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Katrina's Sight

Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  He approached the table where his men sat, and Felix took a chair next to them. Within minutes, a drink was placed in front of him. He glanced into the big brown eyes of the buxom serving wench and offered her a polite smile. Her black hair was in disarray, hanging over her shoulders, and her brown skin glistened with sweat. A mixture of body odor and whiskey surrounded her like a perfumed cloud, making his stomach roil in disgust. She batted her eyes at him and sashayed away with a familiar come-hither look.

  It surprised him to think that before meeting Miss Landon, women like the serving wench had never bothered him before. Now he was more aware of the sweet smell that permeated a high-class woman, and the silky texture of her hair and skin. Big brown eyes were not to his liking any longer, but instead, he wanted to gaze into the lovely jade color of Katrina’s eyes. He’d also rather gaze upon shapely her figure as opposed to the overly round curves of the serving wench.

  Strange that he couldn’t stop thinking of her, but earlier this evening, Katrina had surprised him once again. The concern she felt for Suzette was evident in her caring eyes and tender voice. Most wealthy women he knew didn’t concern themselves with others. They only worried about their welfare. But Katrina showed genuine worry for Suzette.

  “Knightly, are you listening?”

  Felix was pulled out of his thoughts by Carlo’s question. “Pardon me. You were saying?”

  The shorter man shaped like a brick pointed to another man sitting at the table—a man Felix didn’t know. “Knightly, this is Mr. Faro. He lives around these parts.”

  Felix nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Faro. How long have you lived here? I thought I knew everyone.”

  The other man gave a pleasant smile. “I have been here a couple of years, but I rarely make it into town.”

  “I was telling Faro about Suzette and the fire ants,” Carlos continued. “Faro has also experienced odd happenings in the jungle as of late.”

  Felix took a long drink of his whiskey. Either the alcohol was too watered down or his body had become immune to the sting as it slid down his throat. “Indeed?” he asked, focusing on Faro. “You have noticed as well?”

  The other man nodded. “I wish I could explain why these things are occurring, but it’s almost as if everything is out of its element.”

  Felix frowned and leaned his elbows on the table. “Do you mean to tell me there is more?”

  “There is. The howler monkeys are everywhere now, and it’s hard to tell where the fire ants are making their hills. I’ve seen poisonous snakes in fields where they have not been before, and even crocodiles are too far inland.” Faro turned his attention toward the nearest window and continued. “The further into the jungle you go, the worse it gets.”

  Dread formed a lump in Felix’s throat, making it harder to swallow. “What do you suppose is causing all of this mayhem?”

  Shaking his head, Faro peered back at the group of men around the table, moving his gaze slowly from one person to another. “There is no explanation. It’s almost as if something—magical,” he whispered the last word, “has taken over the jungle.”

  Felix wanted to roll his eyes and mutter balderdash, yet he saw for himself how Suzette had stepped into the fire ant hole when there shouldn’t have been any ants at that location to begin with. Magical or not, something wasn’t right, and he was going to do all he could to find out what was going on. The jungle was like his home, and if someone were trying to ruin his experience, Felix would put a stop to it.

  He studied Faro in silence. The other man’s lighter skin color suggested he was a half-breed. Most assuredly the man had Portuguese blood, but there was white in him as well. His black hair wasn’t as curly as a lot of the men in the tavern, but his shoulders were broader than most. Felix wouldn’t be surprised if the man was also very tall, but he wouldn’t know that until Faro stood.

  Felix took another gulp from his mug, pondering the information Faro had shared. With dire news such as this, did Felix dare take his group deeper into the jungle? Although he was confident his men would be able to handle anything, Felix knew Katrina would not. He feared he’d be spending more time protecting her than anything.

  “I thank you for informing me about the mysterious happenings in the jungle,” he told the other man. “I will certainly think on this tonight.”

  Another person from Felix’s group, Emilio, nudged his elbow to get his attention. “Will we turn back then?”

