19.Srnicek and Williams, Inventing the Future.
20.Luke Dormehl, Thinking Machines: The Quest for Artificial Intelligence and Where It’s Taking Us Next, New York: Penguin Random House, 2017.
21.Thomas Davenport and Julia Kirby, Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines, New York: Harper- Collins, 2016.
22.Judy Wajcman, “Automation: Is It Really Different This Time?,” British Journal of Sociology 681, 2017.
23.Stefan Helmreich, “Blue-Green Capital, Biotechnological Circulation and an Oceanic Imaginary: A Critique of Biopolitical Economy,” BioSocieties 2, 2007, 287–302.
24.Elizabeth Johnson, “At the Limits of Species Being: Sensing the Anthropocene,” South Atlantic Quarterly 1162, 2017.
25.Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Discipline: Why Dense Cities, Nuclear Power, Transgenic Crops, Restored Wildlands, and Geoengineering Are Necessary, New York: Penguin Books, 2009.
26.Ibid., “We Are as Gods,” Whole Earth Catalog, Winter 1998, wholeearth.com.
7 Learning
1.Timothy Mitchell, Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil, London and New York: Verso, 2011.
2.Oliver Morton’s discussion of interference in the nitrogen cycle is an excellent deep-dive into this. Oliver Morton, The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2015.
8 Co-opting
1.Gavin Bridge and Philippe Le Billon, Oil, Malden, MA: Polity, 2013, 136.
3.Mike Berners-Lee and Duncan Clark, The Burning Question, London: Profile Books, 2013, 87.
4.Paul Griffin, CDP Carbon Majors Report 2017, 2017.
5.Kevin Sack and John Schwartz, “Left to Louisiana’s Tides, a Village Fights for Time,” New York Times, February 24, 2018, nytimes.com.
6.Bridge and Le Billon, Oil, 66–7.
7.Charles McConnell, keynote address, CO2 & ROZ Conference, Midland, Texas, December 3, 2018.
8.Dmitry Zhdannikov, “‘Under Siege,’ Oil Industry Mulls Raising Returns and PR Game,” Reuters, January 24, 2019, reuters.com.
9.Stephanie Anderson. One Size Fits None: A Farm Girl’s Search for the Promise of Regenerative Agriculture, Lincolin: Nebraska University Press, 2019.
10.Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann, Climate Leviathan, London and New York: Verso Books, 2018, 30.
11.Marco Armeiro and Massimo de Angelis, “Anthropocene: Victims, Narrators, and Revolutionaries,” South Atlantic Quarterly 1162, 2017.
12.Nina Power, “Demand,” in Keywords for Radicals, Oakland: AK Press, 2016.
13.Berners-Lee and Clark, The Burning Question, 95.
9 Programming
1.OECD, Marine Protected Areas: Economics, Management and Effective Policy Mixes, Paris: OECD Publishing, 2017.
2.IPCC, Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.
3.Irus Braverman, Coral Whisperers: Scientists on the Brink, Oakland: University of California Press, 2018.
4.Sebastian D. Eastham et al., “Quantifying the Impact of Sulfate Geoengineering on Mortality from Air Quality and UV-B Exposure,” Atmospheric Environment 187, 2018, 424–34.
5.Massimo Mazzotti, “Algorithmic Life,” Los Angeles Review of Books, January 22, 2017, lareviewofbooks.org.
6.Long Cao et al., “Simultaneous Stabilization of Global Temperature and Precipitation through Cocktail Geoengineering,” Geophysical Research Letters 44:14, 2017.
7.Morton, The Planet Remade.
8.IPCC, Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, chapter 4, 55.
9.Morton, The Planet Remade.
10.Andy Parker and Peter J. Irvine, “The Risk of Termination Shock from Solar Geoengineering,” Earth’s Future 8:2, 2018, 249.
12.C. H. Trisos et al., “Potentially Dangerous Consequences for Biodiversity of Solar Geoengineering Implementation and Termination,” Nature, Ecology and Evolution 23, 2018, 475–82.
13.Phillip Williamson and Carol Turley, “Ocean Acidification in a Geoengineering Context,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 3701974, 2012.
10 Reckoning
1.Clare O’Conner, “Accountability,” in Keywords for Radicals, Oakland: AK Press, 2016.
2.Kyle Powys Whyte, “Indigeneity in Geoengineering Discourses: Some Considerations,” Ethics, Policy and Environment 21:3, 2018.
3.Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore, A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet, Oakland: University of California Press, 2017, 24.
4.Ibid., 207.
5.Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016.
6.Michelle Daigle, “The Spectacle of Reconciliation: On the Unsettling Responsibilities to Indigenous Peoples in the Academy,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space OnlineFirst, 2019.
7.John Moore et al., “Geoengineer Polar Glaciers to Slow Sea-Level Rise,” Nature 555, 2018, 303–5.
