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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

Page 29

by Tory Richards

  It drove him mad.

  And I wanted him to fuck me.

  My body was on fire and I was quivering wildly, unable to contain it. His hands were on my breasts, squeezing them and pinching the nipples, adding more fuel. I was never going to get enough of this man. No matter what he did to me, to my body, he owned me. Heart and soul. I could feel his cock against me, hard and throbbing, and thrust my lower body against it, wishing that I could feel him where I wanted him, at my core.

  I reached between our bodies and began to run my palm up and down his covered cock. His groan gave me power and encouraged me to do more. I managed to get his pants undone and reached inside to where his hard, hot flesh was waiting. It was empowering when a man as big and as hard as Moody trembled at my touch, and that's exactly what he did when I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and squeezed.

  "Fuck, baby," he rasped against my mouth, thrusting his hips forward. "Three weeks is too fucking long to be without your sweet pussy."

  "It's been longer than that," I said huskily in return.

  "You're counting?" he grinned. "Christ, no wonder I have blue balls."

  I laughed softly, running my hand up and down his large shaft, marveling at the amount of pre-cum dripping from the slit. I felt his powerful thighs quiver when I gave the rounded head a squeeze. A savage hiss escaped him when I ran my hand down his length to the root where his testicles hung. I couldn't ignore the heavy sacs, and took them into the palm of my hand.

  "Holy hell!" Moody growled, and then he began to shake his head. "If you only knew how close I am to shooting my load."

  I continued to work him. "I bet all I'd have to do is take you into my mouth and give you one big, hard suck," I whispered against his panting mouth. "Maybe wiggle my tongue into the slit."

  "Fuck." He shuddered and, to my disappointment, pulled his hips back, dislodging my hand. "Stop, now, before I fucking come." He leaned his forehead against mine, our warm breaths mingling. "I'm dirty from a long ride here, and I need a shower. Plus I want to come inside your pussy the first time." Now I was the one who was shuddering. Moody smirked. "You like the idea of my cum inside you, baby?"

  I nodded. "It turns me on." It did. When Moody came inside me I felt a deeper connection to him. It felt as if we were more than just two consenting adults enjoying each other's bodies.

  "What if I put my baby in your belly?"

  I held my breath. Did he suspect something? Tell him! Tell him! I thought to myself. It was the perfect time. But his quiet, watchful eyes made me feel nervous and a little bit scared. If Moody didn't want our baby, then I would be raising him or her all alone. Somehow, though, I didn't believe that he was the kind of man who would shirk his responsibilities.

  "How would you feel about that?"

  I decided to turn the tables on him. "More importantly, how would you feel?"

  His eyes moved slowly down my body, pausing on my stomach, and then he surprised me by placing his hand over my belly. "It fucking turns me on to know that you have my baby in your belly."

  I could only stare at him, barely breathing. He hadn’t said, it would turn me on, but, it fucking turns me on. How was I supposed to react to that? As the silence stretched on, it occurred to me that Moody already knew. That somehow he'd guessed the truth.

  "How did you know?" I finally asked.

  "Baby, there were several signs," he admitted with a knowing smirk. "For one, you being sick, and the pregnancy stick that I saw on the table next to the couch when I was following you to the bathroom."

  Crap! I'd set it down after Holly and I had gone to the couch earlier. The man missed nothing! I crossed my arms. "Maybe that's Holly's."

  He laughed. "Thought of that at first, but, baby, I know your body like the back of my hand. Your tits are bigger."

  My jaw dropped. They weren’t just bigger, but more sensitive, too. Relief washed over me. Moody knew, and it appeared that he was okay with it. "I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it."

  "I'm good, babe. It was bound to happen. We weren't using protection. Once I decided you were mine, I didn't give a fuck if you got pregnant. Never thought I'd want another woman in my life, never thought I'd have another family."

  "Why not? You deserve it."

