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Meeting in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 3)

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by D Patrick Wagner

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff slowly discovered that having a big ship didn’t mean lots of power. Not when he didn’t have the Federacy to back him up. “That’s part of it.”

  “Look. We both know the aliens are coming. We both know that, if we do not prepare, prepare in a big way, we won’t be able to stop them. All this,” the Governor waved his hand across the expansive set of windows overlooking Latina and the sky, “All this is for just that.”

  “And how is this supposed to stop them?”

  “Lawrence has a plan. Talk to Lawrence. Let me get on with my work.”

  “I’m supposed to talk to that reprobate?”

  “That reprobate is one of the richest men in our little corner of the universe. He has access to resources that match the Federacy. I’ll throw you a bone. What if I said he could repair your ship. I don’t know about ordinance. But I’ll bet he could repair your ship. Just talk to him.”

  “He’s got the resources to repair Odin, a Federacy Dreadnaught?”

  “Go talk to Lawrence. Work something out.”

  The still slow-burning and highly skeptical Vice-Admiral stood, nodded to his men and led them to the elevator. This time his five, including Richie, went first.

  After two rounds of elevator, Governor Shelly Moreno, now alone, sent off a compressed, highly encrypted squawk to Tolimar, telling his cousin that dear Mr. Weiskoff would soon arrive in his large, damaged space ship.

  Chapter 02

  Aboard Griffin

  The next morning again found Krag and Keiko welcoming Sir Mahajani aboard. This time Princess Analyn and Vidhee accompanied him. After the formal request and acceptance, the five moved to the cargo bay. Gopai stood on the training mat, awaiting everyone’s arrival.

  Mack and Sue continued to work on a now-assembled, plastic-type box, resembling a moderately-sized tool shed. They obviously had more interest in their new project than physical training.

  Gopai, on the other hand, practically danced from paw to paw while wearing his new, very white, human karate gi. The Griffin logo displayed where a human heart would be. His belt, white, denoted a beginner.

  “Ambassador Suzume, if I may ask, what is this clothing you are wearing? It is different from your other attire.”

  “This is a gi. It is clothing which the warriors and athletes wear on my home world.”

  “And what are those white markings?”

  “They are birds, Your Highness. Specifically a type of bird called a ‘split-tailed swallow’.”

  “I see.”

  “They are a small bird, so I use them to remind me that I must move like a bird, not a heavy animal.”

  “You use your gi and its split-tailed swallows as inspiration.”

  “That is correct, Your Highness. Also, my last name, Suzume, is Japanese for ‘sparrow’. Shall we begin?”

  “You lead today, Ambassador Suzume. We are but guests.”


  With Keiko’s direction, Krag took over. “Today we begin with a shoulder roll and a simple throw. First I will demonstrate. Then Gopai will learn it.”

  Princess Analyn stood between Vidhee and Sir Mahajani. Keiko sat in the formal Japanese position of seiza at the corner of the mat. With her legs folded underneath her thighs, her buttocks rested on her heels. She held her hands loosely in her lap, shaped like a cup. A cup used to consolidate her energies, to release her mind.

  “Wrestling, grappling, any form of fighting is all about physics. How to change a destructive force into a harmless result. The purpose of a shoulder roll is to do just that. To convert the force of being thrown to the mat into rotational motion which allows you avoid injury and bounce back to a fighting position. Make sense?”

  Everyone, except for Keiko, looked around and at each other. Gopai hung on to every word while wrinkling his cat-like forehead and pursing his muzzle.

  This is a shoulder roll.” So saying, Krag began demonstrating while talking his way through the technique.

  “The primary purpose is to protect your head. The secondary purpose is to direct your rotational force through your feet or paws, avoiding any hard impacts. Here it goes.”

  Krag shot his right arm at an angle, across his waist and pointing to the back of the cargo bay. At the same time, he stepped forward with his right leg, violently pulled his left elbow back and balled up as he dove towards the mat. With his head tucked, he rolled, his feet hit the mat and he bounced, spinning his body while airborne and landed facing in his original position.

