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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

Page 24

by Tory Richards

  I was looking into the face of one of the men who'd been sitting at the counter wearing a Desert Rebels cut, and I hadn't even known that it was Martin. Realization that his friends probably weren't Desert Rebels either turned my blood cold. Had they shot into the restaurant simply as a distraction to get Moody away from me? I shook my head and whimpered beneath his palm when I realized that it really was Martin.

  He pressed harder against my mouth, his expression wild as he leaned closer to my face. "You're coming with me."

  I shook my head and struggled against him.

  "If you don't come willingly, I promise you I'll kill your boyfriend and anyone else who interferes." He snarled the words at me. "And then I'll kill you."

  My eyes grew round with fear, not for me, but for Moody and anyone else that Martin might hurt. He looked nothing like the Martin that I'd known, and every bit the hard-core biker--ruthless, deadly, and desperate. In spite of the fear his words ignited in me, I forced myself to relax against him. Martin hesitated for an instant, as if trying to decide if he could trust my submissive action. In the next instant he grabbed me roughly by the arm and yanked me away from the building.

  "This is crazy, Martin!" I rushed out as he forced me to run toward his bike. "I already told you that I don’t have that SD card! One of the girls from the Naked Lady stole it—"

  He laughed, but didn't slow down. "I know, I took care of the bitch when I found out she'd already given it to Graves." We stopped at his bike. "Get the fuck on."

  I stared at him for a minute with something close to shock. Had he killed Jackie? When I could move again I did as he ordered, looking around at the same time. We were at the back of the deli, where a side road ran parallel to it. He wouldn't need to ride out the front where someone could see us. "What did you do to Jackie?"

  He laughed. "I did what Moody should have done when he found her." He mounted and started his bike. No more was said as Martin revved his engine and I unwillingly wrapped my arms around him. We sped away from the deli, but not before I removed the clip from my hair and dropped it to the ground. Breadcrumbs, I thought. At least if Moody found it, he would know that this was where I’d been last. I cast a glance back, praying that he would soon appear and save me as he had before.

  As Martin sped recklessly through the streets in Boulder with clear direction I tried not to think about what he may have done to Jackie. I tried not to think about what he had planned for me. I couldn't comprehend his reason for hanging around now that his original plan had been ruined. He would have been better off just disappearing, because he was still going to pay for kidnapping Holly and threatening our lives. He had to know that. He had to know that Moody would come for me.

  We pulled into the drive and around the back of an older house. Two other bikes were parked there. I had a sinking feeling that they belonged to the other two men who'd been with him inside the deli, the ones who had shot through the window. My suspicions were confirmed when one of them stepped outside into the garage and lit a cigarette. Martin hauled me off his bike and toward the door that led inside the house.

  "See you got the prize," the man said, sucking hard on his cigarette. His eyes moved over me like a vulture eyeing a piece of meat. "Guess we'll be taking off soon."

  Martin grumbled something beneath his breath, opening a door that led into a kitchen. He let me go with a hard shove.

  "Hey, brother, you got her." Another biker entered the kitchen and made his way toward the fridge. "You sure Moody didn't follow you?" He twisted off the top of a beer and brought it to his thick lips. "I've heard about him in a fight, he's lethal."

  A snort escaped Martin. "And you're a fucking coward, Crook. Don't worry about Moody, he was busy watching you assholes leave the deli to notice that I’d picked up this one. Smart move, hiding my bike in the back."

  The other man's eyes traveled over me in much the same way that his friend’s had. "She's a looker, Snake," he commented, licking his lips.

  I snorted, assuming that Snake was Martin's road name. How fitting.

  Martin pinned his eyes on me and then laughed. "You think I'd go after some ugly bitch?" He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. He set it on the counter and removed his Desert Rebels' cut and turned it inside out before putting it back on. "You and Spook better turn those cuts around before you forget. We get caught with the Desert Rebels' colors, it's a death sentence."

  A short laugh escaped me. "That's the least of your worries," I snapped.

