arousal higher. While they were both aware of Dr. Irte standing close to monitor their sealing, he was not a disruption to their pleasure but a willing observer. At times, he would readjust Srih to match her openings. He spread additional thick potion on the base of Srih’s neeblings.

  Again and again, Naja felt her body climax in response to his skillful touch. She clung to his body as her energy began to evaporate as her eyesight began to blur. When Srih knew her body couldn’t take anymore, he signaled to Dr. Irte to unfasten her legs from the supports. Lifting her into arms, he sweetly cradled her against his strong chest. Their bodies remained joined tightly together.

  Dr. Irte wrapped a soft blanket around the newly sealed couple. The warm fabric would protect the human female for the trip home. He gripped Srih’s shoulder to give the Keeper his endorsement. “Thank you for the honor of allowing me to assist with your sealing ceremony. May your time together be long and happy.”

  He preceded the couple to the door. Triggering the opening mechanism, the doctor nodded at the crowd that had gathered at the entrance to celebrate the sealing ceremony. The Nrantians separated to create an aisle for Srih to pass.

  Srih’s careful steps lessened the impact on their joined flesh. His precious human bit his chest as their motion continued to stimulate her body. Her head lolled limply against him as they reached their home. Carrying her inside, Srih tenderly lowered her body to his bed as he followed her down to the soft surface.

  Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to follow her into sleep. In a sealing between two Nrantians, the sealing compound would hold the pair together until conception occurred. For a Keeper and his human, the sealing would remain in place until the female’s fluid reached a point to counteract it. There would be greennesses and pinknesses to come before this happened. Srih would sleep now to regain his energy. When they awoke, he would arouse his human again and again. He would ensure that he brought her the most pleasure possible.

  Chapter 70

  The translator had been turned off several greennesses ago. Naja had awoken to find that she could no longer communicate as effortlessly as she had before. She had also discovered that her Nrantian was better than she thought and that there were many occurrences where words were unnecessary. She continued to work with the computer on a regular basis but relied mostly on Srih for her instruction.

  Srih was very patient and helped teach her new words and phrases when they encountered a gap in her knowledge. Watching the enormous Nrantian trying to pantomime a new word like a night-hunting wyfter usually evoked peals of giggles from the little human. Srih portrayed the vicious, bird-like creature with flapping arms and raucous call with such skill that she was able to recognize its call at night.

  Her idea of what was important in life and what she needed to be happy had been flipped upside down. She loved her enormous purple Nrantian with all her heart. Well, maybe not while she was getting spanked, or worse paddled, for not following his instructions or during the cleansings that he felt were so important. But afterward, when he held her in his arms to feed her a soothing bottle or to create waves of ecstasy within her body, she knew she was in the very best place she could be.

  There were things from her old life that she missed. Silly things like the taste of hot, cheesy pizza from her favorite Italian restaurant, the fragrant smell of spring air, and the sound of an upbeat country song. Most of all she yearned for her telescope. Most nights, she pressed her nose to a transparent panel in their home and studied the stars. Srih said it wasn’t safe for her to go outside, so she had to rely on her human vision and the almost crystal-clear panel.

  Naja played with the other transported humans regularly. Gbzi had become almost a grandmother to many of them. Naja always greeted her with hugs and kisses and looked for opportunities to climb into her soft lap for a snuggle. The two were firmly bonded together.

  Today, several had gathered at her home to make the unique recipe that Gbzi and her human charge had created and to eat the wonderful cookies that resulted from their culinary efforts. The process took a long time but was so worth it! The resulting ‘chocolate’ smeared faces smiled with happiness with the treat from home.

  Running around outside later to burn off the cookie-fueled energy, Naja enjoyed playing with Payi, Pien, and the other humans. Pien stuck close to Payi. His inability to master Nrantian had isolated him immensely when his translator had been turned off. Payi had turned out to be a great teacher. When Pien couldn’t learn Nrantian, she’d taught the humans a lot of French words. Pien smiled and hugged them with delight each time they spoke to him in French.

