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Meeting in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 3)

Page 17

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Well put, Keiko. So, if you learn something here, you won’t report it to anyone outside of this room?”

  “No sir. In fact, someone tried to make me report to them. But I refused.”

  “Who?” Krag’s scowling brow broached no evasion.

  Gopai looked at Vidhee.

  “Go on, Gopai. Captain Marston is your liege. He will remain your liege until he returns you to Elonia.”

  “But I don’t want to go back,” Gopai emphatically stated.

  “No one said anything about sending you back, Gopai. That is something to be discussed in the future.”

  “I understand, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Now, who tried to get you to report on us?”

  “Ya, Gopai, who tried to make you snitch?’

  “Prince Daruke.”

  ‘Of course he would. I told ya, Cap. He’s a snake, that one.”

  “Did he threaten you?”

  “He Tried to. Tried to threaten my family. But, being of royal blood, he can’t really do anything. And there’s no telling what Uncle Mahajani, I mean, sir Mahajani would do if he did try anything.”

  “Then in your mind, you are currently a member of the Gregor Clan.”

  “Yes, sir. And a member of the Griffin Den.”

  “Hear that, Buster? We’re our own little den.”


  “Sorry Cap. I know this is important.”

  “Keiko, satisfied?”

  “Yes, Krag.”

  “Buster? Vidhee?”

  Both answered ‘yes’.

  “Mack, Sue?”

  Sue chewed her lip, looked at Mack. Gave him a nod. He answered for the both of them. “Ya, Cap. He’s a good egg.”

  Krag stared at Gopai and asked, “Igaklay, have you been listening?”

  “Every word, Captain Marston.”

  “Say ‘hello’ to Gopai.”

  “Hello, Gopai.”


  “Igaklay is the Central Logic Center for all of Ballison.”

  “By Bashia’s Light! When Princess Analyn finds out about Igaklay, she will dance above the ice!”

  “If you mean that she will go crazy bonkers, Gopai, then that she will.”

  “Yes, Sir Mack, she will go crazy bonkers.”

  “Which is why we will not tell her about Igaklay. Not just yet.”

  “I understand, Captain Marston. I will hold your trust.”

  “Igaklay, would you like to join the meeting?”

  “Yes, I would, Ambassador Suzume.”


  Mack pulled out his now-highly enhanced remote control and pushed a button. In a far corner, Igaklay’s holo-projector activated, displaying the grey-green being, complete with the Griffin tunic, belt and medallion. The gravity controller powered up and lifted the entire unit a meter from the deck. All watched as it floated over to the table and lifted just enough so that the holo-projector’s sensors had a clear view of everything and everyone.

  “Hello, Gopai. I am very glad to meet you.”

  “Now Princess Analyn is really going to go crazy. Igaklay looks just like the drawings of the Ballisons I saw during my schooling.”

  “Ya. We figured that. Still secret, Gopai.”

  “Of course, Sir Mack. Why are we talking with Igaklay?”

  “Many reasons. One, it wants us to visit Ballison. Also, Igaklay has some very good ideas on how to upgrade Griffin, using Ballisonian technology. But, today, we are talking with him as we need his knowledge and guidance.”

  “I am at your service, Captain Marston.”

  “Thank you, Igaklay. As you know, we are going to test the jump drive, your mass negator, today. And I have an idea.”

  “What is your idea?”

  “Sue, would you please bring up a holo of the Elonian system?”

  Sue worked her pad and the requested three-dimensional image appeared.

  “Now, would you highlight the asteroid which Wisdom Seeker had as a destination before she picked us up?”

  A single asteroid in the Elonian asteroid belt blinked as blue.

  “Igaklay, is there some way to regulate the mass negator and our engines to make a controlled jump to the vicinity of this asteroid?”

  Igaklay’s glowing image rubbed its chin with its three-fingered hand. “Your utilization of the mass negator is very primitive. But it is also very simple. The first step is to regulate the amount of x-rays bombarding the unit. This is a very small jump. You would need a much more accurate regulator, with a much more precise calibrator.”

