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Arbitrate or Die (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 2)

Page 33

by Sarah Noffke

  “What’s this?” Wilder asked, picking up the game.

  “It’s a card game I thought we could play,” Sophia explained. “I mean, I know you’ve been asking about video games, but I think it’s better if we start with something less technical.”

  “You mean, something Hiker won’t have your head for,” Evan said with a laugh.

  “Yeah. Again, I don’t think he wants you all on electronics, even if you’re borrowing them from me,” Sophia stated. “I’ll work on him, but it might be difficult now that magical tech has turned evil.”

  Quiet grumbled.

  “I agree,” Ainsley said to the gnome before turning her attention to Sophia. “And S. Beaufont, can you manage to wear formal clothes at my dinner table? This is Dragon Elite Castle, and you weren’t raised in a barn. There are certain customs we must observe.”

  Sophia looked at Quiet, who she was pretty certain had sheep poop on him, and then at Evan and Wilder, who were both fairly dirty. “I’m clean. Does that count?”

  Ainsley sighed. “It absolutely does.” She glanced at the men. “Soap. You have heard of it, right? S. Beaufont washes her hair every single day.”

  “I don’t want to know how you know that,” Sophia muttered.

  “Soap, you say?” Wilder asked. “I haven’t heard of this substance.”

  “Obviously,” Ainsley replied, giving her attention back to Sophia. “And I’m simply jealous. I want to wear my pajamas too.”

  “Well, then, why don’t you?” Sophia offered.

  The housekeeper’s face lit with delight. “Fantastic idea! I do have free will, and can do as I please.” She leaned forward, whispering, “Tell Hiker that. And if he finds out about this pajama thing, I’m blaming it on you.”

  Sophia nodded proudly. “I think he will pretty much always assume that I’m behind any changes he doesn’t approve of.”

  The shapeshifter snapped her fingers, suddenly wearing a long nightgown and a stocking cap. She smiled. “Oh, much better.”

  “I vote we make it a pajama party,” Wilder said, and he also changed into something loose and comfortable. The others joined in.

  “So, how do we play this game?” Evan asked, picking up the box.

  “Well, the idea,” Sophia began to explain, pointing to the game, “is to be as offensive as possible.”

  “I’ve already won,” Evan said victoriously.

  “By matching up cards,” Sophia continued, taking the box back. “It isn’t a game for the faint of heart, and the worse your answers are, the better.”

  Quiet leaned over, eyeing the box and muttering.

  “I agree,” Ainsley said, pulling up a seat. “This will be your game, Quiet.”

  “What are you all doing?” a voice that Sophia had sorely missed asked from the entry hall. She looked up to see Mahkah, wearing a dressing gown. He was pale but appeared to have recovered.

  She stood and went over to him. Without his permission, she threw her arms around him, hugging him to her. “How are you? I’ve missed you so.”

  Her dragon trainer blushed, pushing his long black hair behind one ear. “I’m much better. Thank you. I figured it was time I came down and joined you all. When I heard the noise, I couldn’t resist.”

  “And you’re dressed for the occasion,” Ainsley said, gesturing at the table, where everyone was wearing their pajamas. “Now, I think we just need one more thing to do this up right.” She tapped the side of her head, where the scar was always present, even when she shapeshifted. “Where does that man keep his stash? Oh, that’s right.”

  She snapped her fingers, and two bottles of whiskey appeared on the table, surrounded by small tumblers.

  “Where did you get that?” Wilder asked curiously.

  “From Hiker’s room,” Ainsley said with a laugh.

  “I won’t tell if you all don’t,” Evan called, pouring everyone a glass.

  Mahkah and Sophia settled down with everyone at the table as the Scotch was passed around. She handed out the cards as they all lifted their glasses, celebrating that Mahkah was almost back to normal, that everyone was home at the Gullington, and that hopefully, tomorrow brought answers to old questions and new problems.

  Sophia took her first sip of whiskey. She was certain it would not be her last, just as she hoped to have many more adventures with the people surrounding her right then in the Gullington.

  The Dragon Elite might be small in numbers, but these were the best people in the world, and she had no doubt they would save it one day.

  The Story Continues with Magitech Rises

  Available for pre-order at Amazon.

  Only a few dragonriders exist.

  Only five dragon eggs are left in the world.

  After they are gone, dragons and riders will be gone forever.

  Unless one woman can change everything. The only problem is that Sophia Beaufont doesn’t know what to do.

  Magitech is seeking to ruin the world.

  Everything hangs in the balance and not even Mother Nature can fix things. However, something is being orchestrated behind the scenes and S. Beaufont strangely feels like it involves her.

  Can she help to save the Dragon Elite?

  Will magitech destroy the planet?

  Pre-order Magitch Rises for delivery on January 31, 2019

  Sarah’s Author Notes

  November 2019

  Thank you so much for reading. Your support of the Liv Beaufont series and this one has been life changing. Thank you! Seriously! Thank you.