  "Never wanted it," he clarified. "But I knew as soon as I walked into my bar that day and saw all that fucking red hair and those bright green eyes that you were going to be trouble."

  "And then I grew on you," I said with a giggle.

  He snorted. "If that's what you want to believe."

  "So, um, what happens now? We go on dates, get to know each other better, share, ah, parenthood?"

  Moody laughed, the sound bouncing off the bathroom walls and reminding me where we were having this conversation. "Hell, no," he was quick to respond. "I don't fucking date, and we'll spend the rest of our lives getting to know each other. You're moving out to my house and we'll set up a nursery—" His abrupt pause told me that talk of a nursery had brought up thoughts of the room that Maggie and Jacob had shared.

  The sudden sadness in his eyes broke my heart. I reached for his hand, offering him a small smile. "Whatever needs to be done, I'll be there to help you." The words barely left my mouth when it dawned on me that I'd already made up my mind about moving in with him.

  He nodded, releasing a deep breath, and then he pulled me back against him. "How do you feel about this, babe?"

  "I only just found out that I was pregnant. I went through a gauntlet of emotions all within the first five minutes. But now that I know that you're okay with it, I'm ready for this next chapter in my life."

  Now was the time to tell Moody that I loved him, yet something held me back. He hadn't told me that he loved me, and there would be plenty of time for us to express the strength of our feelings later on. For now it was enough that we were committing ourselves to each other.

  It might be for the sake of the baby, but something told me that we would have ended up together no matter what.


  One year later


  I was sitting on my porch. It was early morning. The sun was just beginning to make its appearance over the distant mountains, the desert floor still cloaked in darkness. The sound of nocturnal animals was far and wide as they made their way home before the desert heat turned the landscape into a still watercolor. I glanced down at my sleeping son, in awe of his perfection and the way his little hand wrapped around my finger. The connection I felt was only overshadowed by the intense love I had for him.

  This was my favorite time of morning. Used to be I'd come out for a smoke or two before I began my day, soaking up the peace and quiet. I'd given up cigarettes. Now I sat and reflected on all the changes that had occurred in my life since Bailey had entered it. I didn't know what I'd done to deserve her, but I was going to hold on and never let her go.

  The window behind me was open, the light was on in the kitchen, and I could hear Bailey humming just before she opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. My gaze ran over her sleep tank and the little boy shorts and the amount of luscious flesh exposed before our eyes met. She was still carrying some pregnancy weight, her tits were definitely bigger and heavier, but she'd never looked better in my eyes.

  We exchanged an intimate smile that revealed our contentment. Her gaze fell to the floor as she made her way to the rocking chair next to me. I knew what she was looking at--Ben's empty bottle, and I knew what was coming next.

  "Did you remember to burp him?" She sank down into the empty rocker.

  I grinned with tolerance. I couldn't blame Bailey for constantly asking me that particular question. She'd never been a mother before, but I had been a daddy. I made a point of never reminding her of that fact.

  "I did, babe." I glanced down at the peaceful face of our son before raising my gaze to her again. "You look as tired as I feel," I commented.

  She raised a brow as if to say, really? "I wonder why." Her pretty mouth turned down at the cor
ners, yet her eyes were bright with amusement. "Once our children start sleeping through the night, we might be able to sleep in once in a while." She arranged Molly against her shoulder and began to pat her on the back. "At least they wake up at the same time during the night."

  Yeah, there was that. It wouldn't be long now before the little rug rats would sleep all night long. Their nightly feedings had gradually lessoned from four hours to three and now one. We'd learned early on that giving them baths and a couple of teaspoons of cereal in their last bottle of milk before bed kept them happy and sleeping soundly for the first six hours.

  A loud burp erupted from Molly, causing Ben to jerk in my arms. His eyes opened for a second, he blinked a few times, and then went right back to sleep. Bailey pulled Molly down from her shoulder and wiped the little bit of spittle off her tiny mouth. "I wonder what's keeping Holly," she murmured, arranging Molly in her arms in much the same way that I was holding Ben. Once Molly was settled, Bailey glanced over at me with a soft smile.

