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Killer Rayne

Page 10

by Alanna J Faison

  Chapter Seventeen

  Pierce pulls me close to him to and gives me his suit jacket. “Cover your face. I’ll lead you outside to where your guy is waiting. I’m going to stay back and throw the media off of your trail. I will get in touch with you through Zara, okay.”

  I nod as I cover myself with the jacket. I’m definitely not comfortable with not being able to see my surroundings, but the only danger I should be in right now is of being photographed. Around me, I can hear police officers whispering about me. I want to tell them where they can shove it, but it’s best to keep walking.

  The commotion grows louder as we reach the front. The clicks of cameras and of reporters drown out the noise of traffic and fill my ears with chatter and speculation. It hurts me to think that people believe that I may have had my family murdered. Now is not the time to set them straight though.

  “What really happened the night of the Whitmore massacre?”

  “Rayne Whitmore, the lone survivor is walking out a free woman, for now.”

  “Move back, everyone move back now. Make room, please,” Pierce demands.

  A car door opens and I am pushed in. It shuts immediately, but I don’t dare uncover my face. When we pull off, I wait about thirty more seconds before I reveal myself to Damien.

  “So, please tell me that internet and t.v. were destroyed overnight and it’ll take months for this to reach the rest of the world by telegram,” I joke despite the anger running rampant through my veins.

  “It’s already been handled Ray Ray. Don’t worry,” Damien says with a scowl on his face.

  The car speeds up as we zoom through traffic. His phone rings and he answers it through the car’s system. “We’ll be there in two minutes,” he says once he picks up.

  “Understood,” a female voice responds. The line goes dead.

  Damien runs a red light as I stare at him confused. I was in there for a few hours, but based on the amount of reporters, there’s no way he could have done anything that quickly. My lawyer didn’t even know about it. He would’ve told me.

  “What did you do D? When?” I ask suspiciously. I buckle up, forgetting that I hadn’t done it.

  “I spoke with my contact at the feds. I went to the department that deals with supernaturals. We made a deal. I did what needed to be done. The F.B.I. was going to get involved. This would’ve taken years to resolve if I didn’t strike a deal,” Damien explains.

  “That’s not telling me jack. What did you do?” I nearly yell. I have a very short fuse right now.

  He squeezes the steering wheel tightly as I lean forward in the backseat so that I can get a good look at his face. Before he responds, he pulls up into a neighborhood and into a driveway. The garage opens as we pull up and a black BMW pulls out. D hops out of the car quickly and pulls me out roughly. He’s frustrated and hiding something.

  He puts me in the back and then slides in the passenger seat. There’s a woman in the front. She’s dark skinned like Damien, hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a black fitted cap turned to the front. I can’t see her features because she’s still facing the front, silent.

  We reverse and I think it’s time to continue this conversation.

  “Don’t try to get out of this. What the hell did you do?” I snap.

  “I told you I made a deal!” he exclaims, turning toward me. He doesn’t have on his signature sunglasses and the stress and fear in his eyes worries me.

  “Tell her Damien,” the woman speaks up. I look at her sideways, wondering just who she is. I’ll get to her later.

  “I made a deal to give them a few of the weapons that Jason had developed to combat supernaturals. In exchange they are working a story that you were in witness protection all this time. The man responsible for the killings was identified by you and when the U.S. Marshalls went to pick him up, he killed himself. You were getting set up to start your life again and a press conference was to be held, yet someone leaked the information to the police and they were too eager to arrest you without looking at all the facts. That will be the story.” Damien stares me down, daring me to argue.

  Oh, it’s coming. I squeeze my eyes shut willing my power to stay in check. Two deep breaths later, I’m still barely able to hold back.

  “You’re going to give the government the weapons that you were against? You’re going to hand them power to start a war against the awakenends when that’s exactly what I’m trying to prevent!”

  “I did it to save you!”

