Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 4

by Raven Moon

  “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

  He sighed, “No darlin’, you do everything right.”

  “I can tell you are bothered by something, tell me.” The look on his face pulled at my heartstrings.

  “I love you Rainelle. The thought of losing you…I…I don’t know if I can continue this. Either you want me, or you don’t.” he confessed before retreating. Samuel disappeared in the darkness.

  “Samuel, where did you go?” I shouted only to hear the echoes of my cries go unanswered. I emerged from the water. My head swam in memories that left me with questions. “How the hell did I get here? Where am I?” I asked myself. Pain grabbed my attention to my inner thigh. Blood trickled, “FUCK ME! Trevor gave me the second mark! What the fuck!” I screamed.

  My eyes snapped opened jolting me up, Samuel and Sage stood by the fire, “Samuel, I need to talk to you.” He stared past me. I waved my hand in front of their faces.

  “What the hell is going on? Am I dead? AM, I in my own personal hell or have I totally lost my mind?” Nobody answered me. He moved over to the lounge where a body laid. I crossed the room. If I’m dead, I wanted to see for myself. I wanted to see my dead body as grim as that sounded, I need to have closure. As I approached, Samuel kneeled beside the bed opposite of Sage. As I observed, I saw myself motionless. Fear gripped my chest. That familiar burn in the back of my throat broke free, tears stained my cheeks, “Samuel, look at me!” I exclaimed waving my hand in front of him. I kneeled beside him trying to understand what he whispered as he held my ashen face in his hands. I gazed at Sage as she stared at me, a frown darkened her face.

  “Fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck. Sage can you see me. How did I die? What killed me? Why did this happen? Someone answer me!”

  “You can’t leave me.” Samuel sobbed. Suddenly I’m looking from a distance, standing in the background when his ocean-deep voice called out. His blue eyes shimmered brightly against the wetness pooling in them. I strained to touch him. I could feel myself fading quickly.

  “Fire, fire, fire, by the power of three, give fire control to her,

  Fire show the light, don’t let her see the night, my fire, the fire is her desire, Bring her my burning light. Don’t hurt my friends, don’t hurt me. Start a flame within her…”

  ‘Rainelle follow the voice to safety. I’ll watch over you as I have done since the night you were born. Call upon your powers.’

  The voice spoke again, it was unfamiliar but familiar simultaneously. My thoughts calmed as I drifted in the darkness. A light shined bright lifting the shadows revealing the Indian Chief extending his hand. He waved me forward; my body glided to him. I felt light as air but hot as fire. I could feel a coolness sweeping over me. I felt the touch of calming hands resting on my head and stomach. My eyes slowly opened until I was looking directly into Samuels handsome face.

  “Wh…What happened?”

  “Oh, darlin’.” Samuel held me against his chest sobbing, his shoulders shuddered uncontrollably. I felt his pain, his hurt and despair pain, hurt and despair. He embraced me letting the torrent of his tears soak my shirt. His fists clenched against the seat. He silently screamed, suffocating with each breath he took holding onto his pride. I held his head to my chest to calm the silent war within his mind.

  “I’m okay Samuel, what happened?” I whispered.” My attention turned to Sage. She extended a hand with a smile before she faded.

  “You worried me Rainelle.” Samuel rested his elbows on his knees, holding his face in his hands his head shook. Tears dripped to the ground below. He wiped the wetness away then fixed his eyes on me, “You’ve been sleeping for days. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad you came back.” Worry lines creased his forehead telling me he still had concerns. Samuel moved away to a small stream coming back with water. He raised my head letting me drink.

  “I watched you, I even tried to speak to you, but you didn’t see me. I feel so…” My train of thought drifted, “Trevor, where did he go? Did you see him? He was in the grotto. Where is he? We need to find him; he may have answers.” I jabbered scanning the room.

  Samuel considered what I said, “No darlin’. Trevor wasn’t around. You’ve been in a comatose state. I’ve not left your side and trust me; you have not left this bed.” His eyes held a puzzled look. My heart skipped a beat.