  Recently, Michael and I met in Vegas shortly after the first book hit. We were there for a conference that was simply the best ever and super exhausting. I dressed up as a ninja one day because Malorie Cooper convinced me it was a good idea. I almost bailed at the last moment, but decided to put on the costume because disclaimer, I’ve always wanted to be a freaking ninja. And the result was: best day ever!

  One of the best parts of the day was when I came downstairs in the hotel to find Steve Campbell (Operations guru for LMBPN) innocently walking across the casino. I pulled up my mask and very un-ninja-like pranced between the slot machines making him double over from laughter. I was simply the worst ninja ever and that made it all the better.

  Then I went to lunch with Ramy Vance where every time he’d ask me a question, I’d reply with, “Yeah, I’m a mother-freaking ninja.” I’m not sure it was as productive of a meeting as Ramy hoped. I don’t get out much, what can I say. Anyway, now I’ve got a reputation as a photo bombing ninja. I’m mostly proud of this, but ask me again in a few months.

  Okay, back to Michael and Vegas. You see how I derail so effortlessly. It’s a gift. Anyway, I stalked Michael for a meeting because the man was in high demand, as you’d expect. When we finally sat down, it was great. I shared many things I hadn’t told him this year, like how I was so close to quitting this author business. And then Liv hit and everything absolutely changed. I changed. And Michael was very much a catalyst to that. I really value that I can confide these things in him, although sometimes it takes me a bit because I want to pretend I’ve got it all together and he can count on me for the books. But at the end of the day, Michael knows I’m human and not actually a badass ninja.

  After our heart to heart, Michael and I outlined the major arcs for the rest of the series. We had originally planned three books for Sophia. It was impossible to know if the series would be a hit or not. Well, thanks to you all, it is. And now you can look forward to 12 giant books! That means next year I plan to write 19 books. I better go put back on my ninja suit. I couldn’t be happier that the series inspired by the fierceness of my little girl, Lydia, is a success. And I’m so grateful to still be doing this author business. Thank you to you and to Michael.

  I write these author notes after marathon writing the second book. It always hits me when I finish and I feel like I’ve been knocked down by a truck. While writing, I’m high as a kite (figuratively) and hardly sleep or eat. And then I write, “the end�
� and totally crash. It will pass. It always does and tomorrow I’ll start book 3. But the most exciting part of this for me, is that I’ll be writing book 3 in Scotland, the location of the Gullington.

  I’ve been wanting to go to Scotland ever since the 20Booksto50K conference in July that was in Edinburgh. Due to circumstances, I had to cancel that trip. And then I started writing this series and set it in Scotland and I really wanted to go. JL Hendricks kept trying to entice me and she’s quite persuasive. The opportunity arose and the timing worked out perfectly, as happens when the universe is conspiring.

  And so, this week I head to Scotland. I’ll be staying in Old Town Edinburgh, next to the Castle. I plan to write book three in pubs that are from the 1700s and get lost in the city and find new ideas.

  I’ve written 15 books this year and I’ve loved every minute of it. But something in my soul told me that if I was going to write 10 more Sophia books that I needed to refill the creative tank. I don’t just want to describe the hills in Scotland as green. Or talk about the Castle and call it old. I want to catalogue smells, feel the cold winds and meet the people who are an inspiration for the setting of the Exceptional S. Beaufont series.

  I don’t think I’ll actually meet a Viking named Hiker Wallace, but I plan to chat with a lot of Scotsmen in kilts and learn as much about the culture as possible. And hopefully that makes the series that much richer.

  A couple of things about the cover. In the first one, we obstructed MA’s name but I forgot to mention it in the author’s notes. We tried to do it on this one but it didn’t work when we resized the dragon. The idea was to block out his name on each cover and say that it was because he pissed off Lunis. Also, this cover was in the bag when I realized something of great importance. We had Sophia as a brunette. She’s a Beaufont and modeled after Lydia—a very blonde little girl. So I felt sort of ditzy when I went back to the designer and was like, “Oh, yeah, I forgot that my character is blonde. Quick change, please.” Anyway, thankful for the awesome team of people I work with who are understanding when my brain stops working.

  And you all can thank Crystal, a wonderful reader, for the Linus joke. She asked for that specifically. I love suggestions and try to include them when I can.

  I’ve also enjoyed dropping in pop culture references that keep this more urban fantasy. It’s fun including all the TV references. Martin, another awesome reader, and I have fun talking about Father Ted and other BBC shows that inspire many of the references in this book.

  Again, I’m feeling so grateful that the series is doing well and you’re enjoying it. I’m feeling grateful for Michael and LMBPN. And more than anything, I’m glad I know the real Sophia. She’s my muse, always and forever.

  Okay, I’m turning this over to Mike and I’m not even going to call him a name this time. See, being a ninja has really matured me.

  Michael’s Author Notes

  December 14, 2019

  Thank you so much for reading our tales of adventure and our author notes here in the back of the books.

  I’m presently in Cabo San Lucas, typing this from a small restaurant area overlooking the very southern tip of the Sea of Cortez. If I turned around and strained my eyes, I could see the Pacific.

  I’m feeling very old and creaky, and really do NOT desire to turn around and pull a muscle at the moment, so will console myself with only the sea.