  “I cannot say.” Felix sighed. “Too much money has been invested in our journey. Miss Landon’s father has paid us well to deliver his daughter, and he’ll give us more once we bring her safely to him.” He scrubbed his chin.

  “Miss Landon?” Faro questioned. “You are escorting a woman on this treacherous journey?”


  Faro shook his head. “Very dangerous, I say. If I were you, I’d take her back to where she belongs. The Amazon jungle is not for women.”

  “I agree, Faro, but there is much more at stake that I need to consider.” Felix glanced at his men around the table. “I’ll let everyone know of my decision first thing in the morning.”

  Positive murmurs and nods greeted him as he gulped down the last of his whiskey. Before leaving, he flipped a few coins onto the table. As he sauntered out of the tavern, he realized the choice wasn’t in his hands any longer. Although he was the guide, the outcome solely depended on Katrina. She needed to be the one to decide on their travel plans.

  The night was upon them, growing darker by the minute. Torches lined the streets, lighting his way, and every building had a few torches out in front. Sounds from the jungle were stronger at night. Monkeys chatted endlessly, and the rattle of snakes’ tails was audible from a distance. If Felix listened closely, he could hear the faint rush of water from the nearby waterfall. Some birds squawked after dark, which he found to be the most bothersome noise at night.

  When he reached the inn, he headed directly to Katrina’s room. Confronting her about their dilemma was important and the first priority before bedtime. They needed to discuss this at great lengths, and hopefully come up with an answer they’d both agree on.

  He raised his fist to knock, but hesitated and leaned his ear closer, listening intently for any sounds coming from within. The gentle hum of a song floated through the room; so relaxing, and very stirring—especially when he could picture her standing next to a baby’s cradle singing a lullaby to a child.

  Realizing where his thoughts were going, he shook his head, trying to clear that particular image from his mind. He quickly knocked and waited. After a few moments and she hadn’t opened the door, he tried again. Just as before, she didn’t come to the door.

  Hesitantly, he turned the latch, cracked open the door, and peeked in. Katrina stood on the other side of the room near the opened window, brushing her damp hair as she hummed a song. It wasn’t the alluring sight of her long hair flowing over her shoulders and down her back that startled him, it was the white chemise she wore displaying more of her slender legs than he’d wanted to see.

  Once again, he shook himself out of his wayward thoughts and focused on the problem at hand. Then immediately it struck him—her window was open! What was the foolish woman thinking this time?

  He barged inside and stormed toward her. The sound of his boots thumping on the floor must have startled her. She swung around and gasped, bringing her hands to shield her bosom, which the square-necked chemise barely covered.

  “Mr. Knightly! What in Heaven’s name are you—”

  “I cannot believe you would open your window at night,” he snapped. He stopped at the window to pull the shutters closed.

  “What are you talking about?” Hurriedly, she dashed to her bed, yanked off a sheet, and tried to use it to cover herself. “It’s stifling in here, so why can’t I open a window?”

  He turned and faced her, arching an eyebrow. Immediately, he noticed a few of those pesky insects had already entered the premises. Two were on th
e wall, and they were easily killed with his hand slamming against the wood. He scanned the room, searching for others. One flew by her head and he was able to smack it between his palms. As he wiped his hands on his trousers, he searched for more, but didn’t see any.

  “As I was saying, Miss Landon, the reason your window shouldn’t be opened at night is because the mosquitoes will come into your room and eat you alive. Picture the welts on Suzette’s body. By leaving the window open, your body will look similar except the bites will be from a different kind of insect.” He gestured toward the netting hanging around her bed. “Why do you think that netting is there? For decoration?”

  She huffed and threw him a scowl. “How was I supposed to know that? I’ve never been to this part of the world.”


  Her scowl darkened. “And it’s my fault that I don’t know? I would think since you are the guide, it’s your duty to inform me of such matters.”

