Book Read Free

At Your Service

Page 6

by A. C. Arthur

  She blinked as if trying to figure out if she should smile at his words or feel something deeper, something more potent than he’d assumed either of them would feel. When she remained silent, he lifted a hand to brush the backs of his fingers lightly over the line of her jaw. She continued to smile and surprised him by leaning her head into his touch. It was a quick and impromptu movement, one that had his breath catching seconds before more pictures were snapped.

  With the warm air around them and the sound of violins, harps—or whatever instruments the quartet at the other end of the room was playing—echoing toward the sky, he was locked in her gaze, wrapped in this blissful attraction. She must have felt it, too, because she suddenly looked puzzled. He wanted to say something reassuring, to convince them both that they were simply beginning their series of acting assignments for the next six weeks, but Riley’s voice interrupted the music and stopped his thoughts.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. While we have a few upcoming things happening within the fashion house that we’ll also be talking about tonight, we don’t want to keep you in suspense any longer about the big reveal. As always, the patriarch of our family, my father, Mr. Ron Gold, will start the announcements.”

  Major had taken Nina’s hand without thought, moving them until they stood to the side with Riley. The white podium where his sister had introduced their father was alight with the same purple accent as the flowered arch, lounge chairs and high-boy tables throughout the space. On the other side of the podium stood Maurice and RJ, watching as his father stepped up to the microphone.

  A tall, distinguished-looking man with a bald head and stern facial features, Ron Gold was the epitome of fashion dressed in an original RGF chocolate-brown suit, crisp white shirt and canary yellow silk tie.

  “I’ll echo my daughter’s gratitude for your attendance tonight. We know you’re normally ready for a few industry announcements at this event, but this year we have something a little more special,” he began. “As you know, we’ve had a very successful launch into this year’s Fashion Weeks with the unveiling of our Golden Bride Collection in February. Well, tonight the Gold family is pleased to announce that not only are we celebrating a phenomenal episode in bridal fashion, we’re also overjoyed with the engagement of our son Major to the lovely Ms. Nina Fuller.”

  At first there were gasps followed by the low buzz of murmurs before multiple camera flashes lit up the room. Applause began with a quick burst and Nina’s fingers trembled in his. Major gave her hand a little squeeze and then lifted it to his lips to kiss. Another impromptu action that sent the crowd into more clapping and more picture-snapping.

  Normally, this would be the point where Major would turn away, leaving the beast of pictures and questions behind. If it wasn’t after an RGF show, where Ron liked for each of his children to make comments to demonstrate they were all personally and professionally vested in the presentations, then Major didn’t deal with the tabloids or the press. Yet tonight, he stood a little straighter and squared his shoulders. For the first time, he didn’t mind having pictures taken with this woman beside him. Perhaps because this time he—meaning the marketing team—was orchestrating the response of every reporter and photographer in this space.

  It was a surreal moment, one he’d never thought he’d experience. The announcement of his wedding. He reminded himself it was fake and shook off the feeling of excitement that had started to blossom in the pit of his stomach. Instead, he turned to look at Nina, who was smiling—no, she was beaming as she looked from one camera to another, the tilt of her head and easy movement of her body as if she’d practiced for this moment all her life. She appeared so natural, her hand so comfortable in his. That odd stirring he’d had when they first stood under the arch moved through him again and this time he knew it wasn’t solely arousal. Desire was a definite between them and very easy to acknowledge and understand. This other thing, not so much.

  When she returned her gaze to Major’s, he immediately felt at ease. So, when the first question came directly to him from a reporter, he didn’t think twice before responding.

  “This is all so exciting and fast, Major. Where and when did you and Ms. Fuller meet?”

  “We met earlier this year and I wasn’t aware there was a time clock ticking on love.” He had no idea where that response had come from, but it seemed like a good answer. And, if he wasn’t mistaken, it made Nina’s smile a little brighter.

  Another reporter took advantage of the fact that Major was actually answering questions, even though it hadn’t been announced that he would.

  “So how did he sweep you off your feet, Ms. Fuller?”

  She didn’t look at him to gauge his response, she simply continued to smile and began a story that sounded very real.

  “It was Valentine’s Day and neither of us had a date. We ended up at the same bar, not crying in our drinks.” Nina chuckled and so did the reporter. “Next thing I know, we’re having dinner on a rooftop like this one, talking about all the people who put too much emphasis on Valentine’s Day. After that we were together every weekend, either here in the city or in Pennsylvania where I’m from. So if you count quiet walks in Central Park and sitting in rocking chairs on my dad’s back porch as being swept off my feet, then yeah, that’s just what he did.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet,” the woman reporter said.

  “So you’re the Fashion House Romantic instead of the Fashion House Playboy. That’s not as good a headline,” the guy said, chuckling when the woman elbowed him.

  “These lovebirds have lots of planning to do,” Ron interrupted. “And we’re going to keep you up to date with those plans. But for now, we have more announcements.”