  All of the Elonians looked shocked. Gopai also looked eager.

  “This is not the way of Elonians. For centuries we have struggled with our baser side, our animal side.”

  “I understand, Vidhee.” Upon hearing the synthetic Elonian’s response, Keiko immediately rose and closed the distance.

  “Part of overcoming our primitive instincts is to remain upright at all times. It is considered a debasement to have all four paws grounded.”

  “Again, I understand. Let me ask a question. Is the refusal to place all four paws on the ground a tradition, part of your religion or is it a law?”

  “A tradition which has lasted over thousands of years.”

  “Would you say that the coming of humans has upset the social balance of Elonian culture?”

  “I understand where you are leading this conversation. Yes, the arrival of humans, a formerly unknown race is going to change how society looks at the stars.”

  “Last question. Given that Elonia will eventually possess jump drive technology, would it be better for Elonia to remain rooted in its traditions or form new ones, ones that allow bonding between our two species.”

  “As a generality, the latter, of course, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Your Highness. To that end, I propose, here and now, the beginning of a new set of traditions. One which is neither Elonian nor Human, but a consensus of both.”

  “New thoughts, Ambassador Suzume. I have a counter proposal. Gopai seems eager to learn. I know that his father, Sir Mahajani’s brother has always been something of a rebel. We do not make such a sweeping proposal. We take small steps. My counter is that you continue to train Gopai. But you listen to him too. He may have his father’s reckless streak, but he also has his intelligence.”

  After a glance at Krag and a returning nod, Keiko stated, “I accept. But only if Gopai, in his heart, wishes this. Human tradition is anchored in the concept of individual free will. Each person is in charge of his or her destiny.”

  “We will think on this. Gopai will think on this. In the mean time, please continue with your lessons.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness. Captain Marston?”

  “In light of this new development, it would be best if we hold off on Gopai’s training until he has thought through the ramifications of his decision. Let us instead have a practice match between Sir Mahajani and Ambassador Suzume.”

  Sir Mahajani looked at his princess, his look bewildered.”

  “Are you sure, Captain Marston?”

  “Humans think differently than Elonians. Our child bearers, our women, learn the arts of combat. And we are individual thinkers. I, we, Ambassador Suzume and I, think that a display of this different mindset might help us continue to come together.”

  “I understand the risks, Your Highness. I see that Sir Mahajani has brought his practice blade. If he proves too overwhelming, I will immediately withdraw from the practice.”

  “Sir Mahajani?”

  “This will be hard. I have never raised my sword against a child bearer. But, if My Princess wishes, I shall try.”

  “Let us see what this brings, Mahi. I am sure your actions will be honorable.”

  With an Elonian sigh and flat ears, Sir Mahajani pulled his scimitar from its sheath. This time it wasn’t his usual killing weapon but a dulled blade and blunted tip. Walking to a position on the mat, he prepared to battle the small, human child bearer.

  Krag found a place next to Princess Analyn. He motion
ed to Gopai. The dejected Elonian vassal, came and stood next to his mentor.

  Keiko removed her practice sais from the weapons wall, expertly flipped and swirled them a few times and took her position opposite of the large Elonian bodyguard. The two performed their formal recognitions. Sir Mahajani assumed his fighting pose but paused, just for a moment.

  “Your Highness, If I know Keiko, she is going to pull the same move on Sir Mahajani as she did on me,” Krag commented en soto.

  Krag knew Keiko. Keiko didn’t wait. The moment Sir Mahajani slid into his stance, she charged. After two strides, she dove, like a swimmer doing a flat dive into a pool. Same as with Krag, she targeted Mahi’s forward ankle. Before Mahi could react, Keiko slid across the final distance, grabbed his leg with her right hand and tapped the dull blade in her left hand on his Achilles tendon. Using the large Elonian leg as a fulcrum, she slid clock-wise around him, reaching his back. Bouncing up, she tapped his left kidney with her left balled tip and slid the dull right blade down the side of his throat.

