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Bring the Funny

Page 19

by Greg DePaul

  Aaron tries to INCLUDE Daphne in his record industry socializing, but she’s too tired from work and REFUSES.

  Sergio TELLS Aaron that Aldous will do the concert and GIVES Aaron the job of bringing Aldous from England to the show in seventy-two hours.

  Sergio LECTURES Aaron on how to treat Aldous and tells him this is his one chance to make it in this business. (16)

  Aaron TELLS Daphne about his big chance, and she TELLS him she has a new job in Seattle and they should move there. He REFUSES to move there, and they FIGHT and “TAKE a break” from relationship. (20)

  Act 2

  Aaron FLIES to London and MEETS Aldous. Aldous wrongly ACCUSES Aaron of changing the date of the show, and Aldous chooses to AGREE and APOLOGIZES.

  Aaron tries to MAKE Aldous get to the airport to go to L.A. despite Aldous IGNORING him and ARGUING with his mother in front of Aldous.

  They GO to a restaurant, and Aaron again tries to MAKE Aldous go to the airport, but Aldous AVOIDS doing so and PUTS Aaron on the spot, FORCING him to KISS his ass by saying he loves African Child even though he hates it.

  Aldous PARTIES instead of going to the airport so Aaron tries to CONVINCE him to go. Instead, Aldous CONVINCES Aaron to have sex with a groupie, and Aaron DOES. They PARTY even harder. Aaron wakes up with little time left for the flight.

  Aaron PUSHES Aldous to get to the airport, and they barely make it.

  On the plane to NYC, Aldous ASKS Aaron why people now hate his music. Aaron makes the mistake of TELLING him why, and now Aldous SAYS he hates Aaron. (30)

  Driving to the Today Show, Sergio calls and TELLS Aaron to keep Aldous sober. To keep Aldous from smoking weed and drinking booze, Aaron starts SMOKING and DRINKING it all up.

  Drunk, Aaron goes to the Today Show with Aldous, but Aldous FORGETS lyrics to “African Child,” so he DEMANDS that drunk Aaron get him the lyrics. Aaron tries to GET them, but Aldous SAVES the day by CHANGING songs and WINNING the crowd over.

  Daphne CALLS to make up, and Aaron SAYS they’re broken up.

  Aaron tries to CONVINCE Aldous to go to the concert, but Aldous BROODS over his dad, whom he hasn’t seen in years. Aldous makes Aaron DRINK absinthe; they get really high and PARTY more. Daphne CALLS again and overhears Aaron HITTING ON a woman. (43)

  Aldous BROODS over his ex-wife Jackie so he CALLS her and LEARNS Jackie has a new boyfriend, but Aldous SWEET TALKS her anyway.

  Before getting on plane to L.A., Aldous BUYS heroin and DEMANDS Aaron smuggle it in his rectum. Aaron calls Sergio for help, and Sergio ORDERS him to smuggle it. Aaron SMUGGLES the drugs.

  Before the plane for L.A. takes off, Sergio DECIDES to visit his dad in Vegas, and they FLY to Vegas instead.

  On the plane, Aaron REFUSES to give drugs to Aldous until after the show.

  In Vegas, Aldous DEMANDS the drugs, and Aaron REFUSES. They FIGHT and Aaron DESTROYS the heroin.

  Aldous MAKES Aaron get more drugs despite not knowing anyone in Vegas. (66)

  Aaron tires to SCORE heroin in Vegas and FAILS when the dealer gets stabbed and Aaron TAKES him to the hospital.

  When he ADMITS failure to Aldous, Aaron LEARNS that Aldous already scored the drugs.

  They go to MEET Aldous’s dad despite Aldous REPRESSING his love for him. His dad PROVOKES trouble by CRITICIZING Aldous, but Aaron ENCOURAGES Aldous to invite Dad to the show in L.A. and Aldous DOES.

  As Aaron is LYING to Sergio over the phone, Aaron ARRIVES in Vegas and PLANS to “mind fuck” Aldous into leaving Vegas for L.A. (61)

  Aaron tries to LEAVE and go to bed, but Sergio MAKES him have sex with a groupie who HURTS him.

  Aldous and his dad BOND playing music but then FIGHT when Dad tries to take credit for Aldous’s success.

  Aldous and his dad CONVINCE Aaron to smoke a joint, but it has angel dust in it and Aaron FREAKS OUT.

  Aldous’s dad INSULTS Aldous’s mom so Aldous and his dad FIGHT. Meanwhile Aaron freaks out, overdosing, so Aldous INJECTS him with adrenaline to save him. Sergio and Aldous’s dad FIGHT more and more and CAUSE a fire. Finally Sergio CHASES Aldous and Aaron into a limo going to L.A. (72)

  In the car to L.A., Aaron TELLS Aldous he’s going to beg Daphne to take him back and ADVISES Aldous to do the same with Jackie.