  The man, Crook, did as Martin ordered and then strode to the door. "I better remind Spook." I watched him leave, seeing the Sacramento Reapers logo on the back of his cut.

  How convenient, I thought. I swung my gaze back to Martin. He was smirking, bringing his beer to his lips. He tipped his head back as he drank it. "Are you going to kill me for not getting you that card?"

  "I needed that card to get to Benjamin Graves. I've been planning his death for a long fucking time." His gaze moved beyond me, as if he was seeing something that wasn't there. He was staring off into space. "I waited too long for revenge," he said after a minute. "Killing Jackie gave me a little pleasure, but I won't feel liberated until I have my hands around Graves' fucking neck."

  He’d killed Jackie? My heart began to pound erratically as I began to realize just how dangerous Martin really was. "Why did you kill her? Because she stole the card before you could get your hands on it? She didn't know that you wanted it, too."

  Martin's eyes turned dark. "She ruined my plans," he said. "You know, I was there hiding in the bedroom when your boyfriend showed up. Jackie didn't know I was there, either. He forced her to leave with him, but I knew she'd be back. So I waited."

  I prayed that he didn't tell me the details of what he'd done to her. "Why do you want Benjamin Graves so much?"

  I shouldn't have asked. I knew that as soon as I saw the change come over Martin's face. Even his facial hair couldn’t disguise the deep suffering that I saw take root there. His eyes glossed over, but the tears didn't form, and then he took a slow breath, as if to pull himself together.

  "Benjamin Graves killed my sister." I gasped with horror. "Oh, he didn't kill her with his own hands, but his actions caused her to take her own life. I was just a kid, but I swore on my sister's grave that I would avenge her. That he would pay. And he will. I'll just have to find another way to get to him. I want to make sure he suffers long and hard before I kill him."

  It occurred to me that he wanted to torture Benjamin Graves before killing him. I almost felt sorry for him, but it didn't excuse the things he’d done after he'd found out that the SD card had been stolen. I remembered what Moody had said about there being other copies. It was obvious that Martin didn't know about their existence, and he wasn’t going to find out about them from me.

  "Then what have I got to do with any of this, Martin?"

  He finished his beer, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and grinned. "Nothing anymore." His eyes moved over me slowly, stripping me. "I want you for myself. I always have. I just wanted revenge on Graves more."

  I shook my head in growing disbelief.

  "And I think we have some unfinished business, you and I." He began to walk toward me. "You know, I was beginning to think that I'd never get my hands on you. After the Dirt Devils failed—"

  "So they were there for you!" I'd only suspected before. "You hired them to kidnap me?"

  The grin that came over his face unnerved me. "Fuckwads," he snarled beneath his breath. "Figured it would take the heat off me if you were seen being taken by them." His mouth twisted with disgust. "All they had to do was get you to me, and they couldn't even manage that."

  I backed up until I came up against an obstacle. "Moody would have figured it out, just like he'll figure out where I am now and come after me." I was certain of it.

  "He'll be too late."

  His confidence frightened me. He trapped me against the stove with an arm on either side of me. I leaned back as far as I cou
ld go, but he followed me with his body.

  I'm taking you to California with me, to my club, the Sacramento Reapers. Once I'm done with you I'll let them have you. We're always looking for new whores."

  I turned my head just as he lowered his face to kiss me.

  His laugh was ugly. "There was a time when you wouldn't have turned your head."

  I met his eyes, hoping mine conveyed the hate that I felt for him. "Maybe, but you're not that man anymore," I said between my teeth. "You had us all fooled."

  "What's the difference between me and that bastard, Moody?" he asked. "Far as I can tell, we're cut from the same fucking cloth, men who know what we want and take it."

  "You're nothing alike," I hissed, meaning it. "Moody is ten times the man you'll ever be." I stopped myself from listing his attributes, deciding to name Martin's undesirable traits instead. "What you did to Holly, what you were going to do to both of us, shows what kind of lowlife coward you are. You're nothing but a killer, and a liar, and pure evil, Martin. The name Snake suits you."

