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The Billionaire Rancher's Unwanted Wife: A Modern Day Small Town Romance (Evergreen's Mail-Order Brides Book 3)

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by Marian Tee

  Nicholas was starting to get a headache. "Why are you blushing?"

  "Because Danny told me about that."

  Her blush had deepened as she spoke, and his confusion grew. "Told you about what?"

  "He says when you say that..."

  "What the hell is that?"

  "I see---"

  "You see what?"

  A choked laugh escaped Bee. "No, I meant, it's the words 'you see.' Danny said that whenever you say those two words, it's probably your way..."

  Tabitha's face was now beet red, while Nicholas didn't think he could get any more confused than he already was. "Just spit the words out, Tabitha."

  Squirming on her feet, she took a deep breath before letting the words spill out in lightning-quick fashion. "He says it's your way of trying to control yourself from kissing me."

  Nicholas nearly choked. What the hell? Tabitha had to be an idiot to fall for such words---

  And then it hit him.

  The reason why she had been blushing in the car, the first time he had said 'I see', and disbelief swamped Nicholas at the realization that she could be so naïve enough to believe Daniel's words. His gaze snapped back to her direction---

  And she was still blushing.

  Ah, dammit.

  He remembered the words from the contract his son had forged his signature on.

  The marriage must be consummated within twenty-four hours of their first meeting.

  And failure to meet even just one of the conditions would mean losing half of his fortune - or risk having Tabitha sue his son for fraud.

  Chapter 4

  Bee was not a total novice when it came to sexual chemistry. Most of her knowledge, however, came from the romance novels she read, and so she still found herself rather stunned when it finally happened.

  Nicholas' eyes glittered at the way Tabitha's quickened breathing had her bountiful breasts jiggling behind the thin fabric of her blouse. The sight called Joe's last words to mind, with the older man assuming that consummating his unexpected marriage shouldn't pose any problems.

  In which case, Nicholas thought grimly, the old man was grossly mistaken.

  The problem wasn't about him finding the girl unattractive, and the way his cock was presently trying to poke a hole out of his jeans was proof of that. And of course, it wasn't about her finding him unattractive either. No fucking way that could be true, with how her nipples were now making a rather pointed impression on her blouse.

  Rather than either of those things, the problem lied in his inability to see where things would go the moment he took her to bed. He had never been attracted to her type - cute rather than beautiful, awkward rather than sophisticated, innocent rather than experienced.

  His instincts warned him against getting involved, but for the first time since the accident Nicholas found himself unable to heed them. Even knowing that one night was all it would take for this girl to turn his world upside down---

  To hell with it.

  He told himself that he was only doing this because he didn't want to risk losing his half of his fortune.

  And that was it, Nicholas told himself. He was going to fuck her because the contract said so and for no other reason than that.

  And now that his mind was made up...

  His gaze returned to her, and Nicholas saw the way her body involuntarily trembled in reaction to his scrutiny.

  We're just getting started, baby.

  Nicholas continued to watch her under hooded lids, silent and still as he let lust play out and work its magic. He hadn't always been a patient man, but because his misspent youth had made him pay a heavy price for his once reckless ways, Nicholas had learned to appreciate the value of discipline and control. Every aspect of his life had also come to reflect this, his every risk the result of careful deliberation, and most importantly of all, he always bid his time.


  And especially when it came to fucking.

  He watched and waited, her arousal softly stirring into life like the most deliciously edible flower blossoming under the demanding heat of his need. One by one, the most wanton desires of her body revealed itself like tenderly unfurling petals.

  The clouded look in her eyes as her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips.

  The gradual swell of her breasts as her shapely legs pressed together.

  And then the sound of her voice---


  The look in Nicholas' eyes turned possessive, the last petal of her surrender having unfolded at the way she tremulously whispered his name with unconscious yearning. Even though she didn't know it yet, she had, at that moment, given herself to him. Fire had completely taken over her senses, and Tabitha was his to do as he pleased.


  Her name had become both a silken invitation and a rough command, and Bee nearly whimpered at its potently seductive impact on her dazed senses. She hungered like she never did, and the sensation thrilled and terrified her at the same time.

  It was like living a dream, and in it, Nicholas Sutherland had become her master, and she was dying for him to hold her. Play with her. Claim her.

  And when she heard him ask in a voice harsh with need, "Do you want me to kiss you?"

  She almost ended up sobbing out her answer. "Yes." Because she wanted and needed him so. Hungered for him the way she had never thought she would hunger for anything in her entire life---

  His fingers drove into her hair, and a whimper escaped her.

  His head slowly bent down.

  Nicholas' lips pried hers open, and his tongue drove deep into her mouth.

  Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

  And she could no longer think, desire seizing control of her body as her arms wound around his neck and she found herself kissing him back, hesistantly at first, but upon hearing his growl of satisfaction, Bee gained enough confidence to let her tongue mate with his.

  Nicholas let out another growl at the touch of her tongue, and a whimper spilled past her lips as he suddenly hauled her up. Her legs instantly locked around his waist, and his tongue drove deeper into her mouth.

