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Prostitution in the Gilded Age

Page 27

by Kevin Murphy

  Marquis, Albert Nelson. Who’s Who in New England. (Chicago: A. N. Marquis, publishers, 1915)

  Miller, Eleanor M. and Romenesko, Kim and Lisa Wondolkowski . Prostitution in the United States. (Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1993)

  Miller, Kerby A. Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985)

  Miller, John. Revenue, Population & Commerce, London: (Oxford University Press, 1850)

  Mills, Lewis Sprague. The Story of Connecticut, (West Rindge, NH, Richard R. Smith Publisher, 1953)

  Murphy, Kevin. Crowbar Governor: The Life and Times of Morgan Gardner Bulkeley. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2010)

  Murphy, Kevin. Water For Hartford: The Story of the Hartford Water Works and the Metropolitan District Commission. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2010)

  Murphy, Kevin. Lydia Sherman: American Borgia. (Rocky Hill, CT: Shining Tramp Press, 2013)

  Murtagh, John M. Cast The First Stone, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957)

  Porter, Daniel L (edit). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000)

  Préteseille, Landry. The Irish Immigrant Trade to North America: 1845-1855. Master's Thesis, (Centre d'Etudes Irlandaises de l'Université Rennes 2, Haute Bretagne)

  Rosenzweig, Roy. Eight Hours For What We Will. Workers and Leisure in the Industrial City, 1870-1920. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983)

  Roth, David M. Connecticut: A Bicentennial History, (New York: Norton, , 1979)

  Sanger, William M., MD. History of Prostitution: Its Extent, Causes, and Effects Throughout The World. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1858)

  Sharpless, Megan. Unity in Numbers: The Archeology of the Demimonde (1840-1917). (paper) (University of Wisconsin, Senior Thesis, May 2008)

  Social Hygiene, Volume 4. Ch: The Passing of the Red Light District, Joseph Meyer. (New York: American Social Hygiene Association, 1918)

  Trumbull, J. Hammond. The Memorial History of Hartford County: 1633-1884, (Boston: Edward L. Osgood, Publisher, 1886)

  Vedder, Edward B. Syphilis and Public Health. (Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1918)

  Van Dusen, Albert E. The History of Connecticut, (New York: Random House, 1961)

  Weaver, Glenn. Hartford: An Illustrated History of Connecticut’s Capital, Connecticut Historical Society; (Woodland Hills, California: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1982)

  Weaver, Thomas S. Historical Sketch of the Police Service of Hartford, from 1836 to 1901. (Hartford: Hartford Police Mutual Aid Society, 1901)

  Wood, Sharon E. The Freedom of the Streets: Work, Citizenship, and Sexuality in a Gilded Age City (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2005)

  Woolston, Howard B. Prostitution In The United States. (New York: The Century Co. 1921)

  Wright, George E. Crossing the Connecticut, (Hartford: Smith-Linsley Co., 1908)