  Mahajani flipped around as fast as a jungle cat from Earth, released a slow growl and almost displayed his teeth. With a huge show of control, he stood, gave a small head bow, flicked both ears forward and gestured for Keiko to retake her starting spot.

  “My mistake for underestimating you, Ambassador Suzume. I apologize.”

  Keiko answered by assuming her attack pose. She charged again. This time Mahi stayed focused on this swirling dervish. He learned from watching Krag’s opponents. He learned from Keiko’s first attack. He waited. As Keiko closed the distance Mahi sliced down and across, ready to pull back if he struck.

  Keiko used his hesitancy against him. She hooked the curved handle of one sai on the blade as she ducked under. Using her weight and the force of Mahi’s stroke, she forced the tip of the blade down while again leaping into the air. Her second dagger lightly touched Mahajani’s throat.

  Now he knew. The little human’s speed overcame her small stature. Her knives overcame her lack of claws. He could not match her speed, but he had something she didn’t.

  This time Mahajani assumed a sideways pose. Slowly shuffling forward and holding his scimitar in one hand, he began a complicated figure-eight motion, fanning the air as he closed the distance. Keeping all his focus on Keiko, he waited for her reaction. She dodged down, attempting to clear the swirling blade. Mahajani struck. Not with the blade. With his tail. It caught her cleanly across her midsection, slapping her through the air. Twisting, she performed a shoulder roll, bounce back into the air, pivoted one-hundred and eighty degrees. Landing, she struck a defensive pose, one sai held high, one pointing back at Mahajani.

  Standing up and retaking her position, she rubbed her stomach. “Ow. I forgot about the tail.”

  “That, Gopai is why we learn the shoulder roll.”

  Gopai never took his eyes of the two assailants.

  Turning to Princess Analyn, Keiko explained, “Well, it didn’t take long for Sir Mahajani to figure me out and come up with a counter. From this point forward I would have no chance against him. His size and strength are too overpowering. My surprise attacking and maneuverability are no longer strange to Sir Mahajani. It is only through misdirection and utilizing not only my stances but the floor and the air as assets was I able to survive. Any more competition would be useless. Sir Mahajani has my number.”

  Princess Analyn looked quizzically at Keiko.

  “That is slang for meaning that he understands my style. So, I concede to Sir Mahajani’s superior skills and strength.”

  “This is more of your individual thinking?”

  “Yes, Your Highness. If you compare my style with Captain Marston’s you would see that we train in very different ways. We each pick our style based upon who we are, not what clan we belong to.”

  “And this is what you wish to teach to Gopai.”

  “Only if he so wishes, Your Highness.”

  “We will find this out tomorrow morning, just before we arrive at Elonia. Speaking of which, I need to prepare reports to be presented to my Father. This has been a very educational meeting, Ambassador Suzume, Captain Marston. Thank you for letting us observe.”

  “It has been my honor, Princess Analyn. Shall I escort you to your ship?”


  Aboard the Ravage Maker

  The giant flagship floated into Bridgelen space, preceded by Third Fleet. Reviewing his armada, he saw that Assault Carrier World Vanquisher held in the rears. It would not be needed for the battle of this soft skin’s hub. With pride, he saw Third Fleet’s two dreadnaughts, Destroyer of Enemies and Cleanser of Stars take their places of dominance, leading the fleet. He inspected the two hundred attack ships, six cruisers, fifteen destroyers and sixty frigates nestled between the three behemoths.

  The insectoid-like Mortek waited for the return of the lone survivor of First Fleet’s invasion of nest Two. He watched his monitor as Star Killer arrived and assumed its place, joining the other two dreadnaughts to form a triangle of death.


  “Yes, Captain?”

  “Sensors reports that the soft skin large ship is loading one of our ships, sir.”