  Uncertainty washed over me, “Am I losing my mind?” I laid my head back against the softness of the pillow. My eyes turned heavy. Samuel leaned over me. His lips moved but didn’t make a sound. I felt my body jerk six times with fiery slices of pain like a hostile squatter occupying every inch of my head.

  Chapter Seven


  Rainelle slipped into unconsciousness once again. As I watched over her, the urgency to remove her from this place became urgent as a new danger awaited around every curve. The Evil grew stronger the further we traveled. “How do I fight something I cannot see?” I asked into thin air.

  “Rain, we need to leave. You need to wake up?” I begged her but got no response. I had to move her and fast. Sage hovered above a small stream motioning me over, but I refused. She moved over Rainelle and placed her hands over her head and heart.

  “In the name of fire, water, wind, earth, and spirit.

  I call upon the elements to give Rainelle their strength.

  To give her earth’s stamina fires fury, waters flexibility and the energy of the wind, so mote it be.”

  Sage chanted the incantation and Rainelle roused. Color filled her beautiful face. Her magick energized. “Thank the Gods, the spell worked. Thank you,” I expressed with gratitude.

  “Take only what you need. I suggest that Rainelle be awake before you leave, if not gather your strength to carry her.” Sage voiced. I knew she was right; I wouldn’t last if I had to carry her. She needed to be alert.

  “I agree. Rainelle is still out. I should try to rest while she is still sleeping. Will the protection spell last till dawn?” My voice laden with concern, not for me, but for the woman I loved.

  “Yes, the spells should ward anything sinister, but once you leave this area, it is a different ballgame. Nothing can get in this room. I made sure of that. You should rest.” She responded before fading away.

  I snuggled next to the love of my life, her flesh cold to the touch, but her life force grew stronger than our magick intertwined. I held her close, warming her body.

  Sage formed, “Goodnight Samuel.” She whispered sadness rode on her words.

  “Night Sage,” I reply to thin air. I held Rain tight. Her breathing shallow. I rubbed her arm; she took a relaxing breath.

  I detected rotted flesh. My eyes shot open as the scent of death lingered in the room. Fear clenched my stomach. I jumped to my feet and checked Rainelle’s pulse. She had a weak one, but it was there. “Thank you, Goddess.” My stomach twisted. The Sterling’s would never forgive me, hell I wouldn’t forgive myself if I can’t save her.

  “Rainelle wake the hell up, NOW!” I demanded. She remained still, pale, and clammy. Sage appeared next to her.

  Anger spiraled, “Sage! I can’t lose her.” I cried out.

  “Samuel, I’m sorry.” She slowly faded.

  “Where are you going? I need your help!” I barked; my fists drew up like angry stones.

  Sage materialized like a fuzzy picture, “Do you trust me?” I nodded, “Take Rainelle to the river.” Sage motioned me to the corridor.

  I hoisted Rainelle over my shoulders and dashed thru the dark passageway. As I made haste down the narrow passage, Sage glided behind me sealing the area every few feet with protection and binding spells buying us time. Death wafted my nostrils when I neared the river, the scent grew more intense. My stomach churned allowing bile to bubble up burning the back of my throat as I swallowed it back. Something had been dead for a long while because it was ripe for the taking. I stopped and placed a rag my nose and mouth. Then grabbed a match and a candle, striking the match on the wall, I lit the candle wic

  “There is an evil coming, and you are powerless to stop the impending charge,” Sage yelled before dissolving back to where she slept. The diabolic presence closed in, sucking the air from the enclosed hall snuffing out the fire.

  I put Rainelle on the ground and braced myself shielding her. A dark mass flew toward us in slow motion. Darkness engulfed the tunnel leaving the hair on my neck stand on end. Whatever it was, it had a strength of a God and was ready to fight to the death.

