Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 3

by Raven Moon

  I threw my arm in front of Samuel, “Back away,” I demanded. He took a few steps back. I steadied myself staring at the door. I moved my hands in a circular motion, faster and faster until an orb of light grew brighter between my palms. It pulsated with my heartbeat and shined brightly like the sun.

  Seconds after the fireball crashed the door, a loud creak like fingernails down a chalkboard reverberated in the small space faltering my concentration. Every muscle went rigid. Goosebumps clothed my bare skin. The door crashed; dust filtered the air. I waved my hand dispersing the dust as I coughed.

  Not knowing what waited on the other side, Samuel hurriedly moved ahead shielding me from danger. He entered the chamber first. He took a torch from the wall as we stepped farther in. Our backs touched as we slowly turned in a tight circle, surveying the area. His eyes shed a glow. I cautiously stalked the surroundings like a lioness hunting prey.

  “Whoever occupied this den made it home.” My voice came out in a whisper. Samuel nodded and walked the circumference of the room leaving me solo.

  British and American History paintings hung on the rock walls. At a closer glance, I noticed the pigment paintings predated the 1700s. As I studied the paintings, one caught my creative eye with vibrant colors. The portrait, beautifully drawn showcased a Native American Chief. The colors danced around in bright oranges, reds and yellows, Turquoise and Buckskin colors mixed in the lines. I looked for the artist name but didn’t find one. I looked around the room moving slowly to take everything in. This was an antique dealer’s paradise.

  Armless chairs and lounges sat centered in the chamber. They appeared to be from the Victorian era. Someone took the time to lay slate, marble, and onyx seamlessly on the dirt floor. Vases inlaid with gold sat on oak tables.

  I scanned the room, “Who put all this here? Why did they? I asked myself. Samuel walked the length of a stream that flowed under a waterfall. The water slowly trickled down into a small basin. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a shadowy figure disappear behind a hidden door.

  “Reveal yourself!” I protested. In a millisecond Samuel stood next to me. I took a stance pushing him behind me.

  “If I can make a ball of fire form instantly, then I can do more harm than you.” His eyes ignited into a brilliant blue glow. I was waiting for him to block me, but he didn’t. He let out a huff of air and started toward the ghostly shape.

  That familiar smell of lavender and jasmine encased me with calmness. The scent reminded me of my grandmother, Eve, and how I missed her dearly.

  “Samuel, what the hell are you doing?” I shouted, but he kept walking.

  He motioned me over, “Are you kidding me right now? Are you fucking nuts!” He chuckled halfheartedly; a forced smile played at the corner of his lips.

  He laughed, “Have I gotten you killed yet?” He shook his head. He had a point, but if someone found us, then that means that the supernatural world could. I fought the urge not to go but then against my better judgment, I placed my hand on my shoulder holster and hesitantly strolled to Samuel.

  Sage stood in front of Samuel, “How the hell are you here?” Happy to see her I wrapped my hands around her neck but fell forward into thin air.

  “What the bullfuckery trickery is this?” I shifted my eyes to Samuel.

  “Mental projection.”

  “What the living hell?” Sage threw her head back in hysterical laughter. I held up a finger, “I’m glad you find it amusing, but how?” Sage extended her middle finger toward me.

  “I allowed Trevor to put me in a deep sleep.”

  “Where did you know to find us?” I interrogated her. Samuel crossed his arms over his broad chest.

  “Why the million in one questions darlin’?”

  “She may look like Sage, but it could be a master plan to kill me.”

  “I’ve been following you since you left. It is the only way I can help.”

  “Why didn’t I sense your powers?”

  “Energy Manipulation.” Samuel focused his eyes in the distance as if retrieving data from his brain’s hard drive. He lifted his shoulders in a half shrug.

  “I placed an amulet in the backpack to help track you,” Sage admitted. My fingers steeple as I lay them against my lips in deep thought.

  My hands lowered to my side, “How are my parents? Amelia? Trevor?”

  “Slow down. Everyone is safe. Your parents did a cloaking spell.” Sage replied.

  My mouth twitched, “Can I do this trickery?”

  “In time.” She quirked.

  Samuel spoke, “Baby steps Rains.”

  Sage looked me over, “How are you holding up?”