  Act 3

  Aldous BEGS Jackie to take him back and get married, but she REFUSES and SAYS his son, Naples, is not actually his son.

  Aldous BONDS with Naples and tries to DISTANCE himself (by getting him to stop calling him Dad) from Naples, but he cannot; he loves him.

  Aaron BEGS Daphne to take him back and she REFUSES, but Aldous INTERVENES and SUGGESTS they have a threesome, and Daphne AGREES. They FOOL AROUND until Aaron STOPS and gets angry at Aldous because this idea is crazy. Aaron and Daphne REUNITE. (86)

  Aldous is depressed and thinks maybe he won’t do the show, so he SEEKS consolation from his mom and she CONSOLES him.

  Minutes before the show, Aldous CONSIDERS suicide and BEGS Aaron for help.

  Aaron shows up to see Aldous JUMP off a roof into a pool. Then Aldous APOLOGIZES to Aaron and EXPLAINS his depression. (91) Aaron MAKES Aldous feel good about himself. Aldous DECIDES to do the show despite being injured.

  When Sergio tries to DRUG Aldous to perform despite his injury, Aaron QUITS working for Sergio.

  Aaron BEGS Aldous not to do the show because he doesn’t need to, but Aldous DOES the show because he feels happy now.

  Six months later, Aaron—who now lives in Seattle with Daphne—is happily WORKING with Aldous on a new live show.

  Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

  Screenplay by David O. Russell based on the novel by Matthew Quick

  Act 1

  Pat (Bradley Cooper), in a psychiatric hospital, PRACTICES the speech he hopes to give his ex-wife Nikki to win her back.

  Pat leaves the hospital and LIES to his mom to MAKE her drive his friend Danny home, too.

  Pat comes home, but Pat Sr., his dad, WORRIES Pat left the hospital too soon. Pat Sr. lost his job, is now a bookie, and is planning to open a restaurant when he gets enough money. Pat SAYS he wants to win Nikki back, but his parents DISCOURAGE him.

  Pat READS books related to Nikki so he can understand her, but THROWS a fit and WAKES parents when he TAKES ISSUE with something in a book by Hemingway.

  Pat THROWS a fit when he hears his wedding song at his therapist’s office.

  In therapy, the therapist ADMITS he played that song to test Pat. Pat ACKNOWLEDGES beating up his ex-wife’s boyfriend, lying to police about them, and being bi-polar.

  At home, Pat REFUSES to take his meds, but his parents INSIST. Pat Sr. INSISTS Pat watch the football game with him and bring good luck. His mom WARNS him to stay away from Nikki. (16)

  Pat VISITS Ronnie, his old friend, who INVITES him to dinner despite his wife, Veronica, hating Pat. Pat ACCEPTS.

  Pat tries to call Nikki, but Pat Sr. STOPS him. They STRUGGLE. Police Officer Keogh VISITS to WARN Pat to respect the restraining order against him. (21)

  Pat’s therapist ADVISES him to GET a strategy to deal with his problems.

  At dinner with Ronnie and Veronica, Ronnie CONFESSES his own fears and pressures. Ronnie INTRODUCES Pat to Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). Pat CONFRONTS her with awkward, insensitive questions despite Ronnie TELLING him not to. (26)

  Act 2

  Pat and Tiffany TRADE talk about their meds and DISCOVER they both have serious issues. Tiffany DECIDES to leave despite Veronica’s anger. Tiffany ASKS Pat to have sex, but he REFUSES because he’s “married,” so Tiffany SLAPS Pat and leaves.

  Pat loses control and SEARCHES for his wedding video in middle of the night despite angering his mom and dad. They all FIGHT and HIT each other. Officer Keogh WARNS Pat to calm down and SAYS he must write a report that Nikki will see, but Pat BEGS him not to.

  Tiffany CHASES him on the street to CONFRONT him, and they REVEAL painful truths about themselves.

  Pat’s shrink ADVISES him to get closer to Tiffany. Pat ASKS him
to deliver a letter to Nikki, and the shrink REFUSES.

  Tiffany CHASES Pat again, and he INVITES her to dinner.

  Pat and Tiffany SHARE depressing stories of their lives. Tiffany OFFERS to get a letter to Nikki for Pat, but Pat blows it by SAYING he’s not as crazy as her, and she TAKES back her offer and LEAVES, but he CHASES. They ARGUE, and she BERATES him for judging her and GETS other people to come to her aid. Officer Keogh shows up and RESTRAINS him. Pat FREAKS OUT, but Tiffany SOFTENS and HELPS him through it. Officer Keogh PROPOSITIONS Tiffany and she LEAVES, hurt. Pat CHASES her and she AGREES to deliver his letter. (52)

  Pat tries to VISIT Tiffany but she HIDES. Another guy comes to VISIT Tiffany for sex, and Pat ESCORTS him away to PROTECT Tiffany. Tiffany CHANGES her offer to help Pat and now will only help him if he dances in a contest with her. (58)

  Danny comes over, LYING, saying he was released from the hospital. Everybody WARNS Pat to leave Nikki alone. Pat’s brother shows up, and Pat LOVES him despite his brother BOASTING about his life being better than Pat’s. Officer Keogh ARRESTS Danny.