  I fell to the ground. The breath knocked from my lungs. I didn’t know what hit me just that it was large and in charge, owner of the passage. My eyes adjusted to the dark, giving way to what I fought against. A nauseated scent of raw sewage overpowered my nostrils. I used the wall as a stabilizer to gain my strength. My eyes glowed brightly next to the wet rock. I scanned both ways only to find emptiness. Rainelle laid flat on the ground. Once I felt safe, I heaved Rainelle over my shoulders quickly and raced to the river. I let out that magick cord searching the distance for activity. But only felt the native cave dwellers.

  I saw the end of the tunnel and sprinted to the river. I staggered down the rock ledge to a canoe tossing the satchel and lowered Rainelle into it. Before I stepped in, I took the blade from the sheath and traced a protection circle in the air around Rainelle. I let go of my powers investigating the cave. I breathed in deep and exhaled slowly.

  “Protect this cave from all that is dark, protect all who dwell here too, protect this place where we reside, protect with true light. Protect with pure light. Guard day and night.

  Protect from harm. Protect from negative energy.

  This shield cannot break. Send back the harm put upon us. Send it back to where it came. We do not accept harm to us. Protect us from all that is harmful. Protect us from negativity, and hatred. Protect us from injury and illness. We do not harm others so others cannot harm us.”

  While I spoke the words, I envisioned a barrier that held light keeping dark out. The airlifted. I watched darkness fade in the distance given way to a clear route. The scent of sweet jasmine tantalized my magick opening my third eye. Peace and calmness filtered the open space.

  Sage appeared overhead, “Has she awakened?” But the sound of the rushing water thundered deafened me. The feeling of someone watching alerted me. I gave the rocks a once over. I noticed a black mass clinging on the wall. I didn’t feel threatened, but I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t an ambush.

  I pushed forward, ripping across the water. I looked at Sage. Her face turned ashen within minutes. Rainelle’s light quickly faded. An evil force had taken her life force slowly.

  “Samuel, she’ll live, her light is there, but faint. We have no time to waste.” Sage reassured. The panic in her voice failed miserably, “Rainelle is my family. Even though we had a falling out over Ben, I never once stopped loving her. The years I went missing, I wasn’t really gone, but conditioning myself for this day. Reed confided in me in his last days. He knew all this would happen Samuel, but never told me how it ended.” Her breath stalled.

  “I know, he told me. He struggled to know he would die, but he put on a great facade for Rainelle.”

  “Did he mention me?”

  “He told me you would ask. In his words, you are the love of a lifetime, but Fate had other plans with Amelia.” Tears streaked her face.

  “Do you see that following us? What the hell is it?” I remembered Rainelle had her shoulder holster on and grabbed her gun firing off shots into the darkness.

  “Samuel, stop before bullets ricochet hitting you or Rainelle. I placed a protection spell; it is keeping it at bay. I scatted with the words. although I didn’t feel a threat from it, evil radiates around it.” Sage confirmed my thoughts. As we paddled, we passed into a significant catacomb splitting into four sections. I slowed not knowing which tunnel to follow.

  “We need the right passage. We need not to travel in circles.” My energy bolted down each corridor probing the routes. A rock face blocked my pass in the first tunnel. I drew that line in. I zipped past a bend back out to where were. The third line circled far and wide to an underground waterfall in the tunnel, hiding a pathway leading to a shining light. I kept that line in place, seeking and thrusting my second sight out even more. I heard chanting deep within the fourth passage. I sifted the catacomb finding a room. I caught sight of ten figures lining the bank of the river in maroon cloaks, evil spewed from them in waves, but a familiarity clung. My vigor instantaneously drained from my veins replaced with darkness. Dark magick declared its presence at that moment severing the line like a rubber band snapping it back nearly sending me in the river.

  “Are you all right Samuel?” I vaguely heard a low female voice. I rubbed the knot on my head revealing blood and looked intently at Sage. Her eyes grew wide, her face paled, and she disappeared.

  I recollected my thoughts. Now that I knew a society of warlocks hid in the caves, there wasn’t any doubt they were to blame for Rainelle, but why? I took the third tunnel following the light I saw, “That has to be the way out.” I said to Rainelle, but she didn’t respond. As I paddled in that direction, I hoped the magick wasn’t falsely leading me to our demise.

