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Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1)

Page 31

by Samantha Bee

  “What the fuck?” Holden stammers.

  Ian and Tyler are already groaning, “We’re already trained. We run the damn fights,” Ian laments.

  “Totally different from how Scar runs her raids,” Joe points out, his amusement clearly written across his face. Not that I can blame him. Scar’s training is a special form of torture that we’ve both had to endure. They think she runs them hard when she comes in to train for the fights but they haven’t seen shit yet. She is brutal and merciless when it comes to the raids. She doesn’t just expect perfection, she demands it.

  Tyler shakes his head, “Luca’s not our boss, is he?” Amusement fills me as he looks at his feet in dejection. Holden shoulder chucks him, “The fuck you mean?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Ty scoffs, “Scar’s our boss. Probably always has been.”

  Joe and I both let out deep belly laughs. Tyler has always been quick to pick up on the situation. He’s been aware for a long time that our organization was more than meets the eye. The only thing that really did surprise him was Scar’s involvement and that isn’t due to him not being astute but rather her ability to let people only see what she chooses.

  Another round of groans from the three of them perfectly timed for Scar’s entrance into Luca’s office. She takes only a moment to examine the state of distress the guys are in before she looks at me and beams, “Good, you told them about training.”

  Ryder walks in behind her noting her excitement and their defeat before sighing, “Training is going to be a bitch, isn’t it?”

  “Only if you are,” she singsongs, obviously looking forward to running these guys through the paces. Thank fuck I won’t have to participate, the more amused she is, the more inhumane her training will be.

  Holden stares at Scar with his mouth open, “Did she just,” he hesitates, looking to Ian to clarify. Of the three guys, Holden knows her the least. He’s really only ever interacted with her when she comes to the fights. Which just happens to be where she is the most docile. With the majority of people there belonging to some organization or other, it’s imperative she comes off non-threatening and unimportant.

  “Yeah, man,” Ian slaps him on the back, “she just made it impossible for us to complain about the training without admitting to being bitches.”

  Luca pins all four of them with a glare, “Rachel will be here any minute,” he reminds all of us.

  “We can discuss how Scar is going to bust your balls after this meeting.” I gesture for Scar to bring out the information she found so we can get ready for Rachel’s arrival. She quickly grabs it and trades a look with Luca as she hands it to him. He nods and she moves over to make herself comfortable by the liquor cabinet, attempting to fade into the background as she starts to make drinks.

  Joe and the guys leave Luca’s office to await her arrival. We only have to wait a few minutes before her, and her entourage arrive. She’s only brought three of her men, not the one she sent to the fights. Nothing about her shows any worry or distrust in us. She seems to be like every other time we have had a meeting to give her intel.

  Luca and I both greet her warmly like any other time we would as she walks into the room. She motions for two of the men she brought to wait outside the office with the guys, keeping only her right-hand man, Marc, with her. Luca moves behind his desk and takes a seat before grabbing the files Scar handed him.

  Rachel and I each take one of the seats in front of his table as Scar brings over some glasses and a bottle of whiskey. She pours five glasses before handing them to each of us, including Marc as he stands behind Rachel’s chair. “Oh, Scar, I didn’t see you here.”

  Scar smiles somewhat sweetly, “I’m good at sneaking around,” she teases. Rachel isn’t aware of Scar’s involvement in any of this and Luca’s not so subtle cough is a clear reminder for her of that. Rachel may be an ally but not one we trust with our lives, especially not her life. “I didn’t know you guys were having a meeting today and decided to drop in,” she finishes explaining to appease Luca.

  Rachel nods, accepting her answer easily as she takes a sip, “You should join the meetings more often,” she chuckles as she runs her hand down my arm, “it’s nice to have another woman around all these men.” I tense under her touch, knowing Scar has been more possessive lately but still unsure of just how much it will extend too.