  Pat tries to DANCE with Tiffany despite wanting to stop. Tiffany TAKES Pat’s letter and PROMISES to give it to Nikki despite not wanting to. Tiffany REVEALS how her late husband died, and Pat UNDERSTANDS her a little more. They BOND while dancing.

  Tiffany strictly CONTROLS Pat during their dance rehearsal. Danny (out of the hospital again) TEACHES them even better moves.

  Pat Sr. BEGS Pat to watch games with him and bring their team good luck because he’s betting all his money against his friend Randy on the next game so he can pay for his restaurant, and he BEGS Pat to attend the game with his brother, Jake. But Pat RESISTS because he already agreed to rehearse the dance with Tiffany. (76)

  Pat ASKS Tiffany if he can miss some of their rehearsal to be at the game, but she REFUSES to let him and TELLS him Nikki wrote him a letter back. She DEMANDS he practice dancing more before she’ll let him read, and he tries to PRACTICE but gives up and BEGS to see the letter, and she GIVES it to him. He READS the letter from Nikki in which Nikki tells him to “show me something,” which Tiffany USES to ARGUE he should work hard on the dance contest.

  At the game, Pat tries to STAY out of trouble, but a fight starts and he can’t so he FIGHTS and is arrested.

  Pat Sr. BERATES Pat and ACCUSES him of causing the team to lose. Tiffany CONVINCES Pat Sr. that she is good for Pat’s luck. Pat Sr. and Randy COMPETE to bet more, and they BET everything on whether the Eagles can win the next game and Pat and Tiffany score at least a “5” in the contest. Pat REFUSES to dance. Tiffany CONVINCES Pat’s parents to LIE to him and say Nikki will be at the dance to get him to dance. Pat REALIZES Tiffany wrote the letter she gave him, not Nikki.

  At the contest, Tiffany is HOLDING it together until she sees Randy and Veronica brought Nikki to the dance. Tiffany DRINKS and starts FLIRTING with men. Tiffany CONFESSES she wanted him but now hates him, but Pat MAKES her dance.

  They DANCE well enough to WIN the bet for Pat Sr. Pat TELLS Nikki he doesn’t want to get back together. Tiffany MISUNDERSTANDS and RUNS AWAY. Pat Sr. ADVISES Pat to chase her, and Pat CHASES her. Pat DECLARES his love for Tiffany, and they KISS.

  This Is the End (2013)

  Screenplay and Screen Story by Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg

  Act 1

  Jay Baruchel VISITS Seth Rogen in Los Angeles. Seth PICKS Jay up at airport.

  Seth and Jay PARTY. Seth INVITES Jay to party at James Franco’s house. Jay REFUSES to go, but Seth PLEDGES that he will be with Jay the whole time. They BOND.

  At party, Franco BONDS with Seth, but Jay RESISTS enjoying the party because he resents Franco’s friendship with Seth. Jay HANGS back at the party and CRITICIZES everything because he hates L.A.

  Everybody NOTICES Jay is unhappy, and some of them TELL Seth to dump him.

  Jay LEAVES the party, and Seth FOLLOWS, trying to CONVINCE him to start enjoying L.A. and make friends with his friends, but Jay REFUSES.

  A huge cataclysm happens, and they RUN back to the party.

  At the party, nobody BELIEVES Jay about what happened, and Seth DENIES it happened so he won’t look foolish to his friends.

  Then the cataclysm happens at the party, killing everybody except Seth, Jay, Franco, Craig Robinson, and Jonah Hill. (23)

  Act 2

  They LEARN there was a huge earthquake.

  Jay SAYS he wants to go to Seth’s house, but Seth SAYS he wants to stay.

  They BOARD up the house with Franco’s paintings and ARGUE over who can eat what provisions.

  Franco TAKES a gun to bed for protection.

  They all HUDDLE in one room out of fear.

  Danny McBride comes over, COOKS all their food, and REFUSES to believe the cataclysm happened.

  A man TRIES to get into the house. They ARGUE over whether to let him in.

  They ARGUE and try to FIGURE OUT what’s happening.

  They JOKE around.

  Emma Watson COMES IN and TELLS her story, but nobody knows what’s going on yet.