  The sharpness of the question, joined with the quick, piercing stare unnerved the flagship captain. Drooping his wings and dropping his head, he repeated, “It appears that the soft skins have captured one of our destroyers and is loading it aboard its ship.”

  “Communications! Fleet wide! Charge!”

  Two hundred, eighty-five Mortek war ships fired their engines to maximum and leaped towards the enemy who worked at stealing one of their own.

  “My Lord.”


  “Sensors reports the soft skin fleet, except for the large ship, has retreated back into the gate which leads to their civilization center.”

  “Then we keep charging until we run them to ground and get our ship back!?

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Sir, Star Killer is in formation and leading the attack along with our other two Dreadnaughts.”

  “Excellent. Have the attack ships hold back. We know the soft skin’s large ship is capable of destroying them. Have our destroyers lead the charge. If it has that strange weapon, I want to hold the dreadnaughts in reserve, attack after the first firing.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “It appears that there is a short recharging time for its weapon. We must time our thrust to coincide with its recharging time. We will use a line of destroyers to force it to fire.”

  “As you command, My Lord.”

  Onboard Thor

  Captain Russell, his executive officer, Lieutenant Anderson, and six marines stood on parade as the survivors of Skadi straggled down the rescue shuttle’s ramp. Upon seeing the reception, all slammed to attention, saluted, received the response from Thor’s Captain and marched the rest of the way.

  Captain Young, after arriving in front of Captain Russell again came to attention. “Permission to come aboard, Sir.”

  “Permission Granted, Captain Young.” Captain Russell’s return salute, if not more crisp than Skadi’s captain, matched it.

  “Let’s get your people settled, Billy. Nine?”

  “Yes, sir. Four bridge crew, five engine room.”

  “Mr. Anderson, get these people to medical. Then get them settled.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Tough haul.”

  “Yeah. The alien ship?”

  “Coming in behind you. Thirty minutes. Maybe an hour.”

  “Those bastards are tough. Good armor. Nasty weapons. That ship will tell us a lot.”

  “We’ll get it back to Cencore. Tear into it.”

  Captain Young and Captain Russell watched as a medical team carefully and caringly led the other eight survivors from the bay and to the medical facilities.

  “Another thing. We can hurt them. Weiskoff had a cannon.”

  “Later. You need to get checked

  “No time. You need to check out the intel.”

  “Let’s go to my ready room. We’ll continue this conversation there. Get you off your feet.”

  During the walk and elevator ride, Thor’s captain saw Skadi’s captain slowly sag, releasing the strain of survival. They reached Russell’s ready room. Young collapsed into a couch. Russell poured strong drinks, dropped in ice cubes, handed one to Young and took the couch across from his quickly fading counterpart.

  We retrieved Skadi’s core. I’ve sent it to our software people.”

  “We’ve been trying to send the data for days. The aliens had us jammed. Our tech guys need to get this.”

  “We will. Once we’ve retrieved the alien ship, we’ll high-tail it to Cencore.”


  “I’m sorry, Billy. Nothing we can do. As I said, we’ve pulled the core. But we are going to scuttle her.”

  The Captain of Skadi stared into his glass. “I knew. I pretended I didn’t, but I knew.”

  “She came through. You’re here. The intel’s here. She gave her all. It was worth it.”

  Young drained his glass. Russell immediately took it and refilled it.

  “Rest. I officially order you to stand down.”

  “My crew.”

  “I’ll check on your crew. I’ll be on the bridge, if you need me.”

  Captain Russell left, knowing that his compatriot and friend wouldn’t last five minutes before he completely crashed. Those two triple scotches and finally being safe would see to that. He headed to Thor’s Bridge.

  “Mr. Anderson, status on Skadi’s crew?”

  “Banged up. A few broken bones. Nothing major. All drugged and resting. Billy?”

  “Out like a light. Where are we with scuttling Skadi?

  “Demolitions set, all personnel evacuated, sir. Ready for your command.”


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