  At that precise instant the door opened and Holly stepped out onto the porch. "Speak of the devil," I joked, shooting her a glance. "Bailey was getting nervous. I think she was worried that you'd stolen Emma and taken off."

  Holly laughed, heading for the third rocker. "Well, you probably wouldn't miss one." She sat down. "I can't wait to have one of my own. Note the emphasis on the word ‘one,’" she pointed out.

  When we'd first discovered that we were having triplets Holly had immediately offered to come stay with us when they arrived, at least for the first month. Since she lived with Sax and worked at the Desert Devils' clubhouse now, getting time off hadn't been an issue. It had been a relief to know that when I had to run into Boulder I wouldn’t be leaving Bailey alone with three kids. Sax came around a lot, too, since he and Holly could barely stand to be apart for long. For a time it hadn't looked good for them, but they'd managed to work through whatever it was that had gotten in the way.

  Nothing had prepared us for getting the news that we were expecting triplets, especially when we'd first been told that there were two heartbeats. Ben had apparently been playing hide-and-seek behind his sisters. Molly and Emma were identical, and seemed to be taking after their mother. Both had red hair, while Ben was almost bald. His baby fine hair showed signs of being blond. Their eye colors were yet to be determined, but right now they were dark blue. All three babies were healthy and had weighed just a little over four pounds each at birth.

  During the months before the babies arrived, Bailey had turned the room that I'd held her captive in once into a small guest bedroom for Holly. Then we'd tackled Maggie and Jacob's room together. It had taken me a while to start clearing it out, overwhelmed with the memories that were always there in the shadows of my mind. Touching Jacob's things again, when all I'd done since his death had been to look at them on occasion, had nearly paralyzed me. I knew that he was gone, and getting rid of his clothes and toys had only emphasized that sad truth. When the task had been complete, standing in the middle of a completely empty room had made it seem as if he'd never existed.

  It had fucking torn me up.

  Bailey had come in to find me frozen and staring down at the stuffed dinosaur in my hands, lost in grief as I said my final goodbyes to the little boy who would have been a teenager now. With tears in her own eyes, she'd come to me and held me, soothing me with promises that Jacob wouldn't be forgotten, and that we'd make certain that his siblings would know about their older brother. Eventually, I'd let her take the dinosaur away.

  I'd thought she'd thrown it away, until the nursery was completed and I'd walked in to discover it sitting on a shelf right in the center of the wall between Molly and Emma's cribs. Right above that was a framed picture of me and Jacob, taken on his second birthday. My heart had swollen with love for Bailey at her thoughtfulness, wondering where she'd found the picture, until I’d realized that she'd discovered the box that I'd all but forgotten under our bed.

  I glanced over at the woman that I loved beyond reason as she and Holly spoke quietly to each other so not wake the babies. This was what life was all about. I had never thought that I would ever have this kind of peace and contentment in my life, but Bailey had saved me. Because of her, my life was complete. It occurred to me that I'd never told her how I felt, and while the words were important, actions and commitment spoke louder. I couldn't get enough of her--her Irish temper, her laughter, the miles and miles of her wild, red hair.

  She fucking turned me on with a look.

  I couldn't get enough of her sexy curves and her soft, full mouth, and the way that she submitted to my demanding possessiveness.

  As if a silent message passes between us, Bailey glances up and our eyes meet and cling. Holly was saying something to her, but I could tell that Bailey's attention was on me. There was no disguising the warm invitation in her eyes, and I knew that she was just as eager as I was to find time to be alone. Just the day before, she'd gone to her six-week checkup and had been given the go-ahead to resume intimate relations. With a house full of babies, and Holly, there had been no time or privacy for that yet.

  I thought about the two-carat emerald and diamond engagement ring that I had hidden in the wall safe in the garage. I'd chosen an emerald because green looked fucking good on her, and it was the color of her fiery eyes. The emerald-cut stone had two large diamonds flanking it.

