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Hope's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 5)

Page 21

by Riley Edwards

  “She can be,” Ivy said. “In the security business. Or she’d make a great private investigator.”

  “Or an attorney, like her mother,” Merlin said.

  Ivy grinned. “She can be anything she wants to be. She’s that smart.”

  “How’s the child advocacy law going?” Merlin asked.

  Ivy’s smile slipped. “Sometimes I wonder how I’ll make it through the next day. Other times, I know I have to. Those kids need someone who gives a damn to defend them.”

  Duff slipped an arm around Ivy, his heart swelling. He was a very lucky man to have her in his life. “She’s an amazing attorney and mom.”

  She smiled up at him. “Couldn’t do it without you, babe.”

  “Merlin, Duff, ladies,” Zip called out, as he and Destiny climbed out of their vehicle and joined them in front of the bar.

  Hugs were exchanged all around.

  “I’ve been looking forward to this for months,” Destiny said. “Seems like we don’t get together often enough.”

  “Jangles and Woof are inside with Nori and Hope,” Merlin said. “We should move this party indoors.”

  Inside, they all greeted each other and sat around a large table at the back of the bar. Hope helped the bartender with the drinks, laughing as she carried the heavy tray across the floor. “It’s been a while since I made drinks. They might be a little stiff.”

  Once everyone had their drinks in hand, Merlin stood and lifted his beer mug. “To friends.”

  “No,” Duff said. “To family.”

  Zip chuckled. “Says the guy with the biggest one. What are you up to now?”

  “Six, and holding,” Duff said, raising his mug to take that gulp.

  Ivy leaned close and murmured low enough so only Duff could hear, “Uh, we need to bump up that number.”

  Duff spewed beer. “What?” He spun to face his wife. “Are you—?”

  She nodded. “Pregnant.” Ivy bit her bottom lip. “I didn’t want to say anything until I was at least three months along. You know. I didn’t want to worry you if they weren’t viable.”

  Duff shook his head, feeling suddenly dizzy. “Wait…what…they?” He gripped her arms. “They?” he said a little louder.

  She nodded. “Another set of twins.” She gave him a weak smile. “I know, I’m getting a little old for this, but we didn’t think we could have anymore…and, well…we haven’t been practicing birth control…” She looked up at him, her brow furrowing. “Are you mad?”

  “Mad, no. Stunned?” He drew in a deep, shaky breath and turned to his friends, raising his mug. “I’m going to be a daddy!”

  Everyone laughed.

  With a grin on his face, Merlin said, “Hate to break it to you, but you’ve been one for the past fourteen years. I’d say six kids qualifies.”

  Duff shook his head again. “No…I’m going to have two more.” He downed the rest of the beer and dropped hard into his seat. “Eight children.” A grin spread across his face. “I’m having more babies.”

  Woof clapped a hand on his shoulder. “You’re going to have to up your client list and hire more security agents.”

  Gwen left her seat to rush over to Ivy. “I told you he’d take it all right.”

  Ivy grimaced. “I’m not so sure. He looks a little pale. Sweetheart, do you need to put your feet up?”

  “Yeah, old man. You already had enough children for a basketball team,” Jangles said. “Are you going for a football team?”

  A glance at Ivy’s worried face made Duff pull himself together. He stood, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her in front of everybody. “I love you, Ivy. It’s a good thing we put an offer in on that ranch with the big house. We’re going to need it.”

  She smiled. “Yes, we are.”

  He stepped back and laid a hand across her belly. “I can’t wait to meet the newest members of our clan. They’ll be as beautiful as their mother.”

  “Or as handsome as their father,” she said. “Promise me one thing.” She stood before him.

  “Anything.” He gathered her close again.

  “You’ll love me and all eight of our children for as long as you live.”

  “That’s easy,” he said.

  “And promise me,” she continued. “That you’ll get snipped before the twins are born.”

  He laughed and swung her up in his arms. “Are you sure you don’t want to go for an even dozen?”

  “With you…” she smiled down at him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “I’d do it. But I think we’ll have our hands full with eight.”

  He kissed her and set her back on her feet. “We’ll love them all, and I’ll make that appointment first thing Monday morning.” He turned to his group of friends. “I guess my mission days are over.”

  “No,” Merlin said. “The mission has only changed. Congratulations, old man. You’re a very lucky man.”

  With Ivy in the crook of his arm and firmly rooted in his heart, he nodded. “I am…a very lucky man.”

  Twenty-five years later…

  Beau sat on the edge of his bed and stared down at his wife. It had been a long time since he’d received a middle of the night call-out.

  Though they’d been expecting this call.

  “Hope, wake up.”

  His wife stirred, then sat up so quickly he had to move out of the way or court getting head-butted.

  “Did she call?”

  Yeah, they’d been expecting the call, and his wife was excited.

  “She did.”

  “How’d I miss the phone ringing? Don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter. Move, Beau, we have to hurry.”

  Hope was practically vibrating with nervous energy. He reached over and clicked on the lamp, bathing the room in a soft glow. What he didn’t do was move so Hope could jump up and get dressed.