  Scar’s gaze is laser focused on where Rachel’s hand still lies on my arm as she responds, “I’ve always found I rather enjoy being surrounded by men.” Rachel just laughs as Scar drops her little ass into my lap and makes herself comfortable. She removes her hand from my arm with a small smirk though.

  I don’t miss the appraising look Rachel is giving her as she settles in, I know Scar doesn’t miss it either. There’s something in Rachel’s eyes as she watches Scar thread her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck and stroking it gently. It’s an affectionate and soft touch I can’t help but lean into, the tension bleeding out of my body the more she touches me. It almost looks like satisfaction burning in her gaze as she assesses us but for the life of me, I can’t see why Rachel would care.

  I shake off the feeling as Luca first dives into the information Scar collected on Rachel’s new recruit, he’s pretty much what you would expect of a low-level criminal. She refuses to work with anyone who has any indication of an issue with respecting women. It wouldn’t make much sense to bring someone onto your team who would likely have trouble following orders based on what you have between your legs.

  She asks a few questions about our impressions of the guy, Jacob, I think, and our impressions of him from the fights the other night. I let her know of most of the tells we picked up on, not including his slight eye twitch. She shouldn’t leave all the hard work to other criminals if she wants total honesty. Luca throws in his two cents but overall, it’s a quick conversation.

  The entire time I’m more focused on the way Scar is drawing designs on the back of my neck in between twirling my hair in her fingers. A shiver runs through my body as she gives it a gentle little tug and I can feel myself growing hard underneath her pert little ass. I catch just the corner of a grin on her face and know she’s enjoying the effect she has on me.

  Luca hands Rachel the next file of information Scar gathered. This is a slightly more interesting conversation but not one I have much to add too. The new dealer in NorCal seems to be growing his own product and selling it to help with his mother’s medical bills. Overall, doesn’t seem like a bad dude, just a guy trying to survive this fucked up world.

  His product is supposed to be high quality though. Someone Rachel could definitely benefit from by bringing him into the fold as Luca is suggesting. “Provide him with the incentive of a stable paycheck to help his mother and I don't see any issues with him working for you,” he shrugs.

  Problems in our world are rarely ever this straightforward but everything that Scar gathered on this guy only pointed to an intelligent guy desperate to help his mom. Do that for him and you will probably have his loyalty for life.

  Rachel nods and asks a few questions but seems to mostly agree with Luca’s information. She takes both files and hands them to Marc before whispering in his ear. He nods to both Luca and I before exiting the office to pass along instructions to the other two men still outside.

  As soon as the door clicks shut Rachel leans in towards the desk, “We need to talk about Romano.” The words are rushed, and half whispered like she’s worried about being overheard. I’m surprised she is the one to breach the topic with us. I trade a look with Luca and can see the same hesitation in his features.

  The only sign that Scar is affected by her words is that she stops stroking my neck. “I wasn’t aware you had any dealings going on with him,” Luca states as he leans back in his chair and crosses his legs, maintaining a relaxed position.

  “I don’t,” she hesitates before throwing a look at Scar. When neither or Luca or I cut her off she continues, “I wanted to buy a girl I heard Romano
had.” My brows lift in surprise, Scar sharply tugs on my hair and I know she can hear the truth in her words. We now know the real reason why she was there the only question left is why would she want to buy one of the girls?

  Luca drops his casual pose but keeps the surprise off his face, instead leaning closer to her weighing her words, “You don’t buy girls.” Not a question, a fact. Rachel has never been to an auction, never participated in any type of trafficking, hasn’t made any disdain known for it but hasn’t gone near it either. She acts almost like it doesn’t even exist. So why now?

  Scar goes back to running her fingers through my hair, but I can feel the twitch in her fingers as she does it. I know her mind has gone to Roe. If Rachel makes any indication that Roe was her target and intended even an ounce of harm towards a child and especially her, she won’t be leaving this room alive.

  Rachel fidgets in her chair, not even making an effort to conceal how nervous she is with this conversation. “Can I trust you three?”

