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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

Page 9

by Raven Moon

  “I call upon the earth to give up her energy.

  I summon water to settle the dust, fire to light the way, wind to blow away impurities and the Spirits of the Ancestral to guide me along this journey.”

  A surge of energy hit me like a wrecking ball freeing the rage. Images of Reed, werewolves, and demons played like a violin. As I clutched my fists, my nails dug in deep. Blood dripped forming a puddle. I watched as fire lifted from the pit of my soul.

  “Rainelle control your angry. You’re going entomb us. Control it!” I turned to face Lucian; he pushed Eve out of the way as a pillar crashed beside her. Fire reflected in his eyes. I watched the flames dance along my flesh mesmerized by the colors.

  ‘Anchor yourself before you kill everyone Rainelle. Call upon the Eagle to soar high above taking all the rage away from you and bringing light back to you.’

  Mental images of an Eagle soaring above mountains. Its wingspan gave a slight flutter as it rode the waves of the wind. A surge of power stung my arm. My body cringed at the pain. I looked at the large hand that crippled my fire.

  “LET. ME. GO!” I seethed. Lucian hit to the ground.

  Eve stood over him, her eyes flashed to meet mine, “My child, ground yourself now. Force your rage down. Do it now before you kill us.” She mouthed to my deafened ears. I closed my eyes and envisioned the earth’s core. Then I slowly followed that metaphysical line, dragging the rage with me. White noise buzzed my ears.

  Lucian and Eve stood over me when I came too. I turned to see Samuel motionless. I crawled to his side and kneeled. Tears fell on his ashen skin and absorbed the droplets.

  “Flee evil, flee from Samuel, flee from here, I want no strife.

  I command you return to your master, and bring them word, that I am untouchable, just like a swift, flying bird,”

  My words rumbled like thunder off my tongue out into the universe. The blinding light entwined around Samuel.

  I peered up to Eve, “Did we save him?” A hand gripped my throat. Strong fingers tightened around my voice box; nails sliced my tender flesh. I felt blood ooze down my pale skin. I gasped for air as I dangled. All at once Samuel stood and lifted me off the ground. My hand clasped tightly around his wrists. My hands dropped to my side. I fought to keep my eyes open. The light faded. I will not die this way!

  Fury sweltered to the surface. A fire burned deep in my soul warming my skin. The smell of burnt flesh tantalized my nostrils. I landed on the hard ground. My palm rested firmly on the dirt beneath me, the other on my knee. My eyes rolled upward. I buckled over. Pain crippled my execution. Samuel wailed around helplessly as flames engulfed his body. I sucked in a deep breath filling my deflated lungs. Regaining my stolen breath.

  “OH. MY. GOD! He nearly choked the hell out of me.” I bellowed.

  ‘Rainie, call the Demon out by his name and cast him back down to hell where he belongs.’

  Reed’s muffled voice whispered from the grave. I blinked back a swell of tears. My attention quickly turned back to the Demon.

  “I demand you tell me who are you!” I screamed; my voice demanded.

  “I am the angel of the abyss, the destroyer. Witch, I do not fear you nor your powers. You have no control over me. You were trespassing and killed one of mine. For that, I shall take one of yours. You will not get your precious back!” He growled and snarled, his attempt to intimidate, faltered. I sneered.

  “By the creativity of the maiden, this spell is written. Sustained by the infinite energy of the mother. The Crone of the great power dissolves your unwanted form, By the power of three, we vanquish you from this vessel forever more…”

  The Demon screeched clawing at the air then collapsed. Samuel’s body went limp.

  “Give me your palm.” Lucian charged. He flipped my hand over, “DAMN, THAT HURT!” I vented.

  Eve reviewed me as she lifted her finger placing it over her lips “Shhh.” I drew in a breathless sigh breaking her hold. She watched Lucian as he set our hands on the steel. Our blood mingled dripping on the loose dirt. He traced a circle, encasing us with protection.

  Lucian grabbed a candle from the satchel. Then the Sage stick to cleanse. After he placed the Sea salt, Rosemary, Basil, Lavender around us he spoke the old language.