  Thankful for the reprieve, Major offered the press another smile, before leaning in to whisper in Nina’s ear, “Our part’s done. Let’s get out of here.”

  Her quick nod and the instant look of relief that washed over her face also reminded him the smile and natural movements he’d just glimpsed were part of the sham. She didn’t want to be there any more than he did.

  * * *

  If Cinderella hadn’t run away from the ball at the stroke of midnight, she may have walked into a room with Prince Charming following closely behind, feeling the quick jolt of excitement, anticipation and lust.

  Nina was feeling every one of those things and then some as she slid the card over the panel on the door and walked into her hotel room. Just twenty-four hours ago she’d entered this same room, but she hadn’t been wearing a designer dress that sparkled with what she’d now identified as success, nor had there been a great-looking guy standing just a few feet behind her.

  “Would you like a drink?” It sounded cliché but polite nonetheless.

  “Sure. I’ll pour,” he said as they moved into the living area of the suite. Just a few feet away stood a large round table with two chairs on either side. It sat in front of the only window with a view of one of the New York streets. Buildings, people and lots of cars were below even at almost eleven at night.

  “I’ll be back in a sec.” She made her way into the bedroom when she heard her phone ringing inside her purse.

  “Hey,” she answered as she sat on the bed.

  “Where are you? I’ve been texting and calling you all night,” Angie said. “Dad’s worried sick and ready to call the police to file a missing person report, and Daisy wants to get in the car to drive up there to bring you home.”

  Nina sighed. She hadn’t called them back after telling them this morning that she’d missed her train. So much had happened in those twelve hours that she hadn’t completely forgotten about her family, but she had put them on the back burner for a change.

  “Sorry. I meant to call you sooner to explain what’s going on.”

  “Okay. Well, explain now.”

  Right. Explain how the deal she’d finally been able to
land had somehow morphed into a six-week assignment that could either make or break her experience in the fashion industry. She glanced over at the window, to the night sky in the big city, still in awe of where she was and how she’d come to be there.

  “They offered me a project for six weeks. It’s kind of like a trial run for the business with a few other duties.” There, that didn’t sound so crazy.

  “What do you mean ‘other duties’? Are they going to use your app or not? And why’d you have to stay longer just to get the job? Dad’s been asking for you and I can’t spend another night here. I’ve got the night shift for the next five days at the hotel.”

  Angie worked at a casino hotel and often had the night shift, which meant Nina had the night shift with their father because Daisy was the most unreliable of the Fuller sisters.

  “You and Daisy will have to work out a schedule. I’m going to be here for the next six weeks as part of this deal I’ve accepted.”

  “What are you talking about? It’s just an app. Either they’re using it or they’re not—and if they are, it’s not necessary for you to stay there during some trial period.”

  “It’s necessary if I’m also pretending to be the guy’s fiancée to help their company boost sales,” she blurted.

  After only a couple seconds’ hesitation, Angie all but yelled through the phone, “What? Are you serious? You’re like some escort?”

  “I am not an escort,” she snapped. She wasn’t aware of escorts wearing designer gowns and getting a personal driver. Although she could be mistaken, considering she’d never made it her business to know what escorts did or didn’t do, or have or didn’t have.

  “Look, this is the biggest opportunity of my life and I’m taking it. So for the next six weeks, I’ll be Major Gold’s fake fiancée and his company will be featuring my app on all of its web sites.”

  Angie was silent for a moment. “And what happens after that? He offers to put you up in an apartment and you continue to be at his beck and call?”

  Nina rolled her eyes even though Angie wasn’t there to see how exasperating her comments were. “This isn’t Pretty Woman,” she said, referring to one of the Fuller sisters’ favorite movies. “It’s a job that I plan to do to put my business in a better position in this industry.”

  “This is insane and Dad’s not gonna like it.”

  “He’ll like it when it provides a way for me to take care of him on a long-term basis,” she quipped. “Look, I gotta go. Just figure out a new schedule with you and Daisy and keep me posted. I’ll be home as soon as this is over.”

  Angie wasn’t happy when she hung up and Nina wasn’t nearly as giddy as she’d been when she’d first walked into the room. In fact, as she disconnected the call and let her hands drop into her lap, she wondered briefly if Cinderella’s coach had just turned into a pumpkin.

  Ten minutes later, she walked back into the living area. Major had removed his jacket and tie, and was sitting on the couch, surfing TV channels.

  “Everything okay?” he asked when she took a seat beside him.

  She nodded. “It’s fine. My sister called, so I had to give her an update on the change in plans.”

  “Do you live with your sister?”

  “Ah, no. I have two sisters and we each have our own apartments, but we take care of my dad, so we’re in constant contact with each other about schedules and such.”

  “Is your father sick?”

  The immediate hint of concern in his tone initially surprised her, but that was because Angie’s comments about escorts were still rambling in her mind.

  “COPD. He was diagnosed years ago, but it’s getting worse.” To the point where he was almost debilitated, although Jacoby would never admit that.