  “Only if you deserve to be trusted,” Scar’s voice is like steel, hard and cold. Completely unfeeling. Shock litters Rachel’s features at the abrupt change in Scar but neither Luca nor I react. This isn’t a new side to Scar to us at all.

  She nods and meets her eyes, talking directly to Scar, “We’ve been looking for a girl. She’s been in Romano’s possession for at least a year, he intends to give her to his son.”

  Scar doesn’t even bat an eyelash at her words, “What’s your interest in her?”

  Rachel begins to shift as she tries to feign nonchalance but it’s too late, she’s shown her hand. She’s smarter than this, there’s something more here that we aren’t getting. “One of my suppliers took an interest in her and is asking for her and only her as payment,” she shrugs.

  “You seem awfully nervous for it to just be about a deal,” Scar accuses, pulling no punches. It’s one of the things I love about her. She doesn’t waste time when there is something she wants, and she won’t ever let something like manners get in the way of her getting it.

  Rachel laughs but it’s not genuine. We are all familiar enough with her to know this laugh holds no amusement, “I might have to take back what I said about you being here more, Scar. You’re too sharp for your own good and not afraid to cut straight to the heart of the problem.” She’s not wrong but just about anyone would have been able to pick up on her nerves just a minute ago.

  Scar waits her out, Luca and I following her lead. This is the real reason why we keep her away from these things. Just like Ty did, it’s easy to figure out who is really in charge if you just pay enough attention.

  Rachel sighs, “If the supplier backs out, my business will take a huge hit,” she waves her hand, “he wants only the girl. She will be treated kindly.” Something about her explanation still isn’t settling right with me and it’s more than just that we don’t look at humans as bartering chips. There’s just something off in her whole demeanor.

  Scar nods, “Give Luca as many details as you can about her, and we will try and see if our guy can dig anything up on her.” It’s a generous offer but I know Scar. This is her way of finding out just who Rachel wants, and she won’t be giving any type of information away on her. She will most likely double down the protection on this girl.

  “Now what was the issue with Romano you needed to discuss with us?” she asks, getting us back on topic.

  Rachels studies her before flicking her gaze to a silent and stoic Luca sitting behind his desk. She’s figuring out Scar is more important to these operations than she originally thought. She doesn’t seem surprised though. Intrigued maybe?

  “He doesn’t believe your guy is following through on his requests for information on who is looking into his business.” Scar waves her hand and passes the metaphorical torch to me.

  I sigh, she sucks at this whole facade we have going. How have they managed for so many years? “We’ve figured that out based on our conversation with William and Emel the other night.”

  Rachel grins, probably recalling the bloody scene I caused with Emel’s lifeless body. It was a rather beautiful fight. Brutal but damn beautiful. “Yes,” she nods, “you guys would have figured it out on your own.” Her chuckle is filled with amusement as her eyes sparkle. She seems much more like the laid-back woman we normally spend time with.

  “Well,” she slaps her hands to her knees as she stands, “this is your official warning. He’s growing more and more suspicious and right now the majority of his ire is pointed at you.” Luca nods and gets up to thank her.

  Just before she leaves the room she pauses and turns to look at Scar, “I’ll get you those details. I’d appreciate the help in finding this girl, Scar.” She nods and Rachel leaves the room. None of us miss the significance in her addressing Scar directly.

  Rachel no longer sees her as just a dancer.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Luca is more than just a little upset with me that I overstepped what my role is supposed to be. I’d call him an egotistical prick, but I know the worry is for my safety not my ability to conduct a meeting. It’s too late now though. Rachel still doesn’t know what role I play, only that I’m not a mindless party girl and that the guys respect me enough to value my opinion.

  I can tell he wants to argue more but there isn’t much more to say at this point. I shrug off his concerns as we walk out of his office to finish talking with the other guys. Kade follows behind me but I notice the two of them having a silent conversation the way they do so frequently. Both of them are probably trying to figure out the exact ramifications of this meeting and just how much they trust Rachel.