  Abeona, 218

  Aetna Life Insurance Co., 54,193, 195, 196

  Alcorn, Hugh “Mead” (Atty.), 237

  Allyn House, 38, 127

  Allyn, Mayor Timothy, 32

  Allyn’s Opera House, 154

  Amenia, N.Y., 50

  Andrus, Silas, 51

  Andrus, Washburne R., Mayor, 77

  Archdiocese of Dublin, 20

  Arlington, Josie, 13

  Atherton, Mary Ann (Polly Ann), 105-109, 152, 170, 173

  Atherton, Newton C., 105

  Atherton, Edward N. (E. Newton)., 105

  Auditorium (Asylum Street), 127,-132, 249

  Bange, Frederick, 67

  Bange mansion, old, 67, 91, 112, 151, 159-167, 179, 227-228, 234

  Barbour, Joseph, (Atty.), 120

  Barnum, P. T., 154

  Bartlett’s tavern, 106

  Berlin Iron Bridge Co., 195-198

  billiards, 47, 154

  Birmingham, Eugene (Bridgeport police supt.), 185

  Bishops, 16-17, 96, 215, 241-242, 247-259

  Bissell, Hiram, 88-89

  Black ’47, 24

  Bluebird, 22, 107

  Brainard, Mary Jerusha Bulkeley, 193

  Brewer, “Addie” Adeline Hollister, 152

  Brewer, James (Capt.), 104, 122-123

  Brewer, Omri R., 152

  Brewster, Charles (Lt.), 59

  Bridgeport, 34, 60, 120, 123, 141, 149-151, 163, 168, 174-175, 178, 185,

  200-201, 209-210

  Britannia, 24

  Brower House (later Hotel Climax), 161-162

  Brown, Old Uncle Billy, 108

  Bulkeley, Billy, 32, 38-39, 193, 251

  Bulkeley, Charles, Capt., 55, 192

  Bulkeley, Lydia, 193

  Bulkeley, Gov. Morgan, 17, 32, 54, 80, 172, 191, 198, 211-214, 241-254

  Bulkeley, Eliphalet (Judge), 32, 38, 54-55, 107, 174

  Bulkeley, Fannie, 193

  Bulkeley (sons, Morgan Jr. & Houghton), 191

  Bullock, Joseph, 73

  Bull Run House, 36

  Burgess’s Sawmill, 59

  Bushnell, Horace, (Rev.), 92-93

  Bushnell Park, 14-15, 89-100, 173, 253

  Butch Cassidy, 13

  Butler, John, (Sgt.), 59, 202, 229

  Cable, Julius, (Judge), 122

  cadet system, 238-240

  Cadwell, Dorrance, 35, 68

  Cadwell, Lizzie, 100, 159-160

  Cadwell, Woodruff, 35, 68

  Calhoun, J. Gilbert, (Atty.), 220-224, 230, 233

  Camp, Gertrude (“Gertie”), 164-166, 179

  Capitol Building, 15, 91-92

  Capitol City (see Hartford)

  Carstang, Effie, Miss, 65

  Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 23

  Cedar Hill Cemetery, 20, 146, 193, 217, 222

  Cedar Mountain House, 98-99, 223

  Center Schoolhouse, 30-32, 35, 40, 46

  Chamberlin, Walter P., 58-61, 75-77, 118, 241

  Chapman, Charles, Mayor, 75

  Chapman, “Diamond Lucy,” 113-125, 133, 141, 167

  Charter Oak Trotting Park, 165

  Cheney Brothers Silk Mills, 86, 217

  Chicago, 58, 69, 137, 140, 188, 206

  Chinese Exclusion Act, 176

  Church of Ireland, 20

  Church of the Redeemer (Universalist), 88

  Cincinnati, 87, 147-148

  City Hall, 30, 54, 57, 91-92, 132, 216

  City Park (see Bushnell Park)

  Civil War, 14, 35, 55-56, 67, 80, 89, 93, 99, 123, 192, 195, 202, 206,

  233, 235, 254

  Clapp, Hooker, 37-38, 175

  Clark, Charles Hopkins, 145, 223-224

  Clarke, Sidney E. (Atty.), 224-226

  Clark, Walter (Judge), 250

  Cleveland, 61, 137, 166, 218-219

  Clyde, Milton, 85

  Cohen, Morris and Lena, 240

  Cole, Harlan P. (Dr.), 217

  Cole, Hills (Dr.), 217

  Collins, George, 228

  Colt, Samuel, 22, 35

  Coltsville, 35

  coffin ships, 24

  Confirmed Criminal Statute, 237


  early laws- fornication, adultery &c., 76-82, 174-198

  early laws, house of ill fame, 82

  Connecticut River, 17, 22-23, 55, 59, 67, 71, 85, 93, 105-106, 110, 112, 144,

  155, 161, 187, 195, 197, 210, 212-214, 250

  Connecticut River Banking Co., 161

  Connecticut River Bridge & Highway Commission, 110, 195, 210, 213

  Connecticut State Prison at Wethersfield, 236-238

  Connecticut Valley railroad, 71, 85

  Coogan, Hannah, 76

  Cove of Cork (Queenstown), 23

  Crane, Jennie, 52

  Crowley, William (“Bill”), 161

  Custis, Charles, 193

  Customhouse Street, 13

  Dallas, 175

  Daniels Mills, 94

  Darby, John, 129

  Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid,
129, 205

  Davis, Samuel A., (Rev.), 88-89

  Demimonde, 17, 65-66, 70, 100-105, 112-113, 124-132, 141, 155, 163-164,

  173-174, 177-178, 185, 189, 196, 201, 203, 235, 245, 247

  Dillon, Charles, 222-223

  Dixon, U.S. Rep. James, 32

  Dorothy’s Rooms, 13

  Doyle, Maggie, 164

  Drake & Parsons, 51

  Dublin, 19-27

  Dublin & Liverpool Steam Packet Co., 23-27

  Dumont, Eleanora, 13

  Egan, Thomas, (State Police Supt.), 169

  East Hartford, 17, 106, 152, 194, 197, 199, 210, 211, 242

  Eggleston, Arthur, (Judge), 114, 120, 218-219

  Ehrlich, Paul (Dr.), 182, 258

  Farrell, Garrett (Det.), 229

  Farmington, 50, 101, 135, 203, 251

  February Revolution (Fr. 1848), 26

  Federal Department of Justice, 259

  Federation of Churches, 120, 252, 256

  Fellows, Johnny, 121-123

  Fenwick, 191

  Fenwick Hall, 71

  Fenwick Station, 191

  Feuer, Fanny Greene, 178

  Ferry Street Hotel, 106

  Foot Guard Hall, 79, 153

  Fourth Congregational Church, 129

  Fowler’s Solution, 129

  Freeman, Harrison, (Atty., Judge), 220, 248

  Fusco, Pasquale “Patsy,” 239-240, 256, 262

  Garvan, Edward (Judge), 17, 241-245, 247-255

  Gas House Gang, 78

  General Assembly (state legislature), 53, 58, 81, 91, 107, 169, 174, 204, 208, 211