  “We have plenty of time.”

  “No, we—”

  “Hope, baby, we do.”

  Beau watched as she came up on her knees. The T-shirt she’d worn to bed fell over her hips, the edge of the material skimmed her thighs, and after all these years, he knew better than to fight the urge to take in his beautiful wife. So he didn’t. He allowed his eyes to take her in fully.

  So. Damn. Stunning.

  Time had done nothing to diminish his desire. His hair had long ago started to gray, but there wasn’t a single silver streak in Hope’s shiny brown. Over the years, she’d changed the style but never the color. Now, her once-long locks were cut into what Hope had called a bouncy bob with lots of texture—whatever the hell that meant. All he knew was it gave him access to her neck without having to brush her hair aside. So, he simply called it sexy.

  “Okay, fine. We have time, but I want to be there for Chelsea.”

  Twenty-three years ago, Hope had given him the second-best gift he’d ever received. She’d given him three really great ones and since there was no way to decide which one was best, he categorized them in the order Hope had given them. The first was the day she’d married him. The second, the day his daughter was placed in his arms. The third, the day his son had been born.

  Three miraculous events. Life-changing moments that he’d never forget.

  This would be the fourth-best moment of his life, and he wanted a moment to enjoy it before all hell broke loose. And Beau knew it would. His daughter, Chelsea, was a lot like her mother. She’d take today in stride, but Chelsea’s husband, Hank, was a lot like Beau. Therefore, he would not.

  Hank could fly an Apache into enemy territory and not break a sweat, but since the day Chelsea had announced she was pregnant, Hank had gone from the cool, reserved pilot Beau had allowed to marry his daughter to a man possessed, proving to Beau he’d made the right decision giving the Army officer his blessing.

  Chelsea had found a man who subscribed to Beau’s brand of love, loyalty, and protection.

  “I know you want to be there for our daughter,” he told Hope. “But before we leave for the hospital, I need to tell yo
u something.”

  “What? Is Jake okay?”

  Damn, that reminded him he needed to call his son to tell him his sister was on her way to the hospital. And he needed to do that soon. Jake had not found a woman to settle down with—not that Beau would expect a young man in his early twenties to tie himself down—but that didn’t mean Jake was ever lonely.

  “I’m sure Jake’s fine.”

  Hope scowled before she said, “I wish that boy—”

  “Baby, he’s twenty-one. He’s smart, he’s happy, he’s safe, he’s got a good job, he pays his bills. He’s living his life, and part of that is him playing the field. You can wish all you want, but when Jake finds what he’s looking for, he’ll know. And when he does, like his old man, he will not let her go.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I know I am.”

  “You know what’s amazing?” Hope groused.

  “I know a lot of things that are amazing.”

  Hope’s eyes squinted and she shook her head.

  “Annoying,” she huffed, and Beau smiled.

  “What’s amazing, Hope?”

  “That twenty-five years later, I’m still finding things for you to add to the list of stuff you do that irritates me.”

  Beau’s deep chuckle filled the room.

  “Baby, I threw that list away a long time ago and started a new one.”

  “Can we please stop talking about this and get to the hospital?”

  “Not until I tell you how grateful I am.” Hope’s face softened like it always did when her husband was being sweet. “You’ve given me a good number of gifts over the years, baby. Three that are at the top of my list, but there are nine-thousand one-hundred and twenty-five that are equally important. Every day with you is a gift. But those three at the top are special. Those are the times when you tipped the scales. When you gave us something I could never balance. And today will be the fourth. The birth of our first grandchild.”

  “I think Chelsea’s giving us that,” Hope whispered.

  “There is no Chelsea without you. There’s no family without you. There’s no happy times, birthdays, graduations, weddings, Christmases, without you. Chelsea, Jake, and I have all that we have because of you. Thank you, baby. Thank you for giving us you.”


  “Looking right at you, Hope.”

  “I know you think that, because you’ve told me and you’ve somehow convinced our kids that’s the truth. But you’re wrong. It’s not me. It’s not even you. It’s us. We did it. We created it. We worked to keep it good. We raised good kids.”

  Beau took in a breath and allowed Hope’s argument to settle in. It was not the first time she’d said those exact words or a variation of them. And right then, just like all the other times, he loved that Hope thought that. But she was wrong. Sure, they’d created a beautiful family together, but it was only possible because Hope had found it in her to forgive him.

  It was Hope who’d single-handedly given him everything he’d ever wanted.

  And there were no words to express that kind of felicity.

  “You ready to be a grandpa?” Hope smiled.

  Hell, yes, I am.

  “Sure am. You ready to be a granny?”

  “Um, no. We’ve agreed on Mimi, remember?”

  “Right. Mimi.” Beau shook his head in amusement.

  “Thank you, Beau. You still never let go.”


  That still burned. And nine-thousand one-hundred and twenty-five days had done nothing to lessen the scorch.

  “Let’s go meet our grandbaby,” Beau suggested.

  Hope pushed off the bed and flew into his arms. She tipped her head and peppered his face with happy kisses.