  “It is as if the entire world is moving in slow motion. I feel like I’m walking in a dream world; a horrific, nightmarish dream world.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish I could physically be there to hold you and comfort you.” Sage’s voice was laden with sorrow.

  “Brightside, I’m on this side of the dirt smelling the roses.” I chuckled letting it fall short, “Are you alone or with my parents?”

  “We’re together.” Her voice faded, “Now answer me truthfully Rainelle. How are you doing? Your mother wants to know.”

  My gaze lowered, “I’m exhausted.” My energy suddenly disappeared. Sage slid closer, giving me a once over. Samuel stood behind me. He studied Sage. I looked at Samuel, concern washed over his features.

  “Darlin’ are you alright?” His eyes burned bright.

  “I…I…I don’t know.”

  Chapter Five


  “Rainelle!” I screamed, but she remained motionless against me.

  “Wake up Rainelle, can you hear me?” I looked at Sage and wished she was here physically.

  “She will be alright Samuel,” Sage mumbled.

  “Trevor warned me that the natural mineral and rocks would drain her energy. She won’t last much longer,” I whimpered, “I must protect her. I promised Reed. I cannot fail him. And I cannot fail her.” I stressed, slamming my hand against the floor, “Sage what do I do? You need to guide me.” Sage’s steely eyes watched.

  “I’m not sure how long I can stay in this form before the soul reaper finds me, but everything you need is in the satchel with instructions.” She pointed to the tawny bag before disappearing into thin air. Snatching the bag, I searched for the letter.

  Dear Samuel,

  If you are reading this, then Rainelle has slipped into a deep sleep. You must do as I instruct to save her. You will need the matches since she can’t make the fire for you. Place everything on a flat rock if you can find one, large or small, doesn’t matter. I made a small bottle of Blessed water, use it sparingly. Last, the dagger is sharp and blessed in white and black magick. You must use it clockwise to make the protection circle you’ll need. To close the circle once finished, re-trace counterclockwise, but do not get outside the line. Mix the dirt and used salt well into the ground. Most important, give thanks to the Gods.

  You must do it in the order I tell you.

  1) I placed charged and cleaned charka crystals in a muslin bag. Place them on Rainelle’s body. Add a drop of the blessed water on her third eye. Then place the 5 small white votive candles around her. Light them clockwise and start at the north point ending at the center point and state your incantation.

  I replaced the letter back into the zippered pocket. I retrieved the contents and began with step one. After placing a drop of Blessed water in the center of Rainelle’s forehead, I position the crystals on her body lighting each candle.

  “I call upon the elements, north for the earth, south for fire,

  east for air, west for water and center for spirit.

  I call upon the elements, north for the earth, south for fire,

  east for air, west for water and center for spirit

  I call upon the elements, north for the earth, south for fire,

  east for air, west for water and center for spirit.

  blessed be, blessed be, blesse
d be, so mote it be”

  My eyes closed tight. Words appeared in my thoughts. I let out a sharp breath and spoke loudly.

  “Earth her body, water her blood, Goddess, bless this element fire, Goddess bless this element air.

  Air fans the fires of transformation. I cast the circle once, twice, three times, throw the negative out.

  I cast the circle once, twice, three times, that thou might offer safety from evil and wickedness all about.

  I give love, gather may be, blessed by the power I invoke within thee.”

  I sealed the ring protecting myself from any evil dwelling. Suddenly someone shouted my name. I thrust energy into the depths searching for movement. Staleness filled the air leaving a vile taste, choking me. Death and rotting corpse filled my lungs. An ominous silhouette hid in the darkness. I held onto the metaphysical line anchoring me to the center of the earth.

  “My Goddess, all divine, I call upon thee.

  Send forth your guardian to protect thee.

  My Goddess, all divine, I call upon thee.

  Send forth your guardian to protect thee.

  My Goddess, all divine, I call upon thee.

  Send forth your guardian to protect thee.”

  The apparition fled with a shrieking shrill. The staleness lifted replaced by cedar and juniper fragrance. The room felt cleaner and brighter. I thanked the Gods as I blew out each flame. Once outside the scared circle, I sealed it closed. I hurried to Rainelle’s side fearing the worst. I kneeled beside feeling for a pulse. It was faint, but she had one.