  Major’s expression turned thoughtful, his brow furrowing a bit. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She shook her head, wanting to think of something else and feeling slightly guilty for admitting that fact.

  “Thanks. Actually, that brings up something I was thinking on the ride over here.”

  He muted the television and dropped the remote on the cushion between them. “What’s that?”

  “If we want this charade to be believable, we should get to know each other better. We managed to do pretty good tonight, but what if I’m asked some personal questions about you? How will I know what to say?”

  He frowned, thick brows slanted over brown eyes. The top button of his shirt was undone and Nina could see not only the tawny hue of his skin but also the slight ridge of his Adam’s apple. She licked her lips quickly as a flash of thought—her tongue gliding over that ridge—soared through her mind.

  “I don’t give interviews unless it’s right after a show. You aren’t required to give interviews, either. Take pictures, attend parties or whatever events are on the itinerary, and that’s it.”

  Like arm candy. She’d often looked through fashion magazines or watched shows where dashing industry big shots had gorgeous women on their arms. Those women never spoke, just smiled for the camera and looked beautiful.

  “That’s not going to work,” she said. Late last night and well into the early morning hours, she’d decided that if this was going to be her first big introduction to the industry, she wanted it to look good. Playing the part of his fiancée as convincingly as possible would lessen the chance that someone might find out it was fake, and thus damage her credibility. “We need to be convincing.”

  For a few quiet seconds Major just stared at her. In those moments, she breathed in the scent of his cologne, loving the spicy edge to the fragrance. She let her gaze linger over the breadth of his shoulders and the way his pale gray dress shirt molded his biceps and chest. His hands were resting on his thighs, a gold watch on his wrist, a chunky gold ring on his third right-hand finger.

  “Are you saying you want to kiss me again?”

  Noooo, that wasn’t what she was saying, but now that he’d mentioned it...

  “I’m saying that we should take this time to get our story straight. We improvised how we met and the whirlwind love affair, but I’m betting word will spread fast that you actually talked to the press without being at a show and that’s going to give every other reporter even more guts to ask both of us questions.”

  “Questions like when was our first kiss?” he asked with a lift of a brow.

  “You’re obsessed with kissing.”

  “I didn’t used to be,” he said with a shake of his head. “But I can admit that I’ve been thinking a lot about kissing you again.”

  She swallowed and wondered if Prince Charming had thought about kissing Cinderella. Most definitely! Hadn’t he gone through an entire village using a shoe to try to find her? That wasn’t just so he could ask her name and make sure she was wearing both shoes...

  “The kiss was very nice, but I’m referring more to how we’ll make our appearances seem believable.”

  He sat straighter, seeming to shake off whatever was preoccupying him. “You may have a point. So let me ask you this, how did you like feeling my hands on you tonight?”

  Oh, she hadn’t thought of that. He had kept an arm around her for most of the time they’d been at the cocktail party and it had felt...good. Before the announcement, it had also drawn lots of attention from the women in the room. For a few moments, her mind had wondered if Major had been romantically linked to any of them before. She’d told herself then that it was a silly thought and reminded herself again at this moment. Worrying about Major running off and leaving her for whatever reason or doing something else to break their trust wasn’t something she had to worry about, because none of this was real.

  “I liked it,” she admitted.

  “Good, because there were lots of pictures being taken. I fully expect to see us on the front page of one or two tabloids in the morning.”

  Even after her personal adm
onishment, she couldn’t help thinking back to how his hand had stayed fixed at the small of her back, her side flush against his. There were also the tight embraces while they’d posed for pictures, the embraces that had left her feeling warm all over. The physical attraction between them was off the charts and there was no use trying to deny that.

  “That’s, uh, good, right?” She sounded hopeful, even though she prayed he couldn’t hear that.

  “In this instance, yes. You want to know what else was good?”


  “Feeling your body against mine. Do you think we should practice more of that to be more convincing to the public?”



  It was a simple word. She could have begged off and talked more, sticking to them rattling off facts about each other, but she didn’t want to. Tonight she’d worn a gorgeous dress and attended a lavish rooftop party in New York City, something she’d dreamed of happening once her position in the industry was solidified.

  Well, if this were really her dream then Nina was going to make it the best damn dream ever!

  “What I mean is, if we were really engaged, what would we be doing right now?”

  He eased closer to her, his eyes going just a bit darker as he kept them focused on her. “Do you really want the answer to that question?”

  “I do.” Because she suspected his answer was similar to hers.

  Nina couldn’t even remember the last date she’d been on, which meant that the last time she’d had sex was even further back than she’d first imagined. It had been too long and here was Major, looking handsome and smelling like a slice of heaven. They were pretending they were involved in a relationship, why not pretend a little more?

  “Well, if we were really engaged, I’d probably be ready to get you out of that dress.”

  She’d crossed one leg over the other when she’d sat a few minutes ago and now she was thankful because she could press her thighs together tighter this way. The timbre of his voice combined with the idea of his hands moving over her body to remove the dress was deliciously enticing.


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