  Felix wanted to shake some sense into her, but he didn’t dare touch her bare skin, so he folded his arms across his chest. “Consider yourself duly informed, Miss Landon.”

  “Thank you,” she shouted. “However, next time, will you kindly tell me before you yell at me for something I had no knowledge of?”

  “Pray tell, Miss Landon, how will I know beforehand what you will and will not do?”

  A low growl rattled in her chest. “And...would you kindly refrain from storming into my room without an invitation?”

  “I knocked, but you didn’t hear me.”

  She shrugged. “Just because I didn’t hear you, doesn’t mean you can come into my room anytime you want.”

  “Forgive me, my lady, but I assure you, my only purpose was to close your window and keep you from being attacked by masses of mosquitoes.”

  Lifting the sheet to her neck, she straightened her shoulders. “Fine. You have done what you came to do, so now leave.”

  Felix couldn’t believe how alluring she looked right now with her glorious reddish-brown hair swirling around her shoulders. Her amazing green eyes radiated so much fervor that her stare could melt him completely. He wished his memory would erase the sound of her sweet humming, and his heartbeat would not accelerate when she touched him. It must be the heat causing him to think such thoughts. However, all he wanted to do right now was hold her and feel the soft surrendering sigh of her breath against his lips right before he kissed her.

  “Actually,” the tone of his voice lowered as he slowly moved toward her, “I haven’t done what I came to do.”

  She hitched a breath as her feet shuffled backward toward the wall. When the barrier stopped her, she didn’t try to move away. Her eyes widened as he neared, and just before reaching her, she moistened her lips with her tongue.

  Felix’s heartbeat whacked against his ribs so hard he feared it would jump right out of his chest. Desire crept over him the longer they stared in each other’s eyes.

  Blast it! This was not a good thing! He could not get involved with a woman like Miss Landon no matter how much she tempted him. But could he stop himself now?


  Katrina didn’t know why her body refused to move and her mind declined to function. Although she didn’t want Felix in her room while she wore a bed sheet—with only a chemise underneath—she secretly hoped he wouldn’t leave. She found it impossible to grasp the words to tell him to get out. Heaven help her, but the energy sparking inside her belly made her feel alive. No other man had accomplished making her feel that way.

  He stalked her like an animal ready to attack its prey. When he finally came to a stop, he was mere inches from her nose. Resting his arm on the wall above her head, he leaned closer.

  The breath hitched in her throat. The only thing moving was her heartbeat, and it hammered so fast she feared she’d swoon...and since she’d never swooned, this must be worse.

  Without saying a word, his gaze devoured her, slowly moving over her face and neck and down to her hands clutching the bed sheet so tightly to her bosom that her fingernails dug into her palms. His azure eyes turned darker the longer he stared. Fast breaths, faintly smelling like whiskey, exited his parted lips. She prayed he was not intoxicated. That kind of man was harder to control.

  He lifted his other hand to her face, and ever so gently ran his fingertips across her cheek then lower to her lips. She tried moistening her dry throat with a hard gulp, but it didn’t do the trick.

  “So soft,” he whispered. “So very tempting.”

  At this point she didn’t know what she was more afraid of—him kissing her, or enjoying it and wanting more. But if or when he kissed her, she wanted him sober and alert. She knew what alcohol did to the minds of men.

  And this this was the very thing she’d been forewarned about. It was dark, and he was leaning in to kiss her. Now she needed to make a decision. Should she try and stop the inevitable?

  Cupping her head, he lowered his mouth, gently brushing his lips across hers. Tingles danced over her skin, but she fought the sensations, reminding herself she wanted him sober!

  She swallowed again and hoped to be able to speak this time. “Mmm....Mmm...” Oh, good grief! She couldn’t even utter the word mister! And why had her voice been so low, sounding so indecent?