  Sage appeared, “Something’s not right about any of this.” I claimed. A shadow crossed Sage’s face.

  “I agree. There is nothing good about any of this. I sense evil and impending death.” As she spoke, her eyes stayed fixed on Rainelle.

  “I’ve heard tales of malevolent spirits residing in the Forbidden Caverns.” She cited, “I know many of the caves haven’t been explored, so there is no way of knowing what you are up against.” She affirmed.

  “Something called us to this chamber. We heard loud voices behind the door. Rain blasted the door. I sensed a force when we stepped inside. Evil energy vibrated.” I considered, looking off at a distant memory, “I knew we shouldn’t have stopped, but something summoned her to this spot.” I beheld my love sleeping hoping peace kept her, “I had to cast a barrier spell. It wasn’t strong enough; I wasn’t strong enough.”

  “What do you mean, not strong enough? Your spells never fail Samuel. What happened?”

  “Whatever is here…it is stronger than I am. It is stronger than anything I’ve ever encountered.” I divulged rubbing my palms down my jeans.

  “Could it be the same thing you tried to stop?” Sage suggested.

  “I suppose. Someone magickal is trying to kill Rainelle, that I’m sure of.” I swallowed hard looking up at Sage, “An apparition showed itself. Malevolent is the only word for it.” I brooded over that voice, “Something knew my name. It sounded like Reed, but I know that is impossible. I’m afraid that the evil lurking has attached itself to her.” I frowned.

  Sage questioned, “How is that even possible?”

  “I don’t know, but I need to figure it out. I just pray we make it out alive.” I grumbled clutching Rainelle’s hand.

  I shuttered at the clank of an iron chain. My heart pounded under my ribs. A ghostly apparition stood in the passageway. I hovered over Rainelle. My power thrummed. Electrical charges jumped off me in sparks.

  “In the shadows, evils hide, ready to draw me from love’s side,

  But with your help, I shall be strong, and banish all that do me wrong. Send them away, send them astray never again to pass my way.”

  The Demonic spirit fled back into the darkness. I stared at the glow of my eyes bouncing off the opal draperies. Without haste, I crept down the dark passage. The brightness of the fire barely gave any light. I felt nothing malicious lingering around.

  I came to the end that opened into another cavity, I placed spells warding off harm. I added extra protection along the passage entering the chamber that housed Rainelle.

  The fire invited me with its dance of colors intertwining. I sat in front of it while Rainelle slept. Her unconsciousness raised concerns.

  “How do I fight something I can’t see? How do I get her back?” I pulled my knees to my chest locking my fingers together.

  Sage loomed over me, “Samuel I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m the one to blame if anything happens.” I mewled, “Rainelle should’ve woken by now.” I cleared my throat, “She had been shielding from me. I didn’t know her energy was depleted.” Fear clogged my throat, “What and who is causing this? Who has enough magick to drain her powers? She has never been this vulnerable, not even… even when Reed died in her arms.” Sadness trailed on my words when I spoke. Memories of Reed scrolled in my head.

  “He is and was the love of my life. I didn’t even see it coming.” She mentioned watching the fire. Sage’s memories held a sadness I’ve never known.

  “Didn’t see what coming?” I had to ask. I knew the sacrifice Reed made, but it didn’t make it any more comfortable bearing witness to the carnage.

  “The Breakup. Reed is, I mean was the dream in my heart. I don’t know what went wrong. I would like to blame Amelia, but I can’t, not really. I wonder if she didn’t come into his life, would we have still been together? It is for the best we didn’t last. Fate can be shitty and fuck with destiny.”

  Anguish washed over her face, “Are you okay?” Her haunted eyes wept as she vanished. I cuddled Rainelle staring at the hanging roots above.

  Chapter Six


  I jolted forward with wide eyes, my heart raced fiercely, the beating sound drummed in my ears, “Hello!” I screamed. My voice repeated. Sweat dripped from my brow.

  I stood on shaky legs following the glow of blueish-green fringe hanging above me. I passed along a passageway that led to a huge room. I watched the steam rise from a grotto. I moved closer. Smooth rocks angled in the water like a staircase. I looked around out of habit to make sure nobody watched, then slipped out of my clothes. The chill nipped at my bare breasts, hardening my nipples. I entered the pool of water slowly, sinking in the hot liquid gradually until fully emerged. The crystal-clear water made it easy to see the pebbled bottom. The hotness eased the soreness from my body, relaxing me. The ambiance of the fire’s flame relaxed me.