  Something long, thick, and hard began to throb against her belly, and she choked back a cry. Nicholas had started to walk, but she was barely aware of this, her every thought consumed by the way his cock kept pulsing against her.

  The only time she finally became aware of her surroundings was when Nicholas started to lay her down, and she opened her eyes.

  They were no longer at the corral, Bee realized dizzily. Instead, they were inside a vast and intensely masculine bedroom, albeit tastefully decorated in leather and torch-finished cedar.

  His bed was big and luxurious, with crisp, cotton sheets, and the thought of resisting didn't even cross her mind as Nicholas started undressing her. She even raised her arms to help him get rid of her blouse and lifted her hips up as he pulled her skirt down her legs. It was only when he reached for the front clasp of her bra that she couldn't help stiffening and feeling self-conscious, and Nicholas seemed to sense this.

  "There's nothing to be afraid of," he said softly. "I'm your husband. Remember?"

  A moment passed before he saw Tabitha willing her body to relax, and guilt and satisfaction warred inside of him. It didn't feel right, to have her trust his words so, but at the same time, he was unable to stop himself from deriving a primal sense of pleasure in the way she yielded complete control of her body to his.

  With a flick of his fingers, the cups of her bra fell loosely to the sides of her body, and her sweet, rounded flesh was finally bared to his gaze. She had the most amazing pair of breasts, and he wasn't surprised to find his hands slightly shaking as he reached to cup them.

  Her body buckled at the very first touch, and it buckled yet again when Nicholas started kneading the pink-tipped globes. With every little thing he did - cupping and squeezing her breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples - she would react, her lips parting in a moan, her back arching and her legs snaking restlessly a
gainst the sheets. Her uninhibited response threatened to erode his control as he found herself starving for more. Bending down, he took one nipple into his mouth, and she cried his name out.


  It was the sweetest, hottest little sound, and he found himself sucking harder on her nipple. She began to whimper and buckle, and as her hands moved up to rake through his hair, his own hands began to move. He cupped one ass cheek with his left hand while his other hand reached for one of the lacy straps that kept her panties in place.

  A gasp escaped Tabitha as he ripped her underwear off with one yank, and then she was clutching her head to him, her nipple pushing deeper into his mouth as she sobbed his name out.

  "Nicholas. Oh God. Nicholas."

  He moved to her other breast and took his time feasting on it while his fingers renewed its exploration, gently sliding over her already moist folds. For a little while, his strokes remained lazy and constant, moving back and forth until he felt her legs relax. Only then did he slowly slide one finger in, and her folds, now heavy and swollen with arousal, parted without resistance to give him entry.

  Bee's eyes flew wide open the moment she felt his finger slowly but steadily penetrating her womanhood. The sensation was unlike anything she could ever imagine, and oh dear God, but she wanted more. By the time, his finger was knuckle-deep inside of her, Bee already felt incredibly full, and she didn't dare let herself think just how much fuller she would feel, once it was his cock filling her---

  Nicholas' finger had suddenly started moving, and desire once again took over, the rest of her thoughts disappearing as her own pussy started to ache and throb. And when he started moving his finger in and out at a faster and harder pace, she could no longer help herself, her body arching to meet each thrust. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. And then a second finger shoved inside of her without warning, and Bee let out a scream. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. And he was doing it so much faster now. So much harder. So much deeper.

  This was how it felt, to be fucked by her husband's fingers.

  And the moment the thought formed, it began - her orgasm consuming every cell of her body, the pleasure so acute that for one moment she seemed in danger of losing consciousness. She started to cry as shudders of pleasure wracked her body. It was just so, so good. Just too, too good that a tiny part of her couldn't believe it was real.

  She felt him pulling away, and Bee's desire-clouded gaze hazily focused on him. He was stripping his clothes off with quick efficiency, and in moments, Nicholas stood completely naked, big and bronze and all over, and her pussy instantly reacted, one last stream of cum spilling out of her folds.

  Nicholas sucked his breath. While he had long lost count of the number of women he had taken to bed, he was damn sure that not a single one of them had managed to cum at the mere sight of his naked body.

  And that it would be Tabitha, of all women...

  His virgin wife...

  "Tabitha..." Jaw clenching, he forced himself to ask the question that his conscience demanded from him. "Are you sure of this?"

  Bee's heart skipped a beat.

  That he would care to ask, when even she knew how painfully obvious she was in her need for him...

  With her vocal chords still refusing to work, she could only answer him in silence, her legs slowly parting open as she gazed up at him, her eyes saying the rest.

  Take me.

  Expelling his breath in a hiss, Nicholas moved swiftly, his weight pressing down on her as his powerful body settled between her legs. He saw her swallow as the head of his cock nudged against the still-moist entrance of her womanhood, and he said roughly, "I'll do my best to minimize the hurt."

  "It's fine---"

  Having her speak was enough of a distraction, and Nicholas' hips slammed down, his cock impaling her in one deep stroke. She cried out, a flash of pain crossing her face, and remorse flayed him even as his cock found itself balls-deep in a wet, tight corner of heaven.

  "I'm sorry," he rasped.