  As much as they like her and we’ve got along both personally and professionally, I know they wouldn’t hesitate to kill her if they saw her as a threat to my health or wellbeing. Fuck. I wouldn’t either. If she threatened us, it would be the last thing she did. End of story.

  Rachel and her men are gone by the time we make it out to the VIP tables. Joe is standing off to the side and just shrugging out of his jacket as Ryder sits at a table with Ty, Ian, and Holden as they all get to know each other.

  Joe turns back to the guys to join the conversation when I notice a new tattoo on his upper arm.

  “What is that?” I snicker in amusement as I walk over to look more closely at his new ink. He has a ring of black and gray roses around his bicep that are dripping vibrant red blood off the petals. I love it and instantly recognize Ronan’s work.

  He grins down at me, “I knew you’d like it.”

  The other guys start turning their attention towards us to see what Joe and I are talking about. “This has to do with my calling card idea, doesn’t it?” Enjoying the possibility more than I probably should be, but it is exactly what I said would be on cards.

  Luca and Kade chuckle as they see Joe’s newest ink but Holden guffaws, “Oh okay cool. So, gang tattoos now?” He looks back and forth between all of us, “Is that what we are now? A gang?” I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

  I’m not the only one either. Ian and Tyler both scoff at him as Ian smacks his chest, “What did you think we were before, dumb ass?”

  He just shrugs, “I guess I never thought about it,” he hesitates, “we don’t feel like a gang.”

  Luca sighs and rubs his temples like he’s dealing with a bunch of unruly children. He throws a pointed glare to Joe, clearly blaming him for this deviation in the conversation, “We aren’t a fucking gang.”

  Kade and I are both probably enjoying this far more than either of us should be. Kade taunts Luca, “Then what are we, Bossman?”

  Before Luca can fire back at Kade, Ryder smiles, “A family.” Dick totally softened everyone up with that as they all trade looks and small smiles.

  I fake vomit behind my hand before excusing myself, “Sorry, I’m allergic to cheesy sentiments.” Everyone laughs and goes back to teasing and taunting each other as they discuss a variety of things. I sit back and watch them with a small smile on my lips.r />
  “Careful there, Scar,” Kade whispers in my ear, “Your affection is showing.” I laugh him off as I fall into the familiar antics of our group. I lean back into Kade’s chest, my head falling perfectly to his sternum. He has to lean forward to wrap his arms over my shoulders, but I settle in nicely against him, letting out a sigh of contentment.

  “Okay so really, are we getting matching tattoos?” Holden stammers.

  I can’t help but cackle, Kade’s chest rumbles behind me. When I finally catch my breath, I tell all of them, “I’m not making anyone get a tattoo,” I look to Joe and throw him a wink, “But if we were going to get matching tattoos in your fearless leader’s honor,” scoffs sound around the room as Kade just shakes harder behind me, “Joe would have the right idea.”

  Ty throws Ian and Holden a look, “I told you she was the real boss.” Luca places his hand to his chest and gasps as if he’s been mortally wounded from those words. I notice the smile pulling at his lips and the way his eyes are dancing. A weight lifts off my chest watching him relax even this small amount around these people. Maybe if everyone keeps calling us a family, we might just turn into one. I can’t deny that it’s feeling more and more like one.

  The first day of training went by quickly. I can’t help the amusement that fills me as I recall the argument between Kade and I about his having to participate in the training. Mikey, Ronan, and Joe weren’t exactly thrilled either that I was making them run the tunnels once again.

  I don’t care what they said, it was important for all of us to get a feel for working together. We are going to be a team and need to work together seamlessly. All of the guys collapsed at Luca’s house after the runs.

  I would guess we ran close to twenty miles altogether. Even I was winded by the time we got back to the house and I run between forty-five to sixty miles every week. It was important for the guys to get a feel for the tunnels though and the only way to accurately do that is to run them.


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