  “I’m so excited.”

  “I can see that.”

  “We’re gonna be grandparents. Our baby’s having a baby.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  Beau was shocked to find he didn’t feel any sadness about his baby growing up and having a family of her own.

  He felt nothing but elation.

  A feeling he knew well.

  On behalf of all of the authors of the Delta Team 3 series, Lori, Becca, Lynne, Elle, and Riley…thank you for reading our books. Working together on this series was a lot of fun, and we loved being a part of Susan Stoker’s world, at least for a little bit.

  If you haven’t picked up Shielding Kinley, by Susan, do so! You’ll get to meet Duff, Jangles, Woof, Zip, and Merlin for the first time and see how they interact with Delta Team 2!

  Other Books by Riley Edwards

  The Red Team


  Protecting Olivia

  Redeeming Violet

  Recovering Ivy

  Rescuing Erin

  The Gold Team






  Delta Team Three

  Hope’s Delta

  Gemini Group

  Nixon’s Promise

  Jameson’s Salvation

  Weston’s Treasure

  Alec’s Dream

  Chasin’s Surrender

  Holden’s Resurrection

  The 707 Freedom Series


  Freeing Jasper

  Finally Free


  The Next Generation

  Saving Meadow

  Chasing Honor

  Finding Mercy

  Claiming Tuesday

  Adoring Delaney

  Keeping Quinn

  Taking Liberty

  Triple Canopy


  The Masters Collection

  The Awakening

  The Collective

  Unbroken 1 & 2 – Season One

  Trust – Season Two


  Romancing Rayne

  About the Author

  Riley Edwards is a bestselling multi-genre author, wife, and military mom. Riley was born and raised in Los Angeles but now resides on the east coast with her fantastic husband and children.

  Riley writes heart-stopping romance with sexy alpha heroes and even stronger heroines. Riley's favorite genres to write are romantic suspense and military romance.

  Don't forget to sign up for Riley’s newsletter and never miss another release, sale, or exclusive bonus material.

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  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Christie Adams: Charity’s Heart

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubrey

  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Linzi Baxter: Unlocking Dreams

  Jennifer Becker: Hiding Catherine

  Alice Bello: Shadowing Milly

  Heather Blair: Rescue Me

  Anna Blakely: Rescuing Gracelynn

  Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei

  Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari

  Kendra Mei Chailyn: Beast

  Melissa Kay Clarke: Rescuing Annabeth

  Samantha A. Cole: Handling Haven

  Sue Coletta: Hacked

  Melissa Combs: Gallant

  Anne Conley: Redemption for Misty

  KaLyn Cooper: Rescuing Melina

  Liz Crowe: Marking Mariah

  Sarah Curtis: Securing the Odds

  Jordan Dane: Redemption for Avery

  Tarina Deaton: Found in the Lost

  Aspen Drake, Intense

  KL Donn: Unraveling Love

  Riley Edwards: Protecting Olivia

  PJ Fiala: Defending Sophie

  Nicole Flockton: Protecting Maria

  Michele Gwynn: Rescuing Emma

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Nebraska

  Desiree Holt: Protecting Maddie

nbsp; Kathy Ivan: Saving Sarah

  Kris Jacen, Be With Me

  Jesse Jacobson: Protecting Honor

  Silver James: Rescue Moon

  Becca Jameson: Saving Sofia

  Kate Kinsley: Protecting Ava

  Heather Long: Securing Arizona

  Gennita Low: No Protection

  Kirsten Lynn: Joining Forces for Jesse

  Margaret Madigan: Bang for the Buck

  Kimberly McGath: The Predecessor

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  KD Michaels: Saving Laura

  Lynn Michaels, Rescuing Kyle

  Wren Michaels: The Fox & The Hound

  Kat Mizera: Protecting Bobbi

  Keira Montclair, Wolf and the Wild Scots

  Mary B Moore: Force Protection

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Butterfly

  Angela Nicole: Protecting the Donna

  MJ Nightingale: Protecting Beauty

  Sarah O’Rourke: Saving Liberty

  Victoria Paige: Reclaiming Izabel

  Anne L. Parks: Mason

  Debra Parmley: Protecting Pippa

  Lainey Reese: Protecting New York

  TL Reeve and Michele Ryan: Extracting Mateo

  Elena M. Reyes: Keeping Ava

  Angela Rush: Charlotte

  Rose Smith: Saving Satin

  Jenika Snow: Protecting Lily

  Lynne St. James: SEAL’s Spitfire

  Dee Stewart: Conner

  Harley Stone: Rescuing Mercy

  Jen Talty: Burning Desire

  Reina Torres, Rescuing Hi’ilani

  Savvi V: Loving Lex

  Megan Vernon: Protecting Us

  Rachel Young: Because of Marissa

  Delta Team Three Series

  Lori Ryan: Nori’s Delta

  Becca Jameson: Destiny’s Delta

  Lynne St James, Gwen’s Delta

  Elle James: Ivy’s Delta

  Riley Edwards: Hope’s Delta

  Police and Fire: Operation Alpha World


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