  Germania Hall, 154

  Gilman, George (Judge), 46

  Ginty, Edward (Danbury police capt.), 185

  Goodrich, William and Annie, 227

  Goodwin, Francis “Frankie” (Rev.), 191-192

  Goodwin, James M., 25

  Goodwin, James, 32, 192

  Graves, Ethel, 240, 245-246

  Great Famine (see Potato Famine)

  Great Hunger (see Potato Famine)

  Gunn, William (chief of police), 233, 242, 246-248, 257

  Habenstein, Edward and Adelia, 193-194

  Harbison, Alexander, (Mayor), 168

  Hardscrabble Hill, 34, 177-180, 186

  Harrison, Benjamin (pres.), 154

  Hartford, Connecticut

  business description, 22-23, 188

  Chinatown, 232

  first railroad depot, 93

  Hartford Bridge, 110, 173-184, 194, 197, 199, 210-215, 242-250

  Hartford Club, 252

  Hartford Hospital, 249, 180, 256

  Hartford, Providence & Fishkill railroad, 22

  Hartford Public High School, 40, 242

  Hartford Police Court, 17, 46, 52-58, 72, 79-85, 101, 107, 118-122,

  169-172, 204-233, 241-244, 250-251

  Hartford Water Works, 88, 144, 224

  Hartford Yacht Club, 187, 191, 196, 214

  Hartford Courant, 40, 42, 46, 47, 51, 89, 138, 145, 150, 212, 219, 223, 231

  Hartforder Herold, 100

  Hartford Times, 149, 166

  Hartford Waterfront c. 1800, 106-107

  Harlow, Julia Ann, 55

  Harris, Mo (bail bondsman), 163, 171

  Hawley, Joseph R., 40, 81, 154

  Helena, Montana, 13

  Henney, William, (Mayor), 245, 250, 257

  Hepburn, Thomas N. (Dr.), 256

  Hepburn, Katherine Martha, 256

  Hollister, Addie (see Brewer, “Addie”), 152

  Hollister, Joseph, 15, 50, 144

  Hollister, Louisa (Phinney) Waters, 50, 144, 217

  Hollister, Thomas A., 15, 18, 49, 50-52, 67-71, 84-113, 134, 138, 159, 178,

  203, 216, 240

  Holt, Fred, 220-226

  Hooker, Edward (Mayor), 257

  Hooker, John, (Atty.), 151

  Horse Guard Armory, 154

  Howard, Grace (nee Grace Smith), 100, 157-160, 162, 166, 178-180,

  228-230, 243, 249

  Heublein, Andrew, 99-100

  Heublein, Gilbert, 100

  Heublein, Lewis, 100

  Heublein Hotel, 99-100, 232

  Heublein (Mulberry Street saloon), 99

  Humphrey, Lemuel, 94, 95, 134

  Humphrey, Seyms and Co., 95

  Irish Parliament, 21

  Irish Sea, 23-27

  Jewell, Pliny, 22

  Jewell, P. & Sons, 22

  Jones, Samuel, (Atty., Judge), 60, 74-75, 79, 119, 120

  Kneeland, George J., 41, 73

  Know-Nothing Party, 40

  Lafayette House (Columbia House), 35, 46

  Lally, James Francis (Officer), 201-203

  Lansing, Jessie, 145, 227, 228, 234

  Last Chance Gulch, 13

  Law and Order League, New Haven, 120, 165, 167-169, 256

  Leffingwell, Adelia E. “Ada,” 83, 101, 104, 112, 136, 138, 152, 166,

  170-175, 223, 230, 231

  Lexow Committee, 79, 239

  Lind, Jennie, 153

  Los Angeles, 58, 129, 205, 236

  Louis Phillipe, 26

  Louis Napoleon, 26

  Louisiana, Alexandria, 176

  Liverpool, 23-24, 27, 218

  Mahon, Bridget McQueeney, 218, 221

  Mahon, Mary Dalton, 218, 221, 239

  Mann Act, 236-237

  Market Street Police Station, 57-75, 170, 177, 186, 203, 209, 229

  Massachusetts, 37, 62, 73, 81, 108, 116-117, 133, 155-159, 167, 174, 192, 231

  Mayer, Nathan (Dr.), 147-149

  Mayer, Isaac, (Rabbi), 147

  McCook, John J., 111

  McCormick, Bridget, 193

  McGuire, Alexander, 37

  McGuire, Ann, 23

  McGuire, Francis “Frank,” 37, 218-223

  McKernan, Edward, 229

  McQueeney, Catherine “Katie,” 39-40, 49, 138, 220-221

  McQueeney, Jane, 25-29, 30, 37, 39-47, 85, 88-89, 218

  McQueeney, Timothy, 20-47, 175, 218-219