  “How precise, Iggy?”

  “About one hundred times more precise than the current unit.”

  “We don’t have anything like that, Iggy.”

  “I do. If you have the means to receive the data I can send you the schematics for a much more precise calibrator.”

  “Lassie, ideas?”

  “Hook a crystal to a data pad. Igaklay can control his scooter through the entangled communicator. He should be able to control a pad.”

  “That works, Lassie. One minute, Iggy.”

  Mack dashed to one of the lockers and pulled out an unused data pad. Dashed out of the room, remained absent for a short period and returned with a crystal and connecting cable. Plugging everything together, he placed it on the table.

  “Buster, could you strip the pad down, make it just a receiver? Maybe a sender, too. We’ll make it Igaklay’s official mail box.”

  “Done. Only the six of us and Iggy have access. As Gopai’s status is yet to be determined, I’ve left him out of the access list.”

  “That is not a reflection on you, Gopai. Just security protocol.”

  “I understand, Captain.”

  “Ready here, Iggy.”

  “Remember, small packets. This will take some time.”

  “Vidhee, it looks like this is going to postpone our test flight. Would you notify Master Varrini of this postponement and that we will be having a request for more equipment manufactured?”

  “Certainly, Ambassador.”

  While the schematics downloaded, Vidhee called Master Varrini and discussed the current situation. While she still had the open communication line, the schematics finished downloading.

  “Hey, Syn-Gal. Got the plans. Could you ship them to Varrini?”

  “I am finished, Sir Mack.”

  Mack spoke into Griffin’s air, “Vinnie, did you get those schematics?”

  “Yes, I did, Mack. I am looking at them now.”

  After a pause, Master Varrini continued, “This is a very interesting design for a calibrator. Where did you get it?”

  “Dug it out of some old archives.” Mack glanced at Vidhee. She cocked an ear back.

  “So, what do you think? Can you build it?”

  “Probably. I’ll need to use one of our more sophisticated printers. But, yes. I can do it.”

  “Excellent. Have any idea when we might see our new calibrator?”

  “This afternoon? Is this for our jump test?”

  “Ya, Varrini. I think we might have a surprise for you.”

  “I’ll get it built. Can I keep the plans?”

  Mack looked around the room. Everyone shrugged non-committal shrugs, except for Igaklay. He gave a two-handed thumbs up.

  “Don’t see why not. All yours. Let’s wait until tomorrow morning. That way you can bring the calibrator, we can install it, test it and get the flight in, all in the same day. What do ya say?”

  “That gives me a chance to look it over. I say ‘yes’, Mack. See you tomorrow.”

  Mack looked at Vidhee. “I didn’t lie, Syn-Gal. We did get the schematics from an old archive. Just didn’t say whose.”

  “Fine line, Sir Mack. Fine line.”

  “So, now what do we do?”

  “Igaklay, is there anything else we need to make this micro-jump?”

  “No. the controls for the engines are adequate. Who will be piloting, Captain Marston?”

�m not sure.”

  “Is Master Engineer Varrini going to accompany us on the flight?”

  “Ya, Iggy.”

  “Well, I thought that, since this is going to be the first test, and a very short one with very little room for error, maybe a Synthetic should pilot the flight. Buster.”


  “I wouldn’t mind that, Krag. It is a little scary.”


  “No problem, Cap. I can tap into the pilot panel. Control everything with Wi-Con.”

  “Just like the old days. But now you’re out and about. Not stuck in your old housing.”

  “Much more fun. It will be a blast.”

  Krag, as everyone has now become accustomed to, just shook his head. “Way too much Mack.”

  * * * * *

  Eight a.m. arrived, along with Master Engineer Varrini and Griffin’s new calibrator. The Elonian and the Captain went through the formal ‘come aboard’ ritual and, along with Krag’s shadow, Gopai, immediately traversed the cargo bay, gangway and upper deck, ending at the side of the make-shift jump drive. A very excited Mack practically vibrated as he hungered to get his hands on this piece of Ballisonian equipment.