  Four years ago (2015) I was just releasing book 04 of The Kurtherian Gambit. I had written book 03 right here at the resort I’m staying at (The Pacifica at Quivera.) I had no idea where my life was going and how it would change.

  I certainly did NOT know a short bad-ass ninja named Sarah Noffke at the time, but I do now. It is amazing (to me) how life can take forty-nine years to become an overnight success and how much work is involved.

  Same as with Sarah.

  A year ago, Sarah was considering leaving the authoring business and getting a job to make sure she took care of her daughter. I had already told her that if she worked with LMBPN, I’d do my best for her (but would it be enough?)

  Enter the discussion that changed it for both of us, the Liv Beaufont series and now the S. Beaufont series.

  I bring this up only to highlight that you NEVER know what small effort is going to change your future. For an artist, it could be the next painting. For a songwriter, it could be a star picking up your song or it touches a nerve on Youtube.

  For a writer, it could be a series patterned after yourself and the people that are in your life.

  I personally believe that some of the best stories are those with great characters we want to spend time with as readers. Add fun, some snark, action and friendship and I’m usually right there reading along.

  It’s odd, though. When I create characters my mind can become very ‘ho-hum’ and be horrible about giving me ideas. Let me talk with another author, and I can always pull out three items of interest from their own life to help create a compelling character I’d like to know more about.

  I probably need to do more talking with people.

  If you ever see Sarah Noffke in person, ask her about her friend which became the character Rory.

  I wonder if she ever mentioned to him that he’s a giant in her books?

  I look forward to a great 2020 and hope you all have a fantastic new year!

  Ad Aeternitatem,



  Sarah Noffke

  I feel like I’m on the stage at the Oscars, accepting an award when I write my acknowledgments. I stand there, holding this award, my hands shaking and my words racing around in my mind. I’m not an actress for a reason. I’m a writer and talking to people in “real life” is hard. Not to mention a ton of people all at once.

  I picture looking out at the audience and being blinded by spotlights and forgetting every word of the speech I memorized just in case I won. The speech would go like this and it’s meant for all of you, not the guild. For the fans. The supporters. The people who are the reason I would ever stand on any stage, ever.

  Okay, here we go. I clear my throat and smile, looking up at the camera, holding the little golden man. And then I begin:

  This was never supposed to happen. I was never meant to publish a book and then another one. And then another. I was supposed to write in private and live a life that Henry David Thoreau called a life of “quiet desperation.” I would always hope to share my books, but never bring myself to do it. And you would never read my words. But then, in a crazed moment of brashness, I did share my books and you all liked them. And because of that, I’ve never been the same. And here I am feeling grateful all just because…

  That’s why I’m here. Because of you. Thank you to my first readers. The ones who picked up those books that I didn’t even outline and you still liked them. You messaged me and maybe you thought it was no big deal, but when your ego is new to the publishing world, it’s a big deal.

  I can’t thank you readers enough. I’ve found that reading your reviews helps me to start a chapter when I’m stuck or lazy.

  I really need to thank someone who has made this all possible and that’s my father. I was going to quit. I can’t tell you how many times I quit. But when I wasn’t making it, he was the one who told me to not throw in the towel. “Give yourself a timeline,” he suggested. If I didn’t get to my goal by then, I’d quit. And apparently there was magic in that advice, because I’m still doing this. Dad, you’re the pragmatic one, but when you believed in me enough to tell me to not quit, I knew I had to follow your advice.

  And I thank all my friends who are constantly supporting me with thoughts of love and encouragement. Most don’t read my books. I’m sort of self-deprecating, although I’m working on it and will be the first to tell my friends, “My books probably aren’t for you.” However, every now and then a friend surprises me and says, “I was up all night reading your books.” It’s always a total shock. But my point is, that even if they didn’t read, I still have th
e best friends ever. Diane, you’re my rock. And I love you, even though you will probably not read this.

  Thank you to everyone at LMBPN. Those people are like family to me, although I’m not sure if they’ll let me sleep on their couch. Well, who am I kidding? They totally will. Big thanks to Steve, Lynne, Mihaela, Kelly, Jen and the entire team. The JIT members are the best.

  Huge thank you to the LMBPN Ladies group on Facebook. Micky, you’re the best. And that group keeps me sane.

  And a giant thank you to the betas for this series. Juergen you are my first reader and friend. Thanks for all the help. And thanks to Martin and Crystal for being some of the best people I know. What would I do without you? A huge thanks to the ARC team. Seriously, if it weren’t for you all I might pass out before release day, wondering if anyone will like the book.

  And with all my books, my final thank you goes to my lovely muse, Lydia. Oh sweet darling, I write these books for you, but ironically, I couldn’t write them without you. You are my inspiration. My sounding board. And the reason that I want to succeed. I love you.

  Thank you all! I’m sorry if I forgot anyone. Blame Michael. For no other reason than just because.

  Books By Sarah Noffke

  Sarah Noffke writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. In addition to being an author, she is a mother, podcaster and professor. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business/writing courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters.

  Check out other work by Sarah author here.

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