  Memphis, 175-176

  “Missouri Kid, The” (see Rudolph, William), 228-229

  Mitchel, John, 26

  Morris, Luzon (Gov.), 172

  Morgan, J.P., 25, 192

  National Circuit Trotting, 165

  North City Ward, 21

  New Haven, 25, 33, 38, 46, 60, 79, 90, 115, 120-123, 144, 165-168,

  171-175, 184-185

  New London, 33, 38, 89, 175, 186, 246, 249

  New Orleans, 13, 127, 206, 258

  New York, 23

  Nichols, Cyprian, 93-94

  Norwich, Connecticut, 33, 60, 159, 169, 175, 180, 186, 228

  Nott, Charles D., 39, 43-45, 58-60, 75-77

  Old Saybrook, 71, 85, 179, 190

  Old State House, 91-92

  Packard, Caleb, Lt., 76-77

  Panic of 1857, 40-47

  Panic of 1873, 254

  Panic of 1893, 154

  Park (Little) River, 15, 93-96, 209

  Parker, Dorothy, 13

  Parkhurst, Charles H. (Rev. Dr.), 239

  Pearl Street Congregational Church, 192

  Peters, John, (Judge), 107

  Phinney, Ebenezer, 50

  Plimpton Manufacturing Co., 23, 164

  Pope-Hartford Mfg. Co., 157

  Pope Mfg. Co. band, 128

  Porter, Fannie, 13

  Potato Famine, 20

  Preston, Miles (Mayor), 168

  Queenstown (see Cove of Cork)

  Reed, Annie Elizabeth (Hollister), 144, 146

  Reed, Edward, 144-145

  Richard Alsop, 28-30

  Ritner, Walter C., 212-213

  River Anna Liffey, 20

  River House, 104, 108-110

  Robert’s Opera House (later, Jacobs & Proctor’s, Hartford), 154

  Robinson, George, 109

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 78

  Roraback, Alberto T. (Judge), 171-172, 224-227

  Rose, Jack, (“Billiard Ball”), 163

  Rosenthal, Herman
, 163

  Rowland’s Macassar Oil, 124

  Rudolph, William, 228-229

  Ryan, Cornelius, (chief of police), 118, 184, 228-229

  Ryer, Hotel de, 179-180

  Ryer, Lawrence, 179

  St. Francis Cemetery, Providence, 220-221

  St. Louis, 61, 64-65, 137, 206-208

  St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, 20

  St. Michan’s, 20

  Stillman House, Cleveland, 219

  Saengerbund (German), 231

  Saint Paul, 175, 206-207

  Salt Lake City, 209

  Salvarsan, 182, 258

  San Francisco, 13, 58, 176, 205

  Sanger, William W. (Dr.), 35, 45, 74, 86, 180

  San Antonio, Texas, 13

  Sausalito, 13

  Seymour, Thomas, (Gov.), 145

  Sharps, Christian, 22

  Shaw, Henry, 65

  Shumway, Milton (Judge), 171-172

  Sing Sing, 163

  SS Sirius, 24

  Smith, Edward (Mayor), 257-258

  Smith, Henry, (spec. dep. marshal), 158

  South City Ward, 21

  Sprague, Joseph, Mayor, 77

  Stanford, Sally, 13

  Start, Angeline, 17, 45, 49-64, 69-72, 98-99, 121-123, 128, 131, 146, 155,

  159, 163, 165, 174, 177, 194-195, 187, 200, 204, 216-217, 220-228, 232, 253-254

  Start, Joe, 69-70, 98-99, 146, 225-226

  Steamboat Hotel, 106

  Storyville, 13, 206

  Sumner, Ella Gallup and Mary Catlin, Collections Fund, 80

  Sumner, George, (Atty., Judge), 80-83

  Sundance Kid, 13

  Tammany Hall, 57

  Thayer, John, (Judge), 151

  Third Congregational Church, 93

  Thrasher, Samuel, (Sec.), 165-169, 179

  Tinkham, Louise, 238-239

  Tremont House (Bridgeport, 185

  Tremont House (Hartford), 106

  Trinity College (Dublin), 21

  Trinity College (Hartford), 43-45, 51-52, 90, 111

  Trinity Ward, 21

  Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis, 181-182

  Twain, Mark, 14, 16, 17, 135

  Tweed, William Magear “Boss,” 58

  United States Hotel, 25, 37, 40, 160-161, 251

  venereal disease, 180-182

  Waldo, Hubbard and Hyde, 80


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