  Keiko and Sue just looked on. Vidhee and Buster stood, immobile, privately conversing on what Synthetics converse on.

  “There you are, Sir Mack. As far as I can tell, it works.”

  Mack took the unit from Master Varrini’s outstretched paw. Gingerly placing it on the small work table he had prepared, Mack sat and eyed the back of the jump drive. Pulling out his powered wrench, Mack quickly removed the restraining nuts, pulled off the rear housing and carefully disconnected the small x-ray machine. Extracting the small unit, he turned to his bench.

  “I modified the calibrator so that it housed the X-ray unit,” Igaklay’s soft voice whispered in Mack’s ear.

  Mack jumped. “Gods of the Deep Dark.”

  “What, Sir Mack?”

  “Talking to myself, Master Varrini.” Switching to the sub-vocal mode of his communicator, Mack mumbled, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Iggy. I almost peed myself.”

  “No one can hear me. Just you.”

  “Warn me next time.”

  “I apologize, Sir Mack. What I was about to say is that you can insert the X-ray unit into the calibrator. I’ll talk you through it.”

  “I could have figured it out, myself, Iggy.”

  “Probably. But I don’t think everyone wanted to wait while you puzzled through the solution.”

  “Ok. Talk me through it.”

  Varrini’s perplexed look matched everyone else’s as Mack just sat in his chair and mumbled.


  “Yes, Buster?”

  “Igaklay is communicating with Mack. Talking him through integrating the new calibrator.”

  “So that’s why he flinched. Are you listening in?”

  “Yes, Captain. So is Vidhee. And we are recording everything.”

  “Good job.”

  Everyone continued to watch Mack finish the upgrade and reassemble the jump drive.”

  “Done, Cap,” Mack announced as he packed up his tools and placed them back in his tool belt.

  “Griffin ready?”

  “As she’ll ever be, Cap.”

  “Next step. Let’s meet on the bridge. Take your time. If you need to make any stops, do so. Once we strap in, we’re there to stay.”

  Everyone except Vidhee and Buster took their time.

  Buster linked to the pilot control panel, set up the jump scenario and ran permeations for any deviances. While doing this, he carried on a silent conversation with Igaklay, learning every minute detail required for this very small jump.

  By the time everyone congregated on the bridge, Buster had locked in his chain of instructions for executing the jump. Igaklay had cross-checked every line of logic, compared it to its own mockup and approved Buster’s procedure.

  For the few seconds all of this processing occurred, Vidhee linked in and cross-checked everything, including the cross-checker’s analysis. All three artificial intelligences concurred. Griffin was ready to jump.

  With Buster standing by and linked in, Keiko took the pilot’s pod. Gopai manned the weapons pod. Sue took navigation, Mack standing at her side. Krag sat in his command chair. Master Varrini occupied the observation chair.

  “Take us up, Keiko.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Again, Master Varrini had submitted a flight path and been approved. Keiko lifted off and accelerated to sub-orbit. This time no jerking and jumping occurred.

  “Well done, Keiko. Any last minute changes, Mack?”

  “Let me and Lassie take a quick peek. Five minutes.”

  “Take your time.”

  It took ten.

  “Cat’s meow, Cap.” Mack flashed a panicked look at the two Elonians. “Sorry! No offense!”

  “Master Muknai told me what a cat is, Sir Mack. No offense taken.”

  “All’s good, Cap.”

  “Buster, Vidhee, please recheck our jump path, both starting and ending coordinates. Also, please come to consensus on all calibration and activation requirements.”

  “We are all in agreement, Captain.”

  Krag took the hint about Igaklay’s concurrence. He looked around Griffin’s bridge and at his people. He saw everyone in their reclining chairs, with the exception of Mack.

  “Mack, you may want to sit on the deck.”

  After the engineer took his place, Krag nodded to Buster.

  “Do us proud, Buster.”

  “Proud doing coming up, Cap”

  Buster came about to the proper heading. He fired up the newly installed plasma-ion engines. He activated the jump drive. Everyone organic blacked out.

  Seven minutes later, a groggy group of people struggled back to consciousness. Krag checked the timer.