  “At what cost! Dammit D, you didn’t even wait to see if we had another plan. I have a lawyer. He needs to know what the hell is going on.”

  “He can be notified,” he shrugs.

  “Do you understand what you’re saying? Namen is using any and every excuse to make the first move against the humans, against the government and you may have not only given him one, but you could very well have convinced supernaturals that were undecided that it’s time to take action,” I am fuming. My tattoo is glowing and I feel the hair on the back of my neck sticking up.

  We pull into a parking garage and start to circle through the levels slowly.

  “It was a decision that I made. How will they know?”

  “They’ll know when agents start busting in their homes and killing them.”

  “Hear him out Ms. Whitmore. He’s not as naïve to give them the most dangerous tools.” She turns to me, smiling her full lips and batting her long lashes. “He loves you.”

  I look her over with a frown. “And who might you be?”

  “My name is Tamara Owens. I’m the owner of a small security company that Damien just bought out to make a part of Whitmore Industries.”

  “And what type of security do you do, Ms. Owens?”

  She laughs lightly. “We have a fresh concept. We are body guards as well as self-defense instructors. Anyone that asks for our services must be prepared to learn to protect themselves as well should anything happen to our employees. Our client’s safety is so vital to us that we will make sure they are as protected as possible.” Her smile makes me want to like her, but I can’t say for sure if I do.

  “She’s also my girlfriend; Rayne, play nice,” Damien admits.

  I nod and roll my eyes as I cross my arms. “So, how much have you told your girlfriend about what’s really going on D?”

  “He’s told me everything Ms. Whitmore. I can assure you, if he is loyal to you, I will be too. My word is everything to me.”

  We lock eyes and I search for a hint of deception, but I find none. I look back at D who also returns my stare head on. I trust him. I always have. I guess I’ll have to trust him on this as well. Still, I can make my position very clear.

  “You know that if you betray us, I will kill you,” I warn.

  “Rayne-,” D starts.

  “No, she needs to know that I’m serious. I’ll rip your throat out and feed you to my wolves. This isn’t a game. This is life or death in every aspect. We can’t afford loose ends and if you show yourself to be that, you will be killed. That is a promise.”

  Tamara looks at me with a look that I’ve seen on Selene’s face plenty of times: deadly determination. “Understood.”

  “Now, how long have you been together?” I smile.


  We keep the conversation light as we enter Tamara’s main office. Two security guards are at the front and I can feel the energy of others all around the building. As we wait for Selene, Jaxson, and Zara to arrive, I learn that Tamara learned Dragon Fist Kung Fu in secret for years when her parents were in the military. They were stationed in Burma where an old master taught her. We’ve made promises to spar with each other in the future. She’ll probably be able to expand my skills as well. Strength is good, but technique can always be refined.

  In less than three minutes, their arrival is announced. I stand up when Selene dashes toward me, pulling me close and kissing me. Her energy explodes all around me, proof that she was extremely worried.

  She speaks s
oftly in Portuguese, rubbing against me. “Oh God, I was so scared. What are we going to do?”

  “It seems that Damien has already cleared things up for me,” I say pointedly.

  He nods toward Zara. “I see that you’ve been making yourself useful, vampire.”

  “Get to the point,” Jaxson says, giant arms crossed.

  “Yes, please do. We have plans to make,” Zara adds, smirking at Damien. She likes him.

  He let me bite him once, she tells me through our bond. I gasp out loud and she winks at me. Selene gives us both a look.

  “I made a deal with the government to make Rayne come out like the victim. The world will think that she was in witness protection the entire time. I’m giving them some weapons that we developed to combat your kind,” he says frankly.

  Jaxson reacts first, slamming a fist on the table, cracking it. “You did what?!”

  Damien continues, doing his best to look unfazed by the massive man in front of him. “They were never field tested and they were minor weapons, more so security enhancements if you will.”

  “Exactly what were they? You do know that Rayne’s girlfriend is a witch or have you forgotten? You gave them something that will be potentially dangerous to her. Rayne must be pissed at you,” Zara laughs incredulously.