  They ARGUE about whether somebody might harm Emma, and she HEARS them so she STEALS their water and LEAVES. (49)

  They ARGUE over who should go get more water and DRAW LOTS. Craig GOES for water wearing a safety rope.

  They fail to HOLD onto safety rope attached to Craig, and he STRUGGLES out there alone against a mystery beast.

  Franco SAYS there’s water under the house so they DIG.

  Craig expresses fear to Jay, and Jay REASSURES him while Danny LISTENS.

  Franco BERATES Danny for using his porno mag, and Danny WALKS OFF.

  Danny REFUSES to live by the rules and WASTES water.

  They TELL Danny to leave.

  Danny TRIES to shoot them all, then TELLS everybody that Jay once came to L.A. and didn’t meet up with Seth, then Danny LEAVES.

  Jonah CRITICIZES Jay, and Jay PUNCHES him.

  Jonah ASKS God to kill Jay so Jonah can have him all to himself as a friend.

  A beast ATTACKS Jonah in the night, and Jonah KEEPS it a secret.

  They DRAW STRAWS to see who’ll get water. Seth DRAWS short straw but REFUSES. Jay VOLUNTEERS and Craig GOES too. (72)

  The beast POSSESSES Jonah and SAYS the world is ending.

  At another house, Jay and Craig FIND FOOD, and Jay SAYS let’s stay here and not return, but Craig REFUSES.

  A monster ATTACKS Craig and Jay, who RUN.

  Possessed Jonah ATTACKS Seth and Franco, and they HIDE but Seth breathes too loudly.

  They reunite, BEAT UP, and TIE UP possessed Jonah.

  They PONDER the end of the world and whether they are good or bad people.

  Craig REVEALS he once hurt a man badly and thinks he’ll being punished for it by God.

  Jay tries to EXORCISE Jonah, but Seth STOPS him because he thinks it won’t work.

  Jay ACCUSES Jonah of selling out (over the years), and Jonah ACCUSES Jay of not growing up.

  They FIGHT and a fire starts. Jonah is killed in fire, and they LEAVE the house.

  Act 3

  Outside a dragon CONFRONTS them, and Craig OFFERS to sacrifice himself to save them because he thinks it’ll make up for the evil he did when he was young.

  Craig CONFRONTS a dragon and is saved, sucked up to Heaven.

  Seth, Jonah, and Franco REALIZE they can be redeemed if they do good deeds.

  Danny and a bunch of cannibals CAPTURE them.

  Franco SACRIFICES himself to save Jonah and Seth, who ESCAPE, and is redeemed until he BOASTS about it and the redeeming stops and Danny EATS Franco.

  A huge monster appears. Jay and Seth CONFESS their sins against each other and DECIDE to die together, but only Jay is redeemed.

  Seth GRABS on to Jay, and Jay PULLS him up, but the monster FOLLOWS them until Seth DECIDES to drop off to save Jay.

  Seth is redeemed for his sacrifice, and they both go to Heaven, and all is wonderful.

  21 Jump Street (2012)

  Story by Michael Bacall & Jonah Hillr />
  Screenplay by Michael Bacall

  Act 1

  Flashback eight years ago: Schmidt (Jonah Hill), a nerd, ASKS girl to prom, but Jenko (Channing Tatum), a jock, HUMILIATES him.

  The principal BARS Jenko from prom because his grades suck.

  Present day: They meet at the police academy, where Jenko FAILS exam, so he ASKS Schmidt to be friends and help him. Schmidt AGREES.

  They BOND as they help each other graduate.

  As cops, they HATE their boring patrol jobs.

  They SCREW UP a bust of drug dealers who go free. (9)

  Their boss TRANSFERS them to a high school infiltration program where they will pose as students to find drug dealers in a high school. (11)

  Their new boss (Ice Cube) INITIATES them, BERATES them, and GIVES them their mission.

  Schmidt CONFESSES his fears of going back to high school.

  Schmidt’s parents EMBARRASS him in front of Jenko.

  Jenko PREPARES Schmidt for his first day of school by EXPLAINING to him how to be cool. Schmidt WORRIES Jenko won’t be his friend in school despite Jenko’s promise to stay friends.

  Act 2

  They try to ACT COOL on the first day, but what constitutes cool has changed. Jenko PUNCHES a kid.

  The principal THREATENS to expel them both. They FORGET their fake identities, and the principal GIVES them their schedules, which are the opposite of what they expected.

  Schmidt TRIES to find the drug dealer and FLIRTS with Molly, a cute girl.

  Jenko LIES to AVOID being discovered as an adult cop. A teacher FLIRTS with Jenko. (30)

  Jenko and Schmidt MAKE drug deal, but dealer FORCES them to take the drugs.

  They STRUGGLE to throw the drugs up.

  The track coach CATCHES them in a hallway and FORCES Schmidt to join the track team.


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