  Salis ex mare protego hanc domum. Purgo illud, et prohibeo malum. Distineo domum, a malo. Permitto solum quod positive et sanctus ineo

  The fire drew the negative energy burning it in its flames. Lucian placed Samuel back in the middle as we faced north, east, west, leaving the candle burn bright for the south. Our fingers weaved together. Words slid off their native tongue, a foreign language to my ears.

  ‘Listen with your heart, open your mind, and spirit. The words will flow like the river.’

  Reed appeared once again, and I listened to my heart and opened my mind.

  “Evil spirit stand tall its time you made your greatest fall.

  Return to hell thou evil plight, we banish you with this night!

  By the power of three, we vanquish thee, back to the pits of hell,

  Leave this vessel, no longer are you invited to dwell.

  Leave this place, leave this site, we demand you back to hell.”

  Eve and Lucian broke their hold and moved back leaving me over Samuel. I watched as they went. I turned to her, Eve nodded, “You can do this sweet pea.” she whispered. Lucian mimicked her. I took in a deep breath slowly exhaled. I sat in front of Samuel and placed his head in my lap as I covered his heart with my hands. The words leaped off my lips.

  “I am one with the light I am one too strong to fight, return to the dark where shadows dwell

  be vanquished with this spell!”

  I slowly opened my eyes to find Samuel crouched at my feet. His stare lifted to meet my gaze with begging eyes. The once vivid glow now dull and bleak. I searched in his sullen eyes for the Demon. He collapsed walloping his head onto a sharp pointed rock. Blood oozed, seeping into the parched ground. A breath caught in my throat as I choked back tears. I tried to escape the circle that encased me. Lucian grabbed my shoulder.

  “No, Rainelle. I cannot let you leave this sacred circle.” I jerked from his grip.

  “Who in the actual fuck do you think you are?” I spoke through clenched teeth. He stared me down like a rabid dog waiting for a piece of dangled meat. I drew in an audible breath shifting my stance. I reached for my gun to find it not there.

  Eve stepped forward, “If Samuel is himself, he will be able to heal without any help. If it is still the Demon, then we have already lost him forever. Be Blessed for the time you had with him.” Her voice quiet and tense. My heart turned cold.

  I backed away but kept my eye on Samuel. Excruciating pain twisted my spine leaving me buckled under the intensity. My body crashed against the dirt.

  “Lucian, Let me out.” I bellowed.

  “No. If the seal broke now, we would perish. Trust me. That is NOT Samuel.” I scanned his face, searching for any falsehood to what he said. I grumbled.

  A growl escaped my throat, “LET.ME.OUT.NOW!” My fist pounded the ground. The cavern shook with savagery.

  Heat suffocated the coolness. Wind swooshed around, as it built strength throwing debris against the limestone. A piece of driftwood pierced the rock like a dart. The ground cracked into small fissures around us. Formations crumbled. Samuel’s body stood over top of me. I moved like one of the many shadows. Without warning, I struck Samuel. My fist landed his jaw. His body smacked the ground in an unforgiving thud. His arms blocked his face from further punishment.

  He shuffled backward, “Rainelle don’t it’s me.” He cried out. Blood streamed down the side of his face. I crouched in front of him with a flick of my wrist, the Demon crashed into a formation.

  ‘Calm yourself child, or you will surely kill your lover. If you don’t listen, then I shall take your anger away. Calm her mind, leaves of mint, Honey, sweeten her intent, her attitude has to change, take the Anger out of range.’

  The rag
e dissipated, “What have you done?” My legs gave out, “What gives you the right to bind my powers, Moon Wolf!” The cavern carried my screams. I didn’t care if the beasts found me, or even if the Black Cloak’s, my give a damn was busted, no, shattered in a trillion pieces.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I cuddled Samuel staring in his cold dead eyes wishing he would move, get up, do something, but he laid unmoving, “Samuel, please come back to me. Please SAMUEL! I love you, and I can’t live without you!” I could feel my rage creeping to the surface.

  ‘Rains don’t let the rage take control. Believe In your destiny. Don’t let my death be in vain. Fight. Take what I bestowed to you and fight like hell.’

  Rage lingered on my skin. I pushed that negative energy into the earth, striking it hard. The cave shook opening more pits.