  I frown, I wasn’t just thinking of Selene when he told me. I was thinking of all of my friends, but when she puts it like that, it makes it even worse. Ugh. Dumbass.

  “Start talking. It better be something that doesn’t piss me off,” Jaxson warns.

  Tamara grabs a remote and stands behind Damien, rubbing his shoulder for reassurance. He squeezes her hand as she turns on the screen. Images float with holographic technology all around us. D steps into place in the middle as we look at the weapons that my father had started developing.

  “First we have these vests.” He points to the screen right in front of him, turning the image 360 degrees. The vests look like any standard bullet proof vests. “These are anti-magic vests. I don’t even know how well they’d hold up against powerful spells, but the concept is for them to absorb the energy.”

  Selene gives me a look and then steps closer to the image, turning it herself. “I want to see these in person.”

  “Not a problem. They will all be available for you to check out,” Damien assures us.

  Jaxson growls and D takes a step back.

  Tamara points to the second weapon. “Next is the one that I decided we use.”

  “I’m sorry, and who are you?” Selene asks. I snicker at her because I pretty much asked the same thing.

  “I’m Tamara, Ms. Marquez. I am Damien’s girlfriend and the CEO of this office that you’re in. I’m also your new friend,” she smiles confidently.

  Selene and I share a look and I just shrug.

  “Oh, is that so? Then call me Selene please, no need for the formalities, friend. Hey friend, may I ask what is your stake in all of this?” Selene smiles back sarcastically while pulling her hair behind her ear. She may look innocent, but her energy tells me that she is very pissed about this deal.

  “Well, I am very good at what I do. You’re going to need humans on your side doing day to day things that you can’t. Do I look like I want to be a slave to anyone? Hell to the no. Our people have been there and done that. I won’t. So, let’s just say that I have everything to gain by being on your side,” Tamara explains.

  “Or access to weapons that will hinder us if things don’t go your way,” Jaxson adds.

  “I’m not like that. I have morals. As I told Ms. Whitmore, I live by my word.”

  Jaxson studies her, then nods at us. He could smell a lie if she told one. She checks out, for now. Apparently, not satisfied, Zara flashes in front of Tamara, startling her. She gasps in surprise as Zara grips her face. The two guards rush in the room but Jaxson stops them with his massive arms. He’s waiting to see this play out.

  Surprisingly, Selene preps a spell, waiting for any decision from Zara. I don’t know what all went on with those two, but Selene seems to have less animosity against her now. Damien pleads with me with his eyes to do something. When I don’t, he grabs Zara’s free arm. She twists out of his reach and pulls him into a headlock. It’s comical really.

  “Now,” Zara begins. “What else do you want?” She forces Tamara to look into her eyes, becoming a victim of her glamour.

  I’ve never seen this done to this extent. Tamara’s eyes dilate and she falls under the spell, completely transfixed only on Zara. She opens her mouth to speak as Damien struggles under my vampire’s grasp.

  “I want to be like Rayne. I want power. I want to be unmade,” Tamara says truthfully.

  “Now, that’s more like it,” Zara says as she releases them both and I stand there stunned.

  So that’s it huh. She wants to get in good so that she can claim the same power that I have. I watch her shake her head as if clearing a fog and then I turn to Damien who is now rubbing his neck. The security guards too have backed off.

  “Did you know about this?” I ask Damien suspiciously. The answer better be the right one.

  “The hell? Ray Ray no. She never mentioned that to me. If she did I would’ve told her that it’s not worth the risk. You know that I don’t lie to you,” he says emphatically.

  “Well you definitely have put us all in a bad position. We don’t put a lot of trust in humans and I damn sure don’t really want humans mixed up in my affairs without my knowledge, using us to gain power. People like that become reckless,” Jaxson says matter-of-factly.