  “Seven minutes. A whole lot better than ten hours.”

  “It was a small jump, Captain Marston. Less shock to the system. We will remedy the entire problem when you get to Ballison,” Igaklay responded through Krag’s cranial net.

  “Yes, we will, Igaklay,” Krag answered in kind.

  “Everyone ok?”

  Although still slow, everyone responded in the positive.

  “Mack, where are we?’

  “Look out the window, Cap. Take a look at Princess Analyn’s asteroid.”

  “Well done, people. Buster, how close did we hit our mark?”

  “Right on, Cap. Less than a meter off.”

  “Good job, Iggy. With the calibrator and fine-tuning my girl.” Mack sub-vocalized to Ballison’s Master A.I. “Ya done good.”

  If he could have, Igaklay would have beamed. “Just doing my job, Wrenchy.”

  “Now you?”

  “Mack, with us?”

  “Sorry, Cap. Just woolgathering.”

  Krag knew Mack and Igaklay were talking. They seemed to have struck up a friendship. But then everyone liked Mack.

  “Would you work with Gopai on getting our new weapons on line?”

  “On it, Cap.”


  “Yes, Buster?”

  “I would be much more adept at handling the weapons.”

  “Yes you would be, Buster. But I don’t want to subject you to the act of inflicting violence.”

  “Excellent decision, Captain Marston.”

  “Thank you, Vidhee.”

  “With the interaction between his Human data processing, the Elonian sentience modules and Buster’s new self-generating algorithms, we wouldn’t know the direction his emotional growth would take.”

  “My thoughts, exactly.”

  “Hey, you two. I’m right here, you know.”

  “How could we forget? But Vidhee did understand my decision. I don’t want you dropping into battle mode unless it is a last resort.”

  “I understand, Captain. Gopai, it is. I will find some rocks for him to shrink.”

Thank you, Buster. Mack, ready?”

  “Just point out our target, Cap. Let’s see what our other new toys can do.”

  “I found our first subject, Captain. I’m passing the coordinates to Gopai’s station, now.”

  “Thank you, Buster. Gopai, Mack, fire when ready.”

  Gopai sighted the top-forward rail gun at Buster’s target and fired one round. The three fission drives pumped millions of volts into the gun’s rails, creating a massive magnetic field. The resulting Lorentz field grabbed the conductive sabot holding the newly-created gravity shell and accelerated it to more than two hundred and fifty kilometers per second within its six meter length. When the package hit the rail stops, the projectile launched, the current between the two rails broke and the gun shut down. The small rocket fired its own jet, further increasing its velocity. It sped towards its target.

  Everyone watched the viewing screen. Two seconds and seven hundred kilometers later, sensors indicated that the projectile had hit and penetrated the chosen asteroid.

  “Well, that was a bust.”

  ‘Wait for it, Cap.”

  As everyone watched, the asteroid seemed to distort, become a writhing mass. Then it suddenly collapsed to a hundredth of its size. Where a rock, the size of Griffin had been, now a rock the size of the Griffin’s land vehicle remained.

  “I take it back.”

  “And rightly so, Cap. Master Varrini and his team did a good job, designing that wee rocket.”

  What Mack didn’t say but everyone except Varrini knew, was that Igaklay had a big hand in the design.

  “How many more of these shells do we have?”

  “Two more, Captain Marston. We didn’t think it would be prudent to print anymore without a proof of concept.”

  “Very astute, Master Varrini. Should we test fire the last two?’

  “We need to do that, to verify our results.”

  “You heard the Master. Buster, pick two more targets. Gopai, have at it.”

  Twice more the modified rail gun fired. Twice more an asteroid shrank to one hundredth of its size.

  “Good shooting, Gopai. Secure the weapon. Master Varrini. We have only the one rail gun for the gravity rockets?”

  “Yes, Captain Marston.”

  “I think we need two. The tail gun, in case of pursuit.”

  “Excellent plan, Captain. You should leave the port and starboard guns as they are, rapid-fire kinetic weapons.”


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