  Naja had been concerned when Srih had dropped her off at Gbzi’s home. The Keepers usually stayed with their humans but this time the Nrantians had left them with the former Keeper alone. Immediately Naja had begun to worry that they were hunting the dangerous derisps. Gbzi had cuddled her against her fur to reassure her that the threat from the derisps had been eliminated from the area. Soon she had forgotten that Srih wasn’t there in the excitement of playing and making cookies.

  It was later in the day when all the Keepers returned. “Thank you, Gbzi, for protecting Naja in my absence. I would like to invite everyone to come to visit our home. Did Naja tell you that today is the date we decided was closest to her birthday on Earth? Come help her celebrate,” Srih suggested as he picked Naja up in his arms.

  “A party? I get a birthday party?” Naja bounced in Srih’s arms in excitement. She threw her arms around his neck and planted kisses all over his face as everyone cheered.

  Srih and Naja led the parade of Keepers and humans back to their house. From a distance, Naja noticed that the profile of their home looked different. There was a new addition on the side of the house. The pinkness reflected on the curved roofline.

  “What’s that, Papa?” Naja asked, confused.

  “That’s your birthday present, little human.”

  As they got closer, Naja began to wiggle in his arms. She begged for him to put her down. With a laugh, Srih set her on the blue trawl and kept pace with her as she ran to the door. Triggering the door mechanism, he ushered everyone into their home with a smile as Naja ran to the new room with the other humans hot on her heels.

  When Srih reached her, Naja was standing in the middle of the new room turning in slow circles as she looked through the clear dome. Her mouth was open in amazement as she examined a magnified view of the colorful Nrantian sky. The other humans oohed as a varitus flower blew over the dome and appeared twenty times its regular size.

  “You created this for me?” Naja’s voice cracked with emotion as she walked slowly toward Srih. Fat tears of happiness began to roll down her cheeks.

  “We did.” Srih waved a hand at the other Keepers who had joined them in the addition. “The dome will change in magnification so you’ll be able to look at the greenness sky as closely as you would like. Everyone is going to stay here tonight to look at the stars with you for the first time.”

Cheers of excitement filled the room as the humans celebrated having a sleepover and a chance to look through Naja’s present with her for the first time. Everyone began to guess what amazing things they would see that night and how long it would be before the greenness. The happy chatter filled the room as they all looked up with amazement.

  The birthday girl simply wrapped her arms as far around Srih’s hips as she could reach. Leaning her head against his chiseled abdomen, Naja whispered, “Thank you, Papa!” Her heart filled with love that this hulking man cared for her so much that he had created the thing that she missed most from home. She knew that evening while she looked through the magnifying dome that would replace her treasured telescope her thoughts would be simple. She would thank her lucky stars that she had been brought to Nrantia and to Srih.



  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on

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  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:

  The Keepers

  This series from Pepper North is a twist on contemporary age play romances. Here are the stories of humans cared for by specially selected Keepers of an alien race. These are science fiction novels that age play readers will love!

  The Keepers: Payi

  The Keepers: Pien

  The Keepers: Naja

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: First Anniversary Collection

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: MM Collection

  Grace: Dr. Richards’ Littles 24


  Pepper North introduces you to an age play community that is isolated from the surrounding world. Here Littles can be Little, and Daddies can care for their Littles and keep them protected from the outside world.

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  Looking After Lindy: A SANCTUM Novel

  The Magic of Twelve

  The Magic of Twelve features the stories of twelve women transported on their 22nd birthday to a new life as the droblin (cherished Little one) of a Sorcerer of Bairn. These magic wielders have waited a long time to take complete care of their droblin’s needs. They will protect their precious one to their last drop of magic from a growing menace. Each novel is a complete story.

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  The Magic of Twelve: Pearl

  Other Titles

  Electrostatic Bonds

  Nrantian Dictionary

  Brihn – the yellow species of food that grows slowly in the greenness. It is very sweet. The orange version is extremely bitter.

  Cleansing – a large enema in which a strong cleansing fluid is injected in a human’s bowels and retained until internal waste is broken into easily removed bits. Required by Dr. Irte before any human medical appointment.

  Cuthrim – juice from this plant is warmed and used to irrigate bowels. It is less effective but gentler than a cleansing.