  “Dammit Rainelle! What the hell did you do?” Lucian howled his eyes held a fury I’ve never seen before. A snarl escaped from deep in my soul. My palms pressed to the firm on the ground as I crouched. Lucian studied my stance, sizing me up, he slowly backed away.

  “I won’t repeat it, let me out of this circle” I hissed. A fire broke around me.

  “We’re only trying to protect you and Samuel.” Lucian voiced to reason, but nothing he said appealed.

  The ghostly apparition of my Mom gravitated before me. I waved my hand toward the image only to come up short. As I struck at my Mom’s spirit, Eve seized my arms with magick.

  “LET.ME.GO!” I growled and fought against her power. My stomach contracted as flashes of a jaguar pacing took my breath. I struggled harder against the energy; her hold tightened pinning my arms taut. My Mom and Eve chorused.

  “Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night, the oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magick is sought in this night and in this hour. We call upon the ancient power, give your powers to us, sisters/brothers three.”

  ‘See, I told you to calm, but you didn’t listen. You have much to learn from your Elders and the power they hold.’

  As I succumbed, Moon Wolf mocked rendering me powerless

  “Did you really feel the need to bind the magick birthed to me, that was hidden from me for 24 years? How the Hell am I going to save Samuel now? If you would have just let me go, then I would have been fine. How dare you all!” I protested.

  “Rainelle, it needed doing. If you controlled your anger, we wouldn’t have had to do this. It is for your safety as well as ours. You could have killed us all, including Samuel.” Lucian’s wolf sat still. His eyes bore into mine.

  “What do you all expect from me? Everything I have done has been to save everyone and under your say?”

  “My sweet, sweet child. If you would just learn to listen, not with your ears, but with your magick. You can save Samuel.” Eve and Lucian walked side by side, disappearing in the darkness. My Mom slowly faded. The spell lifted; the circle opened; I was free. Samuel showed no signs of life. I failed

  ‘It is time Rains. You must do this on your own. Your powers are restored back to you.’

  “Reed please don’t leave me!” I assessed the shadows for signs of hellions in the thick inkiness. The putrefied air strangled me.

  “Come to me. You are mine.” A voice subpoenaed with a forceful tone. My body reacted to the unknowing male sound. A hand extended out from the sinister shadow.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” My teeth clenched angrily as I spoke.

  “I want you, little witch.” It moved closer filling the gap. In a blink of an eye, it positioned itself in front of me. His eyes flashed ominously.

  The creature emitted a wretched stench. An alarming fear gutted me with the need to flee, but instead, I stood to face the sinister entity. Suddenly long razor like nails lashed out barely missing my face. My body spun as I went down with a heavy hand. The dirt dusted around us, “You’re naughty.” A laugh broke from my lips. The horned beast stood perpendicular. A low growl vented from deep in his throat. As I swung my clawed hand, his legs buckled underneath him. A slow grin quirked my mouth. The sound of ripped flesh delighted my ears. The fresh scent of blood aroused something deep in my soul. My fist doubled as I let the wrath bottled inside me take control. My back hunched; sharp-edged claws protruded as my nails gave way.

  Without warning a foot hard against my stomach hurling me into the air against a rock. I jumped to my feet and aimed at his knees. My foot tagged his knee cap. His leg bowed with deformity.

  The beast hit the ground lamed. I bent down beside its head, cautiously I dug my claws into creatures’ throat with added pressure until his esophagus crumpled. I moved about the dead body, like a predator stalking its prey, kicking it, to make sure it was dead, dead for good.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I proceeded back into the area we left Rainelle to check on her. We hoped she would save Samuel. After I entered the room, I rushed to the circle. They were gone. Chills riddled my spine as an unnerving sensation coursed my veins. Something caught my eye in the shadows. I watched as it prowled around.

  “Who’s there?” My wolf surfaced in a flash, unaware of who stalked me, it had a familiarity. I sniffed the air. The scent of the forest hung in the air.

  “Lucian, is that you?” Her sweet voice called out. It was Rainelle, but why does she smell of wolf?

  “Yes. Come out of the shadows so I can see you.” She appeared as herself, but her eyes were no longer the Emerald green. I knew them to be, but a bright Jade.