  “Samuel I only have a few minutes the dream demons are chasing me. Trevor will soon wake me.” Sage said with urgency, “We need to call on the power of three.

  “Blessed goddess hear our plea. Your humble servants need your sight. Bless us with your healing light.

  Guide us with thy light. Heal us with thy might. Blessed goddess hear our thanks. Your servants humbled by thy might. Healed by your blessed light. We pledge our gift for all days.

  We call the power of three. Your wisdom and guidance to lead our way. Blessed be, so mote it be.”

  Chapter Eight


  ‘I bestow my energy unto you, wake now Rainelle. Wake little witch, wake now!”

  I took the hands of the spirit before me. The energy vibrated my soul. I felt more alive than ever. My strength surpassed what I ever had.

  “Who are you? What is your name? Why are you helping me?”

  ‘I am your great-grandfather two times removed. I loved your beautiful great-great-grandmother. We fell in love, and the rest is history. It is my job to help my own.’

  My eyes shot open. I found myself between Samuels’ legs. Confusion washed over me. I leaned forward slowly. I grabbed my head in pain, “What the hell!” I screeched and fell against Samuels nads. It felt like a hot poker pierced my brain, Samuel jumped letting out a grunt. “Oops!” I rested my hands beside me on the bottom of the canoe.

  I twisted my torso, “Samuel.” I whispered.

  “Darlin’ nice to have you back.” He said kissing my forehead.

  “Rainelle!” A loud familiar voice rang within the cave. Sage appeared.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Try to remember.” She choked out the words. Recollections flooded my thoughts. I forced myself to remember.

  “I thought this was all a hellish nightmare.” Vomit bubbled from my stomach. The water churned; rapids banged the side of the canoe. We rocked and turned as they grew stronger.

  “Stay close to the edge!” Sage shouted over the rushing rapids, but the thunderous sound muted her voice. Samuel moved closer to the edge; the waves batted the canoe against the wall. I held the undersides praying it didn’t flip. We rushed forward. Samuel swerved not to hit a massive boulder sticking up from the water entering another tunnel. The rapids calmed. Sage waved us to stiller waters.

  My thoughts were fuzzy with confusion, “What happened to me?” I wanted to know.

  “Dark magick is what happened. We found warlock brothers hiding in the cavern. I’m sure the wolves sent the society to kill you.” Samuel stated matter of fact.

  “Why me? Why in the bloody hell does everyone want me dead? This has to be a nightmare; I cannot wake from.”

  “I wish it was,” Samuel said veering to the left down a poorly lit passage.

  “How did I
get in this spot? The last thing I remember is nothing but darkness.”

  Samuel stopped paddling, “You fell in a comatose state. When you woke the first time you asked about Trevor, then passed out moments later. All that matters is you are alive and awake.”

  “Trevor wasn’t…?”

  “No, it was a dream.”

  “But it seemed real.”

  “Your mind is being fucked with.”

  “So, the voice I heard while I slept, just my imagination too?”

  “What do you mean?”

  My heart wrenched, “Hell maybe I am going crazy.” I rested my head against his thigh. Then I recalled what the voice said. Just another hidden secret that I have Cherokee blood. Should I tell? Samuel remained quiet as he maneuvered the rough stream. The air chilled me to the bone. Samuel stopped between rock walls. The area grew smaller.

  “Rainelle can you summon fire?” He asked with skepticism.

  “I can try.” I closed my eyes concentrating on my internal firestorm deep in my soul. Then visualized holding a ball of hot embers in my hands. I felt the sting of the sea of flames dance along my fingertips. I marveled in power.

  “Light this.” He handed me the broken oar, “Hold it steady and do as I say.” He added. Night creatures scurried away.

  “I see a pathway up ahead,” Sage spoke before growing dim. I relaxed against Samuel, enjoying the heat his body offered.

  “I love you, Samuel,” I whispered.


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