  “I’m not crazy, a fanatic, or anything like that. I’m skilled and I want to have the power I know I deserve. The world needs more people like you, like us,” she argues turning toward me for sympathy.

  “People who feel that they deserve the power often are the ones that don’t. Keep that in mind,” Selene responds.

  Tamara clinches her fists then relaxes. “I will do my part. You’ll see. I will be an asset.”

  “There’s not enough time. Being unmade is no walk in the park. There’s torture involved. Do you want that?” I ask.

  “Or maybe I could just turn you right now,” Zara stalks playfully around her as she pushes her aura onto Tamara just like she did to me when I fought her. She doesn’t have the power that I have, so Tamara falls to her knees, letting out a low moan, and shaking as the power rolls over her. All of us in the room feel it. Jaxson’s eyes change, bringing the wolf forth. Selene’s hair begins to float in a non-existent wind. I feel Zara’s power within me, rolling over my own like waves.

  “Please, stop,” D pleads. He too has fallen to the floor.

  “Oh, lighten up Damien. This is what she wants. I could make it feel good too. The bite will be exquisite. You will be mine, but you will have the power you crave. Is that what you want?” Zara teases, rubbing Tamara’s back, speaking softly into her ear.

  Zara is dripping sexual energy and no one in the room is immune to its effects, regardless of how powerful we are. Where Tamara stinks of fear, it excites us. Zara laughs and releases the force of her aura like a rubber band snapping back into place.

  “I- I don’t want that,” Tamara whispers. “I don’t want to have to die to get it.”

  “You think being unmade isn’t dying Tamara? Death would be welcome after that. Think about it. If you prove that you are worthy, I will speak with the immortals about you. I understand what it’s like to be powerless, I sympathize, but you must be certain because there is no going back. You will make more enemies, there will never be a normal life,” I say to her as Selene picks her up off of the ground.

  Damien gets up too and pulls her closely. They both have a seat. Jaxson just shakes his head and comes forward. He places himself in the center of the room, commanding attention like a true Alpha.

  “This can be settled later. I don’t feel that her intentions are bad. Let’s leave her alone. We have work to do. Just know that we’re going to keep an extra eye on you. This is a war that we can�
�t afford to lose. If you want to help, then you need to know that you may not live to realize the dream of becoming unmade. Namen Young will kill any and everyone that stands in his way. Knowing that, if you still want to do your part, no matter how small, that is good enough for me.” Jaxson smiles at her and she can’t help but smile back.

  Her confidence returns in full force and it makes me respect her. Here she is in a room with these powerful awakened beings and she just shakes it off and keeps moving. Most people would have run for cover. I don’t even feel any fear in her. D has sure picked a good one.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tamara reopens the images that have closed since our interruption. She again points to the second piece of technology. “These are contact lenses that are supposed to keep people from being glamoured. I’m wearing them now and apparently, they don’t work so well, so don’t worry.”

  Zara laughs and we share a look. Maybe they just don’t work on purebloods.

  “The key to these are the reflective lens that keeps the magic from reaching the brain. Or, so I was told,” Tamara chuckles, smoothing her hair.

  Damien gets up for the last item that was bartered for my freedom. “This is a mixture that if consumed within two hours of a werewolf attack, will negate the effects of the virus. Think of it as a morning after pill.”

  A weapon, or defense against a witch, vampire, and werewolf. Just great. D has managed to piss off everyone in the room. Am I really worth it? There could have been another way, but we had no time to explore our options.

  “Tell them the deal’s off. There has to be an alternative. The government will just find a way to improve on these tools. They’ll study them and make more,” I say, a sick feeling rising in my gut.

  “I won’t. You could go to prison. There is no other way to explain where you were this entire time, why you never came forward. I’d been working on scenarios for over a year and nothing seemed to fit,” Damien explains.

  “What about kidnappers?” Selene asks.

  “Go on.”

  “Well, it may be cruel, but we could always pin it on someone else, right Zara,” Selene brainstorms.


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