  A wide ledge protruded from the wall. I carefully climbed on and rested my head along the rim. My eyes closed as I relaxed. My mind drifted to thoughts of Trevor. Then without warning strong hands rested on my shoulders. My chest shuttered leaving fear splintering my heart.

  I screamed without a voice.

  “Shhh,” A baritone voice panted. I sat motionless as strong hands moved around my neck, stealing my breath before they massaged the tightness out of my muscles. I weakened to the touch.

  “What the fuck!” I shrieked when a hard body sank behind me rendering me unable to move. “Oh my God! Is this how I’m going to die?” I blubbered. I blinked repeatedly then reality sat in, this wasn’t a hellish dream, “ Mother of all…Shit, hellfire, and brimstone.”

  I tried to twist around when soft lips caught me off guard as kisses traced up my neck sending shivers to my core. My head tilted to the touch leaving my neck exposed. My lips parted when a hand caressed my breast. Ecstasy rolled over me when he slipped a finger in my opening. Suddenly hands grabbed my hips lifting me to face my teaser. I’ve stared in those starry pallid eyes before.

  “If I’m dreaming, this is the greatest dream, ever!” A long slender finger hushed me. Our lips met. I explored every inch of his mouth with my tongue. His length grew a measure that scared me. Slowly I felt my way along his shaft wrapping my hand around the thickness of his male pride slowly stroking the hardness. His readiness was apparent, but I wasn’t ready for his approaching appendage. He broke free from the kiss. I moved his mouth to my breast of
fering it up. He suckled; his sharp fang nicks my nipple. My body bucked under his control. He slid his hand between my thigh’s opening the center of my universe shattering me under his touch. He spread me open teasing his tongue along my sensual nub. The power of his suction sent my body into an orgasmic spasm. His fingers sliding in and out with every thrust my hips gave. He brought me to climax repeatedly until I finally collapsed in his embrace. He laid soft kisses along my inner thigh. I felt a small nip on the inside of my leg that brought pleasure I never knew existed. He left me a mushy mess. He disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I reached down feeling my inner thigh, raising my hand to the surface, blood smeared my palm.

  “Rainelle?” Samuel’s voice come from a distance. He bolted to my location, “Are you okay?” Concern laced his voice. I raised out of the water revealing my perky breasts, “What are you doing?” He asked, his voice as smooth as Tennessee Whiskey.

  “Nothing, join me, the water is warm.” I sucked in my lips. He could not peel his gaze off me. I heard Samuel’s heart pound hard as I halted inches from his face.

  “I’ve been searching for you.” His breath shook.

  “I want you right now Samuel.” His name felt smooth against my tongue. I licked my lips as if savoring its sweetness. I wasn’t sure what happened, but it put me over the edge, I turned and walked back to the hot spring.

  With a crooked finger, “Come join me, Samuel?” I solicited as I dipped in the water.

  He cocked his head, “What are you doing?”

  “Why are you questioning me? Don’t you want me?” I stood letting the water drip from my breasts. Passion flashed in his eyes. I sauntered over to him and placed a hand over his heart, then grabbed his manhood with my free hand. His breath hitched in his throat. His eyes clamped shut as I stroked up the length causing a moan to escape. I pressed a kiss to his tanned chest. He panted.

  He backed away leaving me eyeing his body. I kneeled before him nibbling his long hard shaft, before slowly wrapping my mouth over his pride. He watched as I took all of him. His head went back as his body shuttered. Samuel grabbed my hair yanking my head backward then gently lifted me carrying me to the water. He sat me on the wall then shoved his manhood deep inside me. He grabbed my hips and lifted me with each thrust then slowly brought me down his shaft. Our bodies tangled in a hot mess. My pleasure rose as he hit my g-spot repeatedly. I collapsed against his chest. Samuel watched as I rode the wave of pleasure. He slowly lifted me off. His delicate touch made me inhale sharply. I struggled to get a breath. I gazed in his eyes; sorrow snuffed out the radiance that once showed.


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