  “What the hell did you do to me? Better yet, the beasts know where I am. I killed one. I stalked it like prey.” She howled.

  “OH fuck!” This was not supposed to happen, not to her. I didn’t know my blood would infect her this way. What have I done?

  “What! How did they break the protection spells? Where is Samuel? We need to get him and take him to Patricia and Eve.”

  “I had a little visit from a fucking werewolf that tried to kill me. I’m sorry I was a bit occupied and didn’t get to save the man I love!” She snarled baring teeth offensively.

  “Calm down Rainelle. We need to get Samuel before they do. What did the one you killed look like?” A vision of Jeb and Klyde knocked me off my feet. I already knew it was Jeb. The middle brother to Klyde and Nathan. They are not far behind, I’m sure of that. No doubt it will piss Klyde off when he finds Jeb dead.

  “I am calm. Calmer than I was. Don’t tell me what needs doing, I’m aware of that. I’m also aware that I have people I need to save, including your fucking ass. You are the strong wolf, or are you? I think you’ve turned weak.” She inhaled deeply flicking her tongue out as to taste a scent, “The beast killed my brother. An eye for an eye. I gave him mercy, he didn’t suffer. I will give Klyde mercy, he shall die by my hand. That is more than they did for my brother. I am the elemental witch, stronger and more powerful than any other witch. And the power to shift into any animal riddled my soul. Wouldn’t you say that makes me a force be reckoned with?” Her stare held me captive as shades of green swirled, “Thanks to Trevor, I also have the blood of the dead. Does that make me immortal?” She tittered before pinning me to the ground. Her razor-sharp teeth millimeters from my face. My arms automatically protect my face throwing her off-kilter.

  “Rainelle stop this! This is not you.” She jumped to her feet. “What the fuck! How the hell did this fucking happen?” I screamed into thin air.

  “I’m not going to be pushed around anymore, not from you, not from anyone.” She fled in a blur. I needed to get to Samuel before she killed him. With her out of control, time was of the essence to get her to Eve.

  Patricia manifested, “What’s wrong Lucian? Where is Elle?” she examined the area anxiously. Eve appeared next to me. She sniffed the air then shook her head violently.

  My right eyebrow shot up, “Fuck, Rainelle is trying to shift.”

  Recognition dawned on Eve’s face, “I didn’t see any of this happening. I knew what
the prophecy held, but not this, not about her shifting. The beasts that reside in her soul are in control now. Not only do we have to worry about Samuel but also losing Rainelle, forever.” Her expression held a desperate appeal.

  “Rainelle did not ask for this, any of this.” I interrupted; heat rode off my words.

  “What! You knew, and you kept this from me? Oh, Mother how dare you! You stand here, alive, you made us believe you were dead for all those years. And you Lucian, oh Lucian, you professed your dying love for her, what a crock of poo you both have stirred” Patricia scolded.

  “She is a shapeshifter. None of my visions showed me this side of her.” Eve spoke. Patricia apparition dissolved. I could only hope she was safe from the dream Demons.

  “She has killed another werewolf. The Black Cloak society isn’t the only ones hunting her in the shadows, Klyde is here.”

  “Where did she go?”

  “I don’t know Eve; she blurred out of site. When did you figure this out?”

  “The point is moot; it doesn’t matter now. We must find Rainelle.” Her voice was laden with urgency. She took off at breakneck speed. I noticed Samuel propped against the wall. Eve kneeled beside him.

  “Is he okay?” I stood behind her and watched for Rainelle.

  “I don’t know.” her voice shook, betraying her true feelings

  Eve held Samuel in her arms. I put my feelings aside and kneeled next to her. Eve placed her warm hands on each side of his head. He whimpered but remained in a vegetated state.

  “Where is Rainelle?” I cursed fiercely.

  “She could be anywhere.”

  “Don’t you think we need to find her?”

  “Yes, but, what do we do with Samuel?” I walked away, “Samuel this, Samuel that, let him die.” I said in a deep rumble.

  I perched myself high on a rock and watched. Acid burned the back of my throat. My stomach knotted.

  Patricia appeared, “Tell me the truth, Lucian. I need to know.” She pleaded; her eyes swam with tears.


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