  Bee slowly shook her head. "It d-doesn't hurt as much now..." And she wasn't even lying. The pain had only lasted the first few seconds, but the stinging sensation had soon faded until all that was left was a strange, restless urge to feel...more.

  She wanted more, but how did one have more, when she didn't even know what it was she wanted more of?

  Bee raised her gaze to his in helpless frustration. "Nicholas..."

  It was as if he understood exactly what she wanted to convey with just his name on her lips, and as his gaze locked with hers, Nicholas slowly lifted his hips.

  Bee cried out in instinctive protest as she felt his cock withdrew out of her. "No---"

  His hips pushed back down, his cock sliding inside of her with similar ease, and she moaned.

  He started to move, and her legs slowly snaked up to lock around his waist.

  He started thrusting faster, and her hands curved over his shoulders, nails digging into his muscular back.

  Faster and faster, until she had every need to clutch him, her trembling body now completely enslaved by the forceful thrusts of his cock. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. She began to sob as her body began to tighten. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. But still his relentless pace went on, and the way his cock kept shoving in and out of her was slowly driving Bee out of her mind. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Her back began to arch. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. She heard Nicholas rasp her name out just as his heat exploded inside her tight passage.

  Oh God.

  A second round of pleasure swept her body away, and she cried out as her own cum flowed out and mixed with the hot, sticky release of his semen.

  As her eyes drifted close in the aftermath, tiny shudders still racking her slender frame, Bee found herself thinking of the most improbable thing.

  Improbable, Bee thought drowsily, but not impossible.

  Because it could happen.

  Her dream of living her own mail-order fairytale romance actually coming true, and Bee ending up married to the man she was fated to fall in love with.

  It could happen.


  Chapter 5

  Bee woke hours later to the tantalizing trail of her husband's fingers drifting over her naked back. Pleasure lazily fanned out through every inch of her body, gently stirring her humming senses into life.

  A helpless smile touched her lips as she felt his hand grip one side of her waist. She let him turn her over, her cheeks turning a pale shade of pink as she felt the covers slip down her naked body, enough to expose her already pouting breasts. But then she saw him, and embarrassment was quickly forgotten as a wanton rush of uncontrollable desire surged inside of her.

  He was seated on the edge of the bed, naked save for a pair of sweat pants that hung low on his hips. She tried not to stare but once again found it impossible. He was so breathtakingly georgous, with every inch of him bronzed and hard, and she wasn't at all surprised to feel her stomach cramping as she watched his lips seductively curve into a devastatingly sexy smile.


  Butterfly wings fluttered in her stomach at the thought.

  This man was mine.

  But just as she started to shyly return his smile, a growling sound incongruously shattered the silence between them, and it came all the way from her empty stomach.

  Bee's eyes widened in horror.

  A second later, and a tiny, high-pitched moan of mortification escaped her lips, and hearing it, Nicholas threw his head back with a laugh. She let out another moan, but the sound was immediately muffled as he swept her up, making Tabitha straddle his lap just as his mouth covered hers in a ravenous kiss.

  The kiss went on far longer than Nicholas intended, her taste intoxicating him like no other woman's did, her hold on him incomprehensible but undeniable. When he finally lifted his head, the sight of her kiss-swollen lips pleased him, but before he could even think of taking Tabitha back to bed, it made another sound, and his lips twitched in wry amusement even as her cheeks instantly

  Bee wished the earth could just swallow her up. "I'm so sorry."

  Nicholas grimaced. "Don't be." Self-mocking humor glinted in his gaze. "I should've fed you dinner first before satisfying my own appetite."

  "I'm not complaining---"

  "It's my responsibility to look after you," he said gruffly.

  "But---" Tabitha gasped when he suddenly rose to his feet, with her still in his arms. "No, please, I might be too heavy---" Bee awkwardly cut herself off as piercing green eyes bored through hers.

  "You're too thin," Nicholas said gently. "And since I don't think it's because you're the type to get carried away with crazy fad'll tell me about it over dinner, mm?"

  Bee looked at him uneasily. "But what if there's nothing good to speak of?" Maybe others were fine with sharing their own sob stories, but a part of her had always found the prospect distressing. She knew without being told that the story of her life was no fairytale, and she just didn't see any point in making others feel sad over it as well.

  Having noticed the way Tabitha had become stiff in his arms, Nicholas glanced down at her and heard himself say, "Keeping secrets from each other will not bode well for our marriage."

  He felt her tremble at his words, and his arms around her instinctively tightened. A moment later, he felt Tabitha place her hand over his heart, and his chest clenched.

  "I'm sorry," Bee whispered. "It's just...ever since my parents...I've gotten used to thinking it would be better for everyone around me if I kept things to myself."

  "Things are going to change now," he heard himself assure her, and Tabitha's answering smile hit him like a ton of bricks, the accompanying trust shining in her eyes making Nicholas feel strangely guilty and unworthy.

  "Thank you," Bee said shakily. "It's just crazy how happy you've made me..." Her eyes teared. "I don't know whatever made Danny pick me over all the others---"

  You and me both, Nicholas couldn't help thinking.

  "But I'll never stop thanking God that He's let me become a part of your lives..."


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