  He backhanded me, so hard that my head swung to the side and the taste of blood instantly hit my taste buds when my teeth cut into the softness of my cheek. I felt the burning sting of tears fill my eyes, but I held them back. I slowly turned back to him, hoping that my eyes conveyed my disgust and hatred for him.

  He pressed further against me, his face barely an inch away from mine. "So full of fire," he gritted down at me, as if this pleased him. "I can't wait to tame you. By the time I'm done with you, there'll be nothing left but a tiny, insignificant spark."

  In spite of the panic coursing through me, and the fact that I was trembling like a leaf, I managed to work up enough courage to hold his smug look with a glare of my own. I saw nothing of the Martin that I'd come to know while working at the Naked Lady. He'd been good at deception. The man before me now was a complete stranger.

  The kitchen door opened, and Crook and Spook came inside. Their eyes riveted to us, taking in the fact that Martin was practically on top of me. Their ensuing smirks mirrored each other.

  Spook, who looked to be the oldest of the three, spoke first. "Couldn't wait to get into her pants, huh, brother?"

  "Shut up, fuckhole," Martin snarled, straightening up, which allowed me to take in a deep breath.

  I relaxed slightly, keeping my eyes on them, preparing myself for anything.

  Spook's expression turned ugly and he made a sharp movement toward Martin, but Crook held him back. "I'll shut up when you pay me," he spat. He jerked his arms away angrily and gave Crook a glare. "I didn't come all this way to help you kidnap some pussy for nothin'."

  "Did I say I wouldn't pay you?" Martin groused, not the least bit worried that the other man had been about to jump him. "You'll both get your fucking money when we get home."

  "When are we leaving?" Crook hadn't moved from the doorway.

  "Soon as it gets dark. We're wearing Sacramento Reapers' cuts; don't want to be caught so far away from home."

  "Now who's the fucking coward?" Crook smirked. "You're afraid of the Desert Rebels, should be afraid of our own club. You think Hermes is going to welcome us back with open arms?"

  Martin shrugged. "Hermes is a weak president. He'll put on a show for the brothers, but once the dust settles he'll be glad to welcome three members back into the fold."

  "Don't underestimate Hermes," Spook grumbled. "He'll hand out some sort of punishment for us just taking off like we did. He'll have to or look weak."

  "Maybe new pussy will satisfy him," Martin grinned, his meaning clear to everyone in the room.

  Suddenly I had the eyes of all three men on me, their faces taking on the twisted, sick expressions of whatever dirty thoughts were going through their minds. I was trapped, with literally nowhere to go. Yet I sensed that as long as I kept my head and didn't expose any weakness, I may prolong whatever unpleasantness they had planned for me. Martin was the real threat, and as I met his smirking, challenging stare, I was struck again at how different he was from the man I'd thought he was.

  "Touch me, and Moody will kill you all," I said with conviction.

  Laughter followed. They weren't worried, and that made me worried.

  I had faith that Moody would come for me.

  I just prayed that it was on time.

  Chapter 32


  "Fuck, Killer, you got brothers here from out of town? Two unknowns in Desert Rebels cuts just took a fucking shot at me and Bailey."

  "What? Fuck no, they aren't my brothers!" he snarled. "Anyone hurt?"

  "No, thank fuck. Was hard to tell who they were aiming at, but they shot out the window Bailey and I were sitting at. Made sure I made them before they took off."

  "Where the fuck are you?

  "The deli down the street from my bar. There were three of them." I was making my way back inside the deli. I needed to put eyes on the third man who hadn't left with them. "Thought at first they might be from another chapter, in town to help with the Devil's Soldiers takeover." I pulled the door open, my eyes automatically darting to the counter where the three bikers had been sitting. No one was there. Shit. My gaze shot to the booth that I'd been sharing with Bailey to see that it was empty.

  "Cops involved?" Killer inquired in the same hard tone.

  I could hear the sirens. "They're coming." I looked for the server who'd waited on us, finding her at the counter dropping off a plate of broken glass. "Where the hell is the woman that was with me?" I frowned. Jesus, I had two separate conversations going on at the same time.