8.Kyle Powys Whyte, “Geoengineering and Indigenous Climate Justice: A Conversation with Kyle Powys Whyte,” in Has It Come to This? The Promise and Peril of Geoengineering on the Brink, eds. J. Sapinski, H. J. Buck, and A. Malm, Princeton, NJ: Rutgers University Press, forthcoming.
acidification, ocean, 235
action, taking, 163–169
affective labor, 171
afforestation, 82, 109, 167
AFL-CIO, 202
after-zero society
about, 159–162
co-opting, 197–208
learning, 188–196
working, 159–187
agricrude fuel. See ethanol
contemporary struggles around, 39
regenerative, 98, 190–191
AI (artificial intelligence), 181, 183, 225–229
AI for Earth initiative (Microsoft), 182
air pollution, 249–250
Alchemy for the ’80s: Riches from Our Coastal Resources, 77
algae, 53–54, 64–67
algorithmic governance, 222–225
algorithmic literacy, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 195
Allam power cycle, 126
Allenby, Brad, 46
“Alternative Pathways to the 1.5°C Target Reduce the Need for Negative Emission Technologies,” 108–109
Anderson, Stephanie
One Size Fits None: A Farm Girl’s Search for Regenerative Agriculture, 204
Antarctica, 247–249
appraisal optimism, 45
Aquistore Project, 120
Archer Daniels Midland BECCS plant, 120, 202
Archuleta, Ray, 189–190
Armiero, Marco, 205–206
Arranz, Alfonso Martínez, 125
artificial intelligence (AI), 181
artisan economy, 183
Asilomar conference center, 188–189
Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis (Flannery), 82
atmospheric engineering, on ocean planets, 235–236
Austerity Ecology and the Collapse- Porn Addicts: A Defence of Growth, Progress, Industry, and Stuff (Phillips), 35–36
automation, 181–182, 183–184
Azerbaijan, 197–198
Baku, Azerbaijan, 197–198
basalt, 143, 145, 146
Bates, Albert, 104
Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth, 104, 105
Bauman, Zygmunt
“Great War of Independence from Space,” 44
BEBCS (bioenergy with biochar capture and storage), 104
BECCS. See bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS)
Beeman, Randall, 56
Beijing, China, 249–250
benthic weathering engine, 151
Berlant, Lauren, 136–137
Bhutan, 106–108
bias, in programming, 224
about, 103–106
climate engineering startups and, 168
potential of, 105–106
bioeconomy, 54
bioenergy with biochar capture and storage (BEBCS), 104
bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS)
about, 57–58
challenges with, 62–63
climate engineering startups and, 168
compared to enhanced weathering, 150
concept behind, 63
design choices in, 63
direct air capture vs., 148
key levers to make it carbon neutral/negative, 68–69
using second-generation biofuels and algae in, 66–67
bioengineering, 55–57
calculating carbon neutrality of, 63
cellulosic, 65
first-generation, 65
fourth-generation, 67
investment in, 62
rebooting, 64–68
relationship between land rush and boom in, 60
seaweed and, 78–79
second-generation, 65, 66–67
sustainable, 86
third-generation, 66–67
waves/generations of, 65
without capitalism, 68–69
Biofuelwatch, 39
biological methods, of redirecting emissions, 6–7
biomass carbon in forests, 110
combustion of, 103–104
defined, 63
Biorecro, 168
biotechnology, 55–57
Bipartisan Policy Center, 202
Bitcoin, 176
bleaching coral, 211–212, 214
Blockadia, 205–206
blockchain technology, 173–177
blue carbon, 111–113
Blue Revolutions. See oceans
blue-green algae, 64–65
Borth, Christy, 55
Boundary Dam Power Station, 119–120, 121
BP, 198
Brand, Stewart
Whole Earth Discipline, 186
Braverman, Irus
Coral Whisperers, 216–217
Bread from Stones (Hensel), 150
Bridge, Gavin, 198, 200–201
Brown, Gabe, 190–191
capturing, 119–140
weathering, 141–156
Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth (Bates and Draper), 104, 105–106
buying time
programming, 211–239
reckoning, 240–250
cable bacteria, 151
capacity, in solar geoengineering, 221
biofuels without, 68–69
defined, 31
green, 30
Capron, Mark, 82–83
advancing CCS, 133–137
direct air capture, 128–133
Pecan tree sketch, 137–140
CarbFix, 143
carbon budget, 132
carbon capture and sequestration technology, 126, 200
carbon capture and storage (CCS)
advancing, 133–137
with biochar, 104
CO2 utilization as key to, 134
coal and, 121, 126
defined, 7
double-cropping systems, 99
fourth-generation biofuels and, 67
history of, 124–125
key failures of, 125–126
marine cultivation approaches to, 76
natural gas and, 126
need for adoption of, 201–202
need for progressive vision about how to use, 203
opposition to, 123
primary market for, 123
reconceptualizing, 127
stagnancy of, 122
carbon capture and use (CCU), 133–134, 201
Carbon Capture Coalition, 202
carbon colonialism, 110–111
carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions of, 5–6
injecting into rock, 143–144
injection of, 125
nature-based approaches for removal of, 96–116
Carbon Engineering, 127, 131, 135
carbon farming, 97–103, 170–171
carbon markets, 174
carbon removal
automaticity of, 173
benefits of, 41
blockchain and, 176, 177
debt repayment and, 27–28
demands related to, 207
direct air capture applied to, 133–134
indirect threats to scale-up of, 204
levels to, 31–33
ocean farming and, 82–83
one-off versus continual removal, 114
open-source tech for, 178
putting into the Green New Deal, 205–208
responsibility of, 94
risks of, 208
social investment opportunities in, 207–208
technology for, 7–8, 25
carbon removal cryptocurrency, 176–177
carbon sequestration
ocean iron fertilization and, 165
in seagrass, 112–113
carbon storage, measuring in soil, 177
Carbon180, 103, 126, 192, 246
Carver, George Washington, 55
CBD (UN Convention on Biological Diversity), 93–94, 96
CCS. See carbon capture and storage (CCS)
cellulosic biofuels, 65
cellulosic ethanol, 65–66
cheap nature, 185
chemurgy movement, 55–57
air pollution in, 249–250
seaweed aquaculture in, 84–85
circular bioeconomy, 54
Climate: A New Story (Eisenstein), 100–101
climate change
risks of, 26
role of industrial technology in coping with, 34–35
Climate Engineering, 168
climate intervention, as a practice, 40–47
Climate Leviathan (Wainwright and Mann), 205
Climate Mobilization, 40, 243
climate restoration, 244–245
climate sensitivity, 5
climate velocity, 234–235
Climeworks, 128
clostridia, 67–68
CO2 (carbon dioxide)
emissions of, 5–6
injecting into rock, 143–144
injection of, 125
nature-based approaches for removal of, 96–116
coalition building, 246
coastal erosion, 200
cocktail geoengineering, 223
Colebrook, Claire, 33
Cool Planet, 168
coral reefs, 211–213, 214, 216–217
Coral Whisperers (Braverman), 216–217
Cousteau, Jacques, 75
creativity, 247–251
CRISPR technology, 67, 101
critical algorithmic literacy, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 195
critical design skills, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 193–194
cross-cultural empathy, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 194
cryptocurrency, 176
cultivated meat, 109
of energy, 53–74
of oceans, 75–92
as one of best techniques for changing carbon balance, 54
regenerating, 93–116
of seaweed, 76–79, 83–87
cyanobacteria, 64–65
Daigle, Michelle, 245–246
Davenport, Thomas
Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines, 183
de Angelis, Massimo, 205–206
debt repayment, carbon removal and, 27–28
benefits of, 47–48
mass movement toward, 192
Decision X/33, 93
Decision XIII/14, 93–94
decolonial practice, as a capacity to build during early formal educa
tion, 194
Deich, Noah, 32–33, 103, 192, 246
design skills, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 193–194
development interventions, 42
dialogue, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 195
direct air capture
about, 128–133
applied to carbon removal, 133–134
BECCS vs., 148
climate engineering startups and, 168
cost of, 130, 131
Jankowski on, 179–180
as pollution remediation mechanism, 136
scaling up, 129
technology for, 127
Disney, John, 167
Dormehl, Luke, 183
double-cropping systems, 99
Dow, Helen, 55–56
Draper, Kathleen
Burn: Using Fire to Cool the Earth, 104, 105–106
Drawdown, 82, 145
drone submarines, 80
ecology. See chemurgy movement
education systems
brokenness of, 192–193
capacities to build during early education, 193–195
EFFECT (The Enhancing Fossil Fuel Energy Carbon Technology) Act, 203
Eisenstein, Charles, 39
Climate: A New Story, 100–101
emerging technologies, 41
current, 114–115
greenhouse gas, 4, 27, 204
methods of redirecting, 6–7
predicted in 2030s, 8
predicted in 2040s, 9–11
predicted in 2050s, 12–16
predicted in 2070s, 17–23
emotional self-knowledge, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 195
empathy, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 194
cultivating, 53–74
flowers sketch, 70–74
rebooting biofuels, 64–68
enhanced weathering, 148, 150
enhanced oil recovery (EOR), 33, 121, 123–124, 127, 134, 201–203
The Enhancing Fossil Fuel Energy Carbon Technology (EFFECT) Act, 203
entrepreneurship, 135, 168–169, 179–181
EOR, See enhanced oil recovery
equity, in solar geoengineering, 221
Eshed, Matthew, 135–136
ETC Group, 37, 39
cellulosic, 65–66
investment in, 62
necessity of developing, 55
Ethereum, 176
Ethiopia, 58–62
experiential knowledge of the natural world, as a capacity to build during early formal education, 194
Experiment Earth (Stilgoe), 24, 40–41
After Geoengineering Page 29