  I'd purchased it three months earlier so that I'd have it when the time was right.

  The time was right.

  She was my old lady, but I was done waiting to give her my name.

  I wanted my ring on her finger.

  So later, when our children were down in their cribs, after Sax had come by to pick up Holly for a run, I would take my woman to bed, fuck her senseless, and then ask her to marry me.

  Then I'd fuck her again.

  And again.


  The End

  Thank you for reading my book, Furious. I'd appreciate it if you could leave a review where you purchased the book. Also, continue reading for information on Book 1&2 of this trilogy, as well as a sneak peek at ACE, a spinoff from The Sentinels coming soon!


  Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 1

  Blurb - Four years ago Rebel ruined Ginger by claiming her to keep them both alive, and then she disappeared. Bike Week at Daytona Beach brings them back together. He's a dangerous nomad. A ruthless killer. But he's her addiction, and she's his. Can they keep the past where it belongs and move forward, or is it too late?

  Excerpt -

  I grabbed Ginger by the hand and pulled her out of the room, down the hall and to the bathroom. Her resistance was futile, her fear unimportant. I knew what I had to do, and if she were smart, she'd realize it, too. If she wanted to live. I opened the bathroom door and yanked her inside, thanking fuck that I found it empty. It was filthy, but better than nothing, and it had a shower that everyone used when they felt the need to be clean, which wasn't often.

  Ginger spun around when I shut the door, the look of a trapped animal in her pretty blues. I ignored her growing terror, steeling myself for what I had to do. Even behind closed doors I had to make it real, had to be convincing that I was an unfeeling bastard. I saw her swallow, could see her tits rising and falling rapidly as the fear of the unknown overwhelmed her. She was expecting the worst, preparing herself to do whatever she had to do to survive.

  "Take off your clothes." I kept my tone harsh, indifferent to her growing panic.

  She shook her head vigorously and stepped back, slamming hard against the cracked porcelain sink. A nervous cry escaped her, and her eyes were wild as she took in her surroundings and realized that there was no escape. Her gaze touched on the door behind me before meeting my eyes.


  "Take off your fucking clothes," I said in an uncaring, demanding tone. "You're filthy, and not in a way that gets my dick hard. Now undress." I removed my cut and the t-shirt beneath it. "In fact, I think
I'll join you." Her eyes nearly popped out of her head at that. "If you're not undressed by the time I'm out of my clothes, you won't like the consequences." I kicked off my boots as my hands went to the front of my pants.

  As I’d expected she would, Ginger's small hands began to unbutton her blouse. Slowly she began to expose enticing, creamy skin to my wandering eyes. I undid my pants. She lowered her gaze to the floor and turned around before reluctantly removing the garment. I let her have her moment of modesty before I looked into the mirror in front of her. Fuck. My dick took notice of her perfect tits and rosy nipples. Hard nipples. Surprising.


  Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 2

  “What’s the hurry, darlin'?” This came from the biker that I'd been hoping to avoid. Samson had moved away, and the man's hands were resting on top of his thick thighs as he balanced his bulk on his bike.

  He was wearing biker gloves, the half-finger kind. As I glanced over the patches on his vest, I noticed that he had one on that said “Nomad”, while the other bikers’ patches revealed that they were in the Wreckers MC. His muscular bulk, the bulging muscles that I'd already noticed in his arms, revealed that he was a powerful man. He was nowhere near as handsome as the blonde God, but there was something about him that made him appealing, too appealing for my peace of mind. His square jaw and strong, firm mouth was sensual. Even though his eyes reflected friendliness, I got the impression that this man was dangerous and someone to be careful around.

  “I’m hungry,” I finally said, as if that explained everything. I ignored the chuckles of two of his friends, mesmerized by the steel blue of his eyes as they dropped down my body in a lazy assessment that stole my breath.


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