  A light chuckle shook his chest as he pressed his mouth against hers and sealed the kiss. The palm of his hand dropped from her face and slid down her neck, tenderly stroking her skin. Before she had a chance to react, he moved his hand across her shoulder and arm before sliding it behind her to pull her closer. The shock of their bodies pressing together so intimately made her gasp. He took advantage of that moment to deepen the kiss. Her gasp quickly turned into a sigh.

  Stars danced behind her closed eyes, and the romantic music of harps hummed through her ears. The taste of his mouth wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be considering he’d been drinking. Now she wondered if he had consumed much at all.

  With a mind of their own, her hands released the sheet she’d held to her bosom, and she glided her palms up Felix’s muscular chest. Ahhh... So strong—just as she knew he’d be. Curiously, she traveled her fingers up his neck and over his jaw. Indeed, this man was superbly built.

  Releasing a throaty sigh, she relaxed more, allowing her frame to meld with his. Gently, she continued touching his magnificent body, sliding her palms around the thick cords of his neck. When she slowly moved her hands down his back, a low groan slipped from his lips. His arms tightened around her and he kissed her with urgency.

  Heavens, this man could kiss! Never before had a man taken such liberties and shared something so personal with her. Yet it didn’t matter. She enjoyed every second of his attention. But just as she began to participate in the steamy kiss, his body stiffened. Within seconds he released her as if she were hot coals and stepped back.

  The absence of his body against hers caused her limbs to shake. She couldn’t help but miss the comfort his hard frame had provided. Soon, the heat from inside her disappeared, chilling her. Embarrassed, she scrambled to grab the sheet off the floor, and pulled it up to her bosom to cover herself once more.

  She stared deeply into his striking azure eyes, not wanting to look anywhere else. As he pushed his fingers through his hair, his expression changed from passion to confusion, and then to anger.

  “Mmm...Mmm...Mr. Knightly,” she finally muttered, “I think you should explain yourself.” Her mind was a whirlwind, and she couldn’t think properly. Yet she knew exactly what he was doing, so explaining himself would be pointless. She cleared her throat to begin again, but he shook his head and held up a hand to stop her.

  “Miss Landon, I should not have done that, and I apologize. I lay blame to the mixture of the alcohol, tonight’s heat, and the fact that I’m exhausted.” He turned away and marched toward the door.

  “Mr. Knightly?” He stopped as he reached the door, but he didn’t look at her, so she continued. “Why did you come to see me this evening?”

rubbed his forehead while taking several deep breaths. “I needed to talk to you about something, but it will now have to wait until my mind is clear. I will discuss this with you in the morning before we leave.”

  She didn’t stop him from exiting her room this time, but once the door was closed, her entire body shook. She stumbled to her bed. After crawling onto the mattress and lowering the mosquito netting, she fell upon her pillow, closing her eyes. Unfortunately, sleep was too far away to lull her into relaxing. For certain, she would not be able to forget his kiss and how wonderful it had felt to be in his strong arms.

  BRIGHT AND EARLY THE next morning, Katrina was dressed and sitting at a small table, sipping her tea as she lingered on the inn’s veranda. Anticipation jumped through her, the longer she waited. She fidgeted in her chair and tapped her fingernail on the teacup as she watched the entryway for Felix to arrive. Apparently, he wasn’t an early riser like she was. Obviously, he wasn’t as eager to see her as she was to see him. That particular flaw in him irritated her more than she was prepared for.

  As she had suspected after he had kissed her last night, her mind couldn’t rest. She’d argued with herself to why she’d allowed him to kiss her, especially since she’d had that premonition. She could have easily stopped him. Even when she finally drifted off, she dreamed of being in his arms and being kissed passionately by the handsome man.

  Ahhh! How dare he do that to her?

  What worried her even more was what she would do if he kissed her again. The mere thought had her heart skipping faster. Quickly, she chastised herself and made a promise for that not to happen. She didn’t need to be fearful of him losing his head again...and she losing hers, either. In fact, she should just call off this expedition and have him take her home.


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