  Derisp – a predatory creature with a large, rounded head and six eyes. It has a brown body and jumps on its prey. It is nocturnal normally.

  Evacuation chambers – small treatment rooms which remove waste from Nrantians. This happens under great suction and is dangerous for human use.

  Gbzi – a Keeper whose human male has passed away. She had renamed him, Uoto. Together, they developed a recipe for cookies and a Nrantian version of dominos.

  Genom – a blue food that tastes like mud to humans but is a delicacy for Nrantians.

  Greenness – the period of the Nrantian day where there is no light

  Huma – the Keeper for Pien. She worked her entire life to qualify to become a Keeper. Taking care of a human is her life’s goal and calling. She is very creative in assisting Pien with his language deficit.

  Jera – a light blue food that tastes like a crunchy milkshake.

  Keepers – Nrantians specially chosen to care for all the needs of humans who have been transported from Earth.

  Lora – an increment of time. The difference in length of a day on Earth and a cycle of greenness and pinknesss on Nrantian creates difficulty in comparing loras and hours.

  Luryx- a medicine in tablet form given to humans during their recovery from stasis. It induces unconsciousness allowing humans to adjust to the Nrantian gravity and air pressure.

  Magriri – milk from this plant is used to help humans relax while remaining unconscious during their recovery from stasis.

  Muwr – the scientist who collects Erin Rivers from Earth when she discovers the presence of the Nrantian scientific team.

  Naya – the main female character. Her Keeper, Srih names her Naya after a rare treat that grows only once a year. It was a rounded fruit that seems to glow with light. Her name on Earth was Erin Rivers.

  Neeblings – male sexual organs consisting of two penises arranged with one higher and one lower.

  Oreg – a Nrantian Keeper. Prior to becoming a Keeper himself, Oreg has helped many new humans during their recovery from stasis to adjust to life on Nrantia. He resigned this position and choses to become the permanent Keeper of Payi.

  Payi- is human female. Her Keeper, Oreg, named her after a Nrantian creature with smooth skin and black markings. Her name on Earth was Marnie.

  Pien – a human male. His Keeper, Huma, gave him this name when his blond curls reminded her of the pien or foam on fast moving liquid. His name on Earth was Pieter Nillson.

  Pinkness – the period of a Nrantian day where there is light.

  Quobon- a close equivalent to a diaper which is designed to absorb human waste.

  Rituf – a purple food that tastes like citrus

  Srih – is the main Nrantian character. He is honored to become the Keeper for a human female. He is very large, greatly exceeding the average size of Nrantian males.

  Stasis – the mode of hibernation that allows humans to survive the twenty-year voyage to Nrantia.

  Tranquillizer – resembles an Eart
h pacifier but emits a soothing fluid that tastes minty.

  Trawl – the equivalent of grass on Nrantia. It is vivid blue.

  Uoto – the human male who was assigned to Keeper Gbzi. He passed away some time ago of old age. He was very artistic.

  Varitus – a plant that is common on Nrantia. It is characterized by sweet-smelling blossoms which are used to make clothing and an edible berry.

  Wyfter – A Nrantian fowl creature that hunts in the greenness. They have fragile bodies but strong claws and a beak.

  Yoha – A Nrantian scientist who leaves that job to enter the training protocols for a Keeper.

  Excerpt From The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  Violet DuMass dropped her purse on the entryway table and shrugged her coat from her shoulders. She was a little tipsy from the happy hour margarita that she had enjoyed with a group of colleagues after work to celebrate her twenty-second birthday. Turning, Violet double checked that the deadbolt on the door was locked. Her shoulders sagged a little in relief. She’d had a strange feeling that someone had been watching her today. She kept looking over her shoulder and around the office building, but she never caught anyone looking at her strangely.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, she walked down the hall unbuttoning the pale pink blouse her mother had sent her for her birthday. It was one of the only clothing presents that she had ever received from her mother that she would actually wear. “Maybe her taste is improving,” Violet laughed at the thought. As she approached her bedroom door, she reached down and pulled off her high heels. Wiggling her toes in relief, she walked into her room and put the heels in her closet.


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