  "The bathroom," she responded without hesitation.

  "Fuck," I heard Killer mutter at the same time. I knew that he was considering the possibility of trouble coming down on the club because the shooters had been wearing identifying MC colors.

  I spun on my heel and headed in the direction of the restrooms. "Fuck," I said when I noticed the back door at the end of the hallway. I didn't even check the ladies room; my gut told me that I wouldn't find Bailey there. I headed straight for the back door and kicked it open.

  "What's wrong?" Killer questioned gruffly.

  The reflection of something on the ground drew my eyes to a large, oblong object that looked vaguely familiar. As I picked it up I swore again, recognizing the strand of red hair clinging to what I now realized was a hair clip. The truth hit me like a fucking freight train. The shooting had been a distraction to get me away from Bailey. "They have her." My gaze surveyed the area, but there was no way of knowing which direction they'd taken.

  "Who has her? What are you talking about, brother?"

  "Martin," I snarled between my teeth. I thought back to the three bikers in the restaurant. I hadn't recognized Martin as being one of them, at least not the man I'd known from the bar. Hell, I hadn't paid much attention to anyone but Bailey and all of the filthy thoughts that had run through my head about what I wanted to do to her the first chance I got.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why hadn’t I paid more attention? It never occurred to me that Martin would have the balls to make a move on Bailey in broad daylight, and in a public place, no less. The Desert Rebels' cuts had allowed him to get close.

  "You're gonna need help getting her back. I'm sending Demon there with a few brothers. They'll meet you at your bar. I'll get Oz on the computer to see if he can find out anything about where they might be staying."

  Jace's people had already been looking into that, but had found nothing. Maybe Oz would have better luck. He'd know local contacts that might pan out. I clenched my fists, ready to rip something apart. Mostly, I wanted to destroy Martin. If he hurt Bailey, if he touched her…I stopped my thoughts from going any further. I was going to kill him either way. Slowly. Painfully. No one took something from me that was mine, no one touched my woman. He was going to die knowing that he'd fucked up by taking Bailey.




  There was no way I was going back to the bar to sit and wait for Demon to sh
ow up. I decided to ride around and see if I could spot any bikes that looked familiar. I rode past the usual biker hangouts, but it was early still, and the few bikes that I saw weren't the ones I'd seen at the deli. I rode up and down a few residential areas, but no luck there, either. Christ, for all I knew they could already be on the highway on their way back to Cali.

  I had a feeling that the three men who’d been at the deli were the same missing Sacramento Reapers their president had been talking about when I'd called him for information on Martin. Hell, club members went AWOL all the time, for a number of reasons. It didn't mean they'd left their MC, or that their club wouldn't welcome them back. And there was always the possibility that Hermes had been bull-shitting me, knowing full well what his men had been up to.

  I made it to the Naked Lady just as Demon, Cole, and Bull were shutting down their bikes. I pulled up next to them and did the same, setting a foot down on the ground for balance. "I didn’t find shit riding around," I growled with frustration, meeting their eyes.

  "We have a place to start, brother," Demon began, hanging up his phone. "That was Oz. One of his contacts, a realtor friend of his, just called him. Told Oz a house was recently rented by a family here from Cali on vacation. Thing is, the only ones he saw moving in were three men on bikes. Thought it was odd, but since they paid a month up front he didn't question it."

  "Lead the way," I said, impatient to be off. With a sound of thunder we revved up and sped out of the parking lot onto the main road.

  With Demon in the lead, I was right on his ass, Cole and Bull directly behind me. It didn't take long to reach the subdivision, one that I'd already scoped out. Strangely enough, the street we turned down was one that I'd gone down during my search, but I hadn't seen any bikes then, and I didn't see any now. Could be they were around back where the garage was located. Demon nodded towards one house in particular, but we knew better than to pull into the driveway. The sound of our bikes had probably alerted anyone who might be in the house that there were other bikers around, but we continued past to a few houses down, where there was a for sale sign in the yard. It worked in